Show Message While Processing

I have a web page that takes anywhere between 1 and 5 minutes to process. The user inputs a date criteria and then I have to query against a 9 million record table for the results and do some calculations also.

Since I don't know how to display anything to the screen until the server has done it's part, I was wondering if anyone here would know. I just basically want the user to know that the page is processing and the results will be displayed once the processing is done. Any ideas?

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Message While Processing Page.

I have a very unique problem, i am submitting from a pdf
form, when submitted goes to a asp page, which saves the
data and redirects to a different page after saving the
data. I am writing a message called 'Processing Form
please wait' in the page where it is saving the data and
doing a response.flush(and i also di response.buffer
=true) but still it seems like it never hits this page.
When the user submits the form, it just stays on the pdf
file for a good 10-15 seconds and redirects to the last
page(after saving data).

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Message While Processing Asp Page

I have a very unique problem, i am submitting from a pdf
form, when submitted goes to a asp page, which saves the
data and redirects to a different page after saving the

I am writing a message called 'Processing Form
please wait' in the page where it is saving the data and
doing a response.flush(and i also di response.buffer
=true) but still it seems like it never hits this page.

When the user submits the form, it just stays on the pdf
file for a good 10-15 seconds and redirects to the last
page(after saving data).

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Show Message Box

I have some problems with how to show error message. Now I have two asp pages such as page "A" and page "B" and When I click a button on page "A" then the process will check conditions from page "B" ,so if there're some errors it will redirect to page "A" and show error message box.

I would like to know that how to show the message box?

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Show Message In TextArea

I have ShowMessage page that show the message in TxetArea, the problem is that
i see '<BR>' in the message in end of every line.

I see '<BR>' only in lines that i use 'Enter' while i was writing the message.
Can i prevent it (seen '<BR>') ?

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How To Show Message If No Records Found?

I am using the following code which works if there is records, if there is not it shows blank screen, how do I make a message show if there were no records found? Code:

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Processing Url W/ASP

Does anyone have an idea how the showasp.asp file is able to direct the user to the demo_text.asp file without changing the URL. I'd like to see how this type of direction is being processed. Code:

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Text Processing

Do you guys know how to parse an input(text) to verify if it contains special characters. The input should accept numbers or letters only.

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Form Processing With VB

I have no major programming background so am struggling to enable processing of forms on my website. Normally I just use Frontpage extensions or a freeware CGI script.

However, with this particular site, which is being hosted in Zimbabwe, the hosting company says they only support Java or VB enabled forms for processing. Does anyone have any idea where I can get a freeware script that will be easy enough for me to implement?

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Processing Out Of Order

I've written the following piece of code which is embedded in HTML. For some reason when the script is processed the last response.write statment is displayed before the information in the while loop. I can't seem to figure out why this is happenming.

Any ideas? Code:

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Image Processing

We have written a CMS, where we want user to upload a specific size of images. But if they do in some other sizes, the site becomes ugly. Is there any way in ASP to dynmically resize/compress/edit to display the image, in such a way that its not spoiling the look, even if its not very perfect.

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Processing Request

Anyone have any links and/or code samples demonstrating how this can be done: &quot;Processing&quot; progress bar/&quot;in-between&quot; page? Current procedure is that john doe clicks an item on a datagrid of mine and after however long, gets the info he wants.

What I want to do is have a page that pops up "in-between" the two pages. Something that says "Processing Request: Please Wait" or somesuch and have a progress bar or something as well would not have to be an accurate progress bar, per se.Anyone have any links/samples?

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Image Processing In ASP

How can we carry out image processing (similar to PHP GD Library) to manipulate Images using ASP. Can we call Windows API functions for the same thru ASP?

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I'm not sure if this is an HTML question or an ASP question, so I'm posting to both forums. I have a page that has two forms with two similar data sets. The action part of each form brings the user to a process page that updates some database information. I usually use Request.Form("variable"), but how can I determine which form was used? Can I request information from a particular form or should I use different variable names in each form?

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Processing Request

I've got two pages. The first page has a simple form that collects a value from the user and then posts this value to the second page that performs a query. This query has some loops in it that can sometimes force it to wait up to 15 seconds.

My question is how can I implement a "Processing Request..." message until the results are returned? Right now it just sits on the first page until the results are returned, THEN goes to the second (display) page. How do I call some sort of message to be displayed so it's a smoother transition and the user doesn't think the browser has stopped responding?

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Query Processing

I have a basic search feature in my website, but am having a problem executing one of the search criterias. If a user types a word with an apostrophe such as "what's" my ASP script throws an error.

a way out so that i would be able to return the search result for a word that includes the apostrophe.

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Two Server Processing

Is it possible to have server1 do a post to another page on server2?
Server2 page does it's thing and submit the results back to server1. All of
this is done without any reference in the url. I tried server.execute and
transfer but it only works on the same server.

Basically, I have a component on server2 inside my firewall. Server1 is for
public use. Users enter server1 and request what report they want. The
report should pass to server2 to instantiate an object and create a report
on the fly and store the pdf on server1. Users just have to view or
download it from server1. All this is done without the user knowing they
left server1.

This does work if I sent the server1 form action to server2. But then it's
on url now.

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Processing Two Forms At Once

What's wrong with this code ? It worked fine untill I added the second part of it - the emails which is sent to me (Administer).. What have I done wrog ?? Code:

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Processing Dynamic Checkboxes

I am working in ASP and Access database.

