Serious Problems With Webserver Permissions For ASP Application

i am currently having terrible problems with settings the permissions on my ASP application.

I currently have a ASP application that i currently read the data of what are in the folder on my webserver. ASP performs functions like a count of how many files are in the folder.

My problem is this; my appilcation will only work if i have the permissions on each folder with SERVERNAMEUSERS. Everybody is on this list, and i only want a select number of users to have access to this. If i get rid of the SERVERNAMEUSERS from my application and put my DOMAINUSERNAME in (with Administrator access), it comes up with Access Denied.

Is there a way that i could get around this, even with a bit of code in my application to authentic the users i want to have access.

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My Own Webserver

i already setup my own webserver running under win xp prof.. i know that it can only accomodate 10 people at a time.. my questions are the following
1. what OS should i use to accomodate 200 to 500 people at the same time?
2. what should i use MsSql or MYSql?
3. What firewall, virus protection softwares should i use?

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New Webserver

Just moved my old webpages to another webserver and now I get this error.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Unknown /skema/skemaunderviser.asp, line 79

Code around line 79
set rsSidstOpdateret = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
set rsWeek = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
SQLSidstOpdateret = "SELECT * FROM TblDagsDato" SQLSidstOpdateret, conn, 1,1
SQLGetWeek = "SELECT * FROM TblUger ORDER BY STARTDATO" SQLGetWeek, conn, 3,3 (LINE 79)

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Finding The Webserver Name

I need to create a new application in our test server. I am using VID for
that purpose. In order to set up the project in VID, it asks me 'which server
you want to use'. However, I do not have the name of the test server. Is
there any way to configure the name of the server here? I have full rights to
the server directory and is mapped on my machine as G drive.

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Secondary Webserver

Is it possible to create a script that can check the availability of an ip address of the primary site and then redirect it according to its conditions?

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Could Not Run Asp File On My Webserver

I am using windows 2000 server with IIS already install. I have copied test.asp file to wwwroot directory and tried to run it but it did not work ..and i gave me this error msg.


The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer

I have even tried to run the iisstart.asp and localstart.asp which already
exist at wwroot directory when IIS is installed.However, it still could not work.

Does anyone know why ? I how do i know that the webserver and ASP engine is working properly.

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Setting My Webserver

I've just developed an website with SQL Server 2000 database. I wish to host it on my own pc. My computer specs are:

AMD 64 3500+
250G HDD 18MB Buffer
Windows 2003

I was going to install IIS as webserver.what other software do i need and what else i have to set? for sure i have to buy a domain name and redirect it to my ip address.

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Webserver Services

I know I have seen a script on here before that would tell what services are installed on a webserver. We have a an old form that sends via CDONTS and the new webserver is running 2003.

I know they could install the CDONTS but it takes them too long to get back to us and I'm sure they wouldn't want to install it. Could some one possibly point me out to the script so I can find out what to use to send the form?

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Webserver Is Locking Up

i am having this problem with my webserver. everytime i run an asp application that will display pictures, my server will lock up. i used to this it was due to the asp itself, but whenever i run asp apps that display pics, it works fine.

this only happens when i access my websites from my personal computer within my network. whenever i access the sites from outsite my network, it runs fine. is this a problem due to my server or is it because of the data that flows through my network?? any thoughts?

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Unable To Contact Webserver

I have IIS. I have interdev. whenever I am trying to contact the shows what I have written in the title.

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Excel Have To Be Installed On Webserver To Run With ASP

If i am using ASP to extract data from an excel file, does excel definitely have to be installed on the web server? The file will be located on a separate folder away from the web server.

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Updating Access MDB On Webserver

how/if I can update records within a Windows hosted Access MDB file directly as I can on Unix based webhosting systems with phpMyAdmin on MySQL databases.

I have an app written in ASP that uses an MDB, that I am currently testing out and each time I want to update the MDB I need to amend my local copy then re-upload it. how?

