Search Results W/Index Server

I am having a problem with the following search results code. The first page of results looks normal, but on the second page (records 26+), no results are displayed and the following error message is shown:

“The catalog directory can not be found in the location specified by 'CiCatalog=' in file indexServer.idq.”

I do not understand how the catalog could have changed in between the first and second pages of results. Can anyone tell me what may be wrong? I have attached the search page (search.htm), the query file (indexserver.idq) and the query results template (indexserver.htx).

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Combining Index Server And SQL Server Search Results

I'm just about to start a project that needs to combine the results of a SQL
Server query with the results of an Index Server query. The basic idea is
that the user enters/selects a bunch of search criteria on a form.

Most of
the criteria selected by the user will be used to select records from the
database - standard WHERE clause stuff - but the user can also enter
free-text that should be searched for in associated uploaded documents.

documents are sitting in the file-system with file-name pointers only stored
in the database (not the document). Only records where the associated
free-text is found in the documents should be returned. I'm new to Index
Server and am wondering how is this done. Any good references/tutes?

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Index Server And PDF - Results Show In Admin Console But Not On ASP Page..?

I have set up Index Server in IIS to search my intranet. I've installed the Adobe PDF filter so that words from PDF files are included.

I can get results from PDFs when querying the catalogue in the Windows console. However, I have tried various ASP Search pages and they all ignore PDF files from a browser (even though the scripts include the pdf extension).

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Index Server Search

I'm having trouble getting my head around the query language for an Index Server Search w/ASP.I have some dummy content pages that have text like "this file contains things" and "this file contains stuff".I've tried these two queries:
PHP Code:

 SELECT DocTitle, VPath, Path, Filename, Rank FROM SCOPE('DEEP TRAVERSAL OF "c:inetpubwwwroot"')
 WHERE ((CONTAINS(' "file contains" ') >0)
 AND ((Path NOT LIKE '%\_vti%') AND (Path NOT LIKE '%\_private%') AND (Filename NOT LIKE 'search.asp')))

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MS Index Server Search Filter

I am using the Index search server that comes with MS IIS 3.0. The search works ok but how do I limit the search to only HTML/ASP files and not include MS Office files in the search results?

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My Server Start Up Page Has To Be Index.htm Not Index.asp?

I am uploading to a server for the first time. I believe that my server will not point to .asp pages as the start page, only .htm is this correct?

I wanted my index.asp page displayed first from the web-site by default, but have been told that I need say, an index.htm which then points to my index.asp page.

Is there a way that I can use my index.asp page as my start page?

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Index Server & Site Server + PDFs

I fire the following code on Index Server (different obj) and it returns a PDFs no problem, but when I change the object to use the MSSearch for Site Server I don't get any PDFs. Anything in the code that would cause this? I can see the PDFs getting crawled in Site Server, but when I try and search I don't get any pdfs .....

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ASP + Index Server

This is partly an ASP question and partly not an ASP question.

I'm trying to implement an ASP page that will use Index Server to provide search capability for a document repository folder. I've gotten this working on my server fine, but I'm now trying to implement it on a laptop (running Windows 2000 Pro) so that a salesman can show it to a prospective client. I was wondering if anyone knew if accessing Index Server through a web page would work on Win2kPro and the PWS it has?

Also, my working version is currently using the old style idq and htx pages and I've been having a hard time finding a good resource to show me how to do this in ASP...

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IIS Index Server

I have to place a search the site text box in my .net site .I have installed MS indexing service and it has indexed my completed folder and if i query it it only shows the fields Rank,filename,Vpath,write ,size its not showing me the description and title which my headache.
I am making the query to server :
"select description,Contents,DocTitle, Filename, Vpath, Size, Write, Characterization, Rank from scope() where FREETEXT(Contents, 'market') order by rank desc"

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Index Server

I have index server running and happily cataloging one site and dishing up search results via and asp page. Having created a new catalogue for another site and putting the same asp code in I don't seem to have any info in the "characterization" field! Any idea why this is? Is there something about the way the pages are built that would allow that to work or not?

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What Does Index Server Mean?

