Splitting Search String

I've made my first ASP website that interacts with a detabase. All fairly standard: it can display the entire contents of the db, you can input new items, update and delete items, and I've just started making a search page...[!]
It all works fine if the user just searches with one word, but if they enter more than one word and then press search, I don't know how to split their searchstring up into [an array of?] different strings to search the db with.
Is this even the easiest way to do it, or am I just wasting my time?

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Splitting A String

I have a var with the value of ADED I want to be able to break this var into an array of 4 elements, or it could be three, depending on the value of the variable.
I tried the following but got nothing.

dim strVar, arrVar
strVar = Request.QueryString("strVar")

arrVar(0) = Left(strVar, 1)
arrVar(1) = Mid(strVar, 2, 1)
arrVar(2) = Mid(strVar, 3, 1)
arrVar(3) = right(strVar, 1)

When I try to response.write(arrVar(2)), i get nothing. What am I doing wrong?

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Splitting This String

i get the querysting like this:
www.abc.com?email=abc@abc.com phone=33333333
Now i want to split this string so that i can just pass the phone number to the variable in my program so that the fax gets going.

Can you please let me know how i can split this string and just get the phone number to be passed to the variable ,so that i can initialte the next function of send fax?

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Splitting Or Trimming A String

I am taking a field from a database and attaching it to avariable like so:

varID = rsCheckLogin("LogonID")

This is returning, for example, SA70.

I only need the integer part. How would i remove the SA part, i have belive it must be trim or split but not sure how to use them?

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Splitting A VERY Long String

I have a very long string statement that needs spltting down into smaller sections and segments. I know how to use the split() function, and it splits the string down into smaller sections, however when I try and split one of these smaller sections into segments it throws an error out. Firstly is it possible to keep splitting the same string again and again to break it down? If not does anybody know how I would go about breaking down the string?

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Splitting A String To Use Separate Words

i have a search form that will only search the whole string when
searching a query. i would like to have the search string split into
separate words so that each word could be used as part of a single
query. is there a simple solution to my question ?

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Splitting String Containing Non Ascii Characters

I have these strings which are pulled from a database which contains both
english and chinese characters(big5).


Fragrant Rice 10kg Green Dragon?
Broken Rice 10kg G.Elephant?

I want to split the string at the first occurance of the non ascii character so that i can get the english and chinese parts separated.

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Splitting String Of Unicode Chars

i want to split a string containing unicode chars. If i use Split() funtion of ASP the unicode characters in string it gives wrong results..

Is there any other funtion or anyway through which i can split my unicode string to array?


i hav string in given form(sepated by a semi colon[;] )

ROOMS = Cap-Haitien;Gonaives;Jeremie;L’Artibonite;Grand-Gouave;

When i split this string using

Split(ROOMS, ";")

it gives me following results


However it shud give me


Is there any solution to my problem?

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Search String

I am passing the following variables....

City - name of city
RentLow - low range of rent
RentHigh - high range of rent
myquery - keywords

The following is the start of my query string but I am having issues with the City portion already and I have not gotten to the rent yet

I know the SQLquery portion right below is fine - it tested perfectly, along with the rest of the query, it was when I added in the request city string that gives me No value given for one or more required parameters. even though one is passed in the string.

SQLquery = "(" &parsethis(strText ,words ,wCount, 3) & ")"
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD1>", "title")
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD2>", "description")
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD3>", "comments")
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE " & SQLquery & " AND city = " & Request.QueryString("city") & " AND linktype = 2 AND active = " & myTrue & " " & SortSQL & ";"
end if

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Search Into String

i ve a string like this : my_name_is_ahmed_adly

now i need to see if this string contains the word "is"

so how can i do this ?

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Search A String

if i have a string with comma seperated words. is there a way to search another string for words that are in it?

