Session Retrieve Of Username Depending On Which User Logs Into The System?

I have my system set-up, where by when a user accesses the cms, a time stamp is added to the database. So we can keep check of when people accessed the system.

The added benefit of my addition, is that a session timeout is usable based on the inputted timestamp the user logged in. I added this functionaility because the system could be idle for some time and if so set the session to equal nothing or similar.

However what would be a nice feature of the cms is the display of the current user.

Below is code I have inputted to give some idea of what I am doing

Session("ADID") = objRS("adminID")
objConn.Execute("UPDATE tblAdmin SET adminLastLogged=now() WHERE adminID=" & Session("ADID"))

Session.Timeout = 30 ' 30 = Minutes

SO does anyone know how I can retireve the adminUsername based on the session used when loggin into the system.

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User Logs

I have five forms in my website, what I'm trying to accomplish is to track the users history. For an example if the user save their information on the first page and exit the system; Whenever that user logs back in I want them to be where they left off. I hope I'm clear on what I need help with. Does anyone know how to accomplish this task?
P.s I'm using Deamweaver to create my page.

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Retrieve The List Of Username

how can i retrieve the list of username from an Active directory (exchange server) to my website forexample to a table or Gridview.

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Retrieve UserName And Computer Name

I have tried using servervariables("XXX") to request the username and computer name of the individual running code on our internal server, but what I want and can't seem to capture is the user's network logon and computer name. The user's logon anonymously.

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Retrieve UserID/Username From Email Address

I see it everywhere.... Forgot username? Enter your Email and we'll send it to you.

How is this accomplished?

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Vbscript's Getobject To Retrieve System Info

I am trying to use the vbscript's getobject to retirive system info in my ASP site. But it is generating and error :

Error Type:

And I also found that microsoft does not recomand using getobject with ASP. Here is a bit from my code:

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & strComputer & "
Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")

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User's Username

How can I list all logged in user's username in the page?Can any one send the code to

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Username Of Domain User

How can I get the domain,username and PC network name (Win 2000 Pro & Win XP Pro PC's) of the current logged on user (logged onto a domain and access an intranet page, Window 2000 server running IIS) and put this automatically in a textbox in an webpage. Can this be done with asp & VB?

I basically want to automatically populate a username field with the users logon so the do not need to type it themselves, leading to type errors

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Obtaining User's XP Username

I am writing an ASP that writes info to a database. The application does not reqire the user to log in as it doesn't have any authentication process, but as part of the information I write to the database, I need to pass in the user's Windows XP username. I don't want to have to ask the user to enter their username, so is there a way of obtaing the user's XP logon username without them having to type it?

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Getting To A User Page By URL E.g.

i would like to manage to do the following:

in my website there r registered users.
each user has a profile.

i would realy like to help the other users access a certain user profile by:
rather then

i'v seen that made on serveral websites, how can i do it?

i geuss thats involving giving the server default asp page for parameters or somthing like that...(I am using IIS 5)

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Retrieve Current Windows User


i have tried the above and get no output.

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How To Control The User Name Throughout The System?

I want to control the user name which is loggin into the application. Once the user is logged in, the username should be saved through out the system until the user logged out.

For that matter, how can i keep the user name? Should i use cookie or session? How is the difference and which is better?

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Get System User Name At WINNT And WIN2000

I am writing a web application to get System user name. By reading the previous post, it seems that this method works

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim user, pword
user = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")
Response.Write user

but I want to ask is it only work at WINNT? How about WIN2000 Server, I can get nothing when use this statement on WIN2000 Server.

Besides, If I want to use Jsp, is there any methods to achieve the same thing?

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Username/Password Form And Session Cookies

I am new to asp. I am trying to setup a log-in screen and am having trouble figuring out how to set the session cookie. I found the bit of code below, and it works if I enter a specific 'email' and 'password' into the "if" statement, however we have multiple users logging into the section. How can I set it up so that if the form is successfully submitted using any of the multiple email/password combos then it creates the session?

Example found...

If email="emailaddress" AND Password="password" Then
End If

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IIS Logs

I've been examining IIS logs downloaded from my web host's server, and I noticed that entried that they should have been created by me going to my own site minutes before are not there. In fact, it seems the logs were way off timewise.

How does IIS write to logs? Does it keep a cache and then dumps it once in a while to the logs, or writes right away (the latter doesn't seem the case). I am concerned by this an other anomalies in which my hosting service seems involved.

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User Of Session

When is Session_OnEnd event working , ive tried Abandon , Timeout still its
not working. will a session end , while closing the browser window ??

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Logs The Datetime

I have a shopping cart that logs the datetime when a user logs in...

I want to run reports to see who all has been on in the last 90 minutes (or whatever my script specifies)

The problem is that I cant get the select statement down...

I would think it to be something like:

SELECT CompanyName, LastLoggedIn from LoginDB where LastLoggedIn > (LastLoggedIn -90m)

And obviosuly that doesnt work as the datetime field date is in the format:

1/21/2007 2:20:00 PM

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User Login With A Session

I am trying to create a user login page that once a user has been logged in there name will appear on all pages in the top right hand corner. This is what i have so far the user logins in through my user page and then this page loads up Code:

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Different User Session Timeouts

I want to have different user sessions timeout at different time intervals. How can we make this possible in ASP with and without using database tables.

