Search Result To Custom Named Page

Here is what I am trying to accomplish.

Language: .asp vbscript

Building a searchable real estate property database (MS Access)

Search page submits form variables to result page.

Works great but I have seen other web sites where the results page is a custom named page. for example.

If you search for homes with the following criteria.

Criteria: Buford, GA 30519

Your results page is named something like the following.


Is this only doable in .aspx or can I accomplish this task in .asp?

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"page" A Search Result

I want to create a search form on my site using ASP, it will search through the database and return many many records. But I don't want ALL those records to be shown on ONE page, I want them to be "splitted" up to many pages, about 10-20 records per page. You know, just like any MP3 sites or Soft sites. Is there any one can help me to solve this problem? Or you can show me a link to another location which can show me a way.

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Top 10 Search Result

i want to have a search application wherein it returns a results page and arranged based on the most relevant word. can you please give me an idea with this or point me to any info.

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Search Result By Relevancy

i am trying to make a search/result page(using asp, dreamweaver,iis,winnt,miscrosoft access database) wherein the results page brings up the most relevant words or phrases and not in alphabetical order.

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Percentage On Search Result

i'm sure there're no post about this in asp forum.Any idea how do I show the percentage number for the matching result.

example :

Your search for xxxx :

1. item 1 98%
2. item 2 86%
3. item 3 75%

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Effective Search Result

we have a MSAccess database of products with titles, short descriptions, long descriotions, bulletpoints etc contained for each product. we currently search the database looking for the target keyphrase within the fields, but this doesnt give any accurate results as for example a product that is compativle with "widget 1" is shown before "widget 1" . anyone know of a process that will give us better, more relevant search results?

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How To Make A Link To A Search Result

I am in the process of making a new frontpage for the site and i would like to have some new links on there. However with the site been .asp based as its an online store im unable to link to a specific product range.

I would like to know if it is possible to make a link to include a specific search string so that it will display the information that would be displayed if a user had typed this in on the search bar of the site.

For example i would like to make a link that displayed the results for "black shoes" exactly as it would return if a user had typed this into the search bar.

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Search Result Text Highlighting Issue

i am developing a search engine(ASP with SQL SERVER) for my project . My objective is to search for a data and it should display the result and highlighting the search text in different color. But when i use the search text with more than one word, the result is highlighting only the last word of the search text.

Example - If i search for "Opal" , the search result highlighting all the words with "opal", But when is search "Opal Service", the search result is highlighting only the "service".

Here the "Opal" and "service" are different identities, i will search these two words with AND condition . Code:

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When Only Enter On Search Buuton Then No Result Find

I have created a search page which has a text field and button to search.When searching, if you dont enter anything into the text field, you get no results. I would prefer that everything in the database shows rather than nothing. I am told that if you enter '%' into the text field everything will come up. But how would I make this happen automaticaly rather than the person searching typing this in every time?

Text field code:
<input name="keywordSearch" type="text" id="keywordSearch">

Button code:
<input name="Search" type="submit" id="Search" value="Search">

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Custom 404 Page

I notice that when you have the defualt setup of 404 error
pages the IIS 5.0 log tracks the page the user was trying
to get to and the page they where at when they tryed to
get to the now missing page. I recently wrote my own 404
error page to make it match my site but when I set IIS to
use my custom page it no longer traks the page that the
user was trying to get.

I was told I needed to add some
code to my page to fix this, but I don't know what code to
add. Can someone tell me? (I am useing ASP on the custom
404 error page) I am returning a 404 error response,
everything works fine it is just that IIS does not log
what page the user was trying to get to.

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Custom 404 Asp Page

I created my own custom 404 handler and it works, so when I put in
it produces the correct 404 error and you see in the url still which is fine.

But when I put in

it redirects to

it gives a 302 (moved temporarily) as well as the 404 error.
Why does it do this for not .html files? I dont redirect it at all, and am
thestring = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") to get the url

but thestring sometimes does not display the asdf depending what I do after
this command, very odd.

does anybody have anyideas as to how to preserve this in the url and avoid the 302?

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ASP Result Page

why my results page is not coming back with anything?? I have set up a simple form in dreamweaver, it connects to a access database and IIS web server. When i test the recordset it works ok (returning the desired affect).

It uses a post method therefore the recordset uses form variable. But when i preview in browser(either IE or Firefox or Netscape) and enter text the browser comes back with something like the page does not exist or can't be found? It's not the recordset and result page so is there something else i'm missing?

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Custom 404 Page On IIS

I asked my hosting service to setup a custom 404 page for me. They did, but when purposely calling a non-existing page with XMLHTTP, the new 404 page returns a 200 / OK status.

They seem to be taking their time trying to fix this, so I wonder if a custom 404 page that truly returns 404 status is a hard thing to set up for individual domains hosted on IIS. I hope my question makes sense to the readers.

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Refreshing Page With Result Set

My web page is calling a result set that is displayed on the page. If I click refresh, it pops a warning saying, "The page cannot be refreshed without resending the information." I then have to click RETRY in order to refresh the page.

Is there anyway to automatically perform that action so that my users will not have to be prompted?

