Server Side Validation Required

Should i to validate all the "Request"s calls
like Request.FORM("...") and Request.Cookies("...")

if it is so, i have to see inside
every "Input" elements like "Text" and even "Hidden"
and every Request.Cookies i'm using ???

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Client Side And Server Side Validation

I am doing login page . (login.asp)As usual it has username , password textbox and a login button .i need to do client side validation for mandatory fields and I need to do server side validations to check for the hardcoded username and password .if it matches i have to redirect to another page(content.asp)

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Server-Side Validation

I've been pulling my hair out with javScript to no avail, so I just want to do this through some simple server-side form validation of a radio button.
All I want to do is check that the radio is selected.Code:

1. Which method of learning are you seeking?
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Traditional"> Traditional<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="100% Online"> 100% Online<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Hybrid (Mix of online and traditional classes)"> Hybrid (<em>Mix of online and traditional classes</em>)<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Not Sure"> Not sure<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Server Side Validation And JS

I am using javascript and server side validation. This is a scenario for if someone has javascript turned off and the server side validation comes into play.
I have a form which submits to a hidden page which retrieves the data and the submits it to a db. When the data is posted, I am doing server validation checks before submitting to the db ie.
if str = "" or str = "" then
print this page saying 'please complete all fields'.
Now the user has to user their back browser button to get back to the form. The problem is that sometimes the values they entered into the form are there and sometimes they aren't. How can I ensure that the values they entered are still in the form?

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Server Side Validation

When the moderator jmurrayhead reviewed my website he pointed me a good point that I never though would be a problem but could be. He said that turning off the browser's javascript my sign in form or other form that uses javascript won't work the way they should.
He advised to ensure I validate everything server-side instead. My queastion is how can I validate an email address on the server-side? Do I have to uses javascript too?

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How Server Side Validation Works

Can someone please explain to me what server side validation is and how this works, also where do you put this, and in which programming language do you write this. Some examples are also welkom.I've never used this but I want to learn how.

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Basic-- Server-side Validation

I'd like to see if there is any guidance in the form of sample code or a
tutorial for server-side validation. Specifically for the thing I am trying
to do, if a user types too many letters into Textarea, then they see an
error on the screen. I was able to catch most occurrences of this error with
client-side javascript.

However, I'd like to handle it server-side in order
to catch those cases that get by the javascript for whatever reason. If I
could just catch the error before it gets displayed, then display a warning
in red letters in a pretty format, then that's all I'm hoping to do.

I went to, didn't find anything there. I also did a search of
this forum and didn't see anything. I know conceptually what I want to do,
but I am not sure how to go about it.

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Server Side Data Validation

is it possible to do the data validation using ASP (server side) or javascript is the only way to do?

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Automatically Fire Server Side Validation

I have an asp website..the validation is done in is there any ossibility that, if javascript is not supported by a particular browser or if the javascript is disabled, the server-side validation(VBscript) automatically fires.

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Server Side Code For Password Validation

Anyone have server side code to password validation?

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Server Side Validation - Can't Loop Elements In ORDER!!!

I wrote a sever side form valiation script that loops through the form elements building a string in the process. If you submit the form without filling in any fields you will get the error message in read at form's top. Look how the fields in the error message are completely out of order. Why is this? Code:

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Advanced Server Side Form Validation Tutorial

Can anybody point me to a good tutorial/manual on advanced server-side form validation including validation of fields against unwanted strings such as the use of "http://".

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Required Validation

I have been working on requiredvalidation controls..I'd like to know how could I create a validation on a group of controls? for example to validate phone, on the form it may looks like below (brackets are the textbox fields)
([ ]) [ ]-[ ]

how could I validate all three fields with one message error to display in the validation summary?or is there another way to do?
btw, am I able to create a textbox or some sort of control that is actually the combination of the three boxes?

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Validation Of Fields That Are Required

I have the following fields that I need to sanitize/validate.

User Name/Password
Web Address
Forum Text Message Box

For User Name/Password, only following characters are allowed.

(a -z, 0-9, - and _ )
Min Length: 5 character
Max Length: 15 character

Hyphen and underscore would be encoded (I hope this wouldn't interfere with the USer/Password login validation) Code:

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Opening Server-side Excel File Then Modifying It Client Side Using Vbscript

is it possible to open an excel file (used as a template) from server using server-side vbscript; then modify it or add values from client using client-side vbscript?

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Passing Client-side Array Index To Server Side Script

Following is a vbscript code extract triggered by a combobox OnChange event. arrVendorA and arrdefpack are server side arrays and i need the intCounter parameter to be the array index. Code:

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(intCounter)%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(intCounter)%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext = cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(intCounter)%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Array, Client-side Index Problem

The following code is giving me a type mismatch error at the 'if' statements... any ideas, anyone ?

sub getstdPackByVendor(strPartNo, intCounter)
dim selVendor
selvendor= colSelect("cboVendor", intCounter).value

if selvendor= "<%=arrvendorA(" & intCounter & ")%>" then
if "<%=arrdefpack(" & intCounter & ")%>" = 2 then
colTD("txtStdPack" & intcounter+1 ).innertext =
cstr("<%=arrVAStdPAckL2(" & intCounter & ")%>")
end if
end if
end sub

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Server-side Vbscript Call With Javascript Client-side

How do I go about calling a server-side vbscript within a client-side
javascript function? What I have is a page heavy on the javascript that has
a number of functions, one of which is to begin a visual countdown with an
onclick and also open an asp page containing the server-side vbscript, which
initiates a wake-on-lan call. I had no idea how to call the vbscript within
the javascript function, so this is why I opted for the vbscript asp page
"pop-up" via Code:

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Client-side Confirm() Needs To Run Before Server-side Code

I check to see if a certain submission button is asking for removal. If the removal is true, I update a recordset's delete column. This has been tested and it works. However, now I'd like to prompt the user to make sure that he/she wants to remove the record. Here's the code: ....

