Search Database By Date Problem

I want a user to search for records between 2 dates.

The database is a msaccess db has a date column ( format type is date). This is filled with the date (date()) at the time of submitting.

I then have a search page this has simple drop down lists to select the two dates. The code for this is: Code:

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Search Access Database Using Short Date

I have a database and i want to work out the sum of the discount field where the id is lets say 1 and the date is greater than 01/02/2006

The database hase records older than 01/02/2006 but I dont want them just the 1s dated 01/02/2006 to now

set RS3 = conn3.execute("select SUM(discount) from restaurantaccounts WHERE restaurantid=1 AND datepaid >=01/02/2006").

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Date Search

In need of assitance. I am trying to query by date but I cannot seem to get it to work.

Current Query:
LNAME from master where Dated between " & Startdate & " and " & EndDate & " order by dated.

How would I write the date query?

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Search By Date

I am trying to create a date selector which has a drop down box for the month, one for day and one for year. What I want to be able to do is click a go button and have it search an access database for all entries from that particular date. Well the date format scares the heck out of me. I think I can do this to get the day month and year formatted properly:

strMonth = Month
strDay = Day
strYear = Year
strDate = Month & "/" & Day & "/" & Year

The format for the date in the access datavase is like this 9/30/2004 12:13:31 AM. I know how to create a search and everything but how am I going to get the search to ignore everything after the year in the database?

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Search DB With Date

How to convert numbes from 3 dropdown lists into a date ? On a page there are a 3 dropdown lists where user can select day, month and year. Then it should search a database is the date (entered in the dropdown's) greater/smaller/etc. from the date in the database. How to do this ?

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Sql Date Search

I have a text field that I want to enter in two dates, and then find all records in between those two dates. Here's what I got so far....

User enters a range of dates like this....

mydate = split(request("search_date"), "-")

WHERE = WHERE & "date >= "&mydate(0) &" AND "
WHERE = WHERE & "date < "&mydate(1)

I get a problem converting the mydate(0) & (1) to an integer format because they are strings with "/" in them.

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Compare A Date In My Database To The Current Date

I am trying to compare a date in my database to the current date. MySQL statement is:

sqltemp5="select * from users where dateclosed <= '" & date & "'"

What I am trying to accomplish is exclude records where the dateclosed field is older than todays date. Such as if dateclosed = 6/30/2004 then today being 08/25/2004 that record should be excluded.

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MS SQL Database Field Date Comparison To Date()

In a connection string, I have the following:

sql3 = "SELECT DISTINCT State FROM Property Where TypeID = '" & srch_cat & "'"

In the database, is a field called expiredDate I am trying to show only records whose expiredDates are greater than todays date, but I am messing up somewhere. The values in the fields are as this: 3/7/03 (or something like time is added to it)

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Date Search Form;

I have a form on my site that allows someone to enter a date range they want to search for in ASP. I want the From Date to lag behind the To Date by two months automatically?
I know how to make the To Date today's date, but do not know how to make it subtract two months off for the From Date.

The part I know:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=Date%>">

The part I don't:
<input type="text" name="ToDate" size="8" class="style2" value="<%=??????????%>

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Search Date Problem - ASP And MS SQL

I have the following problem - i have an ASP search page which searches an MS SQL dates for date range - for example 21/08/2007 and in the DB we have a table which has two columns startdate and enddate -

for example startdate = 18/08/2007 and enddate = 25/08/2007 - so the search is supposed to find this record because the date 21/o8 is between these two dates. So evrything looks simple and this was working fine when i was using asp with access db but i had to switch to MS Sql DB and now it doesnt find the record from the db. Code:

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Date Search In Asp And Access Db

i am trying to do a search on a database within a date range but the query pulls in details from before the time submitted.

For example :

records : 01/05/2006 Test
06/06/2006 Test 2
06/06/2006 Test 2

If i do a search between 06/06/2006 and 06/06/2006 i will get the 01/05/2006 record as well as the 06/06/2006 records, my code is as follows. Code:

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Date Range Search

How to code for a date range search? For example I want to search for applicants who applied in between dates of Aug 1st - Aug 4th, how would I code it ? I am using ASP to code and SQL Server 2000 for DB.

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Two Field Date Search

I'm trying to create a search page with a beginning and ending date, but I can't seem to get it to work. I am using SQL Server. Here is my statement:

WHERE REQUEST_DATE BETWEEN ' " & Request.Form("txtBeginDate") & " ' AND ' " & Request.Form("txtEndDate") & " '

This statement is not returning any records when I know there are existing records that fit the criteria that I'm entering.

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Search A Date Field

I have a form where I offer the user to enter a 'fromDate' and a 'toDate' whereby I had hopes that it would help return records where the date was between those two values. My SQL query ends with: Code:

AND Date < " & request("fromDate") & " AND Date > " & request("toDate") & "
and a typical date entry in the table looks like: 2/8/2005 .

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Search Accordong To Date

I have a table called "results" and one of the fields there is "dateOfBirth" . the field is in the format of dd/mm/yyyy . I would like to have a form that can search through the DB and return all fields for columns where the dateOfBirth is in the next XXX days. XXX should be a field in the ASP form.

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Search All Data Between 2 Date

Can somebody give me link for me to find code or tutorial about finding all data between 'from date' to 'last date' & display it?

