Searching TEXT Column

I have a table that contains a column with datatype text. I would like to search through every row in the table and find a string of characters in the text column and replace it. Unfortunately, the SQL Server I am working with does not have full-text indexing installed (nor can it be installed). Can anyone show me how to best accomplish this?

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Searching Text

I have created a page which receives a query string from an SMS text message. The query string 'Body' could look something like this:

123456703061977C123456789sub901sub123sell901buy903 budget

what i need to do is split it up. I know the first 7 numbers are needed, in this case '1234567'
Second i need the following 8 digits:

WIth the rest of the text i need to scan and see if certain keywords are in there. This case i need to see if C is in there, and if it is then i need to identify the 9 digits after that letter. If sub is in there, then i need to find out the following 3 numbers, and if sell is in there i need to grab the following 3 numbers, plus what 3 numbers follow the corresponding sell.

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Searching Text Documents

I'm making a new database that is to store details about word/pdf documents. I need to have a search function that can search through the content of the file. Is this possible? [I'm using Access].

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Searching Text Files

I have developed a search engine to search through an Access database.It uses three fields to say if the number of people is less than 300 then display these fields.

I have searched for an engine to do the same thing using a text file as oppossed to Access.I have only found examples saying you can search through text files to find character similar to the search term.Does anyone know if it is possible to pull a character form a text file and use ASP to say if its less or more than.

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Searching Database With Multiple Text Boxes?

The user can search the database when they put in a date, that works fine, but when i put in another text box to search the database for a certain date range Code:

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Add A Column

I have a csv file that I'd like to be able to add a column to. Specifically, I want to take the first 6 chars of the filename and add it to each row as a new column. e.g.


whatever.csv 'before

whatever.csv 'after

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Searching In Var

I have some variables that consist of small paragraphs and or short sentences. How can I to see if a specific word is used in the text of that var.

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Searching In ASP

i want to perform search operations using ASP.

this is a word search i.e. every word entered as search keyword
should be searched in the database...

since it is a word search, i tried to split the string entered as search keyword,
and then search for each splitted word in the database.

It worked for only a few records present in the database. some 1034 records were searched out of 1914 i tried the same procedure in PHP and that worked.

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Searching With SQL LIKE

I'm having some problems using like to find items in my database for some reason its not finding anything if it has a space in it. Here is my SQL query:

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE FirstName LIKE '%Dennis Smith%' OR LastName LIKE '%Dennis Smith%'

In this query i'm searching two fields for any occurance of Dennis Smith whom i know is in the database however no results are returned. Also if i just search one field and the search string has a space in it, no results are returned.

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Searching Excel-

currenlty we are changing our user email ids- about 2000.I have an excel file with thier new and old email ids.

Is it possible to make a .asp form file and put in an IIS server.
where user enter their current id- and the asp returns the new email id.

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Get Column Name And Value Of Specific Row

Ok let me explain what I am trying to do as easily as I can. I have a table in my access database that I am connecting to. I select a specific id number using my SQL statement. Now what I am trying to do is scroll through that records row and get the column name of that column along with the value of that cell. I hope that isn't to confusing. Now I'm not sure whether this would be done using ASP or done in my SQL statement. Code:

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Searching Databases

I'm trying to design a simple website with 2 dynamic searching functions. The first is the user enters text into a search box, clicks on the search button and then connects to a sql or access database and brings back those records that are LIKE the search phrase. It's my intention to then have a detailsview link on the searches so the user can drill through.I'm designing an online version of my catalog so that the user can browse by page. I also want the user to enter a page number and then click go and that would then take the user to the corresponding page in the catalog. I'm guessing I'll need to declare If 1 then open page1.html, if 2 then open page2.html.
I know I'm close but not close enough and my knowledge has been well and truly stretched and I must have read and read my Dummies book about 20 times over the last week.

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Column Descriptions

How do you get the description of fields in an Access database? I really need this and can't find it anywhere....
It would also help if someone showed me how to get the datatype and other info (like if it's a Yes/no or True/False field).
What is the resource/doc for this so I know where to look before asking from now on?

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Searching Over An Array

I have a single column that outputs a comma seperated list of values (black, white, red)
I created an arrary to output the values

Dim colorTypes, arrTypes
arrTypes = split(objRS("types"), " ")

riceTypes = REPLACE(objRS("Types"), ", ", "<Li>")
response.Write "<Li>" & colorTypes

This works fine. Now, I need to compare a queryString to arrTypes and bold the match before outputting it.

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How Do I Call The Last ID In A Column

Ok i'm self taught with regards to ASP so not great etc, so sorry if this is a really basic question..

On the last line here i'm trying to some how get it to call the last ID entry...

ImageID = Request("ID")
If (Len(ImageID) = 0) then ImageID = "1"
If Not IsNumeric(ImageID) Then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID = "0" then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID>3 then ImageID = max(Len(ImageID))

This is basically for some max min links for a online comic here's what it links to

<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID-1%>">< Backwards</a> -
<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID+1%>">Forward ></a> -


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Dictionary Searching

Just wondering the best way of doing this? are there any dictionary databases laying around somewhere?

I want to change my search so that it corrects typo's and maybe suggests better words to search with... like googles but with more alternative words to make the search more useful - slightly limited so it doesn't become pages and pages of search terms.

What I don't want to do is sit down in front of my computer and type all of this in, going through related words and possible other searches / best searches from the given input.

