Simple Form Validate Question...

I have a form, and it has an email and phone text input fields. I want to test if BOTH are empty and stop the email from being sent. I thought that this would work Code:

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Validate Form

I have a form which consists of a few fields. The problem that i encountered was it seemed like just checking the first field only rather than all the fields. Code:

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Validate 1st Field On Form

I have a form that users fill in, thefirst field is a username, which
must be unique.Currently only when I attempt the Insert into the DB does the restaint
inform the user that it already exists.Is there any way i can check , let say onblur, if that username exists, so that they dont have to complete the whole form before being

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Validate Form Variables

I have a form that imputs several variables. Some of these variables are varchar some are smalldate and some are numbers.

What is the recommended method of handeling input that does not fit the required variable type? I am thinking of doing some kind of check and if it is not the required field type just dropping that value (for instance if they type "aaaaa" into a date field I would just turn that variable into "").

I have done a search and came up with many great methods of doing this, but what is the best way? I would like to avoid large Java routines (actually I would like to avoid java all together.

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Validation That Validate Whole Form

I built a form with all fields validated:

here's my code===========================

' validation
Dim validationOK
For Each elem in fields
'all fields required
'If (Trim(fields(elem))="") Then validationOK=false
If (Trim(fields("name"))="") Then validationOK=false
If (Trim(fields("email"))="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then
Response.Write DisplayPage("error.html", fields)
End if

end code================

how can I change this so that certain fields are NOT required.

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Validate Form Field Against SQL Database

I need to validate an item number from a form field against a MS SQL database

I am using a 2 page process to print barcodes from an entered item number on page 1 and need to only use valid item numbers from the database. If they enter a wrong number I want to give them a page telling them of the error.

I have 32 fields on page 1 to enter 32 items.(one for every label on the second page that contains the barcodes. Here is the connection to the database that I am using for the barcode.(Column IMLITM contains the item numbers) Code:

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Validate Form With Multiple Payment Options...

I have a form where the user has 2 payment options. Is there a way to add validation to the form to ensure that at least one payment method is selected? This form does not actually process the payment, just sends the information to the recipient.

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Validation Of Simple Form

Let's take this for example:

<form action="" method="post">
Firstname: <input name=""frmFirstname"><BR>
Lastname:" <input name=""frmLastname"><BR>
Email" Address: <input name=""frmEmailAddress">
<input" type="submit">

what i want to do is to show a Javascript Alert Window when the user enters a blank field and when the user enters an invalid email format.

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A Simple ASP Email Form?

Ive searched the net, and ive had difficulty trying to get CDONT to work, nor "Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")". I have my own server, and am using Windows set up. Perhaps theres a different type of script out there, and reasonably simple to run?

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Simple Form Query

i have written some asp code on onclick of one button ,purpose is doing those work without submitting main form ,I am not getting working as files are not getting uploaded on web server any syntex error ? do u think this is write way to do so or suggest and modify code:

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Simple Way To Email Form Data

i am creating a survey type page in Visual Studio it has 2 textboxes and 2 dropdowns and a submit button.

all i need it to do is when i click the submit send this data to an email address. The email address will never change so...

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Simple Validator- For One Field In Form.

I am using ASP, but javascript will be fine, basically I am looking for a very simple validation which will check the field below named= "LotAmount"...

<form name="bid" action="http://etc,etc" method="post">

<input type="text" name="LotAmount" size="9" maxlength="10" value="£">

<input type="Submit" value="Bid" name="Lotsub">

Here are the limitations etc I would like it to carry out: Code:

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Inserting Simple Form To Access Db

I am trying to get a form to insert info into a access database. I am using dreamweaver 2004, i created the form with 4 text fields and a submit button. Ive added a ODBC connection and dreamweaver can qurery my table.

I added an insert record server behaviour, and i figured dreamweaver does all the work for you but when i saved and uploaded the page to my test server it would not submit and redirect to my chosen page, it only refresh the form.Has anyone out there done this before and can notice a step that im missing. Do i need to setup a recordset? because ive tried that as well and no success.

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Simple Form Html Code Needed

i have a database and the asp file. my database will have one table, a user table, with various fields like username, password, name...age.. all i need is the html code to make a simple form such as

Welcome to the add user page:
PLease enter a username (input box)
Please enter an email address (input box)
finally a submit button.

i then want the variables to run a 'signup.asp' file which i have, and be placed into a database.

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Simple Encryption (simple)

A system I use uses advanced encryption for passwords. It was taken from some sample script and adapted some where. However this was I think intended to be for passwords. So nothing too long.

However the time has come where I need to create a function to encrypt a large amount of text. It has to encrpt a large amount of text but nothing too advanced is needed to be honest. Just so its unreadable because its written to a text file on drive. It has to be a function though then capable of decrypting the encrypted text.

