I have a simple calendar scipt that ask for time of event input. While I like the time feature I do not like the fact that it displays with seconds included.
Ex. Displays HR:MIN:SEC 5:05:30 PM
Desired display 5:05 PM
How do I get rid of the display showing seconds? I have changed the database format, but this does not seem to effect the disply on the asp page.
and what i want to do is compare the difference in seconds between the two. But I'm struggling and the thought has crossed my mind that DateDiff only works with dates not times...
<% Dim DateToCompareTo DateToCompareTo = 4/10/2005 1:00:00 PM %>
There are <%= DateDiff("s", Now(), DateToCompareTo) %> seconds left %>!
I need to get the number of seconds when subtracting two date/times. With the code I am using below I subtract the two date/times and end up with a total of days like "1.56".
Then when I multiply it to get the number of seconds I am not getting an accurate number. I should only have whole numbers of seconds with nothing past the decimal point. I would like to be able to subtract the two date/times and get the number of seconds without multiplying to get it. Is this possible? Does anyone have a better more accurate way to do this? Code:
I'm currently building a form and I'm attempting to take the date and convert it into the same format as an unformatted date in Excel. I believe it's called SAS. Is there any way to format a date into this format using excel?
I have a column "ctime" and for some reason when I pull the data it brings up date and time.I only want the time.how can I format it to not show the date?
I am facing the most common problem of date where system date is different and SQL server dateformat is different.
How I can change Date fomat in SQL server from US to UK format vis versa.
I tried regional setting of my XP Professional Machine from US to UK and chenged dateformat but when I tried to print date using asp its giving same unchaged previous format even after restarting the machine.
I have to get difference of two dates in my asp code but due to two different formats its not giving me the exact difference.
I'm hooked up to an access database and I want to input the date and time into a field that's set up as 'date/time' but when I try to input this (now) into that field I get an error like this.Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I have set all my SDATE field having a general date value like '8/3/2007 5:13:12 PM' but when I put it on a text field it only shows the short date like '8/3/2007' and the long time '5:13:12 PM' is missing
I have an ASP application which use a SQL server. it saves date values with MM/dd/yyyy format. the SQL server and every other computer is configured to MM/dd/yyyy format in reginol settings. The DSN which use to connect to SQL server is configured to use Reginol settings date format.
But I for ex. when I save date 03/01/2006 (MM/dd/yyyy) using the computer which runs sql server it saves right. But when I use other computer it saves as 01/03/2006.
i got a problem dealing with this sql statement, i data stored in a table in 3/13/2006 format, and i input this data into table by calling date() using asp, but when i try to run an sql statement by using this sql statement,
a="2006/3/5" b="2006/3/7"
sql="select * from userlog where AccessTime between '"&a&"' and '"&b&"'" response.write sql set rt = conn.execute(sql)
if rt.eof then response.write "no record" else response.write "got record" end if
i got no record display on my page, may i know what to do to get the data from the tabel?do i need to change the structure when i insert this date or do i need to change the structure of my variable a and b in order to perform this search correctly?
I am using FormatDateTime( mydbDate, vbShortDate) but it is NOT returning the date formatted according to my regional settings. My regional settings are "dd/MM/yyyy" but my date is returned as "d/m/yyyy".
Where is it getting the format from so that I can correct it or is there a better way to format the date, the way I want it?
I have tried the VB format function but get Type mismatch: 'Format'
I have made a programme of events for a website i am developing. One page list events with the date, name of event and organiser. The list is sorted by date. There is means of adding new events to users or updating events already listed.
However as i am based in the uk and users of the site will be in the uk dates as events are added or updated are inputed in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, this is being switched round to the american format mm/dd/yyyy.
Im realitively new to using asp and im not sure how to stop this from happening. A friend mentioned using formatdatetime but im not how to use this.
The dates that I have in my database are formatted in this way: January 22, 2006 The problem I am having is selecting the items that have the date equal to or after the current date using that format. This code below is giving me the following error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03fd' Expected 'Case' /vcatravel.com-asp//carn_deals_test.asp, line 4 SELECT DATE_FORMAT('date',%M %d, %Y) -------^ Code: <% SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date,%M %d, %Y) Dim varcat varcat = date() Set rsTest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsTest.Open " Select * from cruisespecial WHERE " & "#" & varcat & "#" & "<= dat and line='Test' ORDER BY famid desc",conn if NOT rsTest.EOF then do while NOT rsTest.EOF %>
I have written various scripts where the date is enter as mm/dd/yyyy. However, they wanted changed to dd/mm/yyyy. How can make these changes with less pain?
I am using an Access Database. Which means, I will probably have to program that field the same way. But the only option it provides is something like "29-Sep-05". I can tell the user to enter the field as mm/dd/yyyy. But how can I have it done with the code to be saved on the database.
i am using ms access for my database.there is a table named Reservation and of the field inside this table is resDate which is the format is Date/Time.in my asp page (use vbscript), there is a variable where i coded it like this, res_Date = Date().the save data process is just fine but when i look into the data database, my resDate stored data just like this 12:00:00 AM.but when i try display res_Date at asp page, it shows the current data like 12/7/2004.is there any wrong with my code or i just left something?