Simple Poll

I have a simple poll located at The code can be seen at The script is very simple one asp file. This script will poll a user and give them 4 possible options.

When they hit submit the script displays the results. Currently,a user can ONLY vote once, due to IP logging. The script stores the users IP address in a Microsoft Access (.mdb) database. I would like to know what needs to be changed in order for someone to vote an unlimited number of times?

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Poll Id

I'm pulling from a sql dbase, i want to be able to pull this poll by a specific id. when i do this it just gives me the number 1 for the poll question and only gives me one answer to responde to.


EnSQL = "select * from poll where id = 1 "

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I need help with this scripts! i dont know what to fill in and where.

'Enter the details of your server below
src = Server.MapPath("db/poll.mdb")
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & src
adoCon.Open sConnStr

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Poll Engine

I've been asked about poll engine.How hard would it be to code a poll engine?Does anyone know?

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Poll Script

how to write a routine for voting? Like Vote for some thing Yes/No and then it shows graphically in percentage for Yes and for No in ASP.

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IP Address And A Poll

I only let them vote on my poll once. I set a cookie and put there IP in my database. Then I do a select to see if there IP is in the database and check to see if they have a cookie. Does anyone see a problem with this?

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Poll & Count Syntax

My poll's database has a table called "votos". This table as 3 fields: "date", "ip" and "voto". In the field "voto" I will record the option chosen in the previous form (this input may be "01", "02", "03",..., "19" or "20").

Now I want to show the results and for that, I must count the number of time that each option is displayed. Can anyone tell me the count syntax for that? I've tried to change an example I've found in internet, but didn,t achieve it... The code:

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[poll]session Or Cookies

what do you prefer ?

1. using session or cookies?
2. why?
3. how long the expired time?

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Poll Interface Creation

i'm getting a bit cought up with the ASP for a poll creation page i am trying to do.

i am trying to get it so that it will display a varying number of boxes depending on how many options there will be - have it so that it displays the first 2 (the minimum options) and then the other input form elements will be added as needed i'm also having a bit of trouble trying to get the numbers to update with the onchange but that part doesnt feel like its the most challenging - heres what i have so far: Code:

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Displaying Bar Graph For Online Poll

Database and all the pieces are in place. On the results page the query returns the % calculation for a question (displayed) options (each individually).

I need to display bar graph, this is here that i am getting into problem. The background color would be #555555. How can i apply this color to certain % of the container as background?

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Creating Exit Poll For Websites

I need to offer a questionaire to approximately every 10th user of my website when then are leaving.

My first thoughts were to use an application variable to determine the number of users but this falls over because it would not instantly release the variable when the user left the site.

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Creating Some Type Of Hardware Poll

I have a question that may sound stupid, but I want to implement some type of ASP script that can retrieve hardware information of a computer that visits a certain site. I've seen this type of thing before, and I want to do it for a beta-test site I'm planning on running for the ISP I work for. I want to use this type of script that will poll information such as Processor, OS type, Memory, etc. If someone could provide me with some insight on one such script or give me a link to where I can learn how to write this myself, that would be great.

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Simple Encryption (simple)

A system I use uses advanced encryption for passwords. It was taken from some sample script and adapted some where. However this was I think intended to be for passwords. So nothing too long.

However the time has come where I need to create a function to encrypt a large amount of text. It has to encrpt a large amount of text but nothing too advanced is needed to be honest. Just so its unreadable because its written to a text file on drive. It has to be a function though then capable of decrypting the encrypted text.

Any ideas ? Again Dont have to be nothing too flash. I mean I had a go at just changing letters to different letters but the function got huge with all the replaces.

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Simple One

i have 3 fields like these

and i add them up to get the totalcharge like this

Total_charge=Int(membershipamount) + int(Postage) + int(GiftArticles_Amount)

so i get Total_charge=120.00 which is what i want

but when i have like this


i get Total_charge=118.00

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Simple One

does someone know a good site for asp 3.0 interiew questions

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Simple If

I have only begun to look into ASP due to an assignments requirements.I usually code in PHP,one feature in PHP is to be able to do an if.else statement,where if a certain statement is true then a chunk of HTML can be outputted.

Basically I want to be able to do this in ASP to use with a simple authentication system which I will construct.I have just got a fat book on ASP,and am beginning to read through it

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Simple If/else

I am not an ASP programmer, but I need help with the syntax. I have a simple if/else statement that I need to translate into ASP. Begin Pseudocode

(id == 1,2,3,4,5,6),
then print "Private"
Print <a href="<%=rs("ID")%>" target="_blank">Register</a>
End Pseudocode

So how do I say this in ASP?

