Setting Message Priority With CDOSYS

Can someone please tell me how to set the priority of an email message sent from an ASP script using CDOSYS as below -

set oCdoMsg = server.createobject("CDO.Message")
oCdoMsg.importance=1 ' fails

With CDONTS I successfully used .importance but that fails with CDOSYS. I have searched the MSDN documentation but can't find it. BTW I find the various alternatives confusing - CDO, CDONTS, CDOEX etc.

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Setting Message-id With CDONTS

I am currently sending email using CDONTS through the virtual SMTP server on my windows 2000 server. The message-id that is created does not include a time and date stamp therefor over time I have been getting some message-id's that are not unique. I can not find where that message-id is created so that I could update it.

Instead I have set the message-id header in my ASP program when I send the email using CDONTS. Now the message-ID has everything I need in it.

I am happy with all my tests and have not seen any problems but then again I am new to this so what do I know.

Does anyone see a problem with setting the message-ID this way?

Does anyone be chance know where the default message-ID is created when using SMTP?

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CDOSYS Error Message

I recently switch from CDONTS to CDOSYS because of the e-mail delivery delay I am encountering. Now, when I send e-mail using CDOSYS it gives me the error message below:

CDO.Message.1 error '8007000e'

Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

/development/Administrator_email.asp, line 101

There are about 2000 recipients in the e-mail list. I tried just sending to about 20 of them and I did not have any problem. Code:

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Embed Image In CDOSYS Message

Is it possible to embed an image, like a company logo in a CDOSYS generated

If yes, I´ll apreciate some code sample. I´ve been able to format messages
in html the way I like, but I can't figure out how to embed an image.

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Setting Up Error Message For Blank Field

I set up a form, asp code for the form, and an access db to store the data. It all works fine. The only problem is that I want to set up an error message that reads something like "Please fill in the blank field and then resubmit". Code:

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SCH Reference In A CDOSYS Email Message Script

I'm just looking into modifying a script for an asp page and I've come across this code.

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 1
.Item(sch & "smtpserverpickupdirectory") = "c:InetpubmailrootPickup"
End With
Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

Could someone please explain to me what the sch reference is for and if I need it.

I'm going to create an E-mail message and use CDOSYS to send it. I think it's necessary to understand what's going on before I continue....

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Including Form Items In A Message Body CDOSYS

I am having some problems with my code. It works perfectly, the only problem is that when sending the e-mail, it only sends the Message and not all fields. I need for this to send all fields in the form in the e-mail. Sorry for this very easy question but I am pulling my hair out here. It only sends one field, the "Message" field in the e-mail when it sends it. Code:

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In ASP Code Priority

<%Response.write "Second"%>

In Asp which code will execute first priority vise.

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Setting "From" Name In CDOSYS

I have the following...


....and I want to have a name displayed as the "From" in the inbox
rather than the email address.

How do I specify a Name such as "John Doe"?

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IIS Setting To Run Asp

I am trying just to run a simple asp commands in the
Internet Explorer. ( I have windows XP)

When I run this asp lines on ASP Matrix web server it is

But, when I run this on IIS it acts like the asp engine
is not working.

I created the virtual directory and started the default
server web page but still not working.

Please let me know what else I have to do to run asp
program at IIS?

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Setting The Value

I am creating an edit facility for an online showroom which I want to output the
contents of a database record into a form so it can be edited and updated by the user.
Two of the form fields are text boxes of type="file". When I try to output the value of
these filenames to the text boxes they don't appear.

I have tried outputting these in a normal text box and they output fine so it is obviously
a restriction when outputing to file type text boxes.

here is the code I am using:

<input type="file" name="file" size="50" value="<%=rs("File Name")%>">
<input name="thumb" type="file" id="thumb" size="50" value="<%=rs("Thumb Name")%>">

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Setting Up IIS PWS

I am currently having problem with parsing .asp files when I tried to type http://localhost/iisstart.asp file with my new IIS local server.f I tried to open .html with my localhost server.. it is working properly, example: http://www.localhost/postinfo.html

I suspect it could be because of my firewall or the way I setup my IIS local webserver was inappropriate.

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Setting Up IIS

Does anyone know about setting up IIS on WinXP? I have it installed but when I try to use it, it asks for a username and password, and I dont know what the username and passwords are. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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how to use CDOSYS... i am getting pain by changing my servers

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Cdo, Cdosys

I am desperately trying to install a login script for my website. I keep getting this error:

error '80040211'
/register.asp, line 88

Here is what is on line 88:


i spoke with my hosting company - they said CDOSYSMail.Send and objCDO.Send are the same thing and if one is supported they both are - is this true?

