Sequential Numbering Of Recordsets

I am trying to add in another column on the left of this table to retun a sequential counts as to how many records I have returned. Such as

1 Mike
2 Steve
3 Susan
4 Sarah
5 Emily

But I can't figure out how to do it. Code:

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Say I had a query which listed the below, from the database:


How could I write something so that however many results are returned it automatically numbers them like this:

1 Fiesta
2 Citron
3 Metro
4 Skoda
5 Mondeo

So that no matter how many results came out it would just keep on numbering...?

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Numbering With Asp

i need some one to help me how to do numbering with asp. for example if i want to display 10 titles in a page and the others shown on the next pages.i.e etc.
thanks for quick response.

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Numbering The Data

When you pull out some certain data from the DB, this is generally how it looks like in a table...
jill 123
jeff 444
alex 611
steve 244

But my question is that, how do you LIST the data beside them? its nothing to do with the table ID, its just when you pull the data out of the DB, you could use the ASP function ( I do believe there has to be one?) to number the data? This is how I mean...

1. jill 123
2. jeff 444
3. alex 611
4. steve 244

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Auto Numbering

i am auto numbering with sql in asp. my auto code worked but i am restructing my tables and i came across my auto numbered fields. my question is when you use auto number does it give an default field length in mssql and if it dose how do you specifi how long you want the field to be.

here is a sinpit of my code for a table using auto numbering.

"Con_Fname VarChar(25), "&_

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Line Numbering On Writing Or Retrieving

I have two little programs, one which writes the name of a file into a log file when it is accessed by a visitor and the other to read the log file at any stage in its building. At either step, it would be useful to increment each line and see the number.

It would probably be easiest when reading the log file. I'm using: Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( myCounterFile, 1 ) and then:
mytext=replace(Txt.ReadAll,vbcrlf,"<br>"). I'm guessing an incremented number goes in between but haven't been able to figure out the syntax or the modification. Also not sure if that "vbcrlf,"<br>" isn't redundant.

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Auto Numbering (letter-number)

i want to make a data field with an auto numbering , but i exactly want is like this CT-1 , CT-2,CT-3 , the Ct letters must be before the autonumber , so its seems to me in that case i cant choose the dat field in my db as int and choose identity Yes cause the identity seed will be an integer only and no way to put with it a number.

so i want to make throw asp and put this datfield as a char so it can accept the(letter-number)value , so how can the asp make an autonumbering, and know what the lastnumber so it can add 1 to it.

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Too May Recordsets?

im building a page which has a few while loops. this means that im inevitably going to end up with about 20 recordsets on the page. will this slow the page down at all? its quite a lot of hits to the database/server. the results the recordsets will be returning wont be that big though.

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Can ADO Recordsets

My ASP code creates an ADO recordset object on the server.

Later on the same page, I have a javascript code snippet that I use to
dynamically populate a drop-down box based on choices made in another
drop-down box. Can this javascript (or a server-side equivalent)

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Multiple Recordsets

Is there a way of using multiple recordsets with the same connection?

My recordset at the moment inserts data into the database, and i want to have a drop down box with data already within the database, as well as the insert recordset, is there a way of doing this?

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Multiple Recordsets

Am having trouble opening multiple recordsets - keep getting the er:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.

/eft/postflight4.asp, line 146

Have checked the permissions and the user has full access.


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Creating Sub-recordsets

How do I create a recordset from another?

sSQL1="SELECT * FROM ThisTable" sSQL1,conn

sSQL2="Select * from (rs1?) WHERE name='fred' " sSQL2,conn

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Show Recordsets

I create a page which will show me all the Regions from the table "RegionTable" where I have no information (empty fields) in on of the fields RegionDescription or RegionRank.
It is to make my content managing easier. I do not want to see those records which contain all the necessary info (region description and rank).
I tried the following code, but it does not work

qry = "SELECT * FROM RegionTable WHERE RegionDescription="" AND RegionRank="" "

error message is:
([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1)

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Recordsets Vs. Arrays?

Is there a performance advantage to parsing thru a recordset verus using an array?

I'm currently trying to populate a listbox by returning data from my database, then either parsing thru the recordset until I reach the EOF, or putting the data into an array.

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Sorting Recordsets

I have never sorted a recordset - using rs.Sort - i have no problem sorting it in SQL.
All the tutorials i get say that i have to use a client cursor location, so this is my code:

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Pagination Recordsets

Let's say you have pages 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 and you're on page 3. How do you make the code so that 3 will be without url?

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Destroying Recordsets

Assuming I had a recordset set up like this:

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

is it enough to close out the code with

set rs=nothing

or is there a benefit to
set rs=nothing ?