While reading a article i came accross this word "index server"?
what does this all about?

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MS Index Server

I've been playing around with MS Index Server 3.0 (well, the one that comes with Windows 2000 Professional!) and my client has a website that generates dynamic content based on ASP code. I unfortunately require the use of Index Server because the IFilter allows support for searching within PDF files.My problem is that while all of the static content pages and PDF files are detected, indexed and catalogued fine, none of any dynamic pages are. I can clearly see why this is, since I assume Index Server doesn't have a webcrawler of any sort!I was wondering then, how people generally get around this problem, working with it? What is a quick way to get dynamic content integrated into the search? Should I find/write a webcrawler then put it into my search program or is there something better out there that will let me do all of this

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Using MS Index Server

I have a custom search engine for our website that uses MS Index Server and it works great but it doesn't find any results for searches that contain french accented characters.If I'm searching for "élément" doesn't find anything because the page uses html codes for accents and this word would be written like

"élément" in my source code. My page uses charset utf-8 but the Index server uses 2 separate files(.htx and .idq files) and there doesn't seem to be any settings in there for this problem.

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Windows NT Index Server

I have written a search logic for my website using microsoft indexing
service. I designed it on Windows XP. It works great.

Then i copied that to our Windows NT webserver and it is giving me the
following error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object
/search.asp, line 25

Line 25 is
Set QueryObj = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Query")

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Index Server Question ...

Does anyone know anything abot Index Server ... The Documentation is Terrible and I am trying to find out if you can query the DocTitle.

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Index Server Abstracts

We've had Index Server 2.0 running on an NT4/IIS4 server for several months now. It generates document abstracts and we retreive and display them using ASP/VBScript and ADO, using the SQL-querying method rather than the proprietary Index Server objects.

We're now trying to set up a replacement server based on Index Server 3.0 and Win2000/IIS5. We have the system up and running as before, with the exception of the abstracts.

Nothing is being returned for the abstracts - no data, no error message. "Generate Abstracts" is ticked in the Catalog Properties and we've ordered any number of re-scans and Stop/Starts of the service, but we're still not seeing any abstracts.

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Page For Using Index Server

I need a search engine for my web. The service Index Server (for web) is started (win 2K) but i don't know how to make an ASP page for that. I can make a form like this:

<form ACTION="/asp/search_v2/query2.asp" METHOD="POST">
<table WIDTH="500" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
<td>Give what you want to search:</td>
<td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="SearchString" SIZE="65" MAXLENGTH="100"
<td><input TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Action" VALUE="Go"></td>

but then .

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Accessing SQL Server Index

I'm working on creating a search functionality. I have keywords of articles in one column of a SQL server table, and the search terms of the user is hitting that column.

It works but I'm stuck on how to determine relevancy. I know you can create indexes in SQL server, and if it works anything lik Index Server, I was thinking that I could connect via ADO and determine relevancy.

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Index Server Issue

I am currently in the process of moving my website from an NT Server/IIS 3.0 to a Win 2003 Server/IIS 6.0. I am trying to set up the index server for my site search. I have added the catalog and stored it in the same directory as my current website. I am using the exactly the same code and the same catalog name.

When I use the "Query Catalog" option within the Index Server I get results when I run a search. However, when I run a search through the website I get nothing returned.

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Search Results

I have an access database search engine. I am trying to make it resort by clicking on one of the results.

This search engine looks through CDs and returns Title, Artist, Description, Disk Number, Track Number and Price. I would like to be able to click on the disk number and show what all is on that disk. Code:

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Searching On IIS6 With Index Server And ASP

We've been using Index Server and IIS4 and the corresponding objects to
search our sites. Everything fine.

Now we have set up a new server running IIS6 and the search results always
return "null" for Characterization, DocSubject and some other properties. I
found out that they were not cached. But turning caching on and initiating a
reindex didn't help either. Code runs fine on IIS4.

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Index Server Upgrade From NT4 To 2000

I've not used Index Server since I set it up about 4 years ago on a Windows NT 4 machine.

I now have to move the site to a Windows 2000 machine. I've hunted high and low and have yet to find anything on the subject. Anyone point me in the right direction?