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String Search

I have a page that is not asp that is linking to an asp page with a question mark and a variable on the end of the URL. How can I pull the variable off using server
side processing only?I have tried using ServerVariable("HTTP_REFERER") no good, I tried ServerVariable("URL") no good. I am also using Instr(var,"?") to search the url string like this.

Red1 = Requestor.ServerVariable("URL")
Test1 = Instr(Red1,"?")

Test1 is always a 0 because Red1 is always just the refering URL and I need the whole string in address field. I think that I am using the wrong property but I am not sure what is the right property.

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Search For String

Is there any fast way to search for a specific string within all the files in a folder at a same time?

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SQL And Search String Issues...

I am having some trouble with getting reliable results with a search string I am using in an ASP page that uses embedded SQL.

In the ASP page, I am using checkboxes for the user to select states to search for records that apply to the selected states. Let's say that I checked the states of [GA][VA][TN]. And, let's say that there is a record with a column "states" which has the states of "AL,GA,FL,VA,TN".

The search criteria I use above will not return that record. However, If I use a search criteria that satifies the leading value of "states" or the trailing value of "states" the result will be returned. But since my search criteria 'breaks apart' the actual value of "states", it is not returned in the search. Why, and how can I make this work better?

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Build SQL Search String

I am creating a search page and need help writing the code to build the sql

I have 3 fields on the main page which a user can choose to enter search
terms in any of the 3 fields. My question is how do I write the logic so it
only includes the fields in the search criteria where the user has entered

Fields are

Production No
Production Title

The user may enter any, all or some of the search teams in the fields.

On the search page I am using lots of if conditions to build my sql string

strSQL = "Select * from Productions where "

now after where there are lots of permutations and combination like
production no could be empty or it could be filled in and the other fields
might be empty or filled in as well.

Does someone has a simple logic to build the correct sql String?

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Spliting Search String And DB

I'm trying to split my search string, So I can compare search results if the string was of two words such as: "world news"... But i'm a bit confused of how to do it using this code (FOR EXAMPLE): ....

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XP's Search For String In Files

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Search to search for a text string in a folder full of a bunch of ASP files. Seems like the normal "Search for text in files" program in XP Pro won't search between the ASP delimiters <% %> .

How can I search for text strings in ASP a folder full of ASP files with out opening each one individually and searching?

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Search String In HTML Form

In a HTML form field, the user enters a long text. I need to search for an image tag. Then get the name of the image (*.gif or *.jpeg) to check the image library if the image already exists. If exists, cannot upload the image. Else, upload the image.

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Search For A String Within A List Of Strings

This is probably simple and I'll kick myself when I see the answer, but I am trying to write a simple if statement that will check to see if a string value is contained within a list of string values. In SQL this is a simple matter with syntax like WHERE status IN ('PT', 'PD', 'PDC', 'DIP', 'TIP') I basically want to do the same thing in my ASP page.

I know I can use code like the following and am doing so now. I'm just looking for a more simple method. Code:

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Search String For Upper Case Character

Is it possible to search a string for a upper case character? Here is what I am trying to do:

I have the following string:

Quote: str = "ProjectSectionPlanning"
I'm trying to break this string into:

Quote: str = "Project Section Planning"

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Regular Expression :: Search A String Of HTML

I want to search a string of HTML and insert a querystring into any url where the url is an asp page and is either a local link /folder/page.asp or of a specific domain http://www.somedomain.com/folder/page.asp. It needs to be able to handle plain links and those with querystrings already in there.

I could do it with instr functions etc but I thought this might a good time to brush up on regular expressions. Can anyone point me in the right dirction?

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Search A String To Obtain Substring, Then Remove That Substring?

what I would like to do is remove a substring from a full string and display the modified string my basic code should be some like this:

strSearchString = FullString
strSearchFor = "SubString"
If InStr(1, strSearchString, strSearchFor) > 0 then
Response.write (FullString - Substring)

does anyone have any idea how I would go about doing this?

