Search All Data Between 2 Date

Can somebody give me link for me to find code or tutorial about finding all data between 'from date' to 'last date' & display it?

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Date Search

In need of assitance. I am trying to query by date but I cannot seem to get it to work.

Current Query:
LNAME from master where Dated between " & Startdate & " and " & EndDate & " order by dated.

How would I write the date query?

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Search By Date

I am trying to create a date selector which has a drop down box for the month, one for day and one for year. What I want to be able to do is click a go button and have it search an access database for all entries from that particular date. Well the date format scares the heck out of me. I think I can do this to get the day month and year formatted properly:

strMonth = Month
strDay = Day
strYear = Year
strDate = Month & "/" & Day & "/" & Year

The format for the date in the access datavase is like this 9/30/2004 12:13:31 AM. I know how to create a search and everything but how am I going to get the search to ignore everything after the year in the database?

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Search DB With Date

How to convert numbes from 3 dropdown lists into a date ? On a page there are a 3 dropdown lists where user can select day, month and year. Then it should search a database is the date (entered in the dropdown's) greater/smaller/etc. from the date in the database. How to do this ?

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Sql Date Search

I have a text field that I want to enter in two dates, and then find all records in between those two dates. Here's what I got so far....

User enters a range of dates like this....

mydate = split(request("search_date"), "-")

WHERE = WHERE & "date >= "&mydate(0) &" AND "
WHERE = WHERE & "date < "&mydate(1)

I get a problem converting the mydate(0) & (1) to an integer format because they are strings with "/" in them.

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Date Search Form;

I have a form on my site that allows someone to enter a date range they want to search for in ASP. I want the From Date to lag behind the To Date by two months automatically?
I know how to make the To Date today's date, but do not know how to make it subtract two months off for the From Date.

The part I know:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=Date%>">

The part I don't:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=??????????%>

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Search Date Problem - ASP And MS SQL

I have the following problem - i have an ASP search page which searches an MS SQL dates for date range - for example 21/08/2007 and in the DB we have a table which has two columns startdate and enddate -

for example startdate = 18/08/2007 and enddate = 25/08/2007 - so the search is supposed to find this record because the date 21/o8 is between these two dates. So evrything looks simple and this was working fine when i was using asp with access db but i had to switch to MS Sql DB and now it doesnt find the record from the db. Code:

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Date Search In Asp And Access Db

i am trying to do a search on a database within a date range but the query pulls in details from before the time submitted.

For example :

records : 01/05/2006 Test
06/06/2006 Test 2
06/06/2006 Test 2

If i do a search between 06/06/2006 and 06/06/2006 i will get the 01/05/2006 record as well as the 06/06/2006 records, my code is as follows. Code:

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Date Range Search

How to code for a date range search? For example I want to search for applicants who applied in between dates of Aug 1st - Aug 4th, how would I code it ? I am using ASP to code and SQL Server 2000 for DB.

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Two Field Date Search

I'm trying to create a search page with a beginning and ending date, but I can't seem to get it to work. I am using SQL Server. Here is my statement:

WHERE REQUEST_DATE BETWEEN ' " & Request.Form("txtBeginDate") & " ' AND ' " & Request.Form("txtEndDate") & " '

This statement is not returning any records when I know there are existing records that fit the criteria that I'm entering.

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Search A Date Field

I have a form where I offer the user to enter a 'fromDate' and a 'toDate' whereby I had hopes that it would help return records where the date was between those two values. My SQL query ends with: Code:

AND Date < " & request("fromDate") & " AND Date > " & request("toDate") & "
and a typical date entry in the table looks like: 2/8/2005 .

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Search Accordong To Date

I have a table called "results" and one of the fields there is "dateOfBirth" . the field is in the format of dd/mm/yyyy . I would like to have a form that can search through the DB and return all fields for columns where the dateOfBirth is in the next XXX days. XXX should be a field in the ASP form.

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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Search Based On Date Range

I have this simple form that I want to be able to search my database for one field with a date range based on the values from this form, but I am unsure how to write the asp side of how to search the database field for a date between value one and two from a form. Any ideas would be great. Code:

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Search Database By Date Problem

I want a user to search for records between 2 dates.

The database is a msaccess db has a date column ( format type is date). This is filled with the date (date()) at the time of submitting.

I then have a search page this has simple drop down lists to select the two dates. The code for this is: Code:

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Theatre Show Date Search

I've got listings of showtimes for a theatre. There are two fields in the sql datebase EventStartDate and EventEndDate.

I have a "I'm in town between" search box that lets you enter 2 dates (startdate and enddate)... anyone know the Query to search the Database for these dates? at the moment I have...

WHERE startdate >= EventStartDate AND enddate <= EventEndDate

With the above, if I enter an enddate that is > the EventEndDate, the listing will not show.

Also I have a what's on this month button, again I need to check the 2 dates to see what shows are on this month.

