Sql CREATE TABLE Syntax Error

I'm trying to dynamicly create a table in an existing ACCESS database. Code:

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Delete From SQL Table Syntax

I am using a select command to get the bang on right record I want, however when it comes to adapting that select to delete that record i get an error.

Im guessing I have to change the syntax for a delete but am unsure on the correct command.

My Select is


And the below will not work

Any ieads?

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Create Table

I know I can Create Tables In a database with the CREATE TABLE sql statment, but I don't exactly know the syntax of the statment.

I want to add a table with a sertin feild that has a default value, is that possible?

The syntax I know is:

sql = "CREATE TABLE tablename(feildname FEILDTYPE,feildname FEILDTYPE...)"

Are there any other parameters that I can add to the statment?

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I'm writing an ASP app to create a table in an MS Access database. I use:


sql = "CREATE TABLE success(name text (50), company text (75), article memo (), img text (50))"

and get a syntax error. When I remove the "article" field and param, it works. Even when I add a max char param inside the parenthesis


article memo (255),

I get the same error. Doesn't the "memo" data type allow unlimited charactors? If so, is there a param that I need to add to the memo () call?

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Create Table SQL

how to tell access to allow a zero length and put a default value now() in the date/time field in SQL?

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Create Table In MS

how to create new table which the table's name is variable. for example: i want to create table with the name is come from user's input in the form input.

create table <table's name variable> ( ...

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Create Table

Can you create a table in an access database using create_table?

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Create Table


Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & server.MapPath("mydb.mdb"))
'conn.Open "DSN=Survey"

Dim strSQL
' Creates a table called survey3
strSQL = "CREATE TABLE survey3 (Q1 text(20),Q2 text(20));"

conn.Execute strSQL
This code works..But before I create the table I need to check if it exists and only if it doesn't i want to create it...How can i do it?

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Create New Table

I need to create a new table in an Access Db for a Db driven Classic ASP website. My concern is that if I alter my local copy of the Db and then simply upload it, data might be lost if any of the users are logged in and posting stats.

Is there a way for me to write and execute some code to add to the Db? In PHP I usually use sql statements with the PHP MyAdmin interface, but I don't know of such a thing for ASP-does it exist?

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ASP + SQL Create Table For SQL Server

I am having a problem using the SQL statement "CREATE TABLE" for an SQL Server database. The code works right in Access but when it did not work in SQL Server 7, I changed some of the datatypes to match an SQL Server 7 generated script. The problem is, it still does not work!

Now the first comments will probably be something like, "make sure your SQL user has permission," or, "make sure your connection string is correct." I have already tested that - the connection string works and I used the DBO (sa) user. Code:

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Asp Create Table Problem

I am trying to use asp to create a new table in an existing database and I keep getting this error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.

/install.asp, line 75

What would cause this?

Here is the code I am using:

cnn.Execute("CREATE TABLE crosssale (prodID "&txtcl&"(50) NOT NULL,related "&txtcl&"(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(prodID,related)")
By the way txtcl equals:
txtcl = "TEXT" 'access
txtcl = "NVARCHAR" 'sql

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Create Table Query

In the same way that you can create and alter permanent tables in Access 2000 using SQL in ASP ( CREATE TABLE <tablename> col_1(col_1 datatype), col_2(col_2 datatype....Col_n(col_n datatype)) is there any way to do this for Queries?

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how do you create a table in MS Access from with an asp script? I will be creating the table name from Request.querystring("name"), also needs fields of branchname and branchcode. guess something like CREATE TABLE & Request.querystring("name") branchname. branchcode.

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Create Html Table From Rs

how do i create a td for each field in my rs, with out labeling them. this is what i have, not sure if i'm heading in the right direction or not.


<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<%= rs ('insert rs name'<<<<???)%>

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Create A Table Thru Asp Script?

I have MS SQL Server as database. i want to create a new table in the DATABASE, through asp script, naming table's name and naming the fields with their data types.

Can i do this through an asp script, like it can be done through Database tools like Enterprise Manager??

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Create Tables From Values In Another Table

How can I loop through the values of one MSACCESS table to display the related records from another table? I have one table with two single field records. The values are 4 and 9. These fields are related to another table which contains records that belong to either 4 or 9.

I want my web page to display a table for all records belonging to 4 and then another table of all records that belong to 9. I could specify either 4 or 9 in different record collections but the 4 and 9 could one day be 1 and 5 and I don't want someone to have to get into my code to change the 4 and 9 to 1 and 5 in my sql queries. Any advice?

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For Every Record Is Table A, Create 1 In Tables B,C, And D

I need to do a simple but complex thing...

For every record is my users table, I need it to creating a record in 3 tables, with one value (all the same)...

So, in detail:

1 users table

Need to create a record in 3 other tables with the userid from the record it added...


From record 1 in Table A, create a record in Table B, C, and D with the value of field 'userid' the value of the 'userid' field from Table A...

