Send Web Page That Uses Session Variabes

how to send a web page that uses Session variables in an email. The session variable that is used by the page I'd like to send contains a three dimensional array so cannot be passed easily in a querystring.

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How To Send Session Cookies

Anyone know how to send ASP Session cookies like the following:


using WinInet?

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Send This Page

Is there any easier way to send some page to email (like in Outlook Express) ? Or I just create a html email (I'm using CDONTS) ?I'm considering the second way, just in case users haven't setup their email. But I'm wondering how to send the images. Should I use absolute path <img src=""> ? Is there anyway I can send the images too by CDONTS ?

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Page Can't Directly To Login Page After Session Expired

I have page for user to update his/her details. What i want is after idle for more than 20 mins, the page will redirect to login page automatically. So that the user knows that his/her session already expired and need to login again.

But it doesn't working. This is because if he/she update the details (after idle more than 20 mins), and click the Submit button, it will go to login page and all the data will be lost. Code:

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Send Matrix From One Asp Page To Another

I'm trying to send a dynamic matrix (x X x) from one asp page to another.
Do you know the best way to do this:

Is it possible to send it via a form (I would prefer that) or should I put it in a session variable? Any other suggestions?

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How To Send Email From An Asp Page ?

how to send email from an asp page?

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Send Asp Page Using Mailto

I have created simple .asp page and i would like to send my page as email using my outlook. is it possible to send form body as new email outlook body using mailto
command or any other way.

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Send E Mail From Web Page?

How we can build form to send e mail from web site? which component should we use?

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Send A Form Back From An Asp Page

I have a html form which allows the user to select add, delete, update or view from a drop down list. Their choice is sent to an asp page.

My problem is how to send them back a form from the asp page depending on their choice and send the resulting input to the same asp page again for processing.

So if they choose 'add' from the html page then that is sent to the asp page and they are sent back another form, to fill out the new record details which is in turn resubmitted to the same asp page to carry out the 'Insert' statement.

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Send Values From One Page Form To Another

one page displays the values which have just been retreived, and i want those values to transfer to the next page which is a booking page.. Code:

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Send An Asp Page As Html Email

This is my first post hope it makes sense. I have learnt how to send emails from forms passing variable etc and it works, but I am lazy so here it goes:

I am writing a set of intranet based asp reports for which the underlying asp code can get quite complicated (tables nested in tables, all sorts of calulations and parameters etc). I would like users to be able to send that report (neatly formated in his browser) by pressing a form button. (by the way, we use Outlook)

1. either as an .html attachement (which would of been saved automatically either locally or on the server)

2. or as an html email (as you would do when doing File > Send > Page by Email in IE 6.0) Code:

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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How To Send Request To IIS Server After The Page Displayed

Is that possible that I can send request to IIS Server after a .ASP page is
displayed? My Requirement is:

Clinet will Fill the Details in one Request Form after the details are
filled then the Request Files will be shown to the user as Link in Another
page. (Currently before Sending the Link Page to Customer I am updating DB
in Different Servers Located Different Palces - So It takes Time).

So What is My Requrement is After the user gives his details - I will
directly display the Link Page and After the Link Page is Sent to Browser
then I will Execute / Update the DB.

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Global.asa :: Send The User Back To The Login Page

im tryin to secure my application. i want the application to send the user back to the login page if they have not logged into the system. do i use the global.asa file or is there a simpler way to do this?

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Send Page Script Breaks W/Win 2000 & Outlook XP

The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:

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Asp Page Wont Send Email If Form Fields Are Blank

I created a feedback form for my website that has only 2 required fields. When you submit the form it calls my asp page which puts the information in a database and then sends me n email with the information that was entered into the form. The problem is that the form only has two required fileds, and if the remaining non required fields are left empty when the asp page is called it does write to the data base, but does not send me any email. However if I go back in and put somethng in every field in the form then when I submit the form and my asp page is called it writes to the data base and sends me an email with the all the information I entered in the feedback form. Is there a way to tell my asp page that it is ok to send the email even if the non required fields are left empty? I really do not want to have to go back through the form and put default values in for each area of the form? Also is there a way to have an error displayed if the email is not sent? My asp code is below....

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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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How To Open A Popup Window Select A Value And Send It Back To Page?

