Setting The Focus

Does anyone have some simple (non ASP.NET) code to set the focus after a button has been clicked?

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Setting Focus Asp

I tried using this script in the usercontrol's page_load sub to set focus on a textbox with the ID = "user_name":

Page.RegisterStartupScript("focus", "<script

I get an error message saying that the textbox is null or not an object.

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Setting Focus To An IFrame

I tried using:

or document.formname.iView.focus()

none work! I need to set focus to the iFrame (I am using it as an editor)

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Setting Focus After VBScript Processing

I have a form which has 1 textbox in it. When the user enters a number, and tabs, it submits the form and the textbox disappears and the name of the person that the ID corresponds to is displayed (filters recordset, returns name).

The problem I have is that this is the first textbox on the page, and when the user tabs, the tab order gets funky and the user has to click on the next textbox. This is unacceptable to my data entry people, as they are used to tabbing everywhere. Does anyone have any ideas?

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I am building an asp form with various elements
<td tabindex=[x]>blablabla</td>
Where the [x] is the order I want, so far so good and using the tab key
provides the desired results however...
When I *click* on one of the elements the tab order is not updated and so the
next tab key jumps to wherever tabbing left off.
Is there a way to use onfocus() or something to update the tab order so the
next tab will focus on the next element after the *clicked* element?

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i want to setfocus a dropdownlist after a submission of form. there r 2 dropdownlist say A and B.based on wat is selcted in A , B's contents are decided.

First :> A is selcted and on blur form is submitted.

Then :> then A's selection is known by request.form("A")
and based on that B is populated.

now i want to set focus on B,when it is populated so that i can make selction from B dropdown list.

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Set Focus

i am calling a javascript function Focus_Setter(), by using onload event of body tag. In Focus_Setter() i want to compare request.form("pname")

pname is a variable set in previous form. based on i want to set focus on particular text field on page is it possible to do that and how to do it.

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On Focus With Web Controls


<input type="txtLast" name="txtLast" size="20" style="background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF">

I want to change this color when someone selects this control. I know in visual basic the set.focus function works. how do I apply this to this control.

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Text Focus

I have a text box, when the page loads i want this text box to have focus. Ive got this right and ok, BUT, because this has text inside it it sets the focus at the begining of the text. Is there a way so that it will set focus at the end of the text value?

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I have a SSN Field which include 3 text boxes. How do I move the focus from one box to another as soon as user enter the max characters in the text box.

For example:when users enter 123 in the first text box of ssn control should move to next text box.

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Postback And Focus

Say I have a textbox (autopostback=true) and a button. I enter a new value in the textbox then - without clicking anywhere else first - I click the button. The box's text isn't changed prior to the button's click so the new data in the box isn't evaluated at the server. The user has to click the button twice.

I would like to change this without any scripts on the client that will be rejected by security setting in today's browsers.

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Focus On Load For Input Box

How do I make a form's text box focused on page load? I have a page that loads one text box for a user to enter their zipcode and then press search. How do I get the cursor to be in the box when the page loads. I do not have access to the Code:


Only what's between the body tags. Maybe a javascript out there?

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Textfield Losing Focus

I have a bunch of text fields that the user tabs through. How would I go about calling a function when a specific textbox loses focus so that when they tab out I can make a pop up and allow them to select some info

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Form Field 'focus'

Is there an ASP equivalent to Javascript's '...focus.();' that returns focus to a form field? I want to accept input from a user on a form.This input is to be databased and also unique. I want to check the user's input against what already exists in the database. If the input already exists.

I want to generate a pop up dialog box ala javascript and then when it's acknowledged, return focus to the form field.

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Focus Doesn't Work

I have just instered a small javascript in order to give focus to the first field when the page is opened/loaded but it doesn't work at all. All I have is:

function window_onload(){

I have exactly the same code for my other web page and that works just fine, I don't get it, I am on a different pc at the moment, could it work on one and not other?

What do I need to look for?

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How To Focus A Popup Window From Another Asp Page?

I have 3 asp pages.

A link in the first one creates a popup window.

A link in the popup window opens a page with 2 frames in it, top and bottom.

Now, I have a link in bottom frame of this page, which, when clicked , should give focus to the existing popup window.

When creating the popup window, I used a reference to it like...

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Focus On HTML File Field Control

I have a specific requirement.I have a html file field control in
my page..i browse for file to upload and when i close the dialog
box,the cursor position should be in the text box of that file field

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IIS Setting To Run Asp

I am trying just to run a simple asp commands in the
Internet Explorer. ( I have windows XP)

When I run this asp lines on ASP Matrix web server it is

But, when I run this on IIS it acts like the asp engine
is not working.

