Serer Side Include Recordsets

Is it possible to put all recordsets in external files, reference the recordset through a server Side Include and then use the reordset to display data for instance, I have a search page that will post a value of x A search results page where the results of x are displayed, but the recordset is held on recordset1 page?

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Server Side Include

I have page which uses two server includes. The first displays a random banner advert. The second displays a form containing dropdown boxes populated from a database.

The includes work seperately but when I include them together I am getting an error. The includes share the same database but use different tables.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing the conflict between the two includes?

Here is my code for the BANNER .....

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Server Side Include With IIS 6

When using a Server side include in IIS 6.0 in an .asp page to include connection information I get the following error: Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified. The pages work fine on IIS 5 but give me this error even though I can test the ODBC Connection and it works fine.

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Is It Possible To Include ASP In A Client Side Image Map?

I want to retrieve some data from my database when certain parts of my map are clicked, and display them onto the same page. how would i go about doing this? (if at all possible) .....

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Random Server Side Include

Don't have any experience with ASP but am trying to cobble together a page that randomly loads one of three server side includes. My code so far is below but of course it doesn't work. Any pointers?

Response.write("<!--#include file='includes/home" & INT((3)*RND()) & ".txt' -->")

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Server Side Include Inside Of Script

Can I separate the code inside of script into SSI files so that I have reusable code? Is it even possible?

' code
<!--#include file="" -->
' more code
%> has this content in it:

strHTML = strHTML & "Questions about this application?<P>Please contact the helpdesk:

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ASP: Implementing Server Side Include Using Query Strings

I have a provider to implement domain name search and another to receive variables from my site and save them on thier site.

we are using MS ASP scripts on my site.

We want to be able to implement an include file to show the results of the form process from their website.

Currenlty i tried the ASP script below but it fails, complaining of the end if statement, when i remove it, it doesnt show anything. Code:

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Opening Server-side Excel File Then Modifying It Client Side Using Vbscript

is it possible to open an excel file (used as a template) from server using server-side vbscript; then modify it or add values from client using client-side vbscript?

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Passing Client-side Array Index To Server Side Script

Following is a vbscript code extract triggered by a combobox OnChange event. arrVendorA and arrdefpack are server side arrays and i need the intCounter parameter to be the array index. Code:

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(intCounter)%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(intCounter)%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext = cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(intCounter)%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Array, Client-side Index Problem

The following code is giving me a type mismatch error at the 'if' statements... any ideas, anyone ?

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(" & intCounter & ")%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(" & intCounter & ")%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext =
cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(" & intCounter & ")%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Vbscript Call With Javascript Client-side

How do I go about calling a server-side vbscript within a client-side
javascript function? What I have is a page heavy on the javascript that has
a number of functions, one of which is to begin a visual countdown with an
onclick and also open an asp page containing the server-side vbscript, which
initiates a wake-on-lan call. I had no idea how to call the vbscript within
the javascript function, so this is why I opted for the vbscript asp page
"pop-up" via Code:

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Client-side Confirm() Needs To Run Before Server-side Code

I check to see if a certain submission button is asking for removal. If the removal is true, I update a recordset's delete column. This has been tested and it works. However, now I'd like to prompt the user to make sure that he/she wants to remove the record. Here's the code: ....

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Can Client Side Scripts See Server Side Form?

I have a Client Side Java Script which is supposed to re-load the options on my serverside ASP form.

I have been trying to get the syntax right to assign the Select box on the ASP form to a variable in my JavaScript so I can update the options. Can anyone either tell me if this is not possible or what the syntax should be. Here is some information.

Form Name = AddProdForm
Select Box name = subprodline
JavaScript Variable = form1

Here is one of the many versions of this line I have tried.

var form1=document.forms(""AddProdform"");

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Executing Server Side .exe File From Client Side

I m writing one code to invoke remote desktop service for given IP address. For that i m using mstsc.exe file to invoke RDP.

I have a no of links to be displayed on the page and on click of link, RDP for that IP should be called. Currently i m using one button to invoke RDP. Code:

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Tables - Server-side Vs. Client-side?

I am starting to build quite a few pages that will have
tables of data from an SQL database.

I have been building the table rows on the server side
in VBScript, but I have been thinking about having the
VBScript code just build array variables in the <head>
section (or as local variables), and then have JavaScript
functions on the client side actually populate the tables
when the page loads.

I do plan to do other things like being able to sort the
tables in JavaScript code on the client, limit the tables
height and be able to scroll the rows, and click on a row
in the table, and have the values populate a form. I will
also need to be able to export/download/? some tables into

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2 Divs Side-by-side Causing Me Grief

I wanted to just use standard INPUT buttons and colourise them, but user's
of my web app want to continue creating their own buttons and using these in
css. Before I used straightforward images, but creating an image for each
button was a mare. You see this is all to do with giving people the ability
to change the look of the web app, in other words a skin, using nothing more
than pics and css files.

