Split Isolates The FMeussen Part

I have the following string loaded in var1:


How can i make a function that isolates the FMeussen part so anything that is before the backslash is ignored/deleted.

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Split Function To Split First Letters

I have a variable which holds college names

strcollege="University of California"

i want a variable to save UoC

what i meant was there are 3 words University of California

so i want the first letter in each word to be stored in a variable ....

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Split Array But On Every Second Split?

I have a string



but i want to enter them into a databse

but it must be as 1356235 then field 2 is 125662

dont know if this makes sense

each number is a team in a match so team 1 plays team 2, enters into databse
then move on to the next 2, in that array.

i cant seem to get it to do 2 at a time, without ending up with an endless loop or team 2 being team 1 on the second entry.

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strSQL = "SELECT user_name, password FROM [tblLogin] WHERE user_name = '" & Request.Form("user_name") & "' AND password = '" & Request.Form("password") & "';"

Is using AND the correct way to use 2 comparisons in the WHERE part of the SQL??

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Sort By Part

I have a database table, that I need to sort by PART of the contents of a field (named rFieldName in the table):sample contents of this field are:Code:

qid_6_question_2I need to sort his field by the value that appears AFTER the 3rd underscore, and if applicable BEFORE the 4th underscore
Is this possible - can you help please - I have no idea where to start on this as I've never had to try to do something like this before.

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Use Only Part Of Field

I would like to use the last 10 characters of a Session object. Is this possible in active server pages. I am familiar with the user of Right$ in visual basic but I after trying serveral conatations I have had to give up.

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Reg Exp To Remove Part Of String

how do I get a reg exp to remove part of a string? -

I have: '/page/txtonly/index.asp' and I want to remove the '/txtonly' to end up with: '/bobby/index.asp'.

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Reload Part Of A Page.

is it possible to reload just one table row with out reloading the entire page? Or reloading just a table? i'm not thinking it's possible but if it is it's worth asking a qustion.

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Display Part Of A Record

I need to limit how much of a record is printed to screen. I just want text up to the first full stop.

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Remove Part Of String

Following java script code to get subscriber ID, its value is like 975683678-28_luxap01s.southernlinc.net, I want to leave number there and cut starting _ part, does anybody know how to remove the character starting underscore "_"? the final value is 975683678-28.
subsciberID = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_UP_SUBNO") ;

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Extracting Part Of A String

we have a database with a lot of products in it. and for some reason one fo the feilds is set up like "<img src="images/something/image.jpg" />". they should be set up without the html but because of the way they are set up theres no way i can use them outside of the root directory.

I need a way to just pull the first 10 characters off the string. which would be the <img src=" part, and then pull off the last 4 characters " />. so that i am just left with images/something/image.jpg.

I can sort of get the first part to work by using Mid(string,10)

but how can i remove the last 4 characters?

in php the function would do the ending characters if you made it a negative number. but Mid(Mid(string,10),-4) doesnt seem to work.

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How To Use Login Name To Be Part Of Another Page?

I have a login page where i validate my user id and password... this part is done... I need to get the user id to the next page i am showing...

Example like:
Login Page
userid : abc
pwd : XXXXX

Authentication Successful
Next Page:

Welcome abc ---> i want it here

Anyone can show me how shld i do it...

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ServerVariables - Request Only Part Of The URL

I am coding a login system with login form etc. and when users are denied access to a secure page within the secure area, I want to obviously send them to the login page to check who they are and check they are allowed to view the secure content of the site.

The problem I am having is that currently, if a user is denied access to a secure page, they are sent to the login page. Once they are granted access, they should be sent back to the page they were originally trying to view and not to the main menu.

(The secure area has lots of pages and users would not be happy if they had to trawl through hundreds of pages to try and find what they wanted.

I know I need to use the ServerVariables collection to retrieve the ("URL"), but I dont want to just use this as a querystring parameter when I send a user to the login page.

This would be insecure because someone out there would find my little login script and start using it on their own site by sending users to my login script to login, and then using the querystring parameter to redirect the user back to their own site.

All I want to do is select the part of the URL after the http://www.somedomainname.co.uk/manager/ part. I cannot use a Left select or right select option because my login script will be put onto lots of different websites, and I would have to change the Left select on each different site.

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Using Wildcards In The 'Where' Part Of An SQL Statement

Basically, what I want to do is to group records according to the first letter of "username" (the primary key).

SQL = "SELECT order_date FROM cart_order WHERE username = 'A*' ORDER BY username"

I've tried using a 'wildcard' (*) in the SQL statement and it doesn't work. So, how does one filter out records according to the first letter of the cell's data?

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Refresh Just Part Of The Screen?

I can come up with a page that displays some information. The information will always be displayed on specific part of the page, with auto refresh. But he doesn't want the whole page to be refreshed so that buttons and images around the information do not get
reloaded each time. Is this really possible?

Other pages on this site don't use frames, so this page can't use frams too. Creating an ActiveX control is also not an option of us ...

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Extracting Part Of Text

Is there a way of extracting only part of an entry retrieved from a SQL database. For instance, if I have an article of 4000 characters can I extract only the first line of the article and them put a link to the full article after the extracted text.

