Simulate More Than One User

I am using WAS tool for Website Load testing. But even if i do the setting of say 20 users, and run the test, the number of Active Sessions which get recorded in the ASP.Net Applications Performance Counter (running on the Web Server) is always 1 which means only 1 user is logged in at a time inspite of doing the setting for 20 Users.

how can I Simulate more than One User using Microsoft Web Application Stress (WAS) Tool to hit the Web Server.

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Simulate Excel Sheet

anybody can help me simulate excel sheet interface in asp and when i make changes to the excel sheet can i save it back to the database using the excel asp changes.

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Simulate Form Post

How do I simulate this from the server side:

<form name="SearchForm" method="POST" id="SearchForm"

I have generally been posting data using:

Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xml.Open "POST","http://SOMEURL/Search.asp?" & strParmList, False

The above is fine for passing URL parameters, but I need to simulate it coming from a form which has a name. How do I pass the form name which is used at the posted URL?

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How To Simulate HTTP POST Using Headers?

This is the scenario: I am making a wizard composed of several steps, each
step being a form with the post method. The first steps may be completed
whether the user is logged on to the website or not. But from a certain step
on the user must be logged on to complete the wizard. What I do is post the
data gathered so far to the logon page; the logon page is essentially an ASP
page with an HTML logon form that posts to itself. Once the user logs on he
is taken again to the wizard, to the step where he left off.

Right now I am using the HTML form / approach on the
logon page: after the user is authenticated, the asp page builds a form with
the "saved" data, pointing to the next step of the wizard, and uses the
onLoad event of the body tag to submit the form. And this does what I

But I believe there must be a more elegant way to do this, and I suspect it
involves setting headers directly using Response.AddHeader but I don't know
how to do it. Am I right? If so, how to do it?

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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Mail User Info To User

how to go about setting up an asp script or flash action script to take the input from a user of his/her username and password then send an email to the user with the information. I am able to do all of this but the problem is that the users pc is the one sending the email. I want the server to send the email instead.

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Can't Get User's NT Log-in

I'm having a real tough time getting a User's NT login after they
submit a form.

I have Anon. Login disabled. I'm using Digest Authentication (although
I've tried everything).

Every time I run the page, I get a blank string instead of the
requested information.

The information is in a hidden field, with the value set to:

The icing on the cake is that when I run this on my PWS, I can pull the
information and it shows up in the SQL DB I'm sending it too. But, when
put on our live box, it doesn't show up. The setting on each box are
exactly the same.

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I have a classic ASP program running on a server in the DMZ. I need to consume a web service so that I can consume data from that web service. However I am not able to call the web service from the DMZ since the server can not send messages out on the

Thus, I need to send the call to another server running within the internal
area of the company's internet. I need to send this message to an IIS server
and then from the IIS server call the web service. I was thinking that I need
to call the service on the IIS server with an ADO.NET connection. This
ADO.NET connection object would be generated just long enough to call the web
service, get a response from the web serice, and return the message to the
server running in the DMZ.

Let me know if you think this would be a good solution and tell me how you
would setup this interface. (Should C#.NET or Visual Basic.NET be used or
some other lanaguge.)

Also after this solution works, I will need to implement this similar type
of solution to call other web services.

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does anyone know a way to show a users USER name instead of just there login name
its for a school intranet currently we retrieve a lot of data based on the login name by using this script:

[code] <%=Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")%>

it would be a lot more functional if i could pull the full name, we are using Active Directory 2003 and iis6, and all the logins have the full username inputted in the AD?

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It seems that the ASP.NET user in AD has been deleted. How can I get it

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ASP Add User

I'm developing an ASP form registeration system. The details of the form must be added to a text file not the tradional database.
Each time a new user adds a record it should be added to the list at the bottom to the previos adder.
Does anyone have a script sniplet of how i could do this.
Remember details from the form i.e. name, firstname should be added to a text file...

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User ID

How can I get the user information of the user as which the ASP script is being run?

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Get User Name With WIA

I am new to .NET and I am trying to get the user name from a kerberos ticket and I have no idea how to do that. There seems to be some ability to do it using WSE 2.0 but I cant really see why there is not an easier way. how to do this?

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I have a admin-page wich is username and password protection and Microsoft Access database with table called "member" and fields "username and "password" in it. I wan't to have a welcome message when user is successfully logged in so he/her can see for example "Welcome Chris". How to I do this?

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Create New User Using IIS/ASP

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2K server, and I want to have an ASP page that
creates new users. I have some simple code to test this, but am getting
a "500" error when I run it. The ASP looks like:


strDomain =""
strUser ="Foo1"

' Create new user with password
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
Set oUser = oDomain.Create ("User", strUser)
oUser.SetPassword = "password"

Just for this testing, I've added IUSR_machinename to the Administrators
group, but am still getting the 500 error.

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Limit User

How can i limit the number of users on my .ASP page, i want only one user to
be using the page at a time,

The query i have on my page is big and takes a lot of my system resources.

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One User One Page

I have a login page. and more users. Let's call them users A, users B and Users C. Users A can only access page A, users B page B, ... All the pages uses the same DB, but different tables (table A, table B, table C).

