Server Validation Problems...

How can I do a form validation on the server side. I want to check that three values that I retrieve from a form don’t contain any numbers in one (only letters and hyphens should be allowed there) and anything but numbers in the second. In the third text box the e-mail adress should be entered but don't know how to check that the entered value follows a typical e-mail pattern.

As you can see from my code here there are several flaws that could be improved. Hope you can help me with that...

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E-mail Validation On Server..

I have a page that retrieve some info from a form, including an e-mail address. I have a Java Script regular expression to take care of the validation on the client side but I also need a similar reg.exp. to take care of the e-mail validation on the server side. Do you have any suggestions on what the server side reg.exp. could look like and whether it should be a function that is called or anything else?

Dim email
email = Request.form(“email_add”)

Feel very free to fill in the rest of the code that is needed to validate the content of the email variable…

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Server-Side Validation

I've been pulling my hair out with javScript to no avail, so I just want to do this through some simple server-side form validation of a radio button.
All I want to do is check that the radio is selected.Code:

1. Which method of learning are you seeking?
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Traditional"> Traditional<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="100% Online"> 100% Online<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Hybrid (Mix of online and traditional classes)"> Hybrid (<em>Mix of online and traditional classes</em>)<BR>
<input name="1" type="radio" value="Not Sure"> Not sure<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Server Side Validation And JS

I am using javascript and server side validation. This is a scenario for if someone has javascript turned off and the server side validation comes into play.
I have a form which submits to a hidden page which retrieves the data and the submits it to a db. When the data is posted, I am doing server validation checks before submitting to the db ie.
if str = "" or str = "" then
print this page saying 'please complete all fields'.
Now the user has to user their back browser button to get back to the form. The problem is that sometimes the values they entered into the form are there and sometimes they aren't. How can I ensure that the values they entered are still in the form?

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Server Side Validation

When the moderator jmurrayhead reviewed my website he pointed me a good point that I never though would be a problem but could be. He said that turning off the browser's javascript my sign in form or other form that uses javascript won't work the way they should.
He advised to ensure I validate everything server-side instead. My queastion is how can I validate an email address on the server-side? Do I have to uses javascript too?

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Server Side Validation Required

Should i to validate all the "Request"s calls
like Request.FORM("...") and Request.Cookies("...")

if it is so, i have to see inside
every "Input" elements like "Text" and even "Hidden"
and every Request.Cookies i'm using ???

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How Server Side Validation Works

Can someone please explain to me what server side validation is and how this works, also where do you put this, and in which programming language do you write this. Some examples are also welkom.I've never used this but I want to learn how.

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Basic-- Server-side Validation

I'd like to see if there is any guidance in the form of sample code or a
tutorial for server-side validation. Specifically for the thing I am trying
to do, if a user types too many letters into Textarea, then they see an
error on the screen. I was able to catch most occurrences of this error with
client-side javascript.

However, I'd like to handle it server-side in order
to catch those cases that get by the javascript for whatever reason. If I
could just catch the error before it gets displayed, then display a warning
in red letters in a pretty format, then that's all I'm hoping to do.

I went to, didn't find anything there. I also did a search of
this forum and didn't see anything. I know conceptually what I want to do,
but I am not sure how to go about it.

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Server Side Data Validation

is it possible to do the data validation using ASP (server side) or javascript is the only way to do?

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Automatically Fire Server Side Validation

I have an asp website..the validation is done in is there any ossibility that, if javascript is not supported by a particular browser or if the javascript is disabled, the server-side validation(VBscript) automatically fires.

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Server Side Code For Password Validation

Anyone have server side code to password validation?

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Server Side Validation - Can't Loop Elements In ORDER!!!

I wrote a sever side form valiation script that loops through the form elements building a string in the process. If you submit the form without filling in any fields you will get the error message in read at form's top. Look how the fields in the error message are completely out of order. Why is this? Code:

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Advanced Server Side Form Validation Tutorial

Can anybody point me to a good tutorial/manual on advanced server-side form validation including validation of fields against unwanted strings such as the use of "http://".

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Dropdown Validation To Add Onto Shadwizard Validation

Create the following code from database but does not validate on enter - I am using ShadowWizards validation code.

<Input fields so work however I will need dropdown and radio buttons to be validated also.

I really like the work ShadowWizard has put in and would like to continue in the same neat, cleaver coded way!

I did validate the few fields with ASP but Yahoo toolbar stops people going back on forms and therefor would not work on all PC's, typically the bosses and now he seems to want it asap so any javascript solution? Code:

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Client Side And Server Side Validation

I am doing login page . (login.asp)As usual it has username , password textbox and a login button .i need to do client side validation for mandatory fields and I need to do server side validations to check for the hardcoded username and password .if it matches i have to redirect to another page(content.asp)

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I have a file for my form (ASP). I want to make a validation without external file, i want to write it in the main page, where the
whole code is writing, like validation in ASP.NET, a link about that will be helpful too.