It is something I have been trying to master and will help me display my retrieved recordset data better.

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Print Part Of An Asp File

I have link from a page.If you click on 'pedir presupuesto' it goes to a form, when someone clicks submit on the form the next page sends an e-mail, and must print part of the table from the original asp page (0.asp - from the first darker grey header to the second one).

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Stripping Part Of The Text

I want to strip email from the text. Some of my users may send me a string:

str = "This is email 1: Join Bytes! and here is email 2: <a

How do I parse the string to get email address only? mI know I may use instr() to determine if email address exists, but please, give me a hint on how to handle it next.

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Hide Part Of Page

I have created a drop down box that picks items (active product lines) from my dbase (sql), once the user selects an item from the drop down, I would like asp to relate that choice to the next table and pop up another drop down box (active products from the above product line chosen).

I'm assuming that there needs to be some function to hide the second drop down box until the first choice is made (I could be wrong here??) so I don't know what the code would be for the page to stop showing anymore information until a choice is made. I usually show code here but this is really a question about code that I don't know.

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Don't Show The Page As A Part Of URL.

The web page has page1.asp, page2.asp, page3.asp, etc... However, When we type http://www.myserver.com, and go to different pages, the URL will be unchanged. How to do that? Usually, it will be http://www.myserver.com/page1.asp, http://www.myserver.com/page2.asp, etc..., with the actual page.

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Part Of Webpage Not To Refresh

i have a site that has a header include file, i don't want the header to refresh as i navigate through the site. Is this possible?

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Selecting Part Of A String

I'm just starting out learning a bit of asp with my job so pardon my bad use of any jargon

In 'A:B:C: D:E' I want it to only return 'A:B:C: D'. Dropping off the content after and including the LAST :

Can anyone help?

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Use Login Name To Be Part Of Another Page

i did not see from that view point of yours. anyway, i guess everyone reading this thread learned something about sessions & querystrings.

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Retrieving Form Data (part 2)

Is there a way in asp to retrieve part of the URL and use it

say the url was


is there anyway of retrieving the word craig so to use it in the page, I just want the word Craig

This is because i could have other addresses that are for example


where i need to retrieve the word jon

at the moment i use the code

strURL = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/default.asp", "")

intStart = instrRev(strURL, "/") + 1
strName = mid(strURL, intStart)

this worked fine until new pages are added ie a page that isnt default.asp

Obviously i cant use strURL = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/default.asp", "") because default.asp will change...

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Update Only A Specifc Part Of A Page

i want to update a specific part of a page every 3 seconds without refreshing the whole page, any ideas?

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Tree View In IE And Mozilla Part 1

I am trying to generate a tree view in asp 3,0 using sql server.Whats happening is its not pulling the data from the database i can only see folders and the gifs but not the actual data. Code:

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Submit Only Part Of A Feedback Form

On one of the sections I have a text field called IMO where the user may input text. Beside the IMO text field I have a button that will submit the value found in the IMO field if any to another asp page namely get_vessel_fields.asp.

I don't get any errors but nothing happens when I click the button.

<FORM><input type="text" name="IMO"> 'THis is the IMO field in question there are other fields in this form

Dim strIMO
strIMO = IMO

<FORM><INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Pop' onClick='get_vessel_fields.asp?strIMO;return true;'></FORM>
'get_vessel_fields.asp will then process the value submitted

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Store Part Of URL In Session Variable?

I've spent ages hunting for this but no joy, another user suggested cookies, but was ideally hoping to use Session Variables so its just stored while a user is on the site.

Basically I need to capture a section of a URL i.e.


I then need to simply save 'thisiswhatIneed' into a session variable and then enter it into a form box on another page (which I know how to do).

I just don't know how to get/store the part of the URL?

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Text Manipulation Of Variables Part 2.

Alright, now I'm trying to combine time and date in one variable as such:

Combined = time & " " & date

But instead of getting 12:42:13 PM 6/12/2006, I just want to get 12:42 6/12. How do I strip off the last characters to just get the parts I want? Also, I'd really like to see the time in 24 hour(military) format, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that either.

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Multi-part Messages With CDOSYS

I'm migrating from Dimac Jmail to Microsoft CDOSYS for an ASP
application, and I'm in stuck with a multipart message wich sends an e-
card. Code:

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Show/Hide Part Of A Page

I'm working on an asp page where I need to be able to click on a link and then show or hide a section of the page. Kind of like folding markers. I can do it by simply refreshing the page but I'd prefer for it to just open and close. Is there a way to do this?

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Display Part Of An Excel Sheet

I am trying to create an asp that will display part of an excel sheet. I have many hundered excel files and i want a page to view them.

the excel files do NOT have any header rows, i can't change the worksheets, is there any way i can display the contents of a work sheet? I have tried many ways but i seem to always have a problem displaying the top row.

all the excel files have been created using excel 97 if it makes any difference
is there any way of doing this?

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How Would You Design This-part Master/labor Form

Got an item master, think of it like an inventory: description, supplier, cost, unit of measure, etc.

There is an item_type field, which, when set to a particular value, REQUIRES that labor be also entered for this inventory item. I was going to just show/hide a part of the form, but the kicker is that more than 1 labor item can be entered for each inventory item.

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