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Can Client Side Scripts See Server Side Form?

I have a Client Side Java Script which is supposed to re-load the options on my serverside ASP form.

I have been trying to get the syntax right to assign the Select box on the ASP form to a variable in my JavaScript so I can update the options. Can anyone either tell me if this is not possible or what the syntax should be. Here is some information.

Form Name = AddProdForm
Select Box name = subprodline
JavaScript Variable = form1

Here is one of the many versions of this line I have tried.

var form1=document.forms(""AddProdform"");

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Executing Server Side .exe File From Client Side

I m writing one code to invoke remote desktop service for given IP address. For that i m using mstsc.exe file to invoke RDP.

I have a no of links to be displayed on the page and on click of link, RDP for that IP should be called. Currently i m using one button to invoke RDP. Code:

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ASP Client-Side Form Validation

This would be the longest project I have worked on, but I'm trying to use client side validation on a form that collects a users information. The problem I have is how do you validate a field when processing the form and if a field say is EMPTY, then error message and the users needs to enter some data.

I know that I can say POST="validate.asp" or something, however I have this page going from one form page to another and I can't get my head around being able to validate the field on the page before processing the form and moving to page 2 form, and so on.

Is there away to have the validation on the first page and somehow once validated move to page 2 form?

View Replies View Related Client Side Validation Not Working

I have created a new site, using c#. My pages contain client side validation to validate the users input. On my local machine this works fine, but when I moved my site to the test server, the validation don't want to execute. If I view source on the page I can see the java script is created, but it don't execute.

I'm browsing to the site in IE, so it is not a browser problem and the validtation works on other sites on the same server.

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Client Side Validation Problem

Everytime i submit, it does no validation checks and just submits the form as normal and i cannot work out why. Does someone know where i am going wrong.

<form method=post name="form1" action="SaveJournal.asp" onsubmit="return ValidateForm(form1)">


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Sever Side Validation NOT Working

I just spent days on a clients website incorporating Server side validation where before I only relied on client side javascript. I was getting hit with injection attacks or so I believe.

What is happening now is that on one particular form is getting submitted completely blank when in fact it shouldn't be. Code:

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Tables - Server-side Vs. Client-side?

I am starting to build quite a few pages that will have
tables of data from an SQL database.

I have been building the table rows on the server side
in VBScript, but I have been thinking about having the
VBScript code just build array variables in the <head>
section (or as local variables), and then have JavaScript
functions on the client side actually populate the tables
when the page loads.

I do plan to do other things like being able to sort the
tables in JavaScript code on the client, limit the tables
height and be able to scroll the rows, and click on a row
in the table, and have the values populate a form. I will
also need to be able to export/download/? some tables into

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Client-side Validation Works, But Form Still Submits...

I've got a form that is activated by an external .asp page. I've finally got the validation of the form working, the javascript alert pops-up and correctly identifies the mistakes, but when I click OK on the js pop-up, the form submits and I get a data mismatch error.

I can't seem to figure out how to get the form to wait for the right data... Code:

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Client Side Asp Within Server Side Asp

im trying to use the following code to log whenever a user clicks through
this particlular message box - however, this currently logs regardless of
whether or not the message box was clicked - im assuming this is because the
server-side code can't see the client side if condition. but how can i set
the varMsgBox variable as a server-side variable? Code:

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Server Side Script Inside Client Side Script Allowed?

I have a sub routine called when I click on a button. It is inside VBScript tags (client side). Can I do server-side scripting inside that?

<script language="vbscript">
sub cmdButton_Click

'can I do this
<% strValid = "Update" %>

End Sub

Would be nice but don't think it works. Anyone know for sure?

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Error I Receive Is Object 'Server' Required

I have the following code in my my form:

Sub frmSubButton1_onclick

Dim ObjMail

'Create Mail Object
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

'Populate variables from form value
strAuthorEmail = document.getElementById("OpenBy").value
strRecipientEmail = ""
strCC = document.getElementById("OpenBy").value
strBody = document.getElementById("IssueDescription").value

With ObjMail

.From = strAuthorEmail
.To = strRecipientEmail
.CC = strCC
.Subject = document.getElementById("IssueCategory").value
.Body = strBody

End With


I am erroring out on this line -

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

The error I receive is Object 'Server' Required. I am running IIS 5.x and that is why I am using CDONTS.

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Canīt Put A Value On Server Side

On this page I've a button and an iframe. When I press that button, on click event has: document.getElementById("iframeID").src="mypage.asp?test=xpt" .

On mypage.asp I've

response.write test

The iframe loads the page, but test is empty.

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Can ID Be Used Server-side In ASP?

I'm developing an ASP app and trying to make it XHTML strict. This
requires the removal of all "name" attributes from form elements. Can form
elements be read server-side in ASP with only an "id" attribute?

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im completely new to server-side scripting, but im an experienced actionscripter in flash, but i want to learn server-side scripting as well, but i dont know where to begin, any advice on where to start?

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