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Validation In Asp

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to validate form fields using the dreamweaver server behaviours except using javascript. Basically I need a method of validating each form field when the form is submitted. I don't want to use javascript as I know that users can switch 'active scriting' off, which disables javascript. Due to the forms being critical inputs within an e-commerce system, I must validate them 'server-side'. Is their a dreameaver extension that does this or has anyone over come this issue before?

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Validation For <a> Tag

i want to use javascript to identify whether the user clicked on the hyperlink or not.How can we recognize that one.Here,i will explain my problem clearly. I have one small application in ASP. Application consists of one textbox,one button and one hyperlink like contact us.

If the user click on the button without enter his name or choose contact us hyperlink, then the validation message box will be displayed.How can i do validation for <a>tag.I know the validation for button Like same way i tried to use name attribute to <a> tag and tested,but it gives errors and not worked.How can i solve this problem.

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Validation In ASP.NET

I've just started using ASP.NET
I've made a simple form with 2 webform elements. I've attached a
RequiredFieldValidator to each of these.

On my local server this work perfect, but when I upload the files to my
webhotel, the validation seems to be ignored. Everything else works though

Could it be that the webhotel is running an old version of the .NET

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Validation Of ASP

I know little bit about asp, I am facing a problem in Validating
the ASP Form..


Stud ID: 501242016
FirstName: Ajit
LastName: Kar

These Fileds are there in my form and I am able to Insert it into

But My problem is I am not able to restrict the Stud ID to 9 digit and
if First Name , Last Names fields are empty I want to display a message
telling please fill the Following fields. Code:

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Url Validation

I have two pages, one called "test1" and another called "test2" Is there any way I can check that a person has come from test1 when they go to the url "test2"? Or would it be easier to create a session on test1 and then check for that session on the test2?

If the latter, then can someone point me in the direction of a tutorial suitable for this?

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Different Validation

I have to validate memberid based on the userid. for example i have a form which i should submit and validate a single input box based on the userid if user id=10 users should type the memberid without memberid the form should not be submitted. for other users member id is not mandatory it can be null. how to validate memberid for not null based on the userid in a single form.

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Date Validation With JS

I have individual dropdown boxes for selecting day/month/year for start date and then the same for selecting end date. I have two javascript functions for validation.
I have one submit button on the form.
The asp code is below. I know each javascript function works in its own right. That is posted below the asp. My problem is to get the functions to validate both start and end dates on one click of the submit button. How it is at the moment, it will validate the first - start date- but throws an error (type mismatch CDate)on the End date.....

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Email Validation Msg

I have been trying to use a function that checks that an email is syntactically correct (ie. it contains @ and .), however I have given up with the method I was trying - at the end of my tether I was. I would like something in the form of one of my other validation msgs below. Any ideas? Code:

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Email Validation

Is there a way to validate a text box to make sure that the text field, which will house an email address, is in the proper format of etc?

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Email Validation

I had some trouble last week trying to validate an email address in my Register form, but was unable to get it working.

Below is the function I used: ....

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Password Validation

I want to create a password validation system..... There are two text boxes.... I want to make sure that the passwords are the same and that they are more than 8 characters.

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Submit Validation

Can I put a validation on the standard submit button on the form? I want the user to necessarily select a radio button on the page? Or should I be using a notmal button with an on_Click event? In that case how will I push submit?

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Validation Issue

Im dynamically generating the contents of a form with details read from a text file and the names im assigning to the controls are also dynamic.[The Labels of the Control.]
The problem now is that, i dont know how do validate these controls for the mandatory check!!

[Is there any option to iterate the entire controls present in a form??]

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Validation Problems FF And IE

I'm working on an application in ASP.NET VB. It's a complicated online order form. Here is my issue. There is a large amount of data that is validated before the form can be submitted.

The validataion works in IE perfectly but doesn't work in FF. In FF it'll actaully let you submit a completly blank form. I'm sure I'm missing something small.

Here's some of the validation and if you need more i can post it. Code:

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Checkbox Validation

I know this is gonna sound silly but when I submit a form with a checkbox
html control "mychk", how can I see if that is checked or not ?

I have tried :

if request.form("mychk") = true then
' code
' code
end if

But it always executes the code in the else statement meaning it is never
true despite the fact I have given the checkbox a value of true.

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Validation Function

I have one field in my form......

PDF:- <input type="file" name="File1" id="File1">

I only want to upload pdf files so if someone enters gif or jpg or bmp it should tell the user
only pdf files allowed
so i want to check the last 3 letters after the dot(.)
can someone tell me how to write this validation function

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Address Validation

Ive been looking everywhere for some simple street address validation. All I can find is email. Im not that great at working with string because I forget a lot =P but how can I check a string so that the format is like a street address.

str = "1015 Salem Street"

If street address is correct then
Invalid Street address

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