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Splitting Up A Date

I am having a problem with getting my date to display in the format needed. The date is being called up from a database in the form of the date and time but I need to have the them both seperate from each other. Its for a message board app I'm currently developing. I've tried various methods but none have worked so far. I am using this code at the moment:

<%Response.Write FormatDateTime(sectionRS("MesDate"), vbGeneralDate)%>

The result comes out the same as if no formatting is used. Do I need to create a variable for the value being called up from the database?

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Splitting Arrays

I have a string that looks like this: a|b|c|d%e|f| ...

I split once on "%"

ar1 = Split(Mystring, "%")

then when I try and split the ar1 by

ar2 = Split(ar1, "|")

I get error '800a000d' Type mismatch

I have tried
ar2 = Split(Cstr(ar1), "|")

How can I split this string?

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Splitting Data

i need to write a query that splits forname and surname that are held in the same col of a db eg old form requested for name(so users just put sarah smith)
but I have added another col forname in the db and the forms now collect forname and surnane into seperate field but I have to now split the old data and put ot into the separate fields can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Splitting 1 Column Into 2

Pretty basic but I cannot figure it out.

FULLNAME (lname, fname)

Needs to be


Should split at the comman.I already have all the columns created; just
need to SQL command to make it happen.

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Splitting Value From A Select Box?

I have this SELECT box which allows users to select multiple items to delete... however if they select 2 or more items... the values get passed over as 'one, two' so the sql looks like Delete From Table Where Field='one, two';

How do i do it in such a way that it becomes:

Delete From Table Where Field='one';

Delete From Table Where Field='two';?

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Splitting Time (00:00:00)

I have a variable that stores an amount of time in '00:00:00' format. It is a varchar in the database.

Is there a way to Split the value into hours, minutes, and seconds so I can add them?

I figure it would look something like

xx*60 + xx*60 + xx*3600? Or something like that?

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Splitting A Querystring?

Has anyone had the misfortune to try and split a querystring that has x duplicate name/value pairs within the querystring? I have tried every sort of combination to do this and it continues to just run through the whole querystring.

here is an example querystring


The Address values, email values, title values are fine as they are named on the previous page. The problem is, the L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 etc are dynamically named from a db depending on what the user selects on a previous page and can be duplicated up to 6 times, depending on how many different locations they have. I am able to get all the values at once, but need to be able to split the duplicated name/value pairs as they at seperate locations.

so what i need to be able to do is

Location 1

L1 - 0
L2 - 1
L3 - 0
L4 - 0
L5 - 0

Location 2

L1 - 0
L2 - 2
L3 - 2
L4 - 0
L5 - 0

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Email Related Splitting

This is the code I have so far:

I take the email address and split at the "@" symbol. Then I split at the "." sign to get the firstname and lastname.

Most of the times, the email address is of the format:


However at times, the email address can be just firstname@company.com

At such instances the code fails, how do I check for the instance of . before I split it again?

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Splitting Characters With No Seperator?

basically what i have done is taken a date and time, split them apart, took the date array split that into 3 times via the / seperator now im trying to split the day number into 2.

(i.e if the day is 12 for example i want to split it so i get both 1 and 2 seperate, or if the day is 08 i would want to get 0 and 8 seperate).

Is there a way to split a number without some sort of seperator so i can get the first and second number of the day and if possible how?

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Splitting Lines Of Code

if i wanted to split the below SQL statement on two lines, what would the
syntax be....

SQL = "UPDATE gallery WHERE g_id = " & Request.Form("g_id") &
"SET g_name = " &
Request.Form("g_name") &
"g_add = " &
Request.Form("g_add") "

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Splitting Text Into An Array

I need to split a large amount of text into an array
everytime there is an enter (meaning line down) what is the code for
the delimiter i would use..
Example text
This is some sample
text that needs to be put
into an array
by everytime
we go to the next line

sample code

Array = Split(sampletext,?)

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