I'm need to open a popup window from an asp page that calculates a value. This value must be returned to the input box on the asp page. I have managed to get the popup window to open and display a value so far but I am not getting the value back into the asp page.

Popup Window code...

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Session Page

Iv'e made an attempt here to create a session once a user has logged in. Code:

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New Session For Every Page?

I recently bought a new web server and am in the process of migrating
all of our websites over. We're going from Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 to
Windows 2003 IIS 6.0.

I've been able to get everything to work
correctly except for the SessionID's. For some reason I'm getting a
new SessionID on EVERY single page that I visit! Which makes it quite
difficult to login and add items to your cart...hehe.

Everything is running ASP, there is no ASP.NET pages, I don't even have
the 1.0 or the 2.0 Framework installed on the server yet. I verified
that the Globals.asa is on the server on and config'ed correctly.

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A Page Once Per Session

I have an index page containing several IFRAMES that hold a couple of apps which require logins. To avoid having to login 3 or 4 times when the index page first loads, I had the IFRAMES load a page with a link to click to actually go to the page requiring login. The issue I have is that after you've logged in to a couple of these pages, when you refresh the index page, all the IFRAMES go back to the link page.

You don't have to log in again, but this makes you have to click the link again. What I'd like is a way to only show the link page the first time the index page loads it up, but after you've clicked on the link once and logged in, then the next time the index refreshes, you skip the link page and go straight to the app.

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How To Maintain Page Session???

I am currently working on an online shopping cart. The working is like:-

1. First the user selects the things.

2. Next page is the detail of the things that he has selected.

Now the third page allows the user to check his address..but before that he has to log in(if he is not logged in). and after logging in he must be redirected to the checkaddress page with his details intact.

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Session Lost Across Page

What could the likely cause of a session value being lost when one navigates
to another page and attempts to write that session out:

Page 1

session("u_name") = oRS.fields("u_name")

Navigate to Page 2

Response.write Session("u_name")

....."_name" seems to be empty on Page 2.

What am I doing wrong here?

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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MSXML.XMLHTTP / ASP Page / Session

I'm using the MSXML.XMLHTTP object to obtain the results of an ASP page from
an ASP page on the same server. The problem I have is that when the AP
refrenced by the XMLHTTP object is run it does now share the session with
the calling page ? How can I solve this ?

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Login Page And Session Break

I have a login page that Test's for the username and then tests for the password. If these test true then I redirect them to the member area. What I want to test for is if there is 1 user logged in with Session("test") = 1 and another user logs in with the credentials to set Session("Test") = 1 then the first session will terminate. The new user will then be able to navigate the member area.There will also be other user on with a Session("Test") = xxx where xxx is the Primary key of the validation table.

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New Session On Page Inside A Frameset

I have been using session variables to pass a user name from one ASP
page to another inside framesets for 9 months and it stopped working
this week. I have made no code changes but there was a "security
update" installed on the server a few days ago but I can't find out
exactly what it was.

In the research I have done I found many articles on the subject of
session variables in ASP pages inside framesets. From what I read a
new session will be started every time a new ASP page is accessed
until a session variable is set, once a session variable is set the
session will stay the same from page to page, even when using frames.
It is possible to start a session by setting a session variable in the
global.asa file.

My page 1 sets the session variable "username", this page calls page 2
which then uses the "username" variable. This still works on the two
test servers I have where no upgrades of any kind have been done. I
changed the code to display the Session.SessionID in both page 1 and
page 2. On my test systems I get the same session id number, on my
production system I get two different session id numbers and when I
turn on prompting for all cookies I get the session cookie prompt when
the second page is called. The two test systems are on the same
network as my workstation, the production machine on the internet at a
hosting site.

I have cookies enabled in my browser, session state is enabled in IIS
and there are no special characters in the domain name of the web
site. I did not have a global.asa file so I added one and I set a
session variable in the global.asa just to get the session started.
What I find interesting is if I display the variable I set in the
global.asa file I can see it on both page 1 and page 2 but on page 2
I can't see the variables set on page 1. I am completely stumped.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do to get this working again? .....

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Session.Abandon On Login Page

I want to abandon session everytime when user come to login page. The problem is that if
1) user comes from login page to welcome page and session is created
2) but if he clicks the "back" button session is not abandoned. I have


on login page, but it does not work untill page refreshed. Is there any way to refresh page if user comes back to it using button "back" of browser? Or may be the right way is very different to what i try to do?

