Sessions Timing Out When They're Not Supposed To.

I have a small (half a meg or so of source, and a 2.5MB database, and a few images) ASP web app in place, and it's running fine except for the fact that occasionally people have session timeouts and are suddenly not logged in.

I've turned the session timeout in IIS up, but they still seem to get logged out in less than 15min, rather than 2 hours, as intended.

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Uploading Timing

I did a program with allowed to user to upload an excel file and insert those data into the access database. I did the testing on xp pro and to upload abt 300 records took me less than a minute.

However, the computer which the program is to be located is using windows 98. So i dowlnoaded the free server thingy. The upload time for 300 records here took about 15 minutes. haha

Just want to know what makes the uploading time so different?

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ASP And SQL Query Timing

Can ASP pull the time it takes for a query to be hit on a DB and returned?

I see outputs like :

"6 results, query took 0.24 seconds"

I know the "6" comes from a record tally, but how can I calculate the time?

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Timing Uploads

I have been tasked with producing a script that times the amount of time it takes to upload a file from client to server.Unfortunately for me, part of the spec is that the script must be written in ASP which is something I have about 30 minutes experience in.
I have been playing around with the script located at this address :

Which does almost everything I need, the only thing it doesnt do is tell me how many seconds/milliseconds/widgets it took to upload the file to the server (excluding time to write to disk once received)Can anybody point me in the direction of another script that can give me timings, or at least give me some pointers on how I can hack the above script to give me the data I need (I have already worked out how to get rid of the save to DB and user name option and this is now gone from the display page and the working scripts behind it)

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Manually Timing Out

Is it possible to put a time counter on a page which say after 20 minutes will automatically terminate the session using the abandon function?

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Script Timing

I open a asp page where the user fills in some details in and submits the page. The form will be submitted and sent to a diffrent page, it will check and return whether the transaction was successful or not.

This is a timebound process the time starts as soon as the form get loaded. Suppose the time is 10 minutes so if the user fills in the form and submits the form. We would consider the transaction successful if we receive notificaton of the transaction being successfully completed within this 10 minutes limit, if it takes more than 10 minutes than we consider the transaction to be unsuccessful.

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Timing Out The Page

I want to call a procedure 20 minutes after the page loads in vbscript. Could someone how to time the page?

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Need To Use On Error Resume Next But Timing Out

I have a piece of code that i created. It actually works as it should. The only problem is the objrs2.update causes an error-duplicate primary key. However when i check the database it has done what it should.

I then tried to use on error resume next, but it keeps timing out and i do not want to extend the time limit. Does someone know how to get round this? Code:

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Session Timing Out Immediately

I'm having a problem where I'm losing Session variables as soon as they've been set up. The user logs onto the system, the system sets some Session variables, and redirects to a menu page. The menu page checks the Session variables, can't find them, and asks the user to log in again - the second login is successful. Has anyone seen this before, and do you know what I should do about it?

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Best Timing For Clean The Session Variables

I usually clean the session when the result page is presented to the user.
At this time, say an email confirmation was sent to the user and a pdf file
they can becdownloaded from the result page.

But if the user click the refresh or back button etc. for some reasons, they
pdf file is not available since it created on the fly when the request was

So I am thinking about pull pdf file from database, but don't want the
database being hitted everytime the refresh button was clicked or the
requested is resubmitted.

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Web Client Disconnects From SQL Server - IIS Timing Out?

I am having a problem executing long running queries from an ASP application which connects to SQL Server 2000. Basically, I have batches of queries that are run using ADO in a loop written in VBScript. This works pretty well until the execution time of a single query starts to exceed some threshold, which I am trying to narrow down. I can typically run 2 - 10 queries in a loop, with the run time being anywhere from under a minute to an hour or more. Now that this application is being subjected to run against some large databases (25 - 40G), I'm having problems getting the application to continue beyond the first query if it takes a while to run.

I used SQL Profiler to try to diagnose what was going on. I can see the query executes to completion, but immediately after completing I can see an "Audit Logout" message, which apparently means that the client has disconnected. The query durations vary from 45 or 50 minutes to up to over 90 minutes. I have the ADO connection and query timeouts set to very large values, e.g. 1000 minutes, so I can't think its that. My guess is that there is some IIS setting or timeout that I am running up against and the connection to SQL Server is just dropped for some reason.

The configuration is

NT 4.0 SP6
SQL Server 2000 SP3
IIS 4.0
Explorer 5.5

I'm only running into this problem on the very largest databases we run against. The vast majority continue to function properly, but this is going to happen more often as time goes on the databases continue to grow in size.

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Sessions To Database Sessions

We are planning to set-up a load balanced web environment. Accordingly, we are going to change the session management on our website from the classic ASP Session State and session variables, to a database method.

Does any one have any pointers as to how I might approach this, so that I can have the same sort of functionality the ASP sessions give without having to create database columns for each session variable I wish to create. I am thinking along the lines of some serialised dictionary or something that I can stick in a blob column.

