Server Text Return Recordset

I've got a SQL Server database, and am pulling records from it via ASP.Everything works fine, apart from the field which is stored as 'text' data type in SQL Server.If I change this data type to 'varchar' it works fine, but I need more than 8000 characters, so really I need the data type to be 'text'.Can anyone suggest why this might be happening, and how it could be resolved?

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Return Recordset

There is an access database and asp page .That asp page opens connection with that database,And opens a recordset online..

Is there any way that this opened recordset can be returned to Vb6 application which requested that Asp page to open connection and recordset and return some result.

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ADODB Recordset Return

I am running a query that can return over 16000 records in the recordset. The problem is that whenever the return is greater than 16000 the recordset is null instead of having data. I have been looking around the internet, not sure if this is an administrative option. I am using IIS with an ORACLE DB, and ASP XSL for the pages. Anyone know why the system seems incapable of returning over 16000 records? I can return 16000+ with simplier queries. Running the same query in SQL-PLUS works perfectly.
Here is the query I am running.

I am returning 50 users per page. This all works fine until I hit the 16000 record limit, at which point there is no data in the recordset.

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Faster Return Of Large Recordset

I remember reading somewhere that there is a faster way to retrieve a large recordset to display it in a table, could anyone point me in the right direction.

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ASP, ORACLE STORED PROC Must Return A Recordset

Does anyone know how ASP calls a stored procedure in ORACLE ? I want the stored procedure to return a recordset bact to the ASP environment.

Can a stored procedure in ORACLE return a recordset to ASP. If so can you direct me to the necessary syntax that can be useful for this ?

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Return Recordset Of Images In Specific Cells In A Table

I have an interesting problem and am looking for some advice. I am
hoping to build an asp whereby records are pulled from SQL Server. These
records will be merely file locations for thumbnail images I hope to display
in a grid.

Rather than having a grid be constructed row-to-row, I was
wondering if it is at all possible to dynamically construct this grid as a
table of thumbnails whereby each cell (perhaps 5-6 columns across)
represents one record? I have no idea how one would construct this loop that
spans columns AND rows rather than just rows.

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Carriage Return Before Inserting Text Into Acess Database File. How To Do It?

how to replace carriage return upon extracting text from Access file.

However I think it will be smarter to do it before (during) inserting text into acess file.

It might be primitive question, but I started my ASP learning just last week and many things are confusing me on this stage.


What should I change in my ASP file code (file inserted data from the HTML form file into database file) to replace all carriage returns and line brakes during inserting text into field GuestSory? Code:

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Return Server Time

In ASP, how can I quickly return the server time + 2 hours, using VBScript?

With TIME(), I've found functions for date arithmetic, but I can't find anything for
time arithmetic.

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Remote_addr Will Return My Web Server Ip Address

I have a web server with a firewall. The problem is that when i use request.servervariables("remote_addr") the ip i get is my server's ip.
Is there any other way to retrieve my visitor's ip?

Looks like the firewall cought the visitor's request and then request's
this page from the web server-and send it back to the visitor.(but still i
am not sure if this is what happens)

If i have to reconfigure my firewall can you give me some info on how to do
this and if this is secure!!

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ASPPop3 (Server Objects) Fails To Return Email Details

Can anyone tell me why this code doesn't work? The original came from
an example in this group, but was modified slightly when the original
failed to return message details.

I am able to connect to the server and see the number of messages on
the server, but message details (sender, subject, body, etc.) are not

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Recordset As Text

I have a sql server 2k db behind an asp site and I want to know how to allow users to download the results of a recordset. I understand it has something to do with the object but I really have no idea just exactly how to put it together.

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Recordset To A Text File

My original thought was to save the recordset into a text file. However,
because of permissions I am unable to do this and will not be able to change
the permissions. My next thought was to open it in excel. However, the
table is too large and I get the Cell Table: too many rows or columns error.
I need the user to be able to save the records on her computer.

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Recordset Dealing With Unlimited Text Field

I'm trying to query a set of data from MSSql which contains field type "text" for unlimited length of characters.

I make a query and store the data into a recordset. However, soon as the page try to access the unlimited field, it seems as if the recordset looses all the data it was holding.

Does anyone know how to get around this problem? or what's causing this? I dont even get an error msg. It just doesn't show anything as if there was nothing there.

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ADO - SQL Server Recordset Cursor Changes

I have one of the most perplexing problems that I've ever seen! I have an application that simply wants to add a record to a recordset. My setup for this is as follows: (using MDAC 2.8)

set rsu=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rsu.CursorType = 3

Here's the scoop - when this code is executed - the CursorType turns back to 0. I use this code for all of my hookups and have never had any problems. It is currently running fine against a different SQL database. So that is how I have funnelled this problem down to the differences in databases and permissions. However, I see no differences between the two.

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ASP Recordset Retrieval Problem (SQL Server)

A problem recently cropped up that I have not seen before and I am wondering anyone has seen this one?

The 2 SQl Select statements on my ASP page differ by the addition of one column ("Description") but in the 2nd case, column content is dropped (blank). I can get somewhat different results by adding other columns to the Select. Code:

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Reading Text File From Ftp Server

I need to read a simple txt file where there are some variables. I've done
this a lot of times but in this case I have something different: the text
file is located at an ftp server.

The FTP server has anynomous access.

Anyone know how can I do this?

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Writing Text File And Server.mappath

I have an application which was successfully writing data from submitted forms to a text file in a directory - in this case:


This was fine because the forms lived at the root level with this directory.

