Sending CDONTS HTML Email Issue

I have a web form where a client can select which site members to send
an email to.

This form is populated from the contents of the member table, so the
form can have 0-x names listed on it depending on member expiration dates.

When the form is submitted, the code loops through the form contents and
sends an email to those members that meet the selected criteria.

All this worked perfectly when I was sending text emails, but since I
changed, it sends the message correctly, but the last person gets
everyone else as well. For example, if I have three members (mem1, mem2
and mem3) to send emails to, here is what happens

mem1 gets the correctly formatted message

mem2 gets mem1's correctly formatted message plus mem2's message - one
right after the other. Code:

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CDONTS Email Not Sending

my CDONTS email isn't sending.. I think the code is set up correctly but I'm not positive. Is there a way to specify a mail server, if necessary? It seems to be going through without a hitch but the emails are never arriving, to any box I send them to. So perhaps our server needs some sort of authentication before permitting outgoing mails, I'm not really sure. Is there a way to check this?

I have our form set up on a standard html page, with a "action=process.asp" command..

here's the process.asp file..

'Option Explicit
Dim objIndexMail
Set objIndexMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objIndexMail.From = Request.Form("email")
objIndexMail.To = ""
objIndexMail.Cc = ""

objIndexMail.Subject = "New Inquiry from" & Request.Form("parents")

Response.Write("Ready to create body")

objIndexMail.Body = "bunch of body text here"

Response.Write("body Created")


Set objIndexMail = Nothing
Response.Write("Thank You")

it gets to the thank you message every time, but nothing ever arrives in my mailboxes...

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Sending Email Using CDONTS

Can someone review and give me some hints. Also when I define my mail object using, "Dim objCDOMail As CDONTS.NewMail", I receive an http error. Code:

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Sending Email Using CDONTS Obj.

I'm running Win2K... and have an ASP script that uses the CDONTS object properties to send email from a web-enabled ASP form. Problem is, the page is loading fine, with no errors. However, when I check the '/queue' folder in my Inetpub directory, I see all my mail queued there. It never gets sent. There are no emails in the '/badmail' folder, or in any other folder in '/mailroot'. What gives?

I'm kinda vague on how SMTP works exactly, in Win2K. What I'm trying to do is to send email over a LAN to a client. I want to avoid installing MS Exchange Server if possible. Am just trying to have a client on the LAN send email, and then have the client's Outlook retrieve said mail. All this done offline, without ever connecting to the Net.

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Email Sending Problem With CDONTS

Hey all, I'm having trouble getting email to be sent using CDONTS. I've done this many times before with no problem, but this one just seems to want to be a pain..

The site is just on an IP address right now, but it still has access to a mail server and all. Everything seems to go correctly, but the mail server has no logs of cdonts trying to send anything. the script isn't generating any errors though.

<%@ language="VBscript" %>

'Option Explicit

Dim objIndexMail
Dim body

Set objIndexMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objIndexMail.From = Request.Form("email")
objIndexMail.To = "my email address"
objIndexMail.Subject = "New Inquiry from" & Request.Form("parents")
Response.Write("Ready to create body <br><br>")

body = "bunch of body text here"
objIndexMail.Body = body

Response.Write("body Created <br><br>")
Response.Write(body & "<br><br>")

Response.Write("<br><br>Thank You")


Anyone see any problems? there are no messages waiting to be sent in the outbox, and nothing is getting delivered to the badmessages folder either..

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Sending Form Via Email - CDONTS / SMTP

I have Road Runner cable internet access and Im working in a local development environment (writing .ASP) and have a site running on my network on a windows xp pro machine via IIS with CDONTS installed.

When I try to send a confirmation email (simple text) via CDONTS the message is built but remains on the server in the QUEUE folder ... how can I tweak the SMTP settings on the server to allow me to send email out from the server...

just the occassional test as I develop sites - not looking to spam and have a fairly full featured router to block external access to SMTP machine so its not abused.

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Sending HTML Email

I have a client that wants to send HTML based email.

Building and sending isn't a problem, but he wants to include a plain text link at the top of the email that will display if the user doesn't not accept HTML email. Maybe it is the product we are using to send the email, but there is no way to include non-HTML formatted text in the email. Is there a way to send non-HTML and HTML in a single email?