My theory was that I create a div, span or whatever for the left hand side
of the button and ref the image (in css) to be a 2px wide img that can have
the curved left hand edge of the button.

I would then put a div, span or whatever next to this and the reference
image would be a really long image (horizontally speaking) so that if the
button text was long then this would keep moving to the right and
accommodate basically any text length. Code:

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Client Side And Server Side Validation

I am doing login page . (login.asp)As usual it has username , password textbox and a login button .i need to do client side validation for mandatory fields and I need to do server side validations to check for the hardcoded username and password .if it matches i have to redirect to another page(content.asp)

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Client Side Asp Within Server Side Asp

im trying to use the following code to log whenever a user clicks through
this particlular message box - however, this currently logs regardless of
whether or not the message box was clicked - im assuming this is because the
server-side code can't see the client side if condition. but how can i set
the varMsgBox variable as a server-side variable? Code:

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Server Side Script Inside Client Side Script Allowed?

I have a sub routine called when I click on a button. It is inside VBScript tags (client side). Can I do server-side scripting inside that?

<script language="vbscript">
sub cmdButton_Click

'can I do this
<% strValid = "Update" %>

End Sub

Would be nice but don't think it works. Anyone know for sure?

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Too May Recordsets?

im building a page which has a few while loops. this means that im inevitably going to end up with about 20 recordsets on the page. will this slow the page down at all? its quite a lot of hits to the database/server. the results the recordsets will be returning wont be that big though.

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Can ADO Recordsets

My ASP code creates an ADO recordset object on the server.

Later on the same page, I have a javascript code snippet that I use to
dynamically populate a drop-down box based on choices made in another
drop-down box. Can this javascript (or a server-side equivalent)

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Multiple Recordsets

Is there a way of using multiple recordsets with the same connection?

My recordset at the moment inserts data into the database, and i want to have a drop down box with data already within the database, as well as the insert recordset, is there a way of doing this?

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Multiple Recordsets

Am having trouble opening multiple recordsets - keep getting the er:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.

/eft/postflight4.asp, line 146

Have checked the permissions and the user has full access.


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Creating Sub-recordsets

How do I create a recordset from another?

sSQL1="SELECT * FROM ThisTable" sSQL1,conn

sSQL2="Select * from (rs1?) WHERE name='fred' " sSQL2,conn

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Show Recordsets

I create a page which will show me all the Regions from the table "RegionTable" where I have no information (empty fields) in on of the fields RegionDescription or RegionRank.
It is to make my content managing easier. I do not want to see those records which contain all the necessary info (region description and rank).
I tried the following code, but it does not work

qry = "SELECT * FROM RegionTable WHERE RegionDescription="" AND RegionRank="" "

error message is:
([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1)

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Recordsets Vs. Arrays?

Is there a performance advantage to parsing thru a recordset verus using an array?

I'm currently trying to populate a listbox by returning data from my database, then either parsing thru the recordset until I reach the EOF, or putting the data into an array.

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Sorting Recordsets

I have never sorted a recordset - using rs.Sort - i have no problem sorting it in SQL.
All the tutorials i get say that i have to use a client cursor location, so this is my code:

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Pagination Recordsets

Let's say you have pages 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 and you're on page 3. How do you make the code so that 3 will be without url?

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Destroying Recordsets

Assuming I had a recordset set up like this:

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

is it enough to close out the code with

set rs=nothing

or is there a benefit to
set rs=nothing ?

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Using Multiple Recordsets?

im building a site for a clinic. they want to have a calendar which displays the times for each day that are available for appointments.

at the moment i have a calendar on my page. i want to display the correct times for each day. should i use one big recordset that gets all the times/dates from the db or cycle through each day and create a recordset for each day that there are times available (some days the clinic wont be open)?

if i go with the latter option, i could potentially have 30 recordsets open. is there a fast way to execute recordsets.

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Nested Recordsets

I have an array of items and for each item I need to find sizes and and for each size I need to find colors The array of items comes from the previous page. Code:

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Sorting By Recordsets Value

I have a table that is just dumping an entire database data. I would like to have the values of the columns re-sort the data. Not the column heads for the data displayed under the column head varies.

For example, one column, Components, displays 80 components types and another column, Category, displays 40 categories types. When a visitor clicks on one of the component values, it should then display only that data. I've done this before but, it has been a very long time. I remember creating a link surrounding the recordset in my table but what was written.

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How Do I Compare 2 Recordsets?

I have 2 recordsets. One contains all customer info data, the other recordset contains 1 field of customer id's.

How do I create a recordset that contains all customer information (from the 1st recordset)for only the customers in the customer id recordset (2nd recordset)?

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