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Search Access Database Using Short Date

I have a database and i want to work out the sum of the discount field where the id is lets say 1 and the date is greater than 01/02/2006

The database hase records older than 01/02/2006 but I dont want them just the 1s dated 01/02/2006 to now

set RS3 = conn3.execute("select SUM(discount) from restaurantaccounts WHERE restaurantid=1 AND datepaid >=01/02/2006").

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Search On FOX Data!

I've got a web application using ASP, 65001 codepage and Microsft Access As DataStore.

I have imported some data from FOX(DOS) into access and when I try to search on this data using T-SQL LIKE, it dosn't work correctly.

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Search N Display Data

There is a search engine in my system where i have to key in the student's number. n search for the student's complete information from the database.

n then i have to display the student's info at the same form where i did the search. how to do this using asp n dreamweaver MX.

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Need Data In Database Be On Search Engines.

I want to have a list of businesses stored in a database. When some one does a search, a list will come up with a few businesses shown according tot he search criteria.

When one of the businesses is clicked on from the resultant list, the
details of the business are shown.

I want the contents of the database to appear on search engines.
I can't see how this would be possible if I am drawing that information
out from a database?? Code:

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Errors With Wrong Data Type On Search Form

I have a search form that searches through employee records by either employee number or last name. I have 2 radio buttons, one for last name and the other for employee number. The value of those radio buttons tells the query what to search by. My problems is if they forget to select last name and type text into the search field. I get an error of course. How should I handle this? I need some fresh eys on the problem.

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "nam" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " LIKE '" & criteria & "%' AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

If request.QueryString("action") = "search" AND request.form("searchby") = "num" then
rsTraining.Source = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE " & searchby & " = " & criteria & " AND STATUS ='Active' ORDER BY NAME_LAST, NAME_FIRST"
End If

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Filtering Data By Date.

I am making a small ASP application that retrieves data from a MS access file and what I'd like the application to do is to retrive only data about items that expire in the current month. I have been trying to figure it out for a while now and have not been able to find the right tools yet.

If I try to explane a little better then the problem is that I need this to work automaticly. I have already made the application retrieve the right data but I have to change the filter conditions every time a new month starts. What I need is to have these changes made automatic.

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Extracting Data By Date

I have a website where people can add job vacancies to our database. In the admin section I can delete these vacancies but have trouble with selecting certain dates from the database.

For example if I wanted to delete all the jobs from the database for the 18/12/2003 I would select the date then all the jobs will appear on the screen and I can delete them. But if I select a date such as 06/12/2003 or 11/12/2003 it doesnt display anything from the database when I know there are a couple of hundred in there for those dates.

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Date Driven Data Display

My client has an annual calendar of events consisting of a record for each event, key field is the event date saved as a date type field. They would like the display to start with the current month, list to the end of the year then start the beginning of the year and list up to the current month.How does one retrieve data based on date? I guess I'd like something like :

SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE [month is greater than or equal to the current
month] ORDER BY Date

Then :

SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE [month is less than the current month] ORDER BY

What is the syntax for the month bits between the []?

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Date/Time Data Type

Im having trouble in storing blank or space value on a variable wich data type is Date/Time, if i make a statement like this

Field Data Type
CPARCAVEDate Date/Time

strCPARCAVEDate = rstFEVV.fields("CPARCAVEDate").value

if strCPARCAVEDate = "" then
counter = counter + 1
end if

The value doesnt increment. Do you guys have an idea how to recognize a no value.

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Submitting Data From ASP Form Using Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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Check If A Text Box Data Is In Date Format?

Is this possible to check if a text box on form.htm is in mm/dd/yyyy format before submitting to asp page?

if you enter say 2/2/04 it gives a incorrect date format error. The asp page uses this text box in the select statement for a db2 table query that is a date field.

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Form Submit Data Into Access Database With Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Date Problem (wrong Date Inserted When Updating)

sql = "UPDATE Marknad SET" _
& " Typ ='" & Typ & "'" _
& ", Modell ='" & Modell & "'" _
& ", Arsmodell ='" & Arsmodell & "'" _
& ", Beskrivning ='" & Beskrivning & "'" _
& ", Stad ='" & Stad & "'" _
& ", Prisidé ='" & Priside & "'" _
& ", Fornamn ='" & Fornamn & "'" _
& ", Efternamn ='" & Efternamn & "'" _
& ", Telefon ='" & Telefon & "'" _
& ", Epost ='" & Epost & "'" _
& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
& " WHERE (((Marknad.Annonsnr)=" & Request.QueryString("id") & "))"
DatabaseConnection.Execute sql


Above does work as I want it to do BUT it inserts 1/8/2006 instead of 8/1/2006 as it should!

The best thing would be to exclude the date from updating at all, but when taking away the line:

& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
It gives an error... how do I solve this?

I forgot, you might want to see this:
Datum = date

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Getting Week Start Date And End Date By Entering Weeknumber

In my page i have two combobox. one for year and one for week numbers.Now my prob is

1.when i select a year from combo box 1, second combox box will display the number of weeks in that if i select 2005 it display me list from 1 to 53 as there are 53 weeks in 2005.

2.when i select a weeknumber from combobox 2 and press submit button it ll display start date and end date of entered week.

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