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Protect Documents And Images On Webserver

Is it a way I can protect my documents and images on a webserver without having direct access to administrate the webserver.

When I make an asp page I protect the information pulised on this page easy. But if I link to some images and pdf files on my site, these are not protected. If a person get the url to this image or file thei can easy download it.

One way to protect these files is to store them in a database, but is there another way to protect them.

Can I for example password protect a folder where I can put all my files and images? Here I mean password protect a folder without having direct access to the webserver.

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How To Call A Sun One Webserver Plugin From A Asp Page

How to call a sun one webserver plugin from. I want to call NSAPI SAFs from a asp page.
I need a example that how to call SAFs from a client browser....

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ASP/IIS Communicating With A VB Based Executable On The Webserver.

I am test developing an internal webserver, on Windows XP, and IIS 5.1, with
ASP and MySQL.

One specific page is created from user input and database records in
previous pages and presents a page with customised data and a webform. It
then takes input from the form and session variables and passes these to an
vb exe in the the wwwroot using the from

http://localhost/example.exe?testparameters. The vb exe takes the command
line parameter input and does its thing and it all works, but I am aware
this is a very insecure way of doing this and I implemented this only as a
quick workaround so I could test implement it all then refine it for

My question is, what is the best way for input to be passed from a web form
to an vb executable for it to do its thing. The exe will eventually
preferably run as a service, or at least all ways be active on the server,
and not starting for every request then ending, as I was hoping to allow for
sorting and queueing of requests passed to the exe, before they are
executed. Code:

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ASP Site Wont Work On Webserver

Ive build an asp website which works on my local machine and also works when i upload it to other web spaces, but when i upload to one web hosting space - it doesnt (which also happens to be where the client wants it to be).

There are other asp sites running from that location too - which just puzzles me. Would it be something to do with that i use dsn less connections and the other ones use dsn?

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ASP Force Download Of File From Webserver

I am creating an asp application which is essentially a file management app. I am trying to get my head around a technically issue wonder if someone can offer some help.

I want to be able to force the download of the files are attached to a particular record.
The code which i use to force the download is:

strPath = "C:MyFiles"
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
' Build path to file
strPath = uploadfilepathactual
Path = strPath & "" & strFileName
Upload.SendBinary Path, True, "application/octet-binary", True

I want to be able to change the path to say something like

strPath = servernamec$myfiles

Is the above possible. Any other alternatives.

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Save File From Webserver To Clients Pc

The client needs to save a file on his pc which is located on the server disk. What can be the solution for this?

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Webserver's Datetime Synchronisation With Database

My database and webserver is located at different place.My application is date and time based. There is always some time gap between application and database ,i have some database triggered which also data and time based.

Since Database and webserver's data time is not synchronised results a lot of problem ,i want to fix this one.

1) One solution would be some Operating system based.

2) But i am interested in some asp code ,which cane help me to synchronise my webserver's datatime in tune with database (oracle 8i) keeping database time is slandered.

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ASP LDAP Query Working On Localhost But Not Webserver

I am using classic asp and making a
connection to LDAP server using SQL code under IIS 5 on my localhost
and it works great. I have a form and form fields that pull from
active directory. Now, once I get the web team to deploy these files
to the webserver where all users will be able to run this app.(this
server is using IIS 6), my form fields show up blank. For the life of
me I cannot see what is wrong or different except the IIS version.
Also, I have gotten the IIS logs and they don't tell me anything.

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How To Avoid Downloading A File Directly From Webserver ?

I need to provide a way to download a software and its corresponding
manual from a web page.

So far I have done the sign in page where people give their data. I
will then give access to a page with a link allowing to download the
required file(s).

My worry is how to avoid that somebody grabs the URL of the file and
send it to another for downloading directly from the server. What can
I do to avoid this ?

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How Do I Install A MSI File From Webserver On The Client Machine.

I have a web server running on a machine. When the users
connect to that machine, it loads the ASP page. The ASP
page has a ActiveX control on it and it gets downloaded to
the client's machine. I have made the control as a signed
control so there is no problem in download.

