Sending Fax

Does anyone know how I can integrate an ASP application (made by myself) with another
application that sends fax? I've seen many programs, but I need something that needs only few code rows so that I can integrate these rows in my ASP pages .....

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Sending SMS By ASP

I am woundering if I can write a code in ASP to send SMS by communicating with a mobile phone which is connected to the PC ...

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Sending A Fax From ASP Under XP

I've used the search tool and found several pages regarding sending faxes under ASP, but they all seem to suggest using some internet faxing service.

I don't know if this is possible, and it probably isn't under XP without additional software. (Small company, simple intranet site built on IIS.) I have a PDF form for an agreement for our customers.

Now, I already have a page setup where our reps simply input the customer's email address and it will send the form as an attachment. What I would like to do is make another page where the rep just puts in the customers phone number and it will fax the same pdf to the provided number. Is that possible through ASP on XP?

I've been looking around for some solution and I found this: for W2K.

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Sending Sms

does any one know how to send sms to a mobile phone through a website using asp without using any components.

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Sending FAX

I am looking for some routines or methods (if available ) in ASP where i can send a fax through ASP by pulling the Fax number of the sender from the DB.We have a Faxserver which is WinFAX.

I saw a few softwares but there is some cost involved in it.If anyone knows how i can send a fax through ASP without paying.

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Sending Email

I have a few queries regarding on email. Currently my web hosting provider uses Windows 2003 Server IIS 6.0 to host my ASP websites. In my own PC, I am also currently using Win XP Profession IIS 6.0 to run my ASP files.

I would like to create a pogram that would automatically sent out an email. But the problem is I have know that CDONTS do not work for Windows 2003 Server or XP Professional. It only currently work for Win 2000 Server.

Please help and perhaps show me the code of sending an email out automatically. Is there a code that can work for all servers?

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Sending An Email From Within ASP

I have a form which will be processed by being sent to an ASP page. I would
like the ASP page to take the data from the Request.QueryString (which I
know how to do) and format it so I can have it emailed to me in a nicer
format. My problem is that I do not know how to have ASP send an email. I
know how to send an email using the mailto: protocol by making it look
something like the following: SAGE=mymessage

However, this will usually take the user to their default email client and
ask them to send an email by putting the specified subject and message in
for them, but wait for them to do any desired editing and click their send
button. I simply want the email to be sent straight from ASP. Is this

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Sending An Email

Can anyone provide me with an example how I can send an email through ASP.NET!

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Sending Email

I have made a .asp file in order to send email to my Join Bytes!:

Set mail = Server.CreateObject ("CDONTS.NewMail")
mail.To = ""
mail.From = ""
mail.Subject = "email subject"
mail.Body = "email body"

The smtp function have been installed with the IIS, there is no error and the .asp seems running properly but I can't receive any email, any wrong?

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Sending Email

i have to do a project regarding employee transfer in which sending email to concerned employees yet to be transferred play a pivot role.

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CDO Not Sending Email

I've been using CDO to send email from my web server for a while now but
today the emails aren't being sent. They are in the queue folder on my
server. I've restarted SMTP service but that didn't work. How can I get
these sent?

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Sending Mails

I have emails sending no problem on other sections of the site but the following piece wont send

Where email is stored with a email variable from stored procedure i tested it and the value is the.....

Dim RegMail
Set RegMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
RegMail.From = ""
RegMail.To = email
RegMail.Subject = "ISM Mock Theory Test"
RegMail.TextBody = BodyText
Set RegMail = Nothing

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Sending Mails Using CDO

I want to write a code for sending mails using CDO object in ASP. can it is possible to send mail without mentioning name of smtp server.I am using 2k3 O.S. Also one more problem i am facing , i want to send a mail in HTML format, when receipient receive that mail some times it shows in proper HTML formated mail but some times it not showing(it just shows html tags in mails) . I am using .htmlbody property of cdo object.

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Sending Through Mail

I have already made the form to save itself in an online database. I need to mail it to myself too, what do you recommend me to do?

Some people recommended me ASPEmail, but I didnt understood how to make it works....

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Sending Email

how can send email using ASP?

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ASP Email Sending

Im have made up a form that sends the information via email to an email address. Whenever I test the form though, the email does not display in HTML format. The email displays the html code but I want it to display as an html page.

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Sending Email Via .asp

Set ObjMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail.From = emlFrom
ObjMail.To = emlAddress
ObjMail.Subject = emlSubject
ObjMail.Body = emlBody
Set ObjMail = Nothing

I recently upgraded my webserver from NT4.0 to Windows 2003 Web Edition. Now, the above code no longer works. It worked great on NT4

What do I need to do to make it work with my new server?

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Sending Email In ASP...

I am trying to send an email to someone as the person clicks on a link...i have been trying the CDO, CDONTS, JMail and other methods but none of them work!!an example is as follows:

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."

I Im getting this error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040220'

The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.