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Sending Dynamic Html Email

I am currently building an emailing system into our asp management system. From this we will be able to setup mail templates (html stored in mssql database) and select who we want to send them to.The html in the database is only the middle part of the html file being sent. All the emails are based on the same design template using a single html file to which I pass a variable saying which body to get from the database <%=writeBody%>. So far this is all working fine and the emails are sending using cdo.


What i am trying to do now is personalise the emails and on the responseSendForm.asp I connect to the database and create variables such as fName, lName etc.I need to be able to write these variables in the html in the database which will then display in the body using the <%=writeBody%>.As you may have guess this is not working and I dont know enough aboutthe .createMHTMLBody to work out what to do.

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Creating And Sending Html Email

i have a web site built using vbasic active server scripting running on iis (it works on either iis 50 and 60, but is designed for iis 50). i know how to create a plain text email by creating a text file, with content following certain format, and saving that file into the correct '..mailrootpickup' folder, and it is working fine.

what i would like to know is how to create and send an email in html format from my server script. i will appreciate anyone who can tell me where to find instructions on
how to do this.

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HTML EMail Form CDonts

How to I wrap this to process the information as HTML EMail?

I have enabled all the HTML options in the script but I still get a text email:....

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Creating HTML EMail With CDONTS

I can create an email with ASP's using CDONTS and this works well. I'd like to format the email as HTML. Can I do this with ASP's and CDONTS?

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Sending Launching Email With HTML Attachment

Can anyone get me started or point me to a resource for some help?

I have an ASP page that displays various boxes, tables, and information. I want to be able to click an "Email" button and have the asp page save the page as an attachment (html?) and then launch Outlook and automatically attach the page to it and enter the email address of the person I want to send it to.

I can't just send a link because the page is generated on an Intranet and I need to send it to people outside the network. So, I need to save a print screen of the page and then have Outlook grab that and the recipient's email address and put those into Outlook so the sender can review and send out.

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Sending Html With Picture Formated Email

I can send email in html format using cdo.message. but when i insert picture in that html tags. but that email has no pictures....

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Need Help Sending CDO Email With Dynamic HTML Attachment

I'm using CDO SYS to send email messages. I can attach a file just fine.
However, I need to attach an HTML page that's generated on the fly by my
ASP code. The attachment source code gets assembled into a VB string. How
do I attach this? I think there was an easy way in CDONTS but that's no
longer an option.

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Sending Email Both As Html And Plain Text

Is it possible to send email both as plain text and html in the same email
using asp?,,,if do you do it and what do you need to set up to do

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Embed Image Within HTML Email (CDO Or CDONTS)

Usually, when I send HTML emails, I just SRC the image to my web server, but now I would like to consider embedding images for those instances when potential customers may view the email when offline.

Can this be done with CDO or is another component required?

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Need Help For Sending Emails By CDONTS

I am using CDONTS object to send emails to a person when he is registered with the web portal,but the problem is the mail is getting filtered as a spam or junk mail, and does not land in the Inbox,how to send this auto generated email into the inbox and not as a spam or bulk mail.

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Using CDONTS For Sending Mails

I am writing an ASP page for sending mails using CDONTS component. Is there any way to capture errors if the components fails to send mails?

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Sending CDONTS Mail Within Loop

I am trying to send e-mails to customers in a database. Each e-mail is customised for each customer, so I cannot simply copy all customers on the same e-mail. My logic loops through the appropriate recordset and attempts to send a notification e-mail to each customer. The problem is that about 10 - 20% of the e-mails do not get sent! (I know this because I :bcc myself on all the e-mails.) I also know that there is no problem with the e-mail addresses because when I try again to run the program with the same addresses but a smaller list of customers, those mails go out just fine.

The program generates a report which shows that it tried to send all the appropriate e-mails, but in reality several of the mails were not sent. What's interesting is that all of the e-mails near the beginning of the program execution get sent. But as the program goes on, more and more get skipped. It seems that CDONTS cannot keep up with the program execution.

