Simiplied Chinese Problem

I am writing an asp page which reads an access 2000 database. In the access database, there is data containing the simplied chinese characters. I used the following connection string to connect to the access database.

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & GetServerPath & "..myDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

When I use "Response.write(rs.fields("theField"))", I cannot get the original string which I can see in the Access. In fact, I have tried to use charset=gb2312, charset=big5, charset=utf-8 to encode the string, but all fails. (I am using tradition chinese OS). Can anyone help me?

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Simplified Chinese

I have a 3 layer system, SQL Server 2000 database, COM+ dll's (VC++ 6) and
ASP frontend, this system has been in production for quite some time using
english, spanish and portuguese versions. Now I've been asked to test the
system to function with Simplified chinese. The development of the system
was outsourced and we don't have communication with the company (some sort
of legal problems i think).
Now, I've been reviewing the code and recompiled one of the core DLL's for
unicode support with no problems, I've tested the database (SQL Server 2000)
inserting Simplified Chinese characters and the DB supports it fine (the DB
fields are NVARCHAR), in the ASP frontend, the retrievel process (calling
the COM+ DLL functions) works fine displaying this data I inserted directly
in the DB.

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Chinese Encoding

I developed a site in English but need it to be viewed in chinese.

Is it possible if so how do i go about it.

I've tried various ways but i can't get it to work.

I've done the following but it yieled no results.

<body lang="zh-TW" xml:lang="zh-TW">

Is there anything else i can do....

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Chinese Asp To English Asp?

I have this program we use at work that keeps track of everyones hours and its what they use to clock in and out.

the whole this is in .asp and theres alot of bugs and things that need to be fixed but we cannot get much support on it so I was thinking of going in and fixing those things myself. but the thing is they seem to be in chinese is there a way i can convert the pages to english?

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Chinese Character

some one cuts and pastes the chinese charcters.
they are saved in DB as
---- case1 : ----

& # 6 5 3 9 6 ; & # 6 5 4 2 7 ; & # 6 5 4 1 9 ;
i used the space above as it is converting the characters while posting..
but i noticed some few records which are saved as

-- case 2 --

if values are stored as case1 then i have no problem.
but with the case2 .the chinese characters are shown good in few pages and at few pages they are shown as it like symbols.
when i cheked the its the same.what shd i do to see that in a html page these character codes display correctly?

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Chinese Chars In XML

I am having a probem with asp, xml, com while using chinese chars. The chinese letters come out of com fine and they are also fine when i use asp to write to a text file.
When i load the chinese chars into an xml dom they become invalid Chinese chars show as this æˆ'çš,,模æ?¿. but when i doa xsl translation then some of the chinese chars are displayed and some are shown as garbage chars. My ASP Page has the following headers

<%@Language=VBScript CodePage="65001"%>

Response.CharSet = "UTF-8"
Response.ContentType = "text/html"

My XSL has the following header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ..

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Chinese Del Key On Web Forms

I'm currently having trouble with porting our classic ASP web app for Chinese users - in any web form, the Del key on a chinese keyboard clears all of the fields in the form, which is not ideal.

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Chinese Character Conversion???

I've got an english site designed that I need to translate into Chinese.

I've got the Chinese wording to work with but I can't figure out how to get it into my code.

I thought I could simply paste the chinese characters from a Word document into my html editor between <P> tags using the PMingLiU or SimSun font but it just enters like this:
&#20844;&#21496;&#31616;&#20171;: turns into ????:

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Prevent Displaying Chinese

due to my 'Language for non-Unicode Setting' in Regional Settings,my ASP page keeps outputing the date format as Chinese Simplified characters when issuing say, <%=Now()%>. In addition, my client script also interpret it as Chinese characters, which I don't want it to behave this way.

However, I can't remove my 'Chinese (PRC)' settings in control panel as I need it for other Chinese version software. Does anyone knows how can I display the date in my ASP page in normal English? I did try out the META tag Content Type and put in several charset to try out, but seems like it doesn't work at all.

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Passing Chinese Characters

How do I Pass chinese characters, charset GB2312 and BIG5, from Form to SQL using asp?
My field in SQL is already set to nvarchar.

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Display Both Chinese And Portugues

I have been add the vb script:

and html document add the followings
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

But I cannot correctly received the chinese data (request.querystring) from other asp page, which data are the user input from it.

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Chinese Character Conversion

I've got an english site designed that I need to translate into Chinese. I've got the Chinese wording to work with but I can't figure out how to get it into my code.

I thought I could simply paste the chinese characters from a Word document into my html editor between <P> tags using the PMingLiU or SimSun font but it just enters like this:
????: turns into ????:

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Handle Chinese Characters

hwo to use ASP to handle chinese characters output? I have try two the string in a text file(unicode file) . store the string in an access database

The first method got an error:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0239'
Cannot process file
UNICODE ASP files are not supported.