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Sending Mail

I' m using opertion system XP PRO,i have instelled the IIs 5.1. im trying to simulate sending email to my outlook express but it'snt working,somebody can tell me if i need to install any other componente?

how to conigurate my smtp(what is my host name,how can i find it)?

I dont want to use external component.

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Sending Emails With Asp

I need some advice on how to write an email script in asp. I am farely new to asp but so far i have manage to understand most of the materials i've covered for this language except for sending emails from a form.

I've read the following tutorial ->URL twice, but i can't get the script working.

What am i doing wrong?

I am working on my personal box at home, do i need to have a mail server running? do i need to have addtional asp component install?

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Sending Email With ASP

I need a way to send an email using a normal HTML form and then taking those values and sending them to myself.

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Sending Mail With PWS

i use a personal web server and i'd like to send a mail into an ASP page.
Usually, i use CDONT component but it seems it does not work on Personal Web

Could anyone tell me what i could use instead?

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Sending Email

Could someone advise me on the best way to send email either using asp or html? I'm not sure which way would be best. Basically I have a page confirming that data has been entered into a database and displaying what has been entered. I then want to have a link to email the information to someone. The email address has already been entered into the database.

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ASP CDO Sending Emails Twice

I have emails being created and sent using CDO and it is working well but, the email is being sent twice. I only call the .send once (per person) but it comes through twice.

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Sending URL Through Querystring

I need to send a URL from a form to another .asp page through the querystring. I can't use request.form because I am uploading images at the same time and it isn't working. It seems to only work when I do Request.Querystring.

So is there a way to do that, I keep getting errors whenever I try I think because the URL has characters in it that messes it up.


But something like this works fine:

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Sending Email With CDO

I asked how to send an email using CDO instead of CDONTS and got several responses. They were all good, I tested the code and it works well. However, I forgot to mention that I need to set the email body to be in HTML rather than in plain text format. Would appreciate if someone could post a complete example on how to do this.

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Sending Many Emails

I have an exchange server, that I sometimes use to perform mail shots to
clients on our database, these can be upwards of 1000 at a time.
As we don't want different clients to see who we are working with we put
these mailshots in the bcc field of the mails.

This can sometimes cause a problem as we are getting alot of mails bounced
back. I would like to write a script to have these emails sent
out individually using the to: field of the mail. I have googled for
examples of doing this but haven't found anything useful yet

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E-mail Sending And DSN

Our server is a Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 3, IIS 5 with Lockdown
Wizard applied.

My first problem is related to CDONTS.NewMail.
Up until recently, I had no problems sending e-mail with this little
utility. Our current development efforts are moving to .NET so it didn't
matter to us that this is something that won't be supported anymore by MS.
However, while we are in the process of flipping to .NET, this is something
we're still using for the time being.

The problem I'm having is that the e-mail is not getting sent at all! I
don't get any errors or anything like that, and when I look at our IIS 4
relaying SMTP mail server, and then look at our big outgoing mail server, I
can't find the e-mail anywhere in there. It's like it vanishes. Can anyone
give any insights?

Secondly, we have an older Access based training application that again, up
until recently was working just fine. I don't know if the IIS lockdown
wizard did something I'm not aware of, but now on the line in the ASP file
where the server goes to open the database using the DSN, I get an
"Unspecified Error"

I checked and found the article about this and tried all of
the tricks mentioned there for this error message. Granting the
IUSR_machinename account read/write access toe the TEMP directory got me
further into the file, but it didn't get me far enough to finish it because
later on in the file, when the server goes to open another connectio nthe
the database, I get he same problem. I cannot modify the source code on
this page without killing our support contract or warranty on the product.
Can anyone give me any thoughts on this one?

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Sending Email

I have tried to use this peace of code to send test email

If Request.form("submit")="Submit" Then
Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.To = "alex@alex"
objMail.From = "alex@alex"
objMail.Subject = "Feedback"
objMail.BodyFormat = "0" ' -- HTML format
objMail.Body = "Name: "
Set objMail = Nothing
end if

It works fine but when I go to the drop folder it is filling it with hundreds of emails. When I look inside pickup folder there is only one email message. Does anyone knows why the drop folder is constantly filling with new email messages?It looks like it repeats it all the time like some kind of loop.I am using it locally for testing only

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Sending Mails

I have done a ASP Prog where when the user submits the form an email is sent to the resp person.The problem is all the mails are going and sitting in the mail folder and are not moving from there to the mail id's. Can anyone tell me what i would have missed? Code:

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Data Sending

i used a check box in a loop:
<input type="checkbox" name="Inv" id="Inv" value="<%= rstMain("TR_ID")

n transfered the value to the next page...wats the best way to transfer
the data to a 3rd page

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Sending Information In A URL

I would like to have my application send a 'request' to an ASP page on my server. something like:-"Fred"&age="25"

The browser then displays the full URL including the
parameters: name="Fred" and age="25"

Is there any way I can send the parameters without them appearing in the URL.

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Sending Email

I am using an asp page to send email from a access database. I would like it to send an HTML version if it can, and if not then it will send plaintext. I have seen this feature before, but not sure if asp can handle it.

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