I created the virtual directory and started the default
server web page but still not working.

Please let me know what else I have to do to run asp
program at IIS?

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Setting The Value

I am creating an edit facility for an online showroom which I want to output the
contents of a database record into a form so it can be edited and updated by the user.
Two of the form fields are text boxes of type="file". When I try to output the value of
these filenames to the text boxes they don't appear.

I have tried outputting these in a normal text box and they output fine so it is obviously
a restriction when outputing to file type text boxes.

here is the code I am using:

<input type="file" name="file" size="50" value="<%=rs("File Name")%>">
<input name="thumb" type="file" id="thumb" size="50" value="<%=rs("Thumb Name")%>">

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Setting Up IIS PWS

I am currently having problem with parsing .asp files when I tried to type http://localhost/iisstart.asp file with my new IIS local server.f I tried to open .html with my localhost server.. it is working properly, example: http://www.localhost/postinfo.html

I suspect it could be because of my firewall or the way I setup my IIS local webserver was inappropriate.

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Setting Up IIS

Does anyone know about setting up IIS on WinXP? I have it installed but when I try to use it, it asks for a username and password, and I dont know what the username and passwords are. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Setting Cookies

I am not able to set cookies with the domain name on a
Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0. If I use the IP address
it works. I have another machine running IIS and I
configured them together.

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Setting Up An Array

im trying to set up an array of database records. i want to be able to display all information but only display the request numbers once for each number...while displaying all seq number's associated with each request number. ex:

request # seq number instead of
500 1 500 1
2 500 2
501 1 501 1
2 501 2

right now, it works so that the request numbers are printed out for each seq number....i've marked the section of code where the problem is being caused...i think it's in the way im trying to set up the array. Code:

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Setting Up The ASP Server ...

i'd like to make asp page which will run on my computer and other users can connect through the internet on it's a simple one asp page. .. the thing is i don't know how to setup ASP server ... anyway ... Code:

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Setting Img Size

I need to set the image size in the following line. When I try to set the
img to 75x75 I am getting an error. The line I'm having problems with is :

Response.Write "<a href='" & imageFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'><img
src='" & thumbFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'width="75" height="75"></a>"

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Setting Selections

I have a dropdown box in my ASP page, which the user can select multiple values.
I can read the values out and save them to my database, but how do I make the selected values appear selected on a page when the user goes back to edit/update page?

Have tried the following JavaScript....
document.frmAccom.selAccomType.values=1,3; ??
Doesn't work

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Setting The HTMLDirectionality

How do one set the HTMLDirectionality of a Page that is using a Master Page.
Normally one would have set the 'dir' attribute of the <html> tag, but one cannot do that on the Master Page.

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Setting A Referer

I am making a small ASP script to track users from an email marketing campaign. Basically the email is sent to subscribers, then when they click on an offer they are sent to a third party provider. Right now we can track how many users open the email, and how many visit the site, but we would like to track conversions.
The third party will only provide stats via referer. Is there an easy way in ASP to set a referer to a custom url during the redirection?

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Setting Up An ASP Application

I have not used ASP before. Are there cookbook instructions for how to
set up an asp directory structure. It is not clear to me how I must
mark directories (virtual or physical), so they will all be considered
to be part of the same application.

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Language Setting

I have no idea what would cause this because my system setting is set to English and all of my other programs that use the date and time are doing it in English but my ASP seems to be giving me the date in Italian
For example..

WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now())) = venerd́ instead of Friday.

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Setting Up A New Shopping Sit

Is there anyone out there who can set up a relatively easy shopping site. I will need it for selling music cds.
This would be for about an inventory of about 2500 titles, which I have in .csv text format or MS Ecxel or MS Access but it should be database driven and easy to be maintained by a non-techie....
I was thinking of mals-ecommerce (oscommerce, I hear has been somewhat difficult), or some other ones that I've seen out there, like,,, or
Thank you very much, and please ask questions, as I am sure there is something I probably left out.

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Setting Up My Web Page

I just want to know what are the setup needed to run my web page without logging in to the server? Im using Windows NT 4.0 as my server and using IIS 4.0 and Micorosoft Transaction Server.

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Setting Up SciTE For ASP

I've just about got calltips and Autocomplete working for PHP in sciTE - but I can't get it to work for ASP.

Has anyone else using sciTE for ASP coding got it working?

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