Session Variable Randomly Mixed Or Lost?

Windows 2000 Server SP3
IIS 5.0


Antivirus deactivate

No changes on main files (web.config, machine.config, in)

No exist Active Directory (changes in ACL are not exist)

In machine.config LogLevel="All"

No events registered in Event Viewer.

aspnet_wp.exe not recycled never.

Web site accessed by multiple users at the same time. Some user data are
stored in a session variables. Randomly one user view data of another

It ocurrs in two different machines.

What can be?

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Session Variable Lost

currently i working on project in asp, i done everything in my own company server and eveyrthing works fine, when i migrate to customer place server, eveyrthing also working fine, but the only thing doesnt work is session variable, i totally cant get my session variable in the customer place's server. Server in my company and my client is the same, window 2003 server, iis 6.

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Lost Session Variables Gets Lost

I have a website that has a asp secured members only aria that keeps session variables to check if someone is logged in or not (if session variables are not there then redirect to logon screen) but I also have non members aria and I need a way of asking the user if they want to move away from the members only area or go back to it. I have used an asp to find out if the page is a non member page and if there is a session variable there.

If there is a session variable and is a non member page then I use JavaScript to bring up a confirm box that if the cancel button is pressed then it goes back a page. The problem is that when you go back a page the session variable gets lost. Dose anyone know how to solve this problem or a better way of doing this?

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Lost Session

my site apears to be loosing its session variable because it uses dynamically created absolute links. but because the user could have entered the site using any of 4 domains the links might change the domain.

So the user sees no difference but the cart has lost its session. firstly, is this possible? Secondly can I determin the url used to find the site and use that in the dynamic links?

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Session Lost

I allways loose the Sessionvariables in my asp-pages (I'm using IIS5.0 with
Visual Interdev 6.0).

For Example: when i create a startpage.asp, and type > Session("PersonalNr")
= 456 < he cant remember this value on another page.

when i query this value (for example in endpage.asp):

Response.Write(Session(("PersonalNr")), i get the value 0, because the
session will be restarted (The function "Session_OnStart" will be called
again in the global.asa file)

Does anyone know why ?

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Session Variables Are Lost

I have a problem with my asp code on an iis 6.0 server on windows 2003
web. When I redirect between to asp pages on my web-site, where pageA is
in a different virtual directory from pageB the session variables value
a lost. I know that it is the session ID there increases. (New session).

If I make the same call in the same virtual directory the session
variables is not lost. Is it some thing about different application
pools? If sow, how can I join two or more application pools regarding
to session variables? If not is there a none coding work around.

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Session Lost Across Page

What could the likely cause of a session value being lost when one navigates
to another page and attempts to write that session out:

Page 1

session("u_name") = oRS.fields("u_name")

Navigate to Page 2

Response.write Session("u_name")

....."_name" seems to be empty on Page 2.

What am I doing wrong here?

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ASP Session Lost In IFRAME?

I have a project in which I'm trying to embed one site, that uses
session stored variables, inside an IFRAME in another site (which for
that matter doesn't even use sessions).

Problem is, that it doesn't always save the session. When I try to
access it from some computers, I have no problem, the session variable
is stored and I can browse the site in the IFRAME and everything's ok,
but on other computers, the session variable value simply disappears.

To simulate the situation, assume that the two following html trees are
the site that goes into the IFRAME: Code:

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Catch Lost Session

Is there any way in ASP to catch a destroyed session when the user closes their window.


When a user enters a page, I create a session - Session("blah")="blah" . However when the window is closed, the session is destroyed, but before it's being destroyed, I want to some things.

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Session Lost In Iframe

I have an mypage.asp page with a button, one can access this page only

Session("smth") = 1.
There is also an empty iframe in this page (src is not specified).
When I click the button I will fill the iframe with a page (src =

For security reasons I check the login session in another.asp and
Session("smth") is empty no matter I have logged before.

In mypage.asp Session("smth") is still on and its value is 1 but it
looks like it gets lost in the iframe.

Any idea why and how to fix this issue?

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Session State Information Lost

To better manage our secure site we just separated the registration and
checkout sections of our web into separate virtual directories. These new
virtual directories are on the same server as the primary eCommerce website.
This is an ASP site (not When this version goes into production it
will be on a 2003 server (IIS 6) with a SQL Server backend (located on a
different server).
Now when the main server passes control to one of the new virtual webs the
session information is lost. I'm having problems finding information on the
web as to how to maintain this information between the web and virtual
directories. It's imperative that this information remain secure so query
strings or anything that would pass visible data is not an option.

