Search Functionality On Page

I made an application using asp using help from fellow members. This application allows user to download files uploaded through ftp through a web page. they can select the check-boxes and download all the files in a single zip file.

Now some users want that some search functionality should be put on so that they can type a part of file name and all the files having the searched words in their name should come on a separate page so that they can select and download in one go.

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Add A Quick Search Functionality In ASP Or ASP.NET Page

I want to add a "quick search" functionality in ASP or ASP.NET page. I heard
we can use Microsoft Indexing Service to accomplish the task, but not sure
how to do it. Is this the correct approach? Code:

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Search Functionality

I am really interested in creating a search the site.I am unsure how to actually approach such a task, but would rather do this using ASP, without the use of third party search tools, taht I know can be used.Can anyone give me some direction for actually developing one.I hope to add one to my site in the future, as the site will mainly be focussed towards offering tutorials etc, and it would be cool to actually have a serach utility, that could make things a lot easier for the viewer.
Any advice.
I have briefly looked at one offered on:
But the complexity of it is overwhelming, and includes code that I dont think would be required for the search I actually have in mind.

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Search Functionality In ASP - Syntax Error

I am trying to create a very simple search functionality on my site. But I keep getting syntax error. Any one knows what I am doing wrong? Code:

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Image Search And Lightbox Functionality And Code..

I'm pretty new to this and im in the process of developing a site for a wildlife photographer in ASP and i need to implement an image search on the site including the functionality to add images to a lightbox etc. And to be honest i just dont know where to start... been searching and currently still searching .....

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PDF Functionality

i have a server that has x number of pdf's. from time to time people are wanting to print one or more of those pdf's. right now they have to open up each pdf individual and then print. which can get annoying and time consuming after 3 or 4 pdf's.
i'm going to setup a simple screen where they can use a checkbox to select which pdf's they want to print, hit print, and then combine the selected pdf's into a temporary pdf where they can go through the process one time.
do yo all know of perhaps some functionality built into asp or some third party deal that will allow me to do this?

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Functionality Of Sql 'like'

i have this search textbox and i want to search the likeness of the value
i've entered in the box i created a query but i notice that when i type small caps letters it returned no results...

no matching record but when i capitalized the first character records were found
e.g i type San the query returned results... i entered san and it returned nothing....this is my code "select * from profile where name='varname%'"
help please?

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Database Functionality

Im trying to finish off this project, but obviously I need a way for them to edit the database through asp. Does anyone know a good place to get some code or tutorial help for this?

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Tear Functionality

point me to some code/pointers that would pull down the HTML of a page as a string, a little like ASPTear?

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InterDev 6 IntelliSense Functionality Is Gone

InterDev 6 IntelliSense functionality is gone. IntelliSense is when you type Response. and it automatically pops up a menu with Response Methods:


Anybody knows which Windows DLL's or EXE are responsible for this functionality?

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Excel Functionality In A Browser

I want to give Excel functionality. like copy/paste functionality in a web page and similarly I want to update the respective values at the backend after some action is taking by the user. like save/upadate data.

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Script To Mimic Database Functionality

I need to read information from a delimitered text file and list it in a specified format on a web page.

I have no access to a database so have to use the method above, I am wondering though, how much of a strain this sort of function would be (ie. load times etc) for a very large list?

If someone could point me in the right direction of which functions i need to be learning about (Old hand at PHP brand new to ASP),

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Protect From SQL Injections Without Affecting Functionality

I am trying to figure out a good way to go by protecting from sql injections, but still letting people be able to post those symbols etc...

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Detecting Session Functionality And Redirecting

I want to redirect users who DO NOT SUPPORT sessions to another page.

Think this will work? PSEUDO CODE:

<asp vbscript>
<if session("test")="true" then do nothing else
response.redirect( end if>

This is setting a session state of "true", and I presume if sessions are
disabled for security reasons, that the site will redirect accordingly?

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Search Page ASP

We are building an application with ASP/SQL Server and need to build a
search page. I want to display lots of fields/textboxes on the search page
to allow user to search any field by entering the search terms in any of the

I was thinking of using lots of if conditions to build the search string
something like

strSQL = "Select <<fieldnames>> from Contracts where Active= True "

if request.form("contractno") <> "" then
strSQL = strSQL & " and contractno ='" & request.form("contractno")
& "'"
end if

Does anyone know of a better way to build the SQL string. Also any methods
to speed up the query built will be much appreciated. I have already limited
the total results that the query displays but adding " Top 20 " in the SQL
string. Any other suggestions?

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Search In One Page

When a visitor hits the F12-key, there will be a search-window to search within that page
Can anybody give me a ASP-script that will do exactly the same. So, a little ASP-script with a "input type=text" to search in that page.

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Search Page

I am trying to make a search page. Once a serach word or words is put in I need it to serach multiple product tables and output the description of any prioduct if the search word is present in the description.

However, If i put in 2 keywords like "paper sticker" I get no results. How do you search multiple keywords? Code:

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Search Page.