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Custom Error Page

I am still in the debugging of my website, but I'm nearing the end. As a last phase implementation, I want to be able to catch all asp errors and if there is one, send the user to a custom "sorry bout that" page, rather than having the errors displayed on that; if there aren't any errors, let the page load.
I setup the 404 error, but that doesn't seem to accomplish what I want.

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Custom Redirect 404 Page

I am trying to do the similar to mod rewrite and use the custom 404 rewrite
page to handle the table look up, so
will redirect to for the detail pages.
Will google see this forwarding in the 404 redirect page and ignore the
links?Also, how can I make the URL of
appear in the users url window instead of the

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Custom Login Page

We have a requirement where we have to develop a custom Login Page which
will accept user's NT credentials ( Username , password, domain name).
This then needs to be passed to a website which uses Windows Authentication
my question is how do we pass these credentials to IIS in classic ASP?

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Get A Result Page To Display

I have a search page that allows user to search a SQL database and want the result page to display on a search page. How do I get the result page to display on a search page when user clicks a search button. Have you got any sample codes to demonstrate this?

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IIS ASP Custom Error Page

why I can't use custom error messages with the asp extension in IIS5.1? I have set up a custom page to handle errors called errorHandler.asp and all HTML is rendered but not the asp.

If i put Hello World in the html body section it renders but if I put the same in a response.write of the asp it won't render.

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Custom 404 Error Page

I have created a custom error page using asp. When I upload it to my site to test that it works, it appears to run fine. I have set it up so that an email would be sent to me if there is a page that can not be found. I first tested the page to make sure an email would be sent to me and it works.

Then I made sure that my server variables where be queried by printing them to the screen. But when I go in to IIS to point the 404 error to my new page and test it, the page is processed like straight html and not as an asp page.

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Custom ASP 500 Error Page

i have looked around on google and on here but cant find a decent example of making a custom 500 error page. I want an example that i can look at and unserstand then amend for my own needs (ie emailing the errors etc).

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Custom Error 404 Page

I set up a custom error 404 page as URL and it works sometimes but not always. The problem is when the URL contains special characters, like [ or : , it produces the error message:

The system cannot find the file specified. and nothing else. The response code is 404, and it does not contain any other info in the response header. The server is IIS5.

The odd thing about this problem is that it happens on only one server that I am aware of. Most of my clients do not have this problem, so I suspect that this is a server related issue instead of coding issue. What can possibly cause this problem?

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One Query Form, Two Result Page

I want to add two buttons to my page, which direct to and send query information to different result pages.

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Setup Custom Error Page

I have a custom 404 error page. When I change my site properties in IIS (IIS 5.0, BTW) to point to a file, I still get the original 404 error page. But, then I copied my error page to my root, then pointed to it via URL and it works! BUT, I would prefer to use the file page instead of the URL.

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Filter The Result And Display The Final Result

it is possible to compare the result of 2 recordset and
filter those similiar results,and display only the remaining results

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Named CDO Constants

I've been searching for a complete listing of the CDO constants, but have
come up empty. Where can I find a listing of all the CDO named constants
that can be referenced directly with the CDO metadata typelib, i.e.,

NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library"

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Named Anchors

Can you use named anchors in ASP links?

I am using an <IFRAME> on one of my pages and want to jump to one part of the page that is loaded, but I'm also passing querystring variables in the link. It doesn't seem to recognise the #now anchor that I want to jump to.

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Named Array Not Numbered

Can I name my array index rather than number?I am reading a RS into an array and rather than reference the fields in each elements using a number, i would lke to use the column headers from the table:


would become

my array(name,6).

The reason is that i am worried about a query being added to in the table and throwing the column numbers out.

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Jump To Named Anchor

Let's say I have a form like this:

<form action="handler.asp"> ... </form>

Within handler.asp, I output a number of named anchors:

<a name="important1">Important 1</a> ...
<a name="important2">Important 2</a> ...
<a name="important3">Important 3</a> ...

In my form processing code, I want the returned page to jump to one of these anchors depending on the result of the processing.

How can I do this?I don't want to use a redirection because then I would have to
re-process the same page.

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Passing Variables Via Url With Named Anchors

I am trying to passing some variables via the url and also a named anchor appended to the end. unfortunetely the named anchor is been read in as part of the last variable.


I use request.queryString("j") to retrieve the value but the value returned is y#288 and no y as expected.

Is there anyway to fix this problem.

I can't pass the value via a form.

here is the code I use to create the url


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Response.redirect And Named Anchors

All of these fail :

This one works fine :
location.href = "page.asp?Param=Param#Anchor"

I have a solution i dont like :
i can replace #Anchor by &Anchor=Anchor

Does someone has an other idea ?

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Creating Dynamic Named Folders

Basically, I would like to create a folder on my server for each user that comes to my site based on their last name which they enter. The code I have below is incomplete as I don't know how to incorporate the lastname into the CreateFolder method.

dim lastname, objFSO
lastname = Request.Form("lastname")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = Server.mapPath("/test/")
Set objFSO = Nothing

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Dynamically Generated Named Ranges

I know it's possible to extract data from a named range on an excel sheet. What I want to know is can I dynamically generate a named range with X columns and Y rows with VBScript.

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