I don't know what to do to get this working. It's a remote SMTP, but they have assured me that isn't an issue because I have the correct outgoing SMTP info in place (Verio hosting)

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How can i create an form in CDOSYS to send an email?

Win 2k and NT used CDONTS, but XP does not support it. Does anyone know how to utilise this using Win XP Pro with IIS version 5.1

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From Name In CDOSYS

I know with CDOSYS there's a objMail.from class, but this is for the From email address of the sender, not the From Name. Is it possible to assign a from name and from email address as seperate values?

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I have an asp registration form, generating a html email, using cdosys.
When a hotmail user registers they receive an empty email or so it
seems, until you forward the email then the contents appeas as if by
magic. Is this a problm in the way my asp page is generating the email
or is it a settings issue with the hotmail account

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Using Cdosys

I have allready posted my problem at this forum and i got replies too.But they suggested me using cdont or cdo component for win 2000.But my os is XP
professional and it contain CDOSYS component for sending email in asp.Plz provide me solution a/c to Windows XP Professional CDOSYS component

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I keep getting this error when my website tries to create an object to send an email for the checkout email confirmation: Error creating object: 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3. Do you have any idea of the reasons this could happen? I had an engineer configure the software for CDOSYS, and this is what he said: Andrew, I’ve replaced all the files and I still get the same error message. So this leads me to believe that we’re looking at the wrong site or where I am publishing to the wrong location. Either that or the host is doing some sort of an ASP caching.
I don't see how he could be publishing to the wrong location; i gave him the right ftp info. Do you know what an ASP caching is, or do you have any clue what i could do to try to fix this problem, or where this error came from in the first place?
URL URLI was told by somenone that the object is not installed and registered properly. Does this mean that the dll for CDLSYS is not installed server side, or that the error is a function of my server not being set up right?

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I am getting this error, but have no attachment code!! What other paths could it be looking for. The only one I have is:

.Item("") = "c:inetpubmailrootpickup"

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i am using CDOSYS to send mails to the users from my application. Everything is working fine, mails are being sent to the user but in the mail the user receives, some extra characters such as '!' or spaces are coming between words. I tried defining a character set but still the problem exitss.

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Does CDOSYS have all the same methods and properties that CDONTS does? I need to know 'cause I just put XP on my box and I heard CDONTS has been deprecated since Win2k anyway.

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I am having difficulty with the cdosys for windows 2000, I can't seem to find a method that allows me to attach a file, I have been searching msdn and the page I needed was not available.

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Using CDOSYS to send email:

Code: ( text )

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I was using CDONTS to send ASP forms. They used to work fine, but now it seems that my webhost provider (not to mention some others), are changing the fotmat from CDONTS to CDOSYS. I have been looking at some of the examples, but they seem confusing. So, my questions is this...

What is the easiest way? I am more concern with the collection of the data from the form's fields. What is that I have to do in order to be able to collect the data sent from the fields?

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CDO Take Two CDOsys

I have a form that I use to send an email using CDO. When I submit the form, it brings up a blank page and no email is sent. Can you look through the code and see what's wrong?

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Setting Cookies

I am not able to set cookies with the domain name on a
Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0. If I use the IP address
it works. I have another machine running IIS and I
configured them together.

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Setting Up An Array

im trying to set up an array of database records. i want to be able to display all information but only display the request numbers once for each number...while displaying all seq number's associated with each request number. ex:

request # seq number instead of
500 1 500 1
2 500 2
501 1 501 1
2 501 2

right now, it works so that the request numbers are printed out for each seq number....i've marked the section of code where the problem is being caused...i think it's in the way im trying to set up the array. Code:

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Setting Up The ASP Server ...

i'd like to make asp page which will run on my computer and other users can connect through the internet on it's a simple one asp page. .. the thing is i don't know how to setup ASP server ... anyway ... Code:

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Setting Img Size

I need to set the image size in the following line. When I try to set the
img to 75x75 I am getting an error. The line I'm having problems with is :

Response.Write "<a href='" & imageFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'><img
src='" & thumbFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'width="75" height="75"></a>"

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Setting Selections

I have a dropdown box in my ASP page, which the user can select multiple values.
I can read the values out and save them to my database, but how do I make the selected values appear selected on a page when the user goes back to edit/update page?

Have tried the following JavaScript....
document.frmAccom.selAccomType.values=1,3; ??
Doesn't work

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Setting The HTMLDirectionality

How do one set the HTMLDirectionality of a Page that is using a Master Page.
Normally one would have set the 'dir' attribute of the <html> tag, but one cannot do that on the Master Page.

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