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Can someone explain to me how you set a session and how you check the session?

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I created a session variable in an asp page as below:

Session("userid") = userid

is it possible for me to read that same variable "userid" in a seperate perl script? if so how?

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Sessions In ASP

I have session time by default as 20 mints in iis.

I want to that to be increased by 60 mints in my application so that when user save changes after 21st mint the session should not be lost.

Can this be happen without changing the default time in iis since i have many other applications.

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End All The Sessions

Any one know how to end all the session in asp application. Is there any other directive rather than '#include' to include a file in our Asp page.

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I was wanting to know if you could have a function within a session?Example:

<% Session("Message") = MyFunction() %>

Is that possible? Ok, maybe not "is it possible" but can you use the session message to dictate where the function outputs its data? Here's why I'm asking. I have an online testing app that when a person selects the wrong answer the correct answer (along with a bunch of other stuff) will be displayed on the page.
I'm getting it to display the correct answer and the other information, but the correct answer is at the top of the page screwing up my layout and the other information is doing what it should.

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Ssl And Sessions

I am using an HTTPS connection and posting to an asp page that does a
redirect based on if the user is authenticated.

However, for some reason after the session is set and the user redirect
the session dies and the user logged out?

Any ideas?

The redirect looks like Response.Redirect "../welcome.asp".

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ASP Sessions

I am using ServerXmlHttp in a client-side component to basically talk back to the Server within a webpage. I would like to be able to cache some information on the server so that when I callback, I do not have to reconstitue everything that I did for the intial request. However, the Sessions are different.

Is there a way to get the ServerXmlHttp session to impersonate the IE client session? Code:

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can any one tell me how to use sessions in asp for 2different users please?Is it straight forward? Never used them before, a friend said it is worth doing

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Sessions And SSL

I'm trying to use a couple of Session variables within SSL.
My form submits to the same page and this is at the top of the page.

Session("ShipAhead") = Request.Form("ShipAhead")
Session("Comments") = Request.Form("Comments")

The form fields are populated but the Sessions are empty on my next page.
Am I missing something? Is there a problem with Sessions and SSL?

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I've just created a simple form that writes information to an
Access database using ASP. Everything works fine. My question is, would
there be any reason to use the session object other than for tracking

Specifically, does a session have any inportance on multiple
users accessing pages and submitting the form inforamtion to the database.
I was curious about errors to the database with multiple users submitting at
the same time to the database. This is a small scale application and not
expected to have large number of hits. As stated I'm new to using ASP and
just wanted to get some input.

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All About Sessions

I have used SESSIONS on mission critical pages on my site, and if sessions are not enabled / supoorted - these pages will fail. When and why would a session fail? They do not store any info client side,and rely on the server to store session objects in memory, am I correct? Would security settings or privacy controls ever stop sessions working? Which "popular" browsers dont support sessions?

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Are sessions stored on the server or the visitors PC?

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I don't know how to do anything with session and I don't need anything complicated at all. All i need it to do is like create a session when they login sucessfully. And like I want to add on every page if they don't have a session id and the correct access priveleges or watever to redirect them to the login would i do that?

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Sessions In Asp

I've had a look around the site but can't find exactly what i'm looking for.I'm writing a small ticket booking engine in asp and am wondering about sessions.Do I need them ? and what is involved in adding them to my code?

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I am trying to set a session with a few variables so i can retrieve them and use them to display results on another page so far my code is

This is for setting the session

Session["Name"] = "shiodsgj";
Session["MaxPrice"] = "nkfskgjk";

Retrieving the session

user.Text = (String)Session["User"];
MaxPrice.Text = (String)Session["Network"];

Do i need to create a session if so how, I understand that session.add(string, object) does this but i am recieving errors whilst doing this.

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a user logs into a website (im using acess for the database, asp for the pages), they are then in a members only area. They should have the ability to view their own personal details and change them if they wish. this should be updated in the database.

the problem is im not sure how to go about it. i seen sessions mentioned in tutorials but im still ,well, lost basically.

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I've got two different sets of ASP scripts on my server. Each set is kept in their own directory. Both sets of scripts use sessions. I want to make sure that the sessions are not accidentially shared between the two sets as they are both different applications.

Right now I'm having a problem when I do a Session.Abandon from one set of scripts it also kills the session for the other set of scripts (I believe they are both using the exact same session). Is there some way I can make sure this doesn't happen?

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To Php Sessions

is there a way that i can use both php and asp on my site. So that i can switch over a session to a new php admin page?

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XP And Sessions

Has anyone had any problems using sessions with XP? Are there any tricks to getting it to work properly?

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I have a database add/view/edit/delete page, and you can only get to it by logging in at login.htm (where it checks username & pw and redirects you to the a/v/e/d page.) But if you know the 'Control Panel' address.

you can just type it in and get full access. I figured I must have to check everytime to make sure they logged in. what would be the best way to do this?

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how to use sessions in asp for 2 different users?Is it straight forward? Never used them before, a friend said it is worth doing.

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