Sendmail Autosponder

How to send an response to the email of the person submitting a form. The code I'm showing is a stripped down version. The actual script sends a HTML copy of the form variables to me and an HTML page of the form to screen for printing. This all works fine but I now need this form to send a simple response message to the sender. Code:

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CDO Sendmail

I use a CDO function I have developed to send, as well as attaching a file, to a receipient. However, an error occurs when attempting to attach a file, i.e. protocol error. I have checked that the file is reference via the fullpath to the exact location on the server and that the file exists.

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Simple Sendmail With CDO

This code is working partially fine

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = ""

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = Request.Form("E-Mail")
cdoMessage.To = Request.Form("sendto")
cdoMessage.Subject = "Tilbakemelding fra nettsiden"
cdoMessage.TextBody = strBody
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing
Response.redirect Request.form("resulturl")

Well, this works with only some addresses and not others.


will work...

On the other hand:

won't work at all...

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Sendmail Autoreply

I've got a sendmail script which works fine and requests the data from the fields in my form and sends it to my e-mail address.

Now I want to send an automatic reply to people who submit my form.

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Sendmail Script

I've created a form that calls an asp file, which should then order the responses neatly to be sent by email. I've done this before on other sites, and have compared the code again and again, and cannot find a problem with the code - but it won't work. It does send the email, but the only response I get back is for the Special Instructions section of the form - no name, address, etc. The form can be seen at:
(I've tried this as both html and asp, no difference)
which calls up
which then sends to the browser this page

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I have never encountered this error before. Any ideas on
where to start looking? I believe that my application is
attempting to send me an error message, but one of my
types (?) of the message I am loading up is invalid? What
can I do with SendMail, or where can I find the types

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Creating Email Using Sendmail

I have found out my webhost doesn't support CDO or CDONTS(Sun ONE Active
Server Pages with SpikePack unavailable).
So, my question, is it possible to write an ASP page to call their sendmail
to sent email? Or will I have to do some quick learning on cgi?

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Text Area Carriage Returns Don't Work With Sendmail Script.

I am using the asp sendmail script from brainjar. But I'm using a text area instead of input field for comments. Is there a function that I should run this thru in order to get it to recoginize carriage returns. Currently it won't send anything after the first carriage return.

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AspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 Error '8004001a', 504 Invalid Username Or Password

Let me start by saying I'm fairly new to Asp coding. That said...

My ISP only uses AspSmartMail. I've created an online form that uses fill out, which is then e-mailed to the collector of the information and CC-ed to the person who submitted the information.

The error I'm receiving is this:
aspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 error '8004001a'
504 Invalid Username or Password

In my script, I've Dimensioned several items, as you'll see below, passing the authenticating username/password to the smtp server, but it's not working. I tried not passing the information by entering in the actual info without it being passed by the diminsioned items. This didn't work either. I of course verified that the username/password I'm usine is correct.

Can someone plase tell me why I can't authenicate? I would really appreciate any help that might be out there.

Relavant Asp code below:
Dim smtpserver,youremail,yourpassword,yourusername,rem oteemail

'Edit these 3 values accordingly
smtpserver = ""
youremail = ""
yourpassword = "password"
yourusername = "yourusername"
remoteemail = "email_address_to_send_to"

Dim ObjSendMail
Set ObjSendMail = Server.CreateObject("AspSmartMail.SmartMail")

'Config remote SMTP server info.

ObjSendMail.Server = smtpserver
ObjSendMail.ServerTimeOut = 35
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = youremail
ObjSendMail.Password = yourpassword
ObjSendMail.Username = yourusername

'End remote SMTP server config.

'Config E-mail.
ObjSendMail.Recipients.Add remoteemail
ObjSendMail.CCs.Add Request.Form("Confirm_Email")
ObjSendMail.Subject = "Email Subject"
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = ""
ObjSendMail.SenderName = "SenderName"

ObjSendMail.ContentType = "text/html"
ObjSendMail.Body = strBody
'Note - strBody is Dimensioned elsewhere in my script to build the HTML message body.

'End Config E-mail.


if err.number <> 0 then

response.write("Error n° " & err.number - vbobjecterror & " = " & err.description & "<br>")


Response.Write "aspSmartMail has sent your message with this file as attachment : <br>"
'Response.Write ObjSendMail.Attachments.Item(1).FilePathName

end if

Set ObjSendMail = Nothing

End code

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AspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 40 Error '80040028'

I use aspSmartMail without any problem, but when trying to send a html message to my list of subscribers, I got the following error for all of them excepted for my own adress email (and my message appears correctly in html format)

aspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 40 error '80040028'

Error when check Recipient address : 550 not local host, not a gateway ...

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