I have a page with a form, inside the form there is a SELECT statement that pulls all relevent 'yes/no' columns from all relevent tables in the db and makes them checkboxes inside the form.

Now when i check or uncheck these boxes and submit them i need to have the db updated with all the relevent changes in all the various tables.

How can this be done? maybe there is a "FOR EACH CHECKBOX.." statement that can be used?

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Processing Dynamic Checkboxes

I have a page with a form, inside the form there is a SELECT statement that pulls all relevent 'yes/no' columns from all relevent tables in the db and makes them checkboxes inside the form.

Now when i check or uncheck these boxes and submit them i need to have the db updated with all the relevent changes in all the various tables.

How can this be done? maybe there is a "FOR EACH CHECKBOX.." statement that can be used?

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COM Object For Image Processing In ASP

I've been using ASPImage and it frequently causes IIS to crash. Do any of you have a good alternative to suggest?

I need something to handle resizing and cropping.

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How Do I Close A Window After Processing

I am calling an asp page from my flash file & the asp code is as follows: Code:

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Hiding Processing Page

I have a form that submits to as asp processing page and that processing page inserts the info into a database and sends me an email. <form action="process.asp" method="post">there are a few pranksters out there that like to open the process.asp page directly and send blank info to my database and email. Is there a way to have this page only work when the form submits to it but not work if you just go directly to the page. I tried changing the permission to write only, but then you are asked for a password.

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Credit Card Processing

I'm working on a new project that involves purchasing stuff online. But I don't really know where to start. I know you need to process the cards through a gateway, and that's about it.

What I want is a secure page where the customer enters their credit card info and hits submit. I don't want to process it manually, I want it all to be automatic. I'm not asking for help coding this, because I understand its very complicated, and I don't trust that I will be able to make it secure if I were to do it myself.

What I'm asking is, can anyone recommend a good ASP script for processing credit cards? (all cards will be from the UK, so visa, mastercard, maestro, switch, solo etc...).

I don't want a shopping portal, just the credit card processing bit is what I'm after (anything under $100 would be ideal)! And also, what is a good gateway to use in the UK? And any other info/tips you can give me would be great too!

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Advice For Form Processing.

I'm just after abit of advice and recommendation about processing a form. Would it be advisable to set the form action to the page were the form currently sits and insert an if statement into the beginning of the page to check to see if submit = Yes?

Then saving the user inputs into sessions?

if all inputs meet the validation requirements then redirect the user to the next step?

Also is there a better way of trapping if a user enters numerical values and special characters than this? Code:

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Batch Form Processing

I have a form that users enter details of a car (e.g make model , idnumber#) and then press save to save to the database they may want to order 10 cars with the same details exept the idnumber so to save the users entering in all 5 details I want to make it easier.

Should I have a list box and let the user add idnumber items from a text box and then pass this to my update asp and loop through + to save to the database or should I
save one record and then return back to the same form Note : I am having problems with this method as only part of the fields show when I hit the back button I just wondered what is the best method of doing this I am spoilt for choice and I also get problems.

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Multipart Form Processing

i have created a registration page containing a form than sends username password to an asp processing page. If the user exists it sends the user back to the registration page with server.transfer command otherwise it adds the new user to the database as expected.

Anyhow I now want to add an upload feature to the registration page (using pure-asp). The example I used says that the form Enctype property should be set to mulipart/form-data.

Now when I add a new user via the registration form, the processing page for some reason assumes the user is already registered (BUT IS NOT IN DATABASE) and the server.transfer code is executed ? sending the user back to the registration page.

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Query Processing Time

How can i set the Query Processing Time in my asp page.i am getting this error messages "Estimated query processing time 152 exceeds limit 30"

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Processing A Text File

I would like to be able upload a text file to be put in a database, from a file field control in a HTML Form. The file will contain the ID numbers of some users, separated by a line break. I would like to be able to insert all the numbers in a table in my database. I don't want to save the uploaded file in the server, just handle it as I have said. how can I do that using ASP 3.0?

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Order Processing Implemented

I want to know how online order processing implemented? For example, the online shopping mall such as Amazon receives order, it will communicate with credit card company, and it will add that order in queue, and warehouse can see it and pack it? Also, the library application also process the same way? when it has book request.

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Reason For Slow Processing?

I have developed an application in asp which is available over intranet. the first page of the site is a login page and allows the users to enter their credentials and login.

The login page is a simple html page. The site works fine , but after quitting if it is left idle for about 30 mins, the next user who tries to login it takes about a minute to process to finally enter the site. after which it again becomes fast.

what can be the reason for the site being slow only when it is accessed after being left idle for some time?

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Processing Multiple Pages

I am processing a recordset on an ASP page and this works fine, However within the loop of the recordset for each record I also want to output the details onto another page in a slightly different format. How do I make a reference to the second page building the details from the first page?

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Signup/payment Processing Form

I have the need to create a form that will allow a user to register for summer camp online and also make payment. I also want the ability to export the data to a .CSV or some other simple database file. I do NOT want to export to XML. The form processing program would preferably be ASP or PHP.

I plan to use PayPal or some other credit processing company to allow the user to make payment. This is for a non-profit organization so a free or very inexpensive solution is obviously preferred. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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