Shows Value Of Combobox In The Textbox

I have a Combobox and a textbox in my asp page. I want the value of Combobox in Onchange event shows in the textbox. this my code but it isnot correct.

<script Language="JavaScript">
function NavTo(a1)

<SELECT id=select1 name=select1 onchange=Navto(document.forms[0].select1.value)>
<OPTION value="1046">1046</OPTION>
<OPTION value="1045">1045</OPTION>

<INPUT type="text" id=text1 name=text1 >

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Variables Shows -1

After qeuering from Access I store the values of the recoredset (like rs.recordcount, rs.AbsolutePage) in variables in ASP, but when i display/use them later in the page it shows -1. but the page shows the queried data properly.

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Select Shows None

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=select1 name=select1>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three</OPTION>"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
When open this page,select1 shows "One".I want when open the page,select1 shows none.That is to say,nothing is displayed in select1.

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Paging Just Shows 1


FOR paging = 0 to recCount/20
IF paging = 0 THEN response.Write("Page") ELSE
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""favourites.asp?pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")
IF paging < recCount/20-1 THEN response.Write("-")

how do i not show 1 if there are less than 20 records?

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Mail Content Shows

- we've form to be filled. and data will be mailed
- what happens is, mail shows up special characters in places of
commas, and other special characters inputted

following characters are shown in mail content


what can be reason and how to overcome

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File Shows Action

I have an asp page that outputs a word document. Wnen the user attempts to
open this page from a hyberlink in an email document the word document opens
fine but if they save then an action cancelled message appears in a browser
window. If you cut and paste this same link into IE and attempt to saves
there is no browser window opened.

If the user attempts to open instead of save the document it opens in a word
out side the browser. I am told this used to open up in word insdie the
browser.If you cut and paste the link into explorer and acess it from there
the word document is displayed in word inside the browser.

If I omit the content disposition header the word document opens inside a
browser no matter how it is opened however the save problem remains.

I do not want the browser window to remain open. Or if it must then I dont
want the ACTION Cacelled message. How can I control that

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Shows Code Instead Of Form

I have an index.html and redirect in this index to an ASP-page (so a file called XXX.asp). The browser shows me the code of XXX.asp in stead of the layout of the form. How come ?

And when I access this index.html from another machine in the network, I got the error the page XXX.asp cannot be found ?

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Shows Tick Box Data

i want to do is to have an update form that shows tick box data which is read from an access database via asp and a dsn less connection string. Have achieved it with text boxes but can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same with tickboxes.

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IIS5 Not Showing ASP Files, Shows Others

Annoying problem on a server with IIS 5. [We have other
IIS 5 that show asp files just fine. I'm at a loss. ]

I can open htm, html, gif, jpg, all files except asp
files. The message when opening an asp file is:

"The page cannot be found...
blah blah blah
HTTP 404 - File not found"

I've looked everywhere. Permissions are okay with IUSR
and security since we can browse other files. The asp
files in question are NOT marked Hidden...

What can I do to make it render the asp files? Ideas?

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Why The Request.Form Variable Shows A 0?

This is ASP and JScript.

I request a form variable:

var sReviewID = formatUndefined(Request.Form("ReviewID"), "");
Response.Write ("sReviewID: " + sReviewID + "<br>");

Function formUndefined is: Code:

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Crystal Viewer Shows Blank Report.

I have an asp page that I use to build the sql criteria for a Crystal report version 10.

The report writer page takes the criteria and supposedly passes the sql string with a where clause to the page that hase the viewer. Here is the code where I pass that script to the report viewer page: Code:

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Windows Is Shutting Down In 60mins. Pleases Save Your Work. And Shows A Path To C:w

I have a win2k server. I just installed running service pack 3, am just updating to service pack 4 now.

i normally get the error, windows is shutting down in 60mins. pleases save your work. and shows a path to c:winntsystem32lssas.exe

I am wondering if this is a lasser worm or what ? cos i have had to format a couple of times, but still get the error.

what do i do ? Any Advice ?

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Combobox Value

how can i get the combobox value? i need to check the contents in the combobox for validation.

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<i><b>Originally posted by : dhiren (</b></i><br /><br />depending upon selection of first combobox second combobox should contain all value related to only first combobox.

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Clear The Combobox

how to clear the combobox by calling a function in ASP.

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

I have combobox that those value is based on my database. So i want to get the selected value in order to do another matching for the SQL statement. May i know how to get it? Is it just use for example WHERE column=' "&combobox&" '? use the combobox name.

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Time In Combobox

I need to display the time in combo box like the one we have it inWindows 2000.we can change the time using the arrow.. it looks like this:

4:40:54 PM

in a text box. i need to do it like this in my page.

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

sourinsen is correct. that's the way to split values in your combobox.

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Dynamic Combobox

How can I check if a table exists in an MS SQL database using asp.