Does anyone know of a way to solve this? What would be great would be a DO... WHILE loop that kept trying until the e-mail was sent successfully. But, for that approach to work, there would have to be some way for the program to check if the e-mail had gone out successfully. Another option would be a loop that waited until the *previous* e-mail had been sent successfully before attempting to send the next one.

Does anyone know of a way to test either of those conditions or of an alternate approach to avoid this problem I am having?

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Sending Emails With CDONTs In Russian

I'm sending Russian text in an email generated from the website which displays in the email as ??

The website is set to codepage 65001 and the charset to utf-8.

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CDONTs - Problem Formatting An Email, From Form To Email

I am having a problem formatting an email message which comes from a form.

I am currently having difficulty with the <br> tag which I am using for line spaces within my email. I am getting an expected statement error message which is pointing to the line which is underlined below. I can't think what is causing this.

The code for my processing page is below:-

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Sending Mail From ASP With CDONTS.NewMail Object

I use the following code to send email from an ASP page:

Dim objSendMail
Set objSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

objSendMail.From = ""
objSendMail.To = ""
objSendMail.Subject = "Form Results - Get a Quote"
objSendMail.Body = "This is the Body text of this test mail."
Set objSendMail = Nothing

Of course, the the email addresses above are real on my ASP page.

After the above code is executed, I don't receive any email.

What is the problem?

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Cdonts Email Script Won't Send Email

i used the following script but it won't send the email. any suggestions why?

Dim TBdy
CR = Chr(13)
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
MyCDO.Importance = 1 (Normal)
Set MyCDO = nothing


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Sending HTML Mailer With SWF

I am trying to send the following HTML mail thru the ASP CDO component.

This is the HTML mail i wanna send from Page 1:


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Sending HTML Mailer With SWF

I am trying to send the following HTML mail thru the ASP CDO component.

This is the HTML mail i wanna send from Page 1:

Code: .....

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Email Through CDONTS Using ISP Email Server

I am using CDONTS component to send email in ASP.

The code is some thing like this:

Dim Mail
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
mail.From = "" = ""
mail.subject = "Test Email Subject"
mail.body = "This is Email body message"

Now the question is that this code will use the Default Virtual SMTP Server in IIS, but I want to use my ISP's SMTP server. please tell me how to do this. I have used my ISP's email server in Outlook express and it is working fine. Please do not suggest to use "CDO" or "CDOSYS" to use for sending emails because I must have to use "CDONTS".

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Sending mails using CDONTS works great but I have (for now) just 1 minor problem.
I would like to place the username (of the person located in my database) inside my input-box (type="text") and send that as a page to the person using cdonts.

here's a part of my code (simplified):

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body>"
HTML = HTML & Email: <input type=""text"" name=""email"" value=""<% = strEmail %>"">
HTML = HTML & "</form>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"

So the problem arises at line 5 here. He does not understand the asp-tags inside the text. Anyone who knows how to solve this?

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I am trying to use CDONT to send a HTML message, but on the receiving machine it just shows the code in the message. Code:

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Sending Emails In Html Format

I am trying to send an email from an asp page in html format unfortunately when parenthese appear in the HTML code of the page to be emailed the ASP page reads them and trys to interpret them as ASP code

<div align="center">

any suggestions?

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Sending Mail With Asp From An Html Form

I need to send a form via email using ASP to my client. My form is in HTML.

I'm using method="POST" action="mail.asp"

How do I grab the fields and send them using ASP?

here's the first part of my html:

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Sending Formatted HTML Newsletter

I want to build a system that sends formated HTML newsletter. Like the one we recevive from microsoft. How do we include the whole page with the pictures and style in an e-mail

I am using CDOSY

Do those developers use HTMLBody property or something else

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CDONTS HTML Mails With Images

I got a little problem while sending HTML e-mails with CDONTS.

I generate my e-mail body without problems into a string variable. When I
display it to the browser via a "response.write", it's OK, including images.
Then I set this string variable to the CDONTS.Newmail object (body
property), and I send the mail. Code:

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Html Form Sending Over Blank Data

I have a form that is being sent over to an asp page. About 5% of the time, the form fields are blank when the ASP page is reading them. But when the user hit the submit button, they were not blank, because I have client-side validation that will not allow the submit to occur if any of the fields are blank. When this occurs, all the fields in the request.form object are blank?

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