Setting Up SciTE For ASP

I've just about got calltips and Autocomplete working for PHP in sciTE - but I can't get it to work for ASP.

Has anyone else using sciTE for ASP coding got it working?

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IIS Setting To Run Asp

I am trying just to run a simple asp commands in the
Internet Explorer. ( I have windows XP)

When I run this asp lines on ASP Matrix web server it is

But, when I run this on IIS it acts like the asp engine
is not working.

I created the virtual directory and started the default
server web page but still not working.

Please let me know what else I have to do to run asp
program at IIS?

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Setting The Value

I am creating an edit facility for an online showroom which I want to output the
contents of a database record into a form so it can be edited and updated by the user.
Two of the form fields are text boxes of type="file". When I try to output the value of
these filenames to the text boxes they don't appear.

I have tried outputting these in a normal text box and they output fine so it is obviously
a restriction when outputing to file type text boxes.

here is the code I am using:

<input type="file" name="file" size="50" value="<%=rs("File Name")%>">
<input name="thumb" type="file" id="thumb" size="50" value="<%=rs("Thumb Name")%>">

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Setting Up IIS PWS

I am currently having problem with parsing .asp files when I tried to type http://localhost/iisstart.asp file with my new IIS local server.f I tried to open .html with my localhost server.. it is working properly, example: http://www.localhost/postinfo.html

I suspect it could be because of my firewall or the way I setup my IIS local webserver was inappropriate.

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Setting Up IIS

Does anyone know about setting up IIS on WinXP? I have it installed but when I try to use it, it asks for a username and password, and I dont know what the username and passwords are. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Setting Cookies

I am not able to set cookies with the domain name on a
Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0. If I use the IP address
it works. I have another machine running IIS and I
configured them together.

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Setting Up An Array

im trying to set up an array of database records. i want to be able to display all information but only display the request numbers once for each number...while displaying all seq number's associated with each request number. ex:

request # seq number instead of
500 1 500 1
2 500 2
501 1 501 1
2 501 2

right now, it works so that the request numbers are printed out for each seq number....i've marked the section of code where the problem is being caused...i think it's in the way im trying to set up the array. Code:

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Setting Up The ASP Server ...

i'd like to make asp page which will run on my computer and other users can connect through the internet on it's a simple one asp page. .. the thing is i don't know how to setup ASP server ... anyway ... Code:

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Setting Img Size

I need to set the image size in the following line. When I try to set the
img to 75x75 I am getting an error. The line I'm having problems with is :

Response.Write "<a href='" & imageFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'><img
src='" & thumbFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'width="75" height="75"></a>"

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Setting Selections

I have a dropdown box in my ASP page, which the user can select multiple values.
I can read the values out and save them to my database, but how do I make the selected values appear selected on a page when the user goes back to edit/update page?

Have tried the following JavaScript....
document.frmAccom.selAccomType.values=1,3; ??
Doesn't work

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Setting The HTMLDirectionality

How do one set the HTMLDirectionality of a Page that is using a Master Page.
Normally one would have set the 'dir' attribute of the <html> tag, but one cannot do that on the Master Page.

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Setting A Referer

I am making a small ASP script to track users from an email marketing campaign. Basically the email is sent to subscribers, then when they click on an offer they are sent to a third party provider. Right now we can track how many users open the email, and how many visit the site, but we would like to track conversions.
The third party will only provide stats via referer. Is there an easy way in ASP to set a referer to a custom url during the redirection?

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Setting Up An ASP Application

I have not used ASP before. Are there cookbook instructions for how to
set up an asp directory structure. It is not clear to me how I must
mark directories (virtual or physical), so they will all be considered
to be part of the same application.

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Language Setting

I have no idea what would cause this because my system setting is set to English and all of my other programs that use the date and time are doing it in English but my ASP seems to be giving me the date in Italian
For example..

WeekDayName(WeekDay(Now())) = venerd́ instead of Friday.

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Setting Up A New Shopping Sit

Is there anyone out there who can set up a relatively easy shopping site. I will need it for selling music cds.
This would be for about an inventory of about 2500 titles, which I have in .csv text format or MS Ecxel or MS Access but it should be database driven and easy to be maintained by a non-techie....
I was thinking of mals-ecommerce (oscommerce, I hear has been somewhat difficult), or some other ones that I've seen out there, like,,, or
Thank you very much, and please ask questions, as I am sure there is something I probably left out.

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Setting Up My Web Page

I just want to know what are the setup needed to run my web page without logging in to the server? Im using Windows NT 4.0 as my server and using IIS 4.0 and Micorosoft Transaction Server.

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Setting The Focus

Does anyone have some simple (non ASP.NET) code to set the focus after a button has been clicked?

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Setting Variables

I have this large include file that will change based upon the page that includes it. Is there a way to make the include dynamic, for it to know which file is calling it and use variables based on that file?