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Lost Session Variables On Redirect

I have a normal login page that (upon clicking submit) checks whether you are part of a particular office and then redirects the user to their particular office's webserver.

The problem i am having is that when i redirect a user, to a securewelcome page, they lose their session variables causing them to have to login again. What am i doing wrong to make these variables get lost in the redirect? Is it because i am redirecting to a different webserver?

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Lost Session Variables On Server

I have built a site that works/worked absolutely fine on my test server. When I transferred it to a remote web host (the intended permanent home of the site) something very worrying keeps happening to my site.

I use, as is the norm, session variables to store login information. At the top of each page I do a check that Session("isLoggedIn") = "True", and if not then the system logs them back out.

The serious problem is that once you have logged into the site, the next page you try to open it fails the above check and logs you out! Obviously Session("isLoggedIn") is not equal to "True" so it assumes you aren't logged in. So basically the session variables are getting lost/cleared. This makes my site unusable, and is a disaster for it unless I can get a solution.

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HTTPS -> HTTP Lost Session

if a URL is

clients are redirected to

This works fine for all but 1 client. He looses a session during the
redirect. Apparently his browser interprets https:// and http:// as
different domains.

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Handle Session Timeout And Lost MemberID

I have a web site where once a user has logged on I store their MemberID in a global variable in the global.asa file.

Then in other pages I find out which member I am dealing with by looking at this variable, ie:

Private lgMemberID

lgMemberID = Session.Contents("MemberID")


I then use this variable to query a database... Code:

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After Redirect Back From 3rd Party, Session Variables Lost

My ASP page 1 redirect user to third party's website,
after the process at third party is finished, in 3rd
party's page, there is one link to route user back to my
website: ASP page2.

As the user do all of these actions in the same browser, I
expect the user's session variables to be kept, But the
seesion variable are lost.

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ASP-to-RTF - Mixed Languages

I've been fighting this for a couple of weeks:

My ASP/Access app'n uses UTF-8 data in mixed languages/scripts successfully. That is, it takes input, stores and retrieves stuff OK browser-wise. The app also writes an RTF file and downloads that to the client (for display by Word) fine, but ONLY English; Cyrillic and the CJK group gets the trash display - and it's not a font pblm, cuz the browser display is good.

I've tried a number of charset directives in the RTF-writer, including CP-1251, UTF-8, Unicode, etc. None works. I don't know whether I need an explicit code-set translator or not, and am working with ChilKat's Charset product without any improvement so far.

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Session Variable

I delete the files/cookies and clear history from the IE 6.0 browser and try to write in a text file use FSO but it dont write any thing in the file needs Code:

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Session Variable

I'm trying to set a session variable after displaying a form, then capture
the Session variable on postback. For some reason, the below code always
returns the form, not the "Step 2" results part.
What am I doing wrong? It's on a local network server, not on the web if
that matters.

'* Step 2: Display results
If Session("PageAction") = "view2" Then
Response.Write "Results"

'* Step 1: Display form

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ASP Session Variable

I have created a session variable.... and i have to write code to check for
this session for each ASP webpage in my website....Is there a alternative
I do not want to repeat the same code for valid session.... in each page..

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Session Variable

I first create a session variable 'client' in the login.asp file
The login.asp file opens a file (xxx.asp) with an include file
If I write
<!--#include file="../../../data/" & session("client") &
I have a message stating that the application can't find the file.

If I write the path without the variable (" & session("client") & ")
<!--#include file="../../../data/eurovini/"-->
it works without any problem.

- is there is an error in the syntax?
- is it possible to include this kind of variable in an include file.
And if not, any idea to get the same result?

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Session Variable

I'm new and I hope I explain this correctly.I have a products page which populate products dynamically with checkboxes. when the form is submitted, I check for selected boxes using the split(). My problem is, products page submits the form to client.asp, and within that page is client info. then the client page is submitted to confirmOrders.asp, which will display client info, and products selected. the split() works fine within the client.asp page. I'm trying to assign the checkboxs to a Session variable and use it on confirmOrder.asp. Then display the session variable on confirmOrders.asp page. I know I can do everything in one shot with confirmOrders.asp, but the client wants to display the client.asp page then the latter. hmm...hope this makes sense.

