Session Timeout In The Global.asa

All, Just to give a little background this is reagarding an ASP 3.0
application running on IIS6 using the default app pool.

I have set the session timeout to 540 minutes in IIS (under options tab in
Application configuration). There is no code in the Session_OnStart or
Session_OnEnd in the global.asa. Via an include file, each page executes

these no-cache related code:
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1
Response.Expires = 0
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Response.CacheControl = "private"

Sorry, just wanted to give some background on what we're dealing with.
Anyways, the problem is that the users are saying their session state is
expiring much sooner than 540 minutes. How is this possible? What did I miss?
Are there better techniques to ensure the 540 minute session?

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Session.timeout In Global File

Can I put a session.timeout = "45" in the global.asa file? and if yes, under what section?

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Session.Timeout With Global Virable

I'm using the following code in my global.asa file to set the
session.timeout value amongst other things -

Sub Session_OnStart
Session.Timeout = 40
Session("Authenticated") = 1
End Sub

Yet when I print out the value of session.timeout on a page after this
event has fired it returns 20 (I get the right value for
Session("Authenticated") so my code appears to be working).
I checked the default timeout value in IIS (v5) on the server, but
this reads 900 seconds, which in my books is 15 minutes. I am
therefore very confused as to where this value of 20 is coming from.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as I need to set this to
40 minutes and my WROX manual doesn't provide much information on this

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Session.Timeout And Timeout Directory

I have a site that utilizes online forms. The problem is people could easily spend well more than 20 minutes filling out the forms before submitting them. To avoid the default timeout of 20 minutes (or whatever) I added a Session.Timeout = 120 to the forms page. I also checked IIS and set the connection timeout property to 120 minutes as well.

sessions still seem to be timing out well short of the 120 minute cutoff. (I haven't yet tested to see if it's still 20 minute default or somewhere between 20 and 120).

Is there anywhere else this setting might be controlled? Is there any simple way to do some sort of "keep-alive" from the page so that the server thinks it's active?

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Timeout Session

I got this error when i run the ASP. ASP 0113(0x8004005).The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceed. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

I'm using IIS 5.1. I changed in the IIS instead of the asp page as there is a lot. I went to IIS then my application properties and go to Application Configuration. Under the option tab i set the ASP Script timeout to a larger value. Default is 90 seconds. I had set it to 180 seconds. May i know will this affect the system to become slower? As the users said in order to display something in the application it take longer time than previously.

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IIS Session Timeout

Is there a way to notify a client browser that their IIS Session is about to OR has just expired?

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Session End Timeout Warning

Is there a way to see if the session is going to timeout and then warn the user or display a page that it timed out.

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Session Timeout Question

I am trying to globally set all sessions in my application to timeout after 60 minutes. Can I do this within my global.asa file?

I was trying the following code in the global.asa file:

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
sub session_onstart
Session.Timeout = 60
sub end

The sessions still timed out after 20 minutes.

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Session Timeout Info

I want to be able to inform a user that his session has timeout when he has been idle beyond his session. Like the normal message you get when your session ahs been idle for sometime.

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Session Timeout Method?

how would go about making a session timeout expire with a method like
you can expire a cookie by going Date() - 1

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Setting Session.timeout Value

I have another problem regarding the session.timeout command . I m setting its value to be 30 mins but still my session expires after the default time out that is 20 mins.
I even have set the value of connection timeout in the IIS settings to be 30 mins but still no use........... its is stll taking the default time

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How To Extend The Session TimeOut

plz expalin about Extend the Session Timeout.

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ASP Session.Timeout Question.

Is it possible to set individual session.timeout's?

I have a session.timeout in the global.asa that is set to 10 min. I'd like to keep this as is, and also declare a differnt session time out for: Session("shopper") on an ASP page. Is this possible? Session("shopper").timeout doesn't seem to work.

And if I:
Session("shopper") = shopperID
session.timeout = 60

on that ASP page, will this override the session.timeout = 10 that is set in the global.asa?

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Session Timeout Message Box

Does anyone have some code or know how to to display a message box when the user session times out? One that would redirect them to the login page would be the most helpful.

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Unwanted Session Timeout

I have a simple form connecting to an Access database where users log in,
fill out the form, and submit. Everything works fine.

However, sometimes it takes a user 20 minutes or more to fill out the form.
When the user then hits "submit" he is given the login page instead of the
response page I have built in. If the user fills the form out in less than
20 minutes or so, it works fine.

I have Session.Timeout=720 (2 hours) but this hasn't changed anything.

Does anyone know what I'm missing? I'm pretty new at asp so forgive me if
it's something simple.

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Session Cookie Timeout

I'm not exactly hot on asp, but I have managed to create a members area / pages on a site that requires the usual login etc through username and passwords.

The problem that I'm having is that people are being logged out and forced to log back in etc.

Here's the code for the log-in form on the site: ....

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Creating A Session Timeout

i have the following page that i need to create a session timeout for it, the page is admin.asp.the beginning of the code is as follows Code:

<%if not session("AdminOk")="true" then response.Redirect "login.asp" %>

how can i create the session timeout and where should i insert it.