Likewise, in the virtual directory path on the server, I
have one clientsettings.MSI and that needs to be run on
the server. Whenever the user tries to connect to the web
page, in onload event of the web page, the .MSI file
should be installed on the clients machine. For this to
happen what all needs to be done ?

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Automatic File Forwarding From Webserver To Local Server

Having finally mastered freeASPUpload, I really want the files being uploaded to the web server to automatically be forwarded to my local inhouse server. I'm sure there has to be a way.

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Uploading Test Asp Page With Sql Server 2000 Onto Webserver

I've been trying to create a test site - The site uses ASP with VBscript and talks to SQL Server 2000. I was able to complete and test it on my locally on my computer using Microsoft’s IIS 5.1. The website communicated fine with the database on the webserver/network server

However, when I tried to save the site from my local computer to the wwwroot folder in the server’s IIS hoping to make the internal site available to everyone here the resulting error comes up when we try to open a page with a recordset connected to the database: -

Our Error: -
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'AUMBSDDSSIUSR_AUMBCOMP'.
/mysite/htm/test2.asp, line 8

The page calls on an include file

Code: ....

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GLOBAL.ASA Recognize File Located In Subdirectory Of Webserver?

Will IIS6.0 recognize a global.asa file located in a subdirectory on the webserver?

I'd like a file that will execute whenever a file in the subdirectory is browsed - or, at least it is executed the first time a file in the subdirectory is browsed.

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Seeking Recommendations For Webserver/site Support Service

We are in need of someone to diagnose a nagging problem we've been
experiencing with our website over the pass few months that has been getting
worse. The site runs on a dedicated Windows 2000 server (IIS 5.0), and is
exclusively ASP.

The problem is the HTTP service has been having intermittent outages (other
services remain OK); a vast majority of the time these outages occur in the
night time hours. An outage last anywhere from a few minutes to hours.

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FTP And IIS Permissions

I need to set an online directory and file the write permissions,fot JET to use it's temp file whthout problems.

Im using ACE FTP Freeware,and the properties I ask for each element directory and each file says that the write permissions are OK, but I still got errors while trying to update it online.How can I change IIS permissions?

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Dll Permissions

I have a compiled activex dll component on my server. When I log into the website under the administrator I can successfully access the dll, however using another windows NT user simply shows 'unable to create component due to permission'.I have ensured that the user in question has all writes to the dll file on the server, including the IUSR and IWAM accounts.

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Permissions Error

i got somethiung about permissions or something, like when
i goto my site, and theres a bunch of bs about folder
permissions set to non read... whats up witht that????

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Folder Permissions

Does anyone know of an asp script, online somewhere, that I can use to find
out the permissions of a folder? My ISP says these folders have full
permissions, but my programs say "permission denied". I don't know if it is
the programming, or if the folder don't really have the right permissions.

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List Permissions

Is there a way to list the permissions on a directory in my web folder? Like group permissions and such

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Permissions Configured

I keep getting"Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN "
errors pointing to my connection string when the same connection string
is working for a few of my other pages.The MSAccess database does have
the right permissions configured. Below is code I'm using:

dbcon="DBQ=" & Server.Mappath("diary.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access
Driver (*.mdb)};"
Set calConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
calConn.Open dbcon%>
<%dim freetsql,rsfree
freetsql = "select text_field from diary where dte ='" & dfm & "'"
set rsfree = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsfree.Open freetsql,calConn,3 %>

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ADSI Permissions

I know this isn't the best group to ask this in - but I also know a lot of
you have experience with this kind of stuff
I'm going to be creating a site where customers will be able to set up their
own sub-site (ie. I'll need to be able to
create virtual directories on-the-fly, so I plan on using ADSI to accomplish
this. My question is - what are my options when it comes to permissions?
Will I need to give the IUSR account admin permissions to create these
directories, or is there some way to impersonate an admin account on the
script creating the directories? Has anyone dealt with this before?

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