Send Feedback To The User

if i m the server, i had this feedback page whereby i need the user to type in the feedback in a textbox and then send it to mi. he must enter his email in a textfield and click on a button. issit possible to do that? without having to use outlook express to pop out??

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I have a MEMBERS table and a COMMENTS table I am using session varible which is rsUser in the members table, I am using this as AUTHOR of the comment so I do not know what to filter (as you can tell i am using Dreamweaver with Access database) I also do know know about what collumns to have in what table? ParentID ?

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How To Send Automated Email To New User

How can I write a program to send automated email to user's email address after they registered to my site.

I want my email has HTML format or even links. Not just one sentence.
Once the user click on the link or reply this email, their registration will be complete.

I am using ASP with Access Database.

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Current User That Send A Form

how can Identify a domain user that send a form made with ASP. I have see that exist a variable called currentuser, but what does it mean?

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Auto Send Email To AOL User With CDO Message


Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = ""
cdoMessage.To = strEmail
cdoMessage.Subject = " User Registration"
cdoMessage.HTMLBody = "<html>" &_
"<body>" &_
"Hello "&strUName&"<br/><br/>" &_
"Thank you for registrating with Please activate your account by clicking the link below.<br/><br/>" &_
"<a href='"&strID&"'>Activate my account.</a>" &_
"<br/><br/>Thanks for your registration." &_
"<br/><br/><br/>Vincent" &_
"<br/><br/>Administrator of" &_
"</body>" &_
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

I got return email that the mail fail to deliever to AOL user. I assuming AOL email doesn't accept ASP script embedded in the email?

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Send Information On The User Account Error

I have created a New Users registration form for my database. The User enters there details such as email, account, name etc, and then clicks a Register button. This should send an e-mail to the User with a link for them to click to activate there account.

When i click on register however, i get a page not found message. When i try to diplay my Confirmation page, i get the error mention ed above.

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How To Get/set And Send The HTTP Headers(user-defined)

How to get/set and send the HTTP Headers(user-defined) coming from another domain/site]

In one SMS gateway project i need a great and urgent help from u all. There,the Service Providers sending the data thru "HTTP Headers" (For ex.sms-Id,sms-source [user defined]).

So i need to get and parse the name value pairs, and need to respond/send the same way as coining the "HTTP Headers" (For ex. sms-Id,sms-destination,sms-msg [user defined]).

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Need Code To Send User Back Two URLs

When someone buys something on my site from a detail page, I show them a cart. When they hit continue shopping, the only option I have right now is to take them back to the detail page. What I really would like to do is take them all the way back to the catalog page they used to get to the detail.

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User Informatio Send To Email Accout How Can

How can i send an Email using ASP, i mean, let's say a user is registering .I want to send him an email with his user info,is it Possible?

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When A User Register In Website Then All Informtion Send On His Email

I want an automatic email to send to a user when they register, the first page looks like this, i took away all the table information and what have you ....

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Global.asa :: Send The User Back To The Login Page

im tryin to secure my application. i want the application to send the user back to the login page if they have not logged into the system. do i use the global.asa file or is there a simpler way to do this?

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Feedback.asp To Feedback.php

I am tired of paying high hosting cost due to only two asp file on the whole website. I used these asp files to send mail from form.

Here is the code. Is there a way I can turn the functionality part of this code into php or some cgi format. Code:

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Feedback Form

I want to do the following:

1. Use the attached feedback form and write the values to a new record in my SQL database and 1(b) send me an e-mail

2. Forward a thankyou receipt back to the end-user with a new job number, Code:

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Email Feedback Form

I'm trying to create a feedback form, but keep getting this message: "The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL". What exactly does this mean - do I need to turn POST on, and how do I go about this?

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Feedback When A Persson Apply For Job

how can i send a e-mail to the person who has fillied my apply.html form.i have a email (textbox field)i mean automatic email.

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Feedback After Completed Form

Im using a form to collect user details, but its not going to a databse just to the clients email. Such as below:

I was wondering how to show feedback similar to 'Thank you your form has been sent', when the form has been successfully sent. Code:

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CDONTS - Administration Of Feedback From SQL Database

I have a feedback form on my site that processes the feedback into a SQL database and also sends an email to my inbox.