Get it?

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Complete Function To Create Table And Columns

I have been looking everywhere, and can't find a complete function to create tables and columns in access .mdb from ASP, while adding columns that are missing in tables that already exist, can anyone post a link or the code to such function?

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Create Recordset, Loop, Update Second Table

I am in the process of rewriting my table formats for an Access Project that was created. I now need to get the data from 1 table and transfer to a second table.

I created a page that creates the record set, I then loop through that record set and need to run an update statement to a second table, however, I get the following message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Could not use ''; file already in use.
/BusPlanTest/updBusPlan.asp, line 17

Below is the code I am using: Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Compilation Error '800a03ea' Syntax Error

I am trying to display data from three tables in an MS Access database. Here is my code:

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Error :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

I am working on a project using an access db. Here is the problem.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing
operator) in query expression 'unit=6400s'
Unit is what it is suppose to be, I don't understand why I am getting this error? Here's the code for this part.

sql="SELECT * FROM " & tableStr & " WHERE Model=" & unitStr

tableStr and unitStr are variables. Table and unit are passed into the page and are assigned to the two variables through a request.querystring().

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Create Table With Username And Write To It With Results From Form

I have an asp page that gives results for a search from a previous page from streetguide.streets in MySql. The page displays the UserName of the person logged in.

I have the results of this query displayed inside a form with hidden variables. When the user clicks "save to my folder" I want it to create a table in the mysql db with the same name as the user name, and then write to this table.

I have it working if I created the table beforehand, but I want the table to be created dynamically upon form submission with the table name to match the persons user name.

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SQL Error (0x80040E14) Syntax Error Missing Operator

This is the sql statement:

sqlquery="SELECT * FROM tblrequest WHERE Req_id= " & Req_id & " "
set rs=con.execute (sqlquery)

Req_id is coming from a form like so:


The error is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Req_id='.

On the first line of the query.

See anything wrong that would cause this error?

Please help, the Req_id is being sent from previous form via a hidden value hope i'm requesting this properly.

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Error '80040e14' Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

I'm having a very difficult time with an ASP page that I develpoped in Dreamweaver and the MS Access DB it's supposed to update. When I submit the data the following error appears:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

/sessiondata2.asp, line 115

I know this is usually a reserved word issue but I don't think that's the case here because the page updates perfectly when executed on my computer as a testing server.

The rest of the site updates data into the database properly so I know the connection string is working. I can't figure out what would throw an error on a live server when there isn't one on a testing server. Code:

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Error: Syntax Error In FROM Clause

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in FROM clause.

Yes, I know this question has been answered a million times, however, I've already searched through this forum and my problem still hasn't been resolved.

Basically, I keep getting the error above whenever I try to execute this code. This code is from a search page entitled search.asp.

Here's my code:

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Error :: Syntax Error From Clause

What does this error means? 'Syntax Error From Clause'.

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

I have this insert statement where instruction field in the DB is a memo field.

SQL="INSERT INTO int ([instruction]) VALUES " & _


Its giving me error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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Syntax Error

I'm using an Access database file for this. I can issue SELECT statements on the database, but for some reason it says I have a syntax error with my UPDATE statement.

openAccessRS("UPDATE students SET password='test' WHERE sid='123456789' AND email='google@yahoo.com'")

Don't worry about the openAccessRS function. It just takes the query and issues the ADO.RecordSet.Open function. I have the students table filled with the correct information. I do have an entry where the student id (sid) is 123456789 and email = google@yahoo.com.This query worked fine in a MySQL DB.

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Syntax Error

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e07'Syntax error in date in query expression 'fldUserName= 'muratsa' AND fldTimeIn=#01.09.2003 16:52:20# AND fldOffline=0'. /Vestelweb/logout.asp, line 7

I am using the Now() function to get the date
in db the format is general date and in regional settings of the server the seperator is "."

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SQL Syntax Error

Could anyone tell me what is wrong with this SQL statement:

sqlInsertShow = "INSERT INTO tblShowings (date) VALUES (#12/12/2004#)"

Im trying to inder this into an MS Access database, and the field name DATE, is set to date/time value.The error message I get is:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
/fyp/backend/add_show_03.asp, line 41

Ive been scratching my head over this for AGES now! It just will not work.

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Syntax Error

What does the error mean???

Dim rs_sbu
Dim rs_sbu_numRows
Set rs_sbu = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_sbu.ActiveConnection = MM_dsprms_STRING
rs_sbu.Source = "select count(BUID) from SBU where BUID=" & buid & " and SBU='none';"
rs_sbu.CursorType = 0
rs_sbu.CursorLocation = 2
rs_sbu.LockType = 1
rs_sbu_numRows = 0

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

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Syntax Error

I am trying to update an Access database using an ASP form with a date. All
I return is a custom error telling me there is a syntax error with the field

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