The second method output "???" on the browser.

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Chinese Characters In Asp Website

I've built a simple asp website with sql 7.0 backend. There's
a form based screens to save info to the database. I'm having problems for
some of our Chinese customers - they are saving information in Chinese
characters and they are being translated into weird characters. For
example: Code:

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Getting Error Trying To Download URL Containing Chinese Characters

I have the following URL that was HTML encoded in my web page:

<a HREF="transfer/rad0/﨨.jpg" TARGET="_blank">﨨.jpg</a>

I am attempting to download this file which is simply one chinese character followed by .jpg. For IE, Netscape, Safari I right click on this URL and attempt to download the file. If the name contains only ASCII characters it works. I also cannot cut and paste this URL directly into IE and retrieve my image either. What do I need to do to be able to use Chinese (unicode) characters in URL's?

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Read Chinese Character From Excel Using Asp

I use asp to develop a web page to read an excel file containing Chinese Character then display it in the web page. Unfortunately, I cant display it!!! it will display (?????????). Code:

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Display Chinese Character, Work In One Server But Not In Another

I have an asp to display data in database, the data is in big5 encoding
(chinese characters)

I haven't specify the codepage in the asp and placed the file into 2 machine.
When I browse the file in NT machine the chinese characters can display
correctly, but doesn't for the page in my winxp machine. Both OS is english
version. Since the file is actually the same (by copy and paste), so any
setting in the OS or IIS level cause the problem?

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How To Display Chinese Character In Mobile Control

I having problem in displaying chinese character with mobile control. what configuration or settings should i set in Pocket IE or PC IE in order to display correct code page??

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ASP: Code Search Function For Chinese Site

Got a chinese website (has both chinese character and english), got to code search function for it, search for keywords in the webpages (htm/asp)

search in english it works, no problem
search in chinese it doesn't - it always return "nothing found"

you guys any idea?

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While Sending Chinese Characters Through A Mail It Is Appearing As Garbage.

we have the following code :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
<form name="frm" action="" method="POST" enctype="text/plain">
<input name="name1" value="">
<input type=submit>

which is used to send mails.while we put some chinese characters inside the text box and then click on submit button in the mail,chinese characters are appearing as garbage.

could anyone please help to resolve this issue so that it doesnt come as garbage?

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Unicode Conversion Problem Of Some Chinese Traditional Characters

Can anyone explain why the expression "AscW(ChrW(38321))" is equal to -27215 ?

(38321 is the Unicode code for one of the Chinese traditional characters)

AscW is supposed to return a Long value, isn't it?

This also happens in VB6

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Showing UNICODE (Chinese) From SQL Server On An ASP Page Using Dreamweaver

I have a simple ASP form in which I am reading and showing the data from SQL Server database. This database has a nVarchar field, which stores some data in Chinese language. When reading and printing the data using a SELECT query it shows ??? (Question Marks) instead of the Chinese data. I have checked using Query Analyzer that the data is correctly stored in Chinese only.

I have looked up for this problem and it looks like many have faced the same before. But the only solution which seems to be provided for this is using the FORMS 2.0 controls, because VB converts the Unicode to ASCII and that corrupts the data. But is there any other solution to this?

I am using Dreamweaver to write the ASP pages. Dreamweaver is capable of showing the Unicode data, but can’t do much if it gets corrupted data from the VB itself.

So Please any help will be highly appreciated.

That’s the sample code which I am using if it helps: .....

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CDONTS Object Doesnt Recognize Simplified Chinese Characters

When we send a mail using the code below,we do not get simplified chinese characters if they are present in the body but we get junk in the mail and we need to change the mails encoding to simplified chinese to see the Chinese characters.

'CDONTS object
set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = sFromEmail
objMail.To = sToEmail
objMail.Subject = sSubject
objMail.Body = sMessage
set objMail = Nothing

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Classic ASP Sytem Needs To Support Chinese Data Entry - To Do List

I have a large classic ASP web application which needs to now support chinese
character entry (I don't have to worry about the UI yet - the data entry
people can read english). Other than changing the database fields over to
"N" data types, do I need to do anything to the actual entry fields (input,
textbox) on the various forms to be able to capture the information. Some
users will be entering the information in english, while others will be
translating the same info into chinese as they enter it.

I know this is probably much easier in .net, but we have yet made that
transition. Now that 2.0 is available, it should be much more viable.

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Problems With "Bad Request (Invalid URL)" While Input Chinese Characters Into MS SQL

I had came across an error known as "Bad Request (Invalid URL)" when i was trying to input chinese characters into MS SQL database using my asp written page. For your info, I'm currently working on Windows Server 2003 and running IIS 6 on this server.

Hereby i enclosed my asp request method tat i'm using
sCategory = request.querystring("txtCategory")

the txtCategory textbox contains chinese characters, and after that I'll insert the sCategory string value into MS SQL database.

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