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Microsoft Index Server Parse

I was excited to use Microsoft Index Server, built into IIS, to set-up a site-search function, but it doesn't, by default, parse the ASP code of the pages it indexes. This makes it sort of a weak option for a site that uses variables to populate content in a templated site.

For example, I use variables to fill in the meta tags, and every page shows up in the search results as "UNTITLED." The problems go much deeper than that, but that's just an example.

if there's a trick to make it parse the code before it indexes? I mean, it's IIS, right? It should be able to parse ASP code. (You would think.) It seems to know not to index the ASP code, or else the contents of the variables would still be indexed, so it seems like it has the potential to parse the code before indexing.

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Filtering Search Results

anyone have any tips on creating a search results filter to provide the best
matches first? we're using an access database as part of a very small custom
CMS, and we need to site search function that doesnt just output any base
matches for a given term.

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Searching Results From A Search

I have a mdb file with the fields Country, Name, Date. The data when filled out would like like this

Australia - John - 21/7/02
Australia - Bill - 22/7/02
Australia - wendy - 23/7/02
Usa - Geoff - 23/7/02
Usa - Bill - 23/8/02

What i need to do is a search on the name "Bill" but only search on the latest records added to the database for each Country (by date) and return a result that matches "Bill".

I currently have a search set up that does an outter and inner search but it searches for anything matching "Bill" and then returns the latest records for anything that its matched (so i get results for Australia because its found a bill record but it displays the latest record for wendy)

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Paging Search Results In ASP

Hey I keep getting this error when i try to use paging in asp for my search results. Error: "Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype." I have read a number of different websites to try and fix the problem but none of the solutions seem to work. Code:

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Search Results Looking In More Than One Field

I am having trouble getting my scripting to look in more than one database field when presenting results from one form field.

I can get it to work when there is more than one form field but I am trying to get the system to look in both a description field and keyword field then present the results.

The problem area is: Code:

formFields = Array("name", "shop", "suburb", "city")
dbFields = Array("shoptitle", "shopdesc", "shopsuburb", "shopcity")

The formfields and dbfields relate to each other. What is want is 'shop' to look not only in shopdesc but also in shopkeywords I have tried commas with out quotes, semicolons etc etc Code:

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Highlight Search Results

I currently have a working search w/highlighted results page. My problem is that there is HTML stored in the text that is being searched and whenever the searched keyword is within HTML, it throws off the rest of the page.
I would happily throw away my code and use another if I could get it to check for things like <> and avoid breaking them. Ideally what I tried to do was display approximatly 10 words on either side of the highlighted keyword, just to give it some context, but I have thus far failed to get this to work properly.

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Ranking Search Results

I'm wondering how I can rank search results based on how close the result is to the search term. For example, I have a database that includes a field for position title. When a user searches for the title "President", they are shown a list of everyone with the word "President" somewhere in their title.

However, I want to show the records for the presidents above the records for the vice presidents. So I guess I should say that I want to show exact matches first, then loose matches afterwards. Can anyone tell me how to get started on this?

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Search Results Broken Up

What do you call it when search results are broken up into page numbers across the bottom? I want to try that instead of getting a long list of results. I was going to search but none of the terms I tried returned anything.

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Sort The Results Of A Search

I am trying to sort the results of a search. The SQL statement looks like this:

strSQL = "SELECT * from DVDTable WHERE [Category] = '"&searchCat&"' ORDER BY '"&by&"' " & order

The output of strSQL is as follows:

SELECT * from DVDTable WHERE [Category] = 'Action' ORDER BY 'Rating' asc

Not sure what the problem is but the results do not get sorted.

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How To Limit Search Results

I have web page that returns all the entries from a table in the database. the web page becomes bigger and bigger as the database is expanded. how do i limit the results such that only 15 rows are dispalyed per page and the user will be able to go to the next page to view the next entries? .....

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Refining Search Results

I have an asp results page that returns results depending on their search criteria.I'd like to give them the option of clicking on check boxes in order to narrow down their results.

Do I put the <form> tags outside these results?Because if it returns many results,will it work if each result has the same select name?

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