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Setting A Form Value

I'm trying to use CDO with ASP. How do I set the value the user types in to be a variable that I can use?One specific of this is I want to have a text input for the user's email address. The value the user types in will be stored as a variable (hopefully, if this is possible). I assume it would be something like this:Code:

myMail.From=" " & email & " "

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Setting My Webserver

I've just developed an website with SQL Server 2000 database. I wish to host it on my own pc. My computer specs are:

AMD 64 3500+
250G HDD 18MB Buffer
Windows 2003

I was going to install IIS as webserver.what other software do i need and what else i have to set? for sure i have to buy a domain name and redirect it to my ip address.

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Setting Focus Asp

I tried using this script in the usercontrol's page_load sub to set focus on a textbox with the ID = "user_name":

Page.RegisterStartupScript("focus", "<script

I get an error message saying that the textbox is null or not an object.

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Setting An Array

I trying to set an array inside a loop with the variables of the loop. It seems to loop throught once then it will throw the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Here is my code:

'outputquery session outputs fine
Dim edit_contents_array
total = UBound(session("outputquery"), 2)
For i = 0 to (total)
'set edit array
edit_contents_array(i,0) = response.Write(trim(session("outputquery")(0,i)))
edit_contents_array(i,1) = response.Write(trim(session("outputquery")(1,i)))

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MDB Password Setting

I able to set password, asdasd to my mdb file, but when i try use this connection string

Code: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";UserId=admin;Password=asdasd;"

i got a "not a valid password" error messages.

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Setting Paths For Asp

I am trying to learn new stuff using asp. That means I am downloading a lot of examples and looking at them. Sometimes thats all I do is look and compare his/her code to my attempt but also sometimes I need to see a working demo. I find I am replacing the path a lot. Is there a faster way to do this.

can Create a txt file with paths in them and use that to get paths from. It would be differant if I was using the pages but I do not evan have a webpage yet just iis setup on my home comp.

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Setting Up Mod_perl

I have set up the following successfully on Windows 2000 Pro:

-Apache/2.0.44 (Win32)
-mod_perl-2 (1.99_09-dev)

I am having troubles with configuration. What do I add to "httpd.conf" file in Apache, in order to execute ASP files and get everything working? Where do I then put ASP files?

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Setting Object

Woud this work?

set objConn = nothing
set objAnyObject = nothing


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Setting The InnerText

I have a span as below.

<span id="lblTest" style="color:#FF0033;font-
weight:bold;">This is a test.</span>

When the user clicks a checkbox I call below code to set my span text to blank.

var el = document.MyForm.getElementById("Test");

I have also tried using innerText property. What am I doing wrong here?

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Setting Up On Web Host

I haven't ever used ASP on a web host but will most likely be shortly with a members area and was just wondering if someone could answer these questions. Do I have to have the ASP files in a certain file and with the database?

Do I only need to have the asp files or do I need a file like like if I am using in on my local computer with a web server?

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Setting Recordset

In the following piece of code what is the highlighted red piece of code doing?


Dim strSQL, strSQL1, objRs, objRs1

Set objRs=objConn.execute(strSQL)
Set objRs1=objConn.execute(strSQL1)%>

Am i right in thinking that you are setting the recordset to hold the results from strsql from the database that you are connecting to.

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Setting Up Development PC

I'm a VB/SQL programmer, but not familiar with WEB programming or the Microsoft products for this. I'm trying to set up a development workstation to create and test .asp files running server side VBScripting.

My PC has Win2k Pro and Visual Studio Enterprise Ed. Does anyone know what other software I need to install in order to have a development Web Server?

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Setting ASP/SQL Desktop

Most ASP tutorials, etc, even the beginnner sites, just start out with the code. but what about your development environment?

Is there any way to set up a complete development environment on my PC (Windows ME, sadly) like I can with Apache/PHP/MySQL? In other words, a suitable server that parses ASP, and a SQL-compliant database. I realize getting into ASP goes into the commercial (non-free) arena, but are there ways around this in less-expensive or free ways?

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Setting Up IIs To Work With Asp

I am trying to get ASP to work with IIS and i keep getting page cannot be displayed when i try to open asp pages? Do i have some settings wrong somewhere?

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Setting Message-id With CDONTS

I am currently sending email using CDONTS through the virtual SMTP server on my windows 2000 server. The message-id that is created does not include a time and date stamp therefor over time I have been getting some message-id's that are not unique. I can not find where that message-id is created so that I could update it.

Instead I have set the message-id header in my ASP program when I send the email using CDONTS. Now the message-ID has everything I need in it.

I am happy with all my tests and have not seen any problems but then again I am new to this so what do I know.

Does anyone see a problem with setting the message-ID this way?

Does anyone be chance know where the default message-ID is created when using SMTP?

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