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User Regisitration

I surveyed 1000 people and 884 of them said that they prefer forms that are filled out in sections (multiple pages) instead of one long form. I am trying to do that with my site. Currently the way I was planning it was:

register.asp - sets up username >>
stage1.asp - checks for unique username >>
stage2.asp - personal info >>
stage3.asp - more personal info >>
stage4.asp - even more personal info >>
stage5.asp - yet more personal inf >>
stage6.asp - employer info >>
stage7.asp - Finished

When users go to register, I want to:
select a user name and password, then make sure the user name isnt taken, make sure the passwords match, collect personal info over a few pages, then finish.

I would like to do all this only utilizing the register.asp and possibly a process page. Anyone have any links or tutorials on creating pages like this.

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User Variable

Do you know how to get windows login variables (i.e. the LOGON_USER server
variable) from ASP without having to fill in the challenge response message
box that automatically appears when you configure IIS to Integrated Windows
Security for a particular site? I don't want users to have to log in again
to the site as they have already logged in to windows but I want to use
their username on the back end to verify permissions. Is it possible?

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NT User Authentication - Is It Possible?

I'm facing a situation where my team leader wants me to create some ASP code that will pull the user's ID (which is no problem - request the LOGON_USER server variable) and THEN pull that user's NT Permissions to determine what kind of permissions the user will have when he/she comes onto the website. There is to be no logon screen at all. The permissions cannot be determined via a database or through cookies. Only NT Authentication can be used.

I have a small hunch that the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION server variable might provide a clue, but the value of that variable is a bunch of (encrypted?) gibberish that means nothing to me, except probably the NTLM part at the beginning. Is there a way to decode the value of that variable into something coherent that I can use in my code?

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How Can I Allow A User To Logout And...

I have a button that would allow a user to logout of the program, how can this be done? Also, how can I allow the program to logout and terminate if not used after so many minutes?

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User Logs

I have five forms in my website, what I'm trying to accomplish is to track the users history. For an example if the user save their information on the first page and exit the system; Whenever that user logs back in I want them to be where they left off. I hope I'm clear on what I need help with. Does anyone know how to accomplish this task?
P.s I'm using Deamweaver to create my page.

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User Management

What I am trying to do is to develop a dhtml based chat system.
So far everything is working as planned, took me over 6 hours to get it
working, but I am pleased with the results, it is comparable to java
chat. With no page refresh.
My problem is
How do we manage which users are online on chat and which are not.
I do not wish to use any application variables nor do i wish to use
session variables. i am trying to avoid the 2
Either the user may simply close the chat window, or he might just go
and browse another site. Either way I do not get to write the even to
the database.

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Redirect The User

I want to redirect the user to the page that they came from?could someone give me the code

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User On Form

I have created a form with simple fields such as address and phone number. I would like to, in real time, take the value a person puts in for name (ex. John Smith), check a database to see if he is there, then to populate his address fields and phone number to save the user the trouble of typing it in repeatedly.
Any ideas how to go about this? I created a button for the user to "look up" to see if his info is saved but cant seem to get the syntax write. I have written similar code for the information to be put in the database, and it works, just need to retreive it while the user is on the form.

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Adding New User

How can I add a new user on my server using ASP?
User example: myserver/user1

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Active User IP's

I just made a simple thing on my page that says Active Users: and the number by adding 1 to session_onstart in global.asa. It seems to work.
Is there a way I can have this store IP's of the active user, etc without using a database to store the stuff in?

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User Of Session

When is Session_OnEnd event working , ive tried Abandon , Timeout still its
not working. will a session end , while closing the browser window ??

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Get User Details

I'm trying to get a very simple task to work. Using the users login name
(gained from IE) I want to get their full name from AD (Win 2k and 2003 AD
domain).I'm using this ASP code on the IIS server:

Set User = GetObject("WinNT://domainname/" & usr & ",user")
response.write "Name is " & User.Fullname
set usr=nothing

This code works fine when run on the server direct using wscript, but when
served by the web server I get the error:

Active Directory (0x80070005)
General access denied error

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Prompting To The User

i was asked to
Write an ASP page that prompts a user to enter the value for the radius of a
circle then calculates its area (Area = &#8719; * (radius)2) and another ASP page that
also prompts the user to enter the radius and then calculates the circumference
(circumference= 2 * &#8719; * radius ). Both pages should access the value of &#8719; (&#8719; =
3.142) stored in the application state."

*** my problem is in prompting to the user i cant prompt a window in the asp script and if i prompt the window from the javascript i don't know how to send the value to the asp script.

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Get User Info

My web site is windows authenticated.
When someone connect to my site, I get his SID with a small active X object
which uses OpenProcessToken and GetTokenInformation (token user etc ...

But now, I also need the SID list from AD user object SIDHistory. (when a
user is moved across domain).

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User Other Than IUSR

I'm writing a script to do a simple directory listing and parse, and that is all working fine. However I run into a problem when I try to create a text file to write it into.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
(PATH)/indexer.asp, line 15

Where line 15 is the line where I'm trying to create the text file.
This is probably because the IUSR_ account permissions aren't set to allow writing. I'm also running this on a server where I do not have the rights needed to change the However, I do have an account with full permissions that I use for accessing the website from Frontpage.Is there a way I can use my other account to run the script, or at least that part of it?

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Disallowed User

how can I disallowed or disable user to
used the back button or option in their browser for security reason

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