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Column Sorting

Can someone please explain to me why the hyperlinked column headings will sort in Firefox and IE 7 but not in IE6. Code:

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Searching In Database

I need help in retreiving data from database. my form consists of some checkboxes,
for eg:- in my form for location three check boxes are there and for the type of house four checkboxes.(houses,apartments,offices etc).Below is my form,

London (north of river)
(checkbox here)Central London
(checkbox here) Docklands
(checkbox here)Ealing, Chiswick & Acton

Number of Bedrooms(text box here)

(checkbox here)Houses
(checkbox here)Apartments
(checkbox here)Developments & Land
(checkbox here)Commercial

My databse consists of all this information. If the user want 2 bedroom flat or apartment in central london he will check central london, 2 bedrooms, house and apartment. for this i need an sql query to retrieve from database the appropriate property they are finding.

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Searching Uploaded

A client uploads a document (a msword .doc file) to the server,
I need to search a string that document and find specific words in it
(this is an Application to a School, most of them look the same, so all you can do is replace the school name in the application, but sometimes people forget to do so and get rejected for sending inappropriate application).
So I need to find in each Application possible names of other schools and alert about it.

I'm writing in ASP (I can use as well)
I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE SERVER (it belongs to the hosting company, and there's no way of installing anything there)

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Changing Column

I need to set up an HTML table or the like, with 4 columns.
Each column needs to have a header with a FRIDAY (dd/mm/yy) date.
i.e. this weeks Fridays date is 16th Feb, the following is 23rd Feb
So, I need column 1 to be headed 16th Feb, col 2 to show 23rd Feb etc.
As this week passes, the dates need to move up 1 week, so that next
week, col 1 will display 23rd Feb and so on.
These headers need to change according to the date.
Please can you advise how I best achieve this ?

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Freeze Column

we have a requirement to freeze the column and row column heading... so that when the user scrolls to the right the first two columns ( I refer them as "row headings") will stay and the remaining columns scroll left and when the user scrolls to the bottom the first row stays ("column headings")and the remaining rows will scroll up.. This can be easily accomplished in EXCEL by freezing the itersecting cell... How can the same be accomplished using HTML tables /ASP code.... Is there any Active X control available that can be used to accomplish the same?Our technical env is ASP and Oracle DB

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Searching Access Db With Asp

I have a simple intranet for the company I work for and I am attempting to create a phone listing and search tool for it. The list has a simple 500 record access db.

Presently I have a page which displays the entire db. What I'd like to do is have a form at the top of the page that lists the entire db where a person could type in any word... Name, office location etc and have the result ported out on a new page with only items matching the search criteria. Code:

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Splitting 1 Column Into 2

Pretty basic but I cannot figure it out.

FULLNAME (lname, fname)

Needs to be


Should split at the comman.I already have all the columns created; just
need to SQL command to make it happen.

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Searching A Field

I have a database which has a field called "title". I have made a text input box and set that user submitted text to a variable (call it textvar). How do I say something like this...?

Set rs = conn.execute("Select * from workitem where title contains '" &textvar& "' " )

Of course the word contains is just a guess on my part.. other ideas are "is like". What function/syntax will give me what I want, which is for it to return any title that has the words entered by the user?

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Invalid Column Name

I am trying to access a table in a SQL server using ADO in ASP. It works fine in the rest of the site. Here is the code:

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Searching For Than One Table

I want to search for UserID in 3 table. Searched UserID wil be present in one of any 3 table. Using select * from <table> where UserID = < =userid> allows me to search in only 1 table.

Is there any way .. to join 3 tables and search for the UserID using single SQL Query

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Searching The Database

I have a code that compares the value in the textfeild of a form with the value in the database table

do until rsData.EOF
if trim(rsData("core_contact_fname"))=trim(request.form("txtNumber1")) then%>

i would like to do two things to it one is to compare the two values while ignoring their cases(ignore case) i am not sure how to use the ignore case function.

I also want it to comapre if i want to search for say"L" I should get all the names starting with L from the database.

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ORDER BY A Column?

If I have several fields:
a | b | c | d | e

and the original SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY a ASC ".

I want to place links to b, c, d, e to make the table of results to show by ascending order of b (or , c, d, e).

do I need to place an "if/ end if" in the sql or do I put some statement in the paging?

a (ORDER BY a ASC)| b | c | d | e
1 | 3 | z
2 | 2 | y
3 | 1 | x
4 | 5 | w
5 | 4 | v


a | b (ORDER BY b ASC)| c | d | e
3 | 1 | x
2 | 2 | y
1 | 3 | z
5 | 4 | v
4 | 5 | w

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Postcode Searching

Has anyone had dealings with setting up website postcode searches such as one that would let a visitor input their postcode and specify a 'within the range of' value such as 20 miles and then be returned a result.

I have an asp page that allows visitors to input their postcode into a field which then refers to an Access tbl and displays the results, but only if there is an exact or LIKE match within the db.

I want to offer the facility of letting them increase the radius if they are unable to find a result matching the exact postcode. Code:

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Highlighting The Column

I have a SQL query that produces a table which displays account numbers and the amount owed on those accounts.

the page that displays that table is written with ASP. Does anyone know how can I highlight the rows in the table where account numbers have more than 7500 dollars in amount owed? Code:

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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Searching Results

I know how to use the LIKE command in a query but how do I do it in the
results of a recordset results="<b>Hello</b> World"

I want to search the above result and if it has a <B> in it, I want set

I need to be able to search through a large amount of text so the BOLD marks
will not always be at the front of the results. They maybe be on line 50
character 59,

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