Any ideas ? Again Dont have to be nothing too flash. I mean I had a go at just changing letters to different letters but the function got huge with all the replaces.

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i want a user to enter an amount in a text box he can enter it in different ways like this


anything other then this should not be valid

like if he enters

this is not valid does someone has a script for it Code:

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I have a date entry on a form that must be at least 30 days from the current date. It is a delivery request date and the soonest it can be processed is 30 days from the request. I need code to validate and message should they enter a date less than 30 days from the current date.

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How To Validate

i have three combo box in my form and if one combo box empty it has to say eror message,

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Validate URL

I've been given a task to write an function to validate URL's used on a website. The URL's are going to be kept in a table with other fields to indicate if the URL is valid and when it was last validated.

Any URL's that aren't valid won't be displayed on the site. Is there a way in ASP to check if any given URL returns a 404 error?

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Date Validate

How can I validate a date, like 3/26/04, before submitted?

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Validate A Password

I have created one of those change your password forms whereby the the old password and new password are provided.

What I am having trouble with is ensuring that the old password entered actually exists already. Below is what I have tried, but I am getting a syntax error:


'Check Password

if request.form("CusPassword")<>rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

response.write "Invalid password"

end if


if request.form("CusPassword")= rsCheckUser.fields("CustomerPassword") then

'write new password to databasestrSQL ="UPDATE Customer Set CustomerPassword ='"& NewPassword& "',CustomerPasswordverified ='"& NewPassword& "' where CustomerEmail = '"&CusEmail&"' "

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Validate Email

Does anyone have a nice javascript message that chacks whether a valid email address has been used in the form?

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Validate Forms

I am looking for a way to do a validation in the form that who ever is filling the form is a true person & not a automatic system. there is a way to do it with letters in an image & the user must enter the same letters in a text field.

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Validate - Problem

i am validating a textbox i want data to be entered as Firstname.Lastname

so there should be "dot" between the firstname and lastname

if there is no dot then fire an alert and here is the code but its not firing the alert am i doing something wrong Code:

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Validate Xml Against Schema

I've created an xml document with Microsoft's XMLDOM. How can I validate
the xml I've created against a schema (xsd) ?

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Validate Login

I am wondering if there is a way to validate a user's login from 2 different tables.
Currently I have a sql string that pull info from a table based on the users login and password.Code:

sqlStr = "Select * From authorised_user_table where username = '" & Request.Form("username") & "' and password = '" & Request.Form("password") & "'"

My problem is I the passwords in this table are old, and I have a new table with all new passwords (same structure, just different passwords). I'm thinking most of the users don't remember their new passwords just the old. So is there a way I can query both tables? Something like Select * from table1..... else Select * from table2

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Validate Email In ASP

I once saw somewhere, and I cannot recall the site / article... But I believe there is a way that you can "Check" an E-Mail Address to make sure that it is a Valid Email Address. NOT Syntax checking... But to actually determine if the email address typed in is a "Real" and "Active" E-Mail Address.

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How Can I Validate Email?

I realize this is not solely an ASP question, but I thought you guys might
know the answer and I couldn't find anywhere else to post this. If you have
suggestions for this I am more than happy to post somewhere else.

How can I, using ASP code, validate whether or not an email address is a
real one? For example, if I have the email address called Join Bytes!
how can I determine if it is real?

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Validate MS SQL Logins

I need to know how to validate a user and password that is in the MS SQL Logins. (Not a table)

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Validate Data

A form is passing "firstName" and "lastName" to your ASP code how to validate them server side validation as follows:Only Alphanumeric characters,commas,hypens, spaces or periods are allowed in the last name.

Only A-Z, the hyphen are allowed in the first name.Both fields must be provided.Return a string value from your validation indicating to the user what is wrong with their entry. "

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Validate Server

I am trying to validate the success of Server.CreateObject through


Dim MyObject
MyObject = ""
Set MyObject = Server.CreateObject("ThisObject.Something")
'// Check if the object was created
If MyObject <> "" Then

However this code fails:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Is there a way I can test if the object was created successfully?

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Validate Checkbox

I am using this code to validat a checkbox in a very big file, the problem is,its not validating:

here is my code
function checkAgree(theform){
if(theform.Agreement.checked == false){
alert("Please tick the checkbox to continue.");
return false;

<form method="post" action="check.asp" onSubmit="return checkAgree(this)">

<input type="checkbox" name="Agreement" value="Yes">
<input type = "submit" name="submit" value="Submit ">

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Validate Only Name Field

I have 2 fields on a form called 'name' and 'title'.

I want to make the 'name' field compulsory to fill in on a form. So if someone submits a form and the name field is not filled in, it will tell them and won't let them submit.

But I only want the name field to become compulsory when the 'title' field is filled in. So if the title filed is blank then the validation will not be effective but if the title field is filled in then the name field will become compulsory. Code:

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