Site Map: Display Categories On Next Page

I'm trying to create a site map that will display links to all pages including links to bring the visitor to different categories. See below:


About us:

-Category 1:
-Category 2:
-Category 3:
-Category 4:

Contact us:

When the visitor clicks on 'Category 3' they should be sent to a page that displays all the products in Category 3. Code:

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To Display Site In 1st Page Of Google

i want to make my site to be displayed in the first page of google.can it possible?

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Display Ftp-content On An Asp-site

i need your help. how can i display ftp-content (files which lies on a ftp-server) on an asp-site? do there anybody have an idea, how can i solve this? at the moment we list the files per webfolder in our web. i use for handling the filesystemobject.

my environment:
1x ftp-server (win2003-standard edition; IIS 6.0)
1x web-server (win2003-standard edition; IIS 6.0) ...

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How To Display Images Which Are Stored Above Site Root?

I have the standard folder structure on my web server (sya that the server is estserver):

My site is in c:Inetpubwwwrootmysite

I have also introduced the folders:


The idea is security (the companyN folders store images belonging to the companies 1,2,3 - and never the twain shall meet - this does not matter so much). The images are stored above MySite (in the imageroot folder) so that no-one can see them - if they sat in mysiteimages, for example, anyone can see them. And to further thre security, /imageroot does not have a URL

What I need is someway that I can display an image in imageroot on a page in MySite, eg /mysite/gallery.

I need to use an absolute path from my page in mysite to the required image

so in HTML that would be

<IMG SRC=" f">

however, that don't work. So how do you do it?

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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Wap Site On Web Page

i want learn to make a wap site on a web page exmp.geocities or freehomepages. how can i creat my wap site(ý have a wap site from tagtag)on a web site?

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Multiple Categories

i want to have a search program that has multiple categories.
anybody can give a sample?

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Delete Categories

I am using MS Access & open 3 table, 1 for Product 1 for Genre, 1 more for Product_Genre (because one product maybe have many categories)

But when I have tried many ways to delete one of categories, also fail to do it.

What I want to do is : When delete a category,

1) it must delete the Product which is under the Category (to be delete)
2) at the same time it must also delete the records from table 'Product_Genre' which is related with the Category (to be deleted)Code:

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How To Make A Page Look Like It Is On Another Site

I am developing an ASP page for clients. I will host the page on my
server, but it must appear on the clients' websites. That means that
the user should not be redirected to my site, but instead should remain
on the client's site. Or at least appear that they are remaining on the
client's site.

One thing that would be acceptable is to host the page on the client's
site, but have it hit my site to get the data. I have looked into
XMLHTTP and also just having the ASP page hit a remote SQL Server
instead of a local one, but haven't made any decisions yet.

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Looping Through Categories In Recordsets

I have a list in a database that I have categorised using a category field. I now want to retrieve all records but grouped by categories. how do i get my asp to loop through each category creating a recordset for each one rather than hard code a new recordset for each category i would rather it did it dynamically if thats possible ??? Code:

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Recursive Categories List

i am working on ecommerce site and would like to display the categories (and sub categories) from the db recursively,
i did it but i also want to add the level of each category like :
main_cat_1 (level 1)
--------sub_1 (level 1_1)
--------sub_2 (level 1_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_1)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_3)
--------sub_3 (level 1_3)
main_cat_2 (level 2)
main_cat_3 (level 3)
--------sub_3 (level 3_1)

and so on ... how can i do that ?

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Getrows For Categories Then Products

im developing a Product configurator (just like alienware use) where in my database i have
(systems table) a list of PC systems

(categories table) a list of PC product categories (ie. CPU, RAM...)
(products table) a list of all products
productID, catID
(link table)
sysID and prodID

Now before i put the code ive done so far, let me explain that the first page lists all systems wich then gives the systemID for the link table. Once this page loads it needs to go through each category then list the products available to that category where sysID = systemID. Now a query i put together to list all products for that sysID is:

select * from PRODUCTS inner join link on link.prodID = PRODUCTS.productID where link.sysID=systemID

Now this query works great and lists all of the products for that systemID, but what im unable to do is (using GetRows()) have the category name listed as a title then have each product under the respected category. Code:

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Create Drop-down With Categories From ID's???

I've got a products table and a productCategories table related by a categoryID field. The categories table uses autonumber for the categoryID and I've got about 4 or 5 different categories in there right now.

I'm creating an Add Product page now and I'd like to create a drop down menu with which to select the correct category. How do I make it so that my drop down menu actually shows the category names and then populates my tables accordingly?

I won't need to ever add a new category here, simply use the current categories in a drop down so I don't have to guess/remember which number is which category.

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Physical Pages Categories

I want to put my existing review books webpage in Asp/Database because I have more than 5000 of them and its now too complicated to keep tracks of it all in HTML only. My database is ready, I know how to connect to it, how to list records and how to select in them, I know how to pass a variable from a page to another, I know how to add, modify and delete records... yeah its about that so far.

Here is how I want my website to look like. I want to have physical pages categories, like all the science fiction books should be listed in sf pages separated alphabetically Ex reviews of Lord of the ring will be in sciencefictionT.asp and so on for each categories. I want too that a page with all the reviews listed linking to the right place. In my database I have already categories for each books.So is it possible to do or I complicate my life too much?

I know that it would be much more easier just to make a review.asp and have the review one at the time there, but I like the way my website is already is, that make it different from others.

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Categories In Product Catalog

I have a default catalogue/product page (code shown below list_item.asp) which list all the products from the database. But since I have lots of category in the catalog/product page, i want to separate them according to their respective categories like writing instruments, desktops, pantry etc.