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Linked Combobox

I am using one combo box and populating it with the values . i have another combo box on the page. I want to display the related values in this second combo box based on the selection in the first combo box.

I am trying to reload this page on the change event of the combo box but the values are not coming in the 2nd combo box . Please send me a solution to this or if possible a sample code for the same.

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Populate Combobox

i have already populate a list from my database using the following code . Code:

<form method=post action="ProcessOrder.asp">
<select NAME="TEST">

<% Do while NOT rsHis.EOF

response.write "<OPTION VALUE=' " & rshis("pic_id") & " '> "
response.write rshis("title")


But i dont know how to present the results from the combo box.

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Editable Combobox

What is the most simple way to make an editable combobox bounded to the database.

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Populating Combobox

i have several radio buttons and a combobox. i want to know how to make this combobox enabled only once a radio button is checked and populate it with data from access database depending on which button is checked.

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Keystroke Event On Combobox

I'm using a VB combo box in an ASP/VBScript app

<OBJECT ID="cmbLocation" NAME="cmbLocation" WIDTH=238 HEIGHT=23 CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D30-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002f3">
<PARAM NAME="VariousPropertyBits" VALUE="746604571">
<PARAM NAME="DisplayStyle" VALUE="3">
<PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="2540;635">
<PARAM NAME="MatchEntry" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="ShowDropButtonWhen" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="232">
<PARAM NAME="LimitToList" VALUE="No">

I'm using the _change event to copy the combobox value to a hidden input box called txtLocation

<script type="text/vbscript">

function cmbLocation_change()
addForm.txtLocation.value = location_array(addForm.cmbLocation.listindex)
end function


Is there a keypress event for the combobox?

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DAP ComboBox Does Not Immediately Refresh

In my Data Access Page, I have a a combo box from which the user can select a specific record to view based on the value SupervisorManagerName. My combo box works fine in that respect. The user clicks on a name in the combo box, and the record is populated with the correct record.

When I add a *new* record, however, the combo box does not refresh immediately to include the new SupervisorManagerName in its list. Once I close the DAP and then reopen it, the new SupervisorManagerName is included in the combo box, and I can select the name to pull up the record.

Any suggestions on how to get the combo box to refresh immediately upon adding/saving a new record without having to actually close and then reopen the page?

I am able to make this process work using VBA and a regular Access page, but can't figure out how to do this using vbScript Code:

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Request Form Combobox

I want to write an sql statement given that the request form combobox has a particular index or a particular value. The combobox in the below example only has 4 items, hense why i am using index.-But does index exist in ASP?also would the below procedure work?

If Request.Form("cmdSearch") then
if Request.Form("Turnover").Index = 0 then
sql = "Select * from Prospect "
sql = SQL & "WHERE Turnover < 999000"
elseif Request.Form("Turnover").Index = 1 then
sql = "Select * from Prospect "
sql = SQL & "WHERE Turnover > 999000 AND Turnover < 5000000"

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Fill The Combobox Statically

i retreived my data's in the database and i filled in my combobox, in that there is know "all" option in database,but i need that option has to be included in my combobox, so it has to be added statically, please give me coding to add that in my combo box statically. my combobox name is "selSchemeNo" .

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Save Info From Combobox

I cant save my data, i tested with response.write 1 and 2 and it only gives me the first one, why is this appening, the code seem good? Code:

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Loading Stuff Into Combobox

I have a combobox that on page load is disabled. I've noticed that the information will not load into the combo box if this is the case. Is there a way to load the information and then disable it so the user has no idea what has happened? I load another combobox before this one, that is NOT disabled and so loads properly.


="1" name="County" disabled="true">
While not objrs.eof
<option value ="<%=objrs("County")%>">

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Combobox Criteria For SQL Database Search

I have a combo box in an ASP page, there are 7 lists total in the combo box, there is another text box on the page and a search button. I want the users to select an item from the combo box and type a keyword and click search.

The combo item and keyword will be used as an criteria to query a SQL database. I'm familiar with SQL connection and running queries but how do I take the criteria and pass on further.

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ComboBox Item Populating A Form

I want to be able to search a user with a user code, get a form populate if the user exist in the Database, but at the same time in one corner of the form I want to be able to see the list of other user's code in a ComboBox from the Database, and onclicking on any user code in the ComboBox the same form should be populated with the user' information.

Right now I have a functional Application but without the ComboBox functionality.

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Automatically Update HTML Combobox

I am working on a HTML form with textfields, radiobuttons and comboboxs. I was wondering if it were possible to automatically update values within a combobox based on the users selection of a radiobutton. I have stored values within a database table of 'seminar_times' and the two radiobuttons options are 'city1' and 'city2' on the form.

So on the form, when the user selects city1 radiobutton, the combobox value updates with approriate city1 seminar times. Is this possible with ASP programming?

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Calling A Sub Procedure With Combobox Onchange Event

I'm trying to call a sub procedure with the onchange event of a combobox. Code:

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