Since then I have added enabled the forms to be used on subdirectories :


I've used the same code for server.mapparth("data") etc - but instead of locating the directory at the root of the server called "data" it looks to the current directory- doesn't find it and creates another! eek!

What I need is a way to say "right, it doesnt matter what level you are at at the moment, always look at the root level /data directory"...

This has to be fairly dynamic - on the development server here its got a different file structure than on the live server (ie, it lives another level down again on the physical drive)...

Anyone got a good idea on how to look back up?

I do have one way to test which level they are at - but I feel that its a bit 'weak' - I have an ID that tells me if they are working on the upper or lower levels (ie, anything other than 1 is a lower level) - whilst I realise I could use this in the test I'm not sure if its going to be 100% fool proof to base this criteria on this ID.

Therefore I was hoping for a better way using the server.mappath etc...

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Load Text File From A Remote Server?

Is there a way to load a text file from a remote server into a string much like using the Inet Control in VB? I am familiar with reading in RSS feeds, but what should I do if the content is a straight text file?

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Server.MapPath For Reading From Text File

the source code is:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt")
Response.Write ("<pre>" & mystring & "</pre>")

Set a = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

The output is:


i don't understand this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt")

what should be insect in ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")?
and what should be insect in (Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt") ?

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Edit And Save A Text File On The Server

how to creat a page that will allow the user to edit and save a text file on the server.

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Need To Load File Path From Web Server Into Text Form Box

I need to load the file path of a file on a web server into a form text box. I tried using a normal form box using type=file but that just seems to return the file path from the local machine.

Ideally I'd like it if someone can get this to work with a file on a web server without using asp. If not then I suppose I'd have to use the FileSystemObject method. I can see how you can get a list of files from a remote server using FileSystemObject.

The problem I need help with is selecting a file path from the list of files into a text form box. The path of which I am then going to write to a database field.

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Write Info On Form To Text File On Server

I want to write the info on a form to a text file. Code:

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SQL Server 'text' Data Type Values Always Empty?

I've got a SQL server database, and am using ASP to create a simple recordset.

Everything is fine, except that one column of the database is of 'text' data type. I can't seem to be able to pull anything from this field in my ASP script. All names and variables are correct, and there is data in the text field, it just comes out blank when I pull this field into my recordset.

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The Server.CreateObject Method For Creating Text Files

I have made a asp page that will read a db table and select certain fields concerning the current day's activities to be written to a text file. After the information about the current day's activities has been compiled, it is stored in a variable and written to a text file.

What I would like to do is create a text file for each day instead of over-writing the same one. Is there another Server.CreateObject method that will allow the 'creation' of a text file rather than just over-writing a text file that already exists? I would use "month(date)", "day(date)","year(date)" to append to a text file name to keep it unique.

Below is what I currently use to create a text file. But any new information will only overwrite what is already contained in the text file. Code:

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Error Type: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)

Last week, my shopping cart was still working well until I began getting the following errors 2days ago..

Error Type:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
../order/saveorder.asp, line 157

Browser Type:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

GET /main/saveorder.asp

Could you check my code below and let me know what possibly the error is?

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Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") & Reading From Text File

I found the complete physical path to the doman by Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") and the path is: C:Inetpubwwwrootmyweb"&"gg.txt

With this,there's still error to read my text file.The error source code is place at below,please help me do correction!!! Code:

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Recordset Controlled By Another Recordset Within A Loop

I have created a forum, in which I have 3 tables:

1: Table_Forum
2: Threads
3: Replies

I have it at the moment that on the main default.asp there is a recordset that will
display all records within that table, these are a list of forums that will be available.

I have a table that will show the forum name, and the description. This table is then looped using Do while not, now what i need to do is show how many records in the Treads table are related to each forum using asp. Code:

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Return From ASP.NET To ASP

I updated to aspx last three month,after developing serveral
applications,Idecided to downgraded to asp, following is my reasons: ASPX,the page format is hard to control,in ASP u can change every html
as u like ,but in aspx, a aspx control decide the page format,and its hard
to change the format.

2.ASPX is said to be faster that asp, but it is based on too-often
communication back to the server,for example,u click a radio a button,there
is new page request, but in reality,such a communication is
bandwidth-consuming and time-consuming. the user only need to submit the
form, and the exchange between IE and Server was minimazed.
the Speed of ASPX is not useful for most sites, for bigger sites, the speed
increase is singnificant,but for small sites with less traffic, the speed of
ASP is quite enough.

3.ASPX is based on Object Orinted Programming, but in most small sites,
Procedure orinted programming is used, we never build objects, and POP is
more efficient.ASPX is for three-tiered structure with a single layer of
business logic component, but in reality, most of us used two-tier
structure,that is Presetation layer and Datalayer, we can layout the page
and change the database in a single page, quite effienct too.

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404 Return

I want to return a 404 response from an ASP script (IIS 5).

Response.Status lets me set the response string, but if I don't include any
HTML text myself, the result is an empty page.

Is there a way to 'redirect' it to the server's default 404 response, as if
the URI really doesn't exist, but without really redirecting it so the URL
isn't replaced in the browser's address bar?

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Return Value

I am trying to replace a huge chunck of code that currently I incorporate
with an #Include directive. The program rarely has to flow through that
code, so I thought it would be better if I used Server.Execute.
I found I can pass data TO the called asp file by creating an HTML <input>
and erading it after I get there.
However, I also need to read back ONE variable that the called file must
set. I cannot figuer out how to do that. My backup positions are (1) I can
keep on using the #Include technique, and (2) I can use a database to bridge
the gap.Isn't there a way to carry data BACK TO the calling asp file FROM
THE CALLED asp file?

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