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Search Based On Date Range

I have this simple form that I want to be able to search my database for one field with a date range based on the values from this form, but I am unsure how to write the asp side of how to search the database field for a date between value one and two from a form. Any ideas would be great. Code:

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Theatre Show Date Search

I've got listings of showtimes for a theatre. There are two fields in the sql datebase EventStartDate and EventEndDate.

I have a "I'm in town between" search box that lets you enter 2 dates (startdate and enddate)... anyone know the Query to search the Database for these dates? at the moment I have...

WHERE startdate >= EventStartDate AND enddate <= EventEndDate

With the above, if I enter an enddate that is > the EventEndDate, the listing will not show.

Also I have a what's on this month button, again I need to check the 2 dates to see what shows are on this month.

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Database Search;

I have been thinking about this wee problem for a while now, and usually I figure out what I need to do, but in this case I'm drawing a blank And the most annoying thing is that I don't think it should be that hard! I use this code to search a database: Code:

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Using ASP To Search A Database

My setup is going to be like this:

I have one page that has a few categories on it. When the person clicks on one of the categories it sends the querystring to the next page. That page takes the query string, searches the database and only replies with found results. Thats what I'm trying to setup, I think I'm very close.

I know the request.querystring is being sent properly and receieved properly, because I also have it's name displayed on the next page and that works fine. I know my connection to the database is okay, becasue if I just set it to display the entire database that will display fine.

It's when I try to use the Request.QueryString that was sent to search the database - it returns like it can never find anything. The page displays, no asp or coding errors - just no information.

The database Column I'm trying to have it search is called "Classification". I think that's all the info.. if I'm missing something you need to know let me know. Code:

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Database Search

Does any one know of any good asp database search scripts. What I'm looking for it to search the database on different criteria or phrases. Eg Kane 400 Boiler.

The user could put in kane 400 and it would pick it up, basically something that you don't have to put in the search how it appears in the database, I have worked on this and works fine if you put the exact phrase in, or one work but if i put in kane 400 it does not work. Also if I put % it lists the whole database, this database will hold 10000 > products so want it not to be to heavy etc.

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To Search A Database

I'm trying to use information that a user enters into an HTML form to search a database. For example, if a user clicks on a check box stating their interests are 'holidays' then this information needs to be used to search the database for entries that match, ie the entry has a category that states it is about holidays.

The entries in the database are linked to pictures that will then be loaded onto a website.

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ASP Database Search

I'm having a problem with a simple search. I have a telephone directory where people can search by first or last name. This works great but when someone tries to search for a name with an ' in it you get an error.

Here's my code for the database connection:Code:

sql = "SELECT Staff.[first_name], Staff.preferred_name, Staff.no_location,
Staff.[last_name], Staff.[location], Staff.business_title, Staff.department,, Staff.fax, Staff.[email]
FROM Staff WHERE (((Staff.[last_name])like'%"
& Request.QueryString("[search-lastname]") & "%')) "

I'm certain it's just a syntax error so hopefully someone can spot it quick. Using a - in the name search doesn't bring the error.

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Search Database With ASP

I've created a search bar on my site to search a database with job information. I dont know what i am doing wrong, i just want what the user types in to display after pressing search. I thought all i would need is Code:

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All Database Fields Search

I am looking for an ASP script that let me to serach all database contents with only one textfield in search page. eg: I have a database with five columns for lessons: Mat, physics, geography, history and sport. Each field have numbers 1 thr 5. I want to search only those students have number eg:3. with entering the number in textfield in serach page. I have no problem in result page.

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Search Function W/out A Database?

I would like my ASP-based site to have a search box to bring up a list of relevant pages according to user-defined search criteria.

Q: Do I need to have a d/b like SQL Server 7 at the back end to process and match the search string? Or can I do w/out a d/b somehow and run a search, and somehow still bring up the same results?

If a d/b isn't necc, pls. advise on webpages where I can find such ASP-search codes.... TQ!!

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Access Database Search With ASP

I have built a small cms driven website using asp and access database. There is nothing special about it, it has about 5 tables each containing unique data.

I want to add a search field on all pages which will search the entire database and present the results.

I have been searching for hours now and cant find a script that suits my needs. Can anyone point me in the right direction or reccomend a script?

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Database Search Function

I have a page that uses the data from the previous pages form to search the data in the database and dispaly any matching results.

On doing so i get this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03F9)
Expected 'Then'
/IT/searchresults.asp, line 20, column 15
If Request.Form"(Typesearch") = "computer_name" Then

My statement has a then in the statement already.

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ASP Access Database Search

I'm having trouble figuring out how to do a freetext search in my ms access db table. Code:

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Should I Use LIKE Or InSTR For A Database Search?

Which is better practice?

Select * From groups Where groupName LIKE '%bli%' AND cusType LIKE 'CUST%'

Select * From groups Where InStr(groupName,'li')>0 AND InStr(cusType,'CUST')=1
Right now I'm using and Access database but plan to upsize to a MSSQL if that makes any difference. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to either technique?

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ASP Search W/ Access Database

I would like to get asp code for searching database.I have data in Ms Access. I want to search by catagories. A dropdown list to choose to narrowdown search. If keyword found, create a hyperlink of the location so that easy to view.

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Keyword Database Search

I have been searching for a way to search a database based on keywords. All I can seem to find is google searches. All I want to search is my own database.The db contains inventory for a friends store. As list is long he would like to be able to search an item based on item name, supplier, or type.

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