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Using Multiple Recordsets?

im building a site for a clinic. they want to have a calendar which displays the times for each day that are available for appointments.

at the moment i have a calendar on my page. i want to display the correct times for each day. should i use one big recordset that gets all the times/dates from the db or cycle through each day and create a recordset for each day that there are times available (some days the clinic wont be open)?

if i go with the latter option, i could potentially have 30 recordsets open. is there a fast way to execute recordsets.

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Nested Recordsets

I have an array of items and for each item I need to find sizes and and for each size I need to find colors The array of items comes from the previous page. Code:

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Sorting By Recordsets Value

I have a table that is just dumping an entire database data. I would like to have the values of the columns re-sort the data. Not the column heads for the data displayed under the column head varies.

For example, one column, Components, displays 80 components types and another column, Category, displays 40 categories types. When a visitor clicks on one of the component values, it should then display only that data. I've done this before but, it has been a very long time. I remember creating a link surrounding the recordset in my table but what was written.

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How Do I Compare 2 Recordsets?

I have 2 recordsets. One contains all customer info data, the other recordset contains 1 field of customer id's.

How do I create a recordset that contains all customer information (from the 1st recordset)for only the customers in the customer id recordset (2nd recordset)?

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Working With 2 Recordsets

I have two different query in my ASP page:

- the first is the list of all my users:
"SELECT DISTINCT lastname, id FROM table1"

- the second is the list of users that join a meeting:

"SELECT DISTINCT lastname, id FROM table1, table2 WHERE table2.codeMeeting = " & Request("code") & " AND ="

I want to show all the users in a table (with a FOR loop), with a checkbox that is checked if the users join the meeting (= if users is in the 2° recordset)

How can I do?

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IF Statement Using Recordsets

I need the IF statement to check 2 recordsets.

If the first recordset has data within then write this to the asp page, If not and the second recordset has data in, then write this to the asp page, then finally if neither of the recordests contain data and are NULL to write 'No Records'

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Closing Recordsets

I realize that sometimes you can use recordsets that were never opened (like when you're adding a record to a db) and I realize that you cannot close a recordset such as this.

But for the ones that ARE open, should they be closed first and then set to nothing?

Also,I'm trying to create code that checks if a recordset is open. If so, I wnat to close it. How would I do that?

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JOIN Recordsets

Is it possible to INNER JOIN two recordsets in ASP?I don't mean the normal JOIN you would use with two tables, but actually join the recordsets in ASP?

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Close All Recordsets

Is it possible to move to all the open RS and connections? I open different recordsets on my page and in the end I need to close them and close connection. Problem is I need a function to do that to have it on every page.

Is it possible to travel through all open recordsets like it is possible to travel through all the querystrings and form data?

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Paged Recordsets

What is the best way to produce these? Is there a SQL statement thatselects, say, records 30-40 from the results?

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Recordsets With Images

I have a record that either says "UP" or "DOWN" . I'd like to associate the "UP" record with an image and a static webpage. I'd like to associate the "DOWN" record with a different image and different link to a static webpage.

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Closing ADO Recordsets

I have in the back of my mind and knowing the importance of using close(rsname) to close a recordset once it has been finished with, is whether any recordsets have been left open accidentally.

Is there, therefore, a way of listing all open recordsets, without specifiying the name of the recordset? ie. "For each key in recordset". Do recordsets get closed after a period of non-use?

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Classes And Recordsets

Assuming I create an object as below

Dim objMainItem
Set objMainItem = New ItemContent
objMainItem.item_id = 1

and the class ItemContent creates a recordset based on the item_id passed in. Each item record contains the fields (header,label,content). I would like to reference the fields in the following format

<%= objMainItem.header %

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Displaying Recordsets

I'm trying to display different recordsets (which are 1 field each) as columns right next to one another. For example, Recordset1 is displayed on the left hand side of the screen. Recordset2 is displayed immediately to the right of then first recordset with the first rows or each at the same level.

Recordset3 is displayed to the right of Recordset2 and so on. There is no set limit to the number of possible recordsets (or columns to display). Imagine a spreadsheet where each column is a different recordset. How can I display that using ASP?

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Paging Through Recordsets

Anyone know of a good thread, or tutorial on a an EFFICIENT way of paging through a recordset using asp and sqlserver.My tables are about 20,000 records each. Things needed.

1,_Previous Record Link
2.-List of the number of pages of recordsets returned (in a link format)--to where if the user wanted to click on the page 10 link, that the page would take them to the tenth page.
3. List of how many pages and records the query string returned
4.- Next Record Link .

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