What I need is to create an administration asp page that retrieves the records from the database and displays them on the page and then have a mechanism on the page for deleting the records and refreshing the page.

Has anyone seen any examples posted on the forum or may be able to point me towards some useful links.

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Submit Only Part Of A Feedback Form

On one of the sections I have a text field called IMO where the user may input text. Beside the IMO text field I have a button that will submit the value found in the IMO field if any to another asp page namely get_vessel_fields.asp.

I don't get any errors but nothing happens when I click the button.

<FORM><input type="text" name="IMO"> 'THis is the IMO field in question there are other fields in this form

Dim strIMO
strIMO = IMO

<FORM><INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Pop' onClick='get_vessel_fields.asp?strIMO;return true;'></FORM>
'get_vessel_fields.asp will then process the value submitted

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Programatic Feedback From An Smtp Server

I have an application which sends emails. Currently we use the mailenable web server.
If an email is not sent successfully then we want to update the email address in our database as unreacheable automatically.

In other words we want a mail server that when it gives up sending an email will do an http post, or will somehow communicate with our software so that we can update our database. if ther is a mailserver which will do this?

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Creating Feedback Email From Form Enquiry

I built a form to collect users details, and noticed that a lot of sites these days have feedback emails that return a recieved email confirmation back to the customer.
Can anybody point me to, or allow me the code so that I can try it myself.

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Website "Email Feedback Form" (ASP.NET)

I'm trying to set up a basic email feed back form like this, and was wondering about some basic configuration settings. I have used code from this website. I have it working just fine. I'm running IIS on my home machine.

My problem is that I need to upload this stuff to a webhosting place and register a domain and I'm not sure what to put as the smtp mail server value in this script?

Currently I am with the Optusnet ISP and thus for the SMTP server i put

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

and then up towards the top of the script I have the contents of the form to be sent to the following email address,

objMM.To = ""

[SIZE=3]My question is, what value to I put for SmtpMail.SmtpServer, when I upload this website to some webhosting place? Do I just put it as or how do you know what to put for the SMTP server?[/SIZE]

I know this is basic and that many of you would have done it a million times before but I just don't know the answer to this and noone seems to be able to give me a straight answer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. See the script below for what I'm currently using and working on my home machine running IIS.

<%@ Page Language="vb" Debug="true" %> .....

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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Mail User Info To User

how to go about setting up an asp script or flash action script to take the input from a user of his/her username and password then send an email to the user with the information. I am able to do all of this but the problem is that the users pc is the one sending the email. I want the server to send the email instead.

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Send Sms Through Asp

I've been researching how to send text messages and ringtones to cell phones. I've found out that one way is to use ASP which I can handle a bit. Thing is that it seems that you have to subscribe to a pretty costly service that will transmit your messages.
The only exception I've found so far is but it doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone know of any other free services for this or where I can find more info.I'm not looking to develop any commercial software just to learn something new.

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Send SMS

How can I send a sms from my asp page.even i don't know whether it is posiible or not.

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Send Fax

I want to send fax from my asp pages. Is it possible. If yes how to send it.The fax no has been stored in the database.

there is one url but this code is giving internal server error something replicate data.

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Send XML

Does anyone have an example of ASP streaming XML? Can I set content headers to indicate the page returns XML? Can this XML be a string or must it be prepared with DOM? I need to create an ASP that queries Access and Oracle,combines the data and returns it as XML.

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Send SMS Using Asp

I want to know something about how to send sms trough ASP,Any help regarding this very much appreciable,If some one have the Sending SMS Script then let me know.

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I do not get a error msg, but my sms is not send out. Code:

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Send Informations

I Want to send email but i couldnot make plz help send both asp and html form

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Send To A Friend

how can I use a or mail.addaddress with a request.form() ?

I mean, ill get an error if i code: request.form("friend")

how can I code it?

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How To Send Mail

I have the code for the sending mail but i do not know to loop it. I have been given specification saying that i should send mail after registration and deregistration.

so i have a asp page given the action function of the register form so the page updates the registration done. so i given after registration the send mail code and want to have the loop or condition for the mail to be sent to the person who updates registeration
and code is as follows....

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<BODY> .....

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