Sessions/Cookie Limitations

ASP based Cookies. What is the limitation in data you can store with them? 4kb? How can you get the current size of Cookies your domain has placed on the computer? Another thing. Are ASP based cookies actually written to the client computer, like javascript ones are; or are they stored in sessions?

Sessions. I know a Session can hold quite a bit of data, but I never found a limit. All I know is the more data you place in a session, the more resources the server is losing. Can anyone recommend how many different keys I should place in a session?

I usually hold things like Username, Password, AccessLevel and one or 2 other preferences, but I'm not sure if that's too much as is. What other common ways are Sessions used for?

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Sessions Without Cookie

Do you want manage ASP Sessions variables without Session Object and without Cookie?

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2 IE Sessions Sharing The Same Per-Session Cookie!!

I am having a problem tracking down what I believe to be a problem with
the way cookies are being used on our website application.

When user log onto the application, an in-memory (per-session) cookie
is created to hold the session key for the user. This unique key is
assigned as part of the business layer logon process, and never changes
while the user is logged on. The call to the business component returns
this unique key if the logon was successful, and the cookie is set up
as follows:

Response.Cookies("SessionKey").Path = "/"
Response.Cookies("SessionKey") = strSessionKey

Nowhere is the cookie assigned an .expires value.

Once a user has completed this logon process, they must then click past
an intermediate agreement page before actually having access to the main
application. When this intermediate page is submitted, it accesses the
cookie, extracts the session identifier and writes the value to a
database table.

The code to achieve this looks something like:

strSessionKey = Request.Cookies("SessionKey")
Dim objInstance
Set objInstance = Server.CreateObject("SomeComponent.SomeClass")
objInstance.StoreIdentifier strSessionKey
Set objInstance= nothing

The whole process works fine until I try to do the second stage (the
intermediate agreement) with two separate IE sessions (there are 2
separate IEXPLORER.EXE entries in task manager) very quickly.

I can go through the whole process fine, and then while leaving the
application open, I can start again with a new IE window and complete
the process again. In each case the correct identifier is stored in the
database for each separate session.

If I get to the second stage of the logon process with 2 separate IE
sessions, and submit both agreement pages at the same time (or as close
together as I can), then they both write the same unique session
identifier to the database, as if they are accessing the same cookie!
The session identifier used is the one from the first agreement page I
submit. This definitely only happens if I do this at the same time.
Wait a few seconds between the submissions and all is well.

Has anyone come across something like this before and can advise on a
possible reason?

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CSS Limitations

I am having problems with CSS expression. I have setup page that expresses some inline CSS within a repaet region. I am finding that after around 25-30 repeats the CSS stops expressing. The CSS is designed to set the size and position of a table and after too many record repeats it stop positioning the tables in internet explorer.

This may be a browser limitation becasue when I examine the source code of the expressed document the CSS is intact but it is not showing up in the browser.

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Url Size Limitations??

I am using variable passing through the url, and as it is getting larger, I am finding that occassionally some values are getting trimmed. Is there a limit to how long a url can be?

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ASP Uploader Limitations

I need to use an script that uploads via one of these three components: ASPUpload, SA-FileUp or SmartUpload.
If any of you have some recommendations or know upload scripts using one of these components, it'd be great. Unfortunately, I need it to be able to upload huge files on the server (300 megs).

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Limitations In OnTransactionAbort

I would like to know what I am allowed to do in Sub OnTransactionAbort and
what I am not allowed. (Or where can I find some material about this.)

I seem to have experienced that I am not allowed to do further database
transactions and cannot see the global variables. I can see Session
variables and do file transactions, however.

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Filesize Limitations

Just migrating some code from CDONTS to CDO and noticed some behaviour I want to verify.
When using cdoSendUsingPickup the outgoing email spools to the local filesystem first before being routed out. When using cdoSendUsingPort it goes directly to the remote email server and seems to bypass the virtual SMTP server running on the local machine (which can be stopped). This is all fine.

I noticed that sending emails that exceed the maximum filesize limitation set in the SMTP server properties pages only seems to trigger an error when using port, not pickup. Is this expected?

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Limitations Of Integers

i need to use bigger numbers that integer allows in asp. what should i use? i still need the whole number quality of the integer, but when i use anything larger than about ,100,000,000 i get the error Overflow: '[number: xxxxxxxxxxx]'

with the x's being the number i used. anyway around this?

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Access Limitations

I am getting ready to start a rather large website for a company. Its basically going to be a auction type website. This site has the potential to get extremely big if they market it correct. My question is can Access handle it?

I've heard there are certain size limitations in Access, but have never heard what those are. Has anyone out here actually reached those limits? Also how hard would it be to convert a Access db to SQL Server 2000? Is there a conversion tool within SQL Server or Access?

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Response.cookie In Session_onstart Event And IE 6.0 Cookie Acceptance

When I set a cookie in global.asa in the sub session_onstart, even if
I have "privacy" in IE 6.X set to "block all cookies" the cookie is
still set, and I can get it on other pages.

I can't find an article that addresses this as a specific issue. Why
does the browser get the cookie when it is set in the session_onstart
event even when I have "block all cookies" set?

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Limitations Of Multidimensional Arrays

I am coding an ASP script, which currently requires a 5-dimension array, i.e. array(a,b,c,d,e)

I remember reading somewhere, a long time ago, that there is a limit to the number of dimensions in ASP. That was a long time ago, and I don't remember.

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Does Cookies Have Any Limitations When Used In Frames?

Does cookies have any limitations when used in frames?