Session("myarray") = Request.Form("chkproduct")

strP = Session("myarray")
p_Array = Split(strP,",")
For i = 0 to UBound(p_Array)
Response.Write p_Array(i) & "<br>"

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Session Variable

Is there a simple way to store session variable on the client-side
javascript or retrieve the value of the session variable from the
server-side session("variable") script onto the client-side script?
I want to keep the value of user entry on the text field of an html form
after refreshing.

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Session Variable

I have variables declared like this:

<p class = "hide">
<input type="text" name="nameVal" value="">

How do I make the "nameVal" as Session variable?

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Session Variable

Quit simple: I try to make a session variable on a hiddenframe like:

document.contexthiddenform.URLattach.value = URLvar; = 'hiddenframe';
document.contexthiddenform.action = 'context_hiddenframe.asp';
session("sesURLattach") = Request("URLattach")

Response.Write "<script>" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "alert('" & session("sesURLattach") & "');" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "alert('" & Session.Timeout & "');" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "</script>" & vbcrlf

The value of session variable is shown and the timeout value (60) shown as well. But immediately I get the error message "a timeout has been occurred, you have to log in again". If I make the highlighted sentence comment then I don't get the error.

Has somebody an idea why I receive immediately the timeout error?

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Session Variable

A user field called 'Custom1' exists in my data base. This user field is used to hold a URL path to a custom download page for clients. Each client has their own unique URL which directs them to specific locations.What would the proper format be for the variable:


to be able to be displayed as a hyperlink with the label: "DOWNLOADS" while at the same time sending the current user to the 'value' / 'path' to which the Custom1 field contains? I am not an advanced coder and am just starting out with basics.

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Session Variable

I assume that mostly,asp programmers use their own session variable to know whether a user is to be considered is-logged-on(together with a home-written log-on form web page).

However, I wonder if there is a convention for the name of such a variable?And does asp/iis have a built-in is-logged-on status variable? For example when IIS is to render a normal html page with an acl that invokes a basic authentication, can I as an asp programmer make use of that status variable, and can I write to it to force a logout programatically?

So, this is not about it there is a session as such, it is about beeing logge-on inside an asp-session. I've looked around but haven't found any good info on this.

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Session Variable

I have drop down for selection of council - it is then passed to a session variable - it works fine to display the variable, but when I put it into a hidden field, if the value was Milwaukee it is fine, but if the value was Green Hills, it only puts Green in the hidden field. How can I fix this - I need it to put Green Hills in the hidden field.

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Session Variable

when a session variable is declared,how long does that variable last?this isn't coming out of the global.asa.i'm pulling a field out of a db and declaring it with session(whatever)=whatever and then calling it out on the page.

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Session Variable

i don't know where else to go, if there is a better or more appropriate forum for this question please let me know.

I have just moved to another isp host and some of my pages use session variables. I have a session variable, amongst others that hold the username and customer number to display data. The session variable value keeps disappearing giving me ADODB.Fielderror '800a0bcd' errors.

If i hot the refresh button a few times the session variable data comes back. Somebody please tell me they've experienced this 'cos i'm losing my mind ! I've updated the page to show the variable, and it does and i've removed underscores from filenames (apparently a possible problem with IIS 6)

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Session Variable

i'm using the dundas freelib upload code to upload files in my website. when the user choses to upload a file a new window is opened and the upload procedure goes fine and the file is uploaded successfully. but the problem is the i want to know the name of the file in the parent window to save it in the database.

i tried to use a session variable which contains the name of the file but it dosen't work. the parent window contains a form which is used to insert new data in the database so i can't use the upload window to insert the filename in the database.

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Asp Variable Session

i don't know how to retreive the session variable from the previious page..i have also problem querystring application because the browser execute very slowly..and sometimes page will not be displayed.

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Session Variable

I need to create an array with a session variable. According to my book, the following should work,. but if fails

for each key in request.QueryString
if left(key,6) = "cboRun" then
iIndex = cint(mid (key,7))
response.Write(iIndex & "<br>")
end if

it is the (iIndex) part which fails. If I remove this, then I can create a
single session variable.

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