This will enable the user to go to a respective page and choose the individual product from the respective categories. If I adjust the SQL statement to be "SELECT * from Product " WHERE category LIKE 'DESKTOPS', this page will lists all the items from that category selection. But if i were to make another page such as pen.asp and adjust the SQL statement to category LIKE 'PEN'.

The first page lists the products from the pen category and the following page unfortunately shows category from Desktops. how to segragate these categories so that it will only show the products from the individual categories.

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Downloading Web Page From Secure Web Site.

I work for a large chain coporation. My schedule is posted on their secure web site which I have a user name and a password for. I want to create a URL string that can be sent (using VBA inside of Outlook) which contain my username and passsword and allow me access to my schedule information.

I tried: ....

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Trying To Create Client Page For Site Running Asp

I work for a security system company. I'm in the installation department. One of the things we do is go to our monitoring service's website and check the signals to see if we got all of the signals for a particular alarm system.

Unfortunately, that means refreshing the page alot.

So, I started off using an iframe page to refresh the content i wanted. the only problem was that the urls i used to login and set the customer ID would go to another page.

So I tried to create a frameset document. However, the .asp pages completely ignored the frameset information. Code:

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Web Site Loads Wrong Default Page

I'm running win 2000, I downloaded a calender and put it into my root website folder. the calendar folder contained a file called . After the insertion of this folder and creating links to it we noticed that when the web page loaded it's home page, another older page that has been deleted is displayed.

This page was located in the calendar folder. So now I've deleted the calendar folder, and restarted the server but this old page is still on display.

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Drop Down Navigation Menu With Categories

I have created a dropdown menu that allows users to navigate and load other pages into a different frame (detail) than the one in which the dropdown is sited. All menu items and urls are stored in an access db.

Now I would like to try and make 2 improvements but I don't know how:

1. I would like to use the [Category] field in my data set to produce (non-clickable) headings in the drop down list. Code:

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Req/l Forum Script That Allows Me To Set User Groups To View Certain Categories?

im looking for an asp (not .net) script based on a user forum
where as the admin i can set up different users to only see related
forum topics (i want to use it for project management) uploading files
to the forum would also be a massive advantage!!!

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Display Page

I have a seperate asp page for each due of the week (mon.asp tue.asp wed.asp etc...). I need each day's page to show on the site at 3am that morning, for example... I want tue.asp to show up at 3am on tuesday morning

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Can't Display ASP Page

I'm running IIS 5.1 in Windows XP Pro. I moved all my ASP files and scripts from my backup CD to my new server.
Some of the pages can't be displayed, the browser would redirect me to Http:// web search engine page. How can I stop this? I mean I couldn't fix the problem if I don't see actual error of the page.
I open my IIS logfile and found Error 500 next to the request.
But the HTTP 500 error page never get displayed.
I turned off the "Display Friendly Error Message" in Internet Option and set all the 500 error page to default.

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Asp Page Display

I have created an .asp page in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, and the page consists only of html and vbscript. When I click "view in browser" the page displays and works as I want it to.But When I view it in IE7 the stucture of the page is all messed up. I suspect that IE7 has problems in enterpreting the vbscipt because the html parts looks ok.
probably IIS right?
I have run regiis -i (dont remember the correct syntax) so that shouldnt be the problem.

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Cannot Display ASP Page In IE 6.0 On Win XP

I have IIS installed on Win XP. When I type http://localhost/*.html (*.html mean any htm file) in IE, it works well. The page is displayed. But for any http://localhost/*.asp file, it always return either HTTP 500 Internal server error or Cannot find DNS server. I tried http://localhost/iishelp, it does not work also.

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Display A Page In Textarea

I want to display a page in a text area.

For example i have a page default.asp in the directory about.

I want to be able to open this page in a text area for editing.

It must show the code for the whole page, including all <% and %>

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Page Failing To Display

I have an ASP page hosted on a windows 2003 server.
This page was working fine until Saturday. Now, the server doesn't
serve it and gives a 404 page not found error. The file DEFINITELY
exists in the correct folder (it worked fine previous to now).
I have tested the page on our in house server, which is a Windows 2000
server and the page works fine. I have exported the database data and
tables which are necessary to the 2000 server and again it works fine,
so I don't think it is any data in the database which is causing it.
We serve many other sites off this server, and the asp works fine on
all of them, and throughout the rest of this particualr site which is
causing the problems.

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Display Error On Page

when using a web application which includes taking an asp page then going to another asp page and coming back to first page ...some times connection to iis gets terminated
and page canot be displayed error comes .. this error does'nt comes on a particular page .

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Display Error Page

i would just like to know if there is a way to check if the table exists in the database?

if it does the search query would be carried out but if it does not exist the user would just be redirected to an error page.

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How To Display Code On Page

One of the fields ("Description") in my MSAccess database table contain text formated by HTML tags (<b>, <i>, etc) I now need to display it on asp page, but not as formated text, but as it is stored in my database:

Not like
Description of this product is good.

but as
<b>Description</b> of this product <i>is</i> good.

How can I do this?

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Display Frames In New Page

i try to dispaly frame in new page by using


but it open the pages in the same old page i try to open them in new page what shall i do .

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Unable To Display Web Page

I am currently facing some difficulties in accessing my web page. I am creating my company intranet website. Currently, I am developing my webpages in my local machine with IIS activated. When i run the website from my local machine's IE by typing //<computer name> my webpage displayed.

However when I do the same thing from another machine in the network, I got the error "The page cannot be displayed".

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Error :: The Page Cannot Display...

I migrate ASP to Win2003, and the error page doesn't display the errors but a general error like "The page cannot display..." when error displays, and the error doesn't occur in Win2000. How can I know the error message?

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