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CDONTS Mailer Limitations

I'm looking to manage an email list with SQL server and send out newsletters. Does anyone have an idea of the limitations of sending emails with CDONTS.MAIL object? How long would it take to send out 1000 emails via asp. I guess there are many variables with that, but that's say there were no attachments and we have 15k emails. These news letters really will only be sent once a month or so. But lets say our list grows to 10000 users or even 100,000. Is that a good idea to send 100,000 thousand emails through an asp page? I wouldn't think so .

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Global.ASA File Limitations

Users are required to log into my website. I store the users name in a session variable. If the user doesn't log out and the session expires after 20 minutes, is it permissable to have code in the session end function of the global.asa which accesses a database and makes alterations to the users login status?

The reason I ask this is that I am having problems trying to get the logout to work for sessions which have timed out. If the users logout using the logout button, the code works fine.

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Server.execute Limitations

I'm trying to implement the server.execute instead of using SS includes in a new project I'm doing. the server.execute command will not transfer variables or classes/subroutines defined on the other pages. Is this correct?

That's what I'm seeing but I want to be sure that I'm doing it right. I had to go back to SS includes to include my functions and classes I have stored in other files.

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ASP Uploader Without File Limitations

I have installed aspSimpleUpload and can upload files, up to 8 megs. However, I need to be able to upload any file size without any restrictions. Are there any file uploaders that I can use that will solve this problem?

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Javascript Function Limitations

I've been trying to use javascript for form validation. I want to get all the validation done in one function since it seems onSubmit can only handle one "return functioname()"
But there seems to be strict limits to javascript function complexity. For example, it seems I can't do this

if ( (a < 3 && b < 2) || (c < 5 && d < 9))

it seems I can't do any 'else if condition x'

also it seems I can't do any nest 'if condition return true'. Is there a way for a single javascript function to handle many different form validations? Or can onSubmit handle more than one returning function?

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Session Cookie Vs. Regular Cookie

I want to know what's the differences between session cookie and regular cookie.

In ASP, when we create cookie, we do the following to identify an user:

Response.Cookies("name") = value

Is this regular cookie? How about session cookie? and when to use which?

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Sessions To Database Sessions

We are planning to set-up a load balanced web environment. Accordingly, we are going to change the session management on our website from the classic ASP Session State and session variables, to a database method.

Does any one have any pointers as to how I might approach this, so that I can have the same sort of functionality the ASP sessions give without having to create database columns for each session variable I wish to create. I am thinking along the lines of some serialised dictionary or something that I can stick in a blob column.

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Can someone explain to me how you set a session and how you check the session?

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I created a session variable in an asp page as below:

Session("userid") = userid

is it possible for me to read that same variable "userid" in a seperate perl script? if so how?

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Sessions In ASP

I have session time by default as 20 mints in iis.

I want to that to be increased by 60 mints in my application so that when user save changes after 21st mint the session should not be lost.

Can this be happen without changing the default time in iis since i have many other applications.

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End All The Sessions

Any one know how to end all the session in asp application. Is there any other directive rather than '#include' to include a file in our Asp page.

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I was wanting to know if you could have a function within a session?Example:

<% Session("Message") = MyFunction() %>

Is that possible? Ok, maybe not "is it possible" but can you use the session message to dictate where the function outputs its data? Here's why I'm asking. I have an online testing app that when a person selects the wrong answer the correct answer (along with a bunch of other stuff) will be displayed on the page.
I'm getting it to display the correct answer and the other information, but the correct answer is at the top of the page screwing up my layout and the other information is doing what it should.

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Ssl And Sessions

I am using an HTTPS connection and posting to an asp page that does a
redirect based on if the user is authenticated.

However, for some reason after the session is set and the user redirect
the session dies and the user logged out?

Any ideas?

The redirect looks like Response.Redirect "../welcome.asp".

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ASP Sessions

I am using ServerXmlHttp in a client-side component to basically talk back to the Server within a webpage. I would like to be able to cache some information on the server so that when I callback, I do not have to reconstitue everything that I did for the intial request. However, the Sessions are different.

Is there a way to get the ServerXmlHttp session to impersonate the IE client session? Code:

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can any one tell me how to use sessions in asp for 2different users please?Is it straight forward? Never used them before, a friend said it is worth doing

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Sessions And SSL

I'm trying to use a couple of Session variables within SSL.
My form submits to the same page and this is at the top of the page.

Session("ShipAhead") = Request.Form("ShipAhead")
Session("Comments") = Request.Form("Comments")

The form fields are populated but the Sessions are empty on my next page.
Am I missing something? Is there a problem with Sessions and SSL?

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I've just created a simple form that writes information to an
Access database using ASP. Everything works fine. My question is, would
there be any reason to use the session object other than for tracking

Specifically, does a session have any inportance on multiple
users accessing pages and submitting the form inforamtion to the database.
I was curious about errors to the database with multiple users submitting at
the same time to the database. This is a small scale application and not
expected to have large number of hits. As stated I'm new to using ASP and
just wanted to get some input.

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All About Sessions

I have used SESSIONS on mission critical pages on my site, and if sessions are not enabled / supoorted - these pages will fail. When and why would a session fail? They do not store any info client side,and rely on the server to store session objects in memory, am I correct? Would security settings or privacy controls ever stop sessions working? Which "popular" browsers dont support sessions?

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Are sessions stored on the server or the visitors PC?

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I don't know how to do anything with session and I don't need anything complicated at all. All i need it to do is like create a session when they login sucessfully. And like I want to add on every page if they don't have a session id and the correct access priveleges or watever to redirect them to the login would i do that?

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