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ASP Session/Cookies, Help To Protect Page From Non Users

ASP Session/Cookies, Help to Protect Page from Non users I am a beginner and very urgently need some help

I have created a asp page, that takes in a username and password and validates it as follows and then if true continues to the pages requested.


'Read in the password for the user from the database
If (((Request.Form("txtUser")) = rsCheckUser("User_pass")) and (rsCheckUser("User_lev") = 1) ) Then
'If rsCheckUser("User_level") = 1 Then

'If the password is correct then set the session variable to True
Session("blnIsUserGood") = "True"

'Redirect to the authorised user page and send the users name
Response.Redirect"user_self_update_form.asp?ID=" & rsCheckUser("ID") & ""

'Close Objects before redirecting
Set adoCon = Nothing
Set strCon = Nothing
Set rsCheckUser = Nothing

End If

Now this code takes you to page :Response.Redirect"user_self_update_form.asp?ID=" & rsCheckUser("ID") & ""
Which is something like /project/user_self_update_form.asp?ID=1

Since after the login you do to this, you are allowed to see this page.

But The page user_self_update_form.asp?ID= can also be access if you just put the link on the browser. Lets say i log in as ID 2, and just change the ID to 3 on the address bar in the browser, i will log into someone elses page.

How to i block this from random access and only the SPECIFIC USER?

Code for user_self_update_form.asp (the protected page unless you are logged it):
The Session = False part just does not work here, so if you get this link of someone, you can just get it, and you are not redirected.

'If the session variable is False or does not exsist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
If Session("blnIsUserGood") = False or IsNull(Session("blnIsUserGood")) = True then
'Redirect to unathorised user page
End If

'Dimension variables
Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object
Dim rsGuestbook 'Holds the recordset for the record to be updated
Dim strSQL 'Holds the SQL query for the database
Dim lngRecordNo 'Holds the record number to be updated
'Read in the record number to be updated
lngRecordNo = CLng(Request.QueryString("ID"))

and all the other protected into here:

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Accept /decline Page - Session Cookies

I need help with setting up a page where the viewer has to accept terms before they can access the rest of the website.

The page will have a bit of text explaining why they need to accept oor decline the terms and then have 2 buttons. ie. accept or decline.

What I need to be able to do is set this up so that if the viewer tries to bypass the accept/ decline page they will get re-directed to it. If they have clicked the accept button then they can view anywhere on the site.

I understand that 'sessions' in IIS don't actually close until about 20 mins after the user has left the site and can live with that. But if they come back the next day they must go through the accept/decline page to get into the site. It doesn't have to have usernames or password, they just have to accept.

I understand that you set up several pages to do this, i.e. the accept/decline page, a 'checkterms' page (which sets the session cookie?) and then some code on every other page on the site to check for the presence of the session cookie and let you view if it is there. If not, redirects you to the Accept/Decline page.

The problem I have is I don't know what code to write and where to put it into the page.

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ASP Page Does Not Recognize Session & Request Variables.

I do contract work for an organization that has some of the word code I have ever seen. I think they are using some sort of screwy CMS or something.

The code on their pages are pages stacked on pages, in other word one page loaded into a browser might have 3 <html><body></body></html> sets. Its really bad. So I started working on a page that has a form. It is included in the main page with this line of code:

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Destroying A Session And Starting It Back Up On The Same Page

I have a quick signup for a friends page, and at the end of the signup I wanna destroy all the session variables using the nice session.abandon then create two session variables for the username and password so they're already signed in, then redirect them to the index page already logged in. Problem is the session variables don't get saved on the redirect when the session has been abandoned on the page. If I take the abandon out and destroy the session variables individually everything works fine and the new session variables survive. But if I abandon the session then set the new variables they do not. Yes, they are being set after the abandon, and do exist as I've written them to the browser before the redirect. Its not that big a deal in such a small scale to delete all the variables individually, but theres gotta be a way incase it was hundreds of session variables right.

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"send Page By E-mail"

I need to replicate the code that is found in Internet Explorer File->send
page by e-mail. Can someone tell me how to replicate this code or just call
this function. I need to program it to be activated by a button on my .aspx

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