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Logged In - Session Timeout

I use a database to authenticate users. Thier logon info is stored in a session.When the session times out it redirects the user back to the login page,which, when logged in sends them to the secured homepage.How can I return them to the page they were on when the session timed out,rather than starting over on the homepage?

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Session Timeout 60 Minutes

I am trying to make an access control where a code should be available for 60 minutes. When my user is login on I am doing this, after his access code has been authorized:

Session("Time")= Dateadd("n","65",now())
And in the pages where is allowed (for one hour) I am doing this:

if cdate(Session("Time")) < cdate(now()) then
end if

Does it look correct or is there a better way of doing this?

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Session Timeout Via IIS Admin

if there is an application,I can change the default session timeout property via IIS Administration? If so, how does one do it.

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Automatic Session Timeout

In my application, the main page is accessed via a login screen. A particular record is accessed based on the value of login page. Everything works fine. However, if this screen is kept idle (not sure for how long now), and then if I try to save,the following error message comes up:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in
query expression 'SubgrantIntID ='.
/gwisbrandnewready2/insertorupdatecurrentexpense1.asp, line 32

Is there any way to code to get one logged out automatically after sometime, so that, I do not have to encounter the above error which means after sometime, the login screen will appear instead. Does the custom timeout override the server default timeout?

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Capture Session Timeout

I have an online B2B shopping site that I created using ASP. Because the order sheet is different for each customer, they must log in to access their online ordering site. My question is, is it possible to capture a session timeout when it happens and tell the user?

We are having problems with customers leaving their desk after they have logged in, coming back and filling out their order sheet and then submitting the sheet only to find out that the session has timed out. They then have to go back in and re-enter the products that they are ordering.

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Session Timeout - Controlling

I am using global.asa to set time out after a user logs.
It looks like this:

Sub Session_OnStart
Session.Timeout = 900
End Sub

I want to detect when the session has timed out and redirect the use to the login page.

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Login Session Timeout

I changed the login session timeout from default 20 to 30 minutes, like
Session.Timeout = 30
But it doesn't work. I logged into my webpage, let it be inactived for 25
mins, and clicked on some links but the session expires already. Any one has
cues? I put this line on the check login file after checking submitted
username and password and before defining all session variables.

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Session.timeout Object

I have a session object Session("login") whereas I need to extend the time on this to 1 hour, instead of the default 20 minutes. After initializing Session("login"), how would I change the timeout value?

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Session Timeout In E-commerce

I am developing a e commerce site. The user may become a member and therefore requires to log in. In the development of this site we have just exited out and re-entered the site without logging on however our details are still as we logged on.

If the user purchaser adds item to their cart a session id is also created and if the situation as above occurs the items are still in the bag . What is the best way of stopping this ie if they have exited the program by clicking the x if the return within the session the order id is cleared and we start again.

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Session.timeout Problem

I'm having problems with my sessions timing out fairly quickly (much less than the 20 min default) on a site i'm developing. The site is hosted on a shared platform - do I still have the option to set an explicit timeout period, and if so, where should I place this in the code (i.e in the login page?)

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Session Timeout In IIS6.0

I'm having problems getting session timeouts to change programmaticlaly under IIS6.0. This is unchanged code that ran as expected under IIS5.0. Anyone else run into this problem?

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Reset Session.timeout After Warning

Do you know how to reset session.timeout after user click to extend the session timeout?
For example, default session.timeout is 20 mins and 2 mins before will ask whether extend working on the site or logout.

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Session.timeout And Lose Data

i have a wyswig editor ib my site. It stores all the data(text/images) in an access database. The trouble is i have a server.timeout on it and obviously when it times out i lose all the data.
Is there away of making it so it either:
1. Auto saves everything when the timeout happens?
2. Auto saves everything after say 5 mins?

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Session.Timeout Not Working Correctly?

I have web forms that frequently expire because users have them up for more than the default 20-minutes without interacting with them. So, I changed the timeout in IIS to 7200 seconds (2 hours, of course) and added a Session.Timeout = 120 to the pages in question. (Am I right that Session.Timeout is in minutes?)

Still, however, the pages seem to be timing-out well in advance of the 2-hour threshold. Have I left something out?

I've skirted around the issue by putting the forms into a framepage and setting a blank frame to refresh every 10 minutes, but I'm not fond of that solution. Plus, I'm just curious why the Session.Timeout setting or IIS timeout setting does not seem to work as advertising (allowing for the fact that I may just be a moron and missed a step).

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Session Timeout Does It Effect On Variable

Session.Timeout - does this affect all session variables that the user currently has stored, or just the one created on the page where this function is called?

In other words: I've got one set of session variables that I'd like to have set to timeout after 60 minutes, and another set session variables that I'd like to set to just 10 minutes - is this possible? (these variables are set on different pages, mind you).

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Session.timeout And ASP Classic Application

I'm working on an ASP classic application. I wish to set my session.timeout to 1 minute for testing purposes. I placed session.timeout = 1 in the global.asa but it seems not to be working because the session is still I alive. I0 can still browse through the application. How do I do it and where should I place the session.timeout? Do I still have to configure something in the server?

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