I'm supposed to make a presentation of ASP+/ASP.NET but the problem is: I haven't found any good material I don't want any M$-propaganda... I'm not looking for coding examples, but articles which would help me to introduce the technology to people that have never heard of it.
I haven't done ASP.NET much myself and that's why I'd like to find some material to read - to find out is it worth moving from ASP to ASP+.
I am building a site in which users will submit articles. Like a cms. However, I want the ability for articles that are over one page long to span or continue on the next page. That is, a link is provided at the end of page 1 that links to page 2 etc of same article?
Does anyone have codes or articles related how to make Yahoo-like directory-based serach engine which the categories of the post can be change from one to another, theoretically expandable to unlimited level of directories, etc.
I'm currently working for a website that has over 20,000 articles that we're looking to clean up. Ultimately we'd like to have our content seperated from our html and graphics so that we can always manipulate it in any way we want.
Any suggestions? How do large new sites store their articles? Should I be using XML?
give me a few tutorials or articles which completely teach you SQL server, or atleast what you need to know to make ASP applications for other people.
I've only ever used Access, and I'm afraid SQL server works differently. I always use SQL queries e.g INSERT..., DELETE..., UPDATE..., SELECT.. and never use the recordset's functions e.g .AddNew..etc.
I'm completely stumped on how to write a loop for this.
I want to generate a dynamic list of links (years) and another of months based on the publish dates i have in my database. So if a month is not present the code would omit it.
I have an sqlstatement which is executing on my form it works fine in sql server enterprise manager but obviously the function that is used in sql server enterprise manager will not work on a form i am coding with asp...my sql statement is as follows
Sholiday.source = "Select * from Year WHERE Year= IsDate(Year) order by bhdate"
this doesnt work fine, because i would like that the Year that my sqlstatement picks up to be equal to the current year we are in..can anyone tell me what the function for that is in vbscript... i am using vbscript and asp..
Basically what im trying to do is create a dynamic drop down box that changes its output each year.
It is a drop down box that displays years, but i need it to be always a minimum of 18 years minimum from the current year e.g as its 2004, it needs to display 1986 as its minimum year and upwards to 40 years from 2004, because the type of people im looking for need to be over 18, and no more than 40... And this is within a form, so the users choice of years is collected on submit.
I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc . currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.
Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Please view my coding as attachment (3000.txt).
For example Name Age Desig Salary Year abc 35 CEO 39000 2004 abc 35 CFO 38000 2003 abc 35 CTO 37000 2002 abc 35 CTO 35000 2001 abc 35 Direcotr30000 2001
I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc
currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.
Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Code:
i wan to do a page at the backend,when the date is end of this year(12/31/2007) then will execute the code (such as add the new total leave with the current balance leave automatically without regresh the page or login into the system.)
i heard that the MS SQL SERVER got this triggered function, but unfortunately..the MS SQL SERVER hosting that i used(third party) didnt provide this function. i jz can store data in the table and create database..no more others component that i can use.
I have a date field in an MS Access database. I need to sort this field and print the results to an ASP page. I have done this plenty of times before except this time the date field data includes BCE data. A sample of the data in the date field is as follows:
1300 BCE 930 BCE November 29, 1947 May 14, 1948 1465 CE October 29, 1956 1020 BCE
I know that I can not have the data type of the MS Access field set to date/time. I searched online and didn't find too much.
I have an access db with 5 years worth of articles. I need to be able to list them according to year from a query string. I am having no luck with this. Can anyone help. SQL is not one of my strong points.
vyear = Request.QueryString("year") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE "& DatePart("yyyy", article_date) &"="& vyear &" ORDER BY article_date desc"
I have tried this a few different ways with no luck at all. I keep getting errors.
I have a date field in an MS Access database. I need to sort this field and print the results to an ASP page. I have done this plenty of times before except this time the date field data includes BCE data. A sample of the data in the date field is as follows:
1300 BCE 930 BCE November 29, 1947 May 14, 1948 1465 CE October 29, 1956 1020 BCE
I know that I can not have the data type of the MS Access field set to date/time. I searched online and didn't find too much.
I need to make a countdown to the year 2004. I want it to have days, seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
The only problem is that my server is 3 hours faster than my time, and I need to adjust it in the script somehow, and also please give me the script for the actual countdown.
I have an Access table with (among others) a number type field.
I'm building a web form which will add a new record to the same table. My problem is as follows:
I need to retrieve the (number) value from the previous record and increase it by 1 when submitting the new record. Also, this number should reset to 1 whenever a new year occurs.
I have a form which allows a user to select a 'commencement date' using separate day, month and year drop downs. The date is then submitted to db in DDMMYYYY format(as required).
I now need to allow user to edit this date if they need to. So, I retrieve the date from db as ie. 30101968. I now need to place the first 2 digits (30) into strDay, second 2 digits into strMonth and last 4 into strYears so that I can reflect these values in the their relevant drop downs.
Does anyone know how to 'grab' those specific values?
I have written some code which should dynamically build a table which is then populated with questionas and possible answers. The format of the answers will vary ie they may be in the form of a radio button which will be rated from 1-5, checkbox or a selectbox.
The first problem I have is if I do not comment out <select></select> I get an error message saying the page can not be found. when I do take it out I get asp timeout. Code:
does anyone know what I have wrong with this select in my form?
<% sql = "SELECT * FROM [LTAB_CAProcessArea]" Set ProcessAreaRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ProcessAreaRS.Open sql, SessionCPRDBConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText %>
<select name="processarea"> <% Do While Not ProcessAreaRS.EOF Resonse.Write("<option name='" & ProcessAreaRS("processareaID") & "'>") Response.Write(ProcessAreaRS("txtProcessArea")) Response.Write("</option>")
I don't know if this is in the right section. I hope it is.I have an HTML document that uses tables and stuff. I also have a FORM on there with some input boxes, Radio buttons and <select> options. I have a .asp VB file also that processes the actual form and writes the answered questions to a text file on the server (tab separated) My problem: The input boxes and radio buttons work fine. It writes to the text file on the sever end.
My problem is I am not too sure how to go making the answers from the <select> options to also write to the server. They way I have it set up right now, it jsut writes "NULL" on the text file.
I've recently come across using "Select Last" in an sql query. Does anyone have any info or views on using it? Until now I've relied on "Select Max" but Select Last would have distinct advantages when using random autonumbers. I'm also curious about why there is so little info on it - perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places?
I want to display an editable page extract from MS Access table. Now I want to show the value in Select list, extract from another table. Both tables are joinable with the foreign key.
In simplest, I want to extract and display the exact value from a table and show in Select list for edit.
I could not think of any way. I can bring up data and display in Select list but it would display the first value in the list only.