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Simple Upload

i'm trying to create just a simple upload - fill in a form with the article
title, and description - and select a file - i need to upload that file to
the webserver, and then rename that file to the <% =Sartid %>.pdf

any ideas where to get something this simple from? never done anything like
this before - i'm guessing the FSO will be used?

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Simple Sendmail With CDO

This code is working partially fine

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = ""

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = Request.Form("E-Mail")
cdoMessage.To = Request.Form("sendto")
cdoMessage.Subject = "Tilbakemelding fra nettsiden"
cdoMessage.TextBody = strBody
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing
Response.redirect Request.form("resulturl")

Well, this works with only some addresses and not others.


will work...

On the other hand:

won't work at all...

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Simple ASP Page

I need to send data from a 'form' on an HTML page to an ASP page.

The ASP page should 'return' a simple HTML page containing
the data from any items submitted, including any hidden items.

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Simple Login

A user logs in, then based on their account (username/pass), they are redirected to a specific web address.
I only need 3 different accounts.
Can this be done with Javascript? Or do I need to use a database?
If you can point me to some script that will achieve this I would love it!

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Simple Problem

I got a small problem that I think you can solve in a sec.I use ASP to tell day, date, month etc on this page:

But,as the servers is in Sweden and I´m in Sweden to, I see the text in Swedish.
Can anyone that lives in any other country just please tell me if the text is in English when youre not viewing it from a Swedish connection.
IF it´s still in Swedish, how (if) can I make it change to English text or am I stuck with some messy old Java Script??

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ASP Simple Upload

does anyone know of a good place to find code samples for ASP Simple Upload. I can't seem to get to the original site.

What I need to do is upload the file and save the path and some other info into to a database.

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Simple IF Statement

I have a stylesheet switcher which store the user style preference in a cookie, however how do I modify the following to use the default stylesheet of “styles.css” if there is no cookie on the users computer? Code:

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Simple Update Where?

Ok how do i update based on 2 Where options
i know this is wrong but i don't know how to do it.

strSQL = "UPDATE [Job Contract Assignments] SET currentassignment = 0 WHERE cnum= '" & cnumqs & "' "&" WHERE currentassignment = -1"

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Simple Thing

can someone tell me whats wrong with this code.i applying the style in right way


<tr style="background-color: #386cae; color: #000000; a:link {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;}
a:visited {color: #ded9dd;} a:hover {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; decoration: underline;}">

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Simple Textbox

i have a shopping cart type system where a user adds items to their cart, and as they are doing this, i have a textbox for the user to enter the quantity of the selected item they want!i want this textbox to be max. 3 characters in length (for asthetic purposes!!) but no matter waht width i make it, it is always displayed much bigger(longer) than i want! So how do i force this
textbox to be no more than 3 characters in length?

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Simple Query

I want to display a message if the submit button was pushed on the same page.

<% If Request.form("submit") = "Submit" Then

Response.Write "Your photo was successfully uploaded."


The action of the form is the same page. Code:

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Simple Task

I want is to have my asp code test if it is the first time the page has loaded. If so it will need to skip my validation info, if not then run the validation code:

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Simple Script

I've agreed to help a friend with a free project and everything was going fine until they got some free web space from another friend. It's running on windows and everything is ASP. I have never been near ASP and I really don't understand much. I use PHP/apache and even then it's only tinkering.I was hoping to find a simple script I could plug in and use as a contact form and one for a mailing list (both form to mail type things). But I can't. I've eventually managed to find a couple but I coulnt'd make any sense of them or get them to work.

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Simple Checkbox To / From DB

I have a form that only has one check box in it for active / inactive. This form is when viewing a member record. My 2 questions are:

How do I get the checkbox into the form showing the state that it is in the database? - I can get a check box to show, but can not get it to show ticked / not ticked according to the database Code:

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Simple DB Permissions

I have a database (*.mdb), which I can connect to, query on, and return results from in ASP. Now, I want to do some ADDs,UPDATEs,and DELETEs.... but I get errors executing my SQL... What's the trick?

PS My connection (thus far) is this, and works.

Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Server.MapPath("myDatabase.mdb")

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Simple Cookie

I have this little flash movie on the main page of a website and I want to set the cookie so that when user first enters the site, the flash plays but when the user browses around and goes back to the main page, the flash movie won't repeat again ... kinda like ........ they can only see the movie 1 time when first entering the site but after that they won't be able to see it again unless they clear their cookies from their computer

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