I am trying to create a search page. I have few hundreds of word documents in my server. I am giving the user a text box to enter the text to search within these word documents. when the user enter "xyz", all the word documents that contain xyz should be filtered.

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Domain Search Page

I am shine from India, a web programmer. I want to know
about how to create a domain search page using ASP.

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Suggestion On Search Page

I am starting to create a seach page that will seach a database based on values entered by the user. I have the actual seach working but now am working on the user interface.

What I would like is to have a screen with 2 rows of text boxes(search parameters) where the user could enter a name or location to search on the database with. AFter data has been entered and the user clicks on the submit button I would like the results to be displayed on the bottom half of that same page with the original search parameters at the top of the page. I don't want to open a new page to display the results.

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Simple Page Search

We have a simple html page that contains a long list of documents that users can hyperlink to. The entries are currently in alphabetical order and we would like to implement some type of page search instead of requiring users to go to Edit, Find, and type in the search.

suspect that this is possible. We would simply like to have a SEARCH box at the top of the page and it allows users to search only the current page for words. We simply want something a little more eloquent than the built in IE page search.

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How To Handle Many Page Links In A Search?

Search results on my site started to show a large number of page
links. I never had to deal with it before but it is time now. I am
trying to come up with a good logic / idea how to display a large
number of page links without showing all of them at once.
For example, if user is searching for "pets" and gets 50 pages back, I
want to show 10-20 page links and hide the rest. Also, the closer user
gets to the last visible pages, the more hidden page links become
visible. Something like Google does...

If somebody worked with it before, could you share with ideas, or
suggestions, or good examples to look at? Is there a standard way to
implement this, perhaps?

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Search Records And Get Results On Same Page

how to create a search option that would search the recordsets in my database table.

I would be allowing users to search by name or date. I'd like the results in the same page. Any suggestions or tutorials?

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DB Search On Default.html Page

I've taken over maintenance of a website running on NT 4, IIS with ASP pages and an MS Access database, but I don't have much experience with this platform. I've got the ASP down pretty well and know SQL, but am having a problem figuring out how to get data for the main page.

On the main page (default.html) I want to display a random business from our database of businesses. Since it's a .html page how can I run server-side code to run the query and select the business? Am I stuck with CGI or is there some other way to do this? I don't want to redirect from the main page to another page, either.

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Creating Search And Results Page

i have been trying to create a search and result page. - (The same page if possible) using both Dreamweaver and Frontpage. But keeps returning a provider failure code. i know want to just code it to see if that will work but am a newbie when it comes to coding. I wish to do a search on 1 field in a SQL database if at all possible using a trusted connection, but return more fields from various tables.

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I am trying to make a search page. Once a serach word or words is put in I need it to serach multiple product tables and output the description of any prioduct if the search word is present in the description.

However, If i put in 2 keywords like "paper sticker" I get no results. How do you search multiple keywords? Code:

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Search Result To Custom Named Page

Here is what I am trying to accomplish.

Language: .asp vbscript

Building a searchable real estate property database (MS Access)

Search page submits form variables to result page.

Works great but I have seen other web sites where the results page is a custom named page. for example.

If you search for homes with the following criteria.

Criteria: Buford, GA 30519

Your results page is named something like the following.


Is this only doable in .aspx or can I accomplish this task in .asp?

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Highlight Search Keywords On HTML Page

I have an ASP search function which, after typing the search term, searches HTML pages and creates a list of links.

The problem is that I do not know how to code so the search term is highlighted in red after the user clicks on the link to view the HTML page.

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Issue Updating Checkboxes From A Search Page

Does anybody have any experience uploading large files (60 - 200mb)?

I am having a lot of difficulty with this right now. I am using clsupload and it keeps timing out. It always just stops and says the connection has been reset.

I tried changing the aspmaxupload in the metabase.xml and using the script timeout function but nothing seems to work.

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"Email To Your Freind", Functionality

I have a main asp page, and i need to send the link to a friend, via an email. Say if i click the link "Email this to a friend", what i like is to make a pop up window and ask to enter username email address and freinds email address and click send, i need to send the link as i have on top ,is it possible to get the link which i have on top of the page as a paramter from the pop up window other than sending all values by url. Code:

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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"page" A Search Result

I want to create a search form on my site using ASP, it will search through the database and return many many records. But I don't want ALL those records to be shown on ONE page, I want them to be "splitted" up to many pages, about 10-20 records per page. You know, just like any MP3 sites or Soft sites. Is there any one can help me to solve this problem? Or you can show me a link to another location which can show me a way.

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Search Within Search Results

I am trying to create a parametric search within a table (in the column headings). My first page (search.asp) allows you to choose parameters from a dropdown box, such as package and volts. You click "search" and it reads the Access dbase to yield the results.

The results page (results.asp) displays the information based on the parameters. Under the package column heading, I have the same drop down box, and I am able to once again choose the package I want and the table will refresh. Code:

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