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Remote Truncating Of Logs

Every so often my database log files fill up and i have to truncate the file.

BACKUP LOG [database_name_here]

Any idea how I could run this? From an asp page...?

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IIS Logs And Server.transfer

I am thinking of creating a custom 404 page which does a server.transfer to a variety of different pages. My question is what shows up in the log, which the web statistics are based on?

1. The non existent page, which is requested?
2. The custom 404 page?
3. The page it gets transfered to?

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Event Viewer Logs

how can I make a query in windows 2000 event viewer logs by asp?

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Reg. Admin Terminating A User Session

In our project, we have a situation where the administrator needs to 'force log off' a particular user under certain conditions. In other words, the admin user needs to have the ability to kill any other user's session.

Is this possible? By using the session properties, we can kill the current session (the current user's session) but is it possible (for the admin user) to kill some other user's session?

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User Login And Session Variable

i have created a script that queries a database for a username and password, and if they are valid sets a session variable to TRUE and redirects to another page. the table which contains the user information is called "Users" with the fields "UID", "PWD", "FIRSTNAME", "LASTNAME", and "EMAIL". my question is, how can i set a session variable to use the FIRSTNAME record for the particular user that logs on? my code is below. I've already got a session variable to display the UID record in the BookingSysV1UserName session variable.

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Inform A User If Their Session Has Expired?

What's the best way to inform a user if their session has expired? It seems like upon logging into the system, when the first variables are created I could create a session variable that just stores a number, and then at the top of every page check to see if that variable is empty or not, but I'm not sure. What's the best way to do this? And if that is the best way, do I just compare it to a string of ""? or null?

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Upload Files By User's Session

I am looking for a good sample or if anyone can provide me a code that would allow a user to upload documents, and be able to get only the ones he/she has uploaded only (by their loging session).

However, I would also need the code to have an administrator look at all the users uploads. I think I can manage to create the file for the administrator. But I have no idea how to start the uploading one.

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User Problems With Session Variables

I've got an application which uses the Dreamweaver login script - which basically stores a username into a session variable if you login successfully. Then the other pages check the session variable to see if you're logged in. The problem is: I'm finding that a lot of users cannot log in because they can't access the session variable, or something like that. I suspect that it's due to them disabling cookies on their browser.

Does anyone know of a way to get round this? I know that online banking uses cookies, and they seem to have no trouble with that. Is it because they use SSL, and therefore the browser lets them through? Moving to a SSL space is something I would consider. We can't be sure what other software is on the user's machine either, and I think I may have had trouble with ZoneAlarm in the past too. What's the best way of getting round all this?

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Session Variables, Store User Id Etc

Is this a good idea, or do people use different approaches ? Believe there's a 20 minute time period for em which doesn't sound like what l need.

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How To Read IIS6's Smtp Logs

i need to parse smtp logs to check the delivery status. from previous experience with smtp logs, i was under the impression that the log file followed a very specific format:


in this case, however, i've got a log indicating commands being issued like this:


i have a separate list from a database of people i attempted to send emails to and need to try to look at each line in the smtp logs until i find a matching email address, then continue to read until i find a line that includes the string "+Queued+mail+for+delivery" or any of the other strings indicating the delivery status. however, given the odd sequence in which the mail commands are being issued, i don't seem to have any way of knowing if the delivery status notification line i'm reading really reflects delivery status info about the email address in question or if it's referring to one of the other delivery requests issued with another one of the EHLO commands. i've tried looking to see if there's something unique about the delivery status line to see if it's in some way associated with the RCPT line, but don't see any patterns:

2005-10-05 11:12:30 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 ACME -
25 RCPT - TO:<> 0 0 4 0 50 - - ......

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User-defined Object With Session Scope

How can I give a user-defined object session scope? From

I gather that it can be done, but there are no examples. Simply setting

Set Session("tag") = new MyClass

doesn't work.

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Preserving User Data Despite Session Timeout

I am developing an ASP application where the user may spend large amounts of time manipulating data on a worksheet. An amount of time that will certainly exceed the security mandated session timeout intervel of 15 minutes.

So the user pushes save after the session has timed out and is thrown to the user login window -- all according to standards. How can I either detect the timeout before the submit or preserve the user entered data despite the redirect?

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Session Cookies - Detecting Specific User-agent/IP?

I'm new to using session cookies and need just a bit of help. On the introduction page to my project, I'm setting:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Then, on subsequent pages, I'm checking for the cookie, and redirecting if it's not there:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
If NOT request.cookies("user") = "authenticated" Then
response.redirect "http://somepage"
End If

What I need to do is incorporate an ignore element (by user-agent or IP) into where it checks for the cookie. For instance, if a user has an IP of, it ignores whether they have the cookie or not and lets them view the page.

The reason I'm doing this is I have a search engine that's crawling the site and it doesn't always go through the front page - therefore, it's getting redirected on most of the pages it sees. So what I'd like to do is have the script see that user-agent or IP, then ignore the cookie requirement.

Is that possible?

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HTML Or XML Depending On Client.

Suppose I have a widget A that I would like to embed in several websites B,
C, and D.

Sites B and C are happy with the widget the way I've styled it but site D
isn't and wants to restyle it themselves.

What would be the best way of doing this in ASP? My thoughts are that I
have an ASP page that determines in a query string has been provided (issued
to site D) and returns XML otherwise returns my formatted HTML.

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