Start And Stop Time In ASP

I have an Active Server Page connected to an MS Access database. I use this page to submit information to the database. Among the form fields is a start time and stop time field.

By setting the value of start time to <%=Time()%>, I'm able to collect the start time automatically when the new form is opened. I would also like to collect the stop time by clicking the submit button. Code:

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Stop Start Services

I am trying to stop and start the ftp service from an asp page using the niuser account.

my code is simple: "net start msftpsvc",0,true. ASP page returns no errors but nothing happens. code works in .vbs but not from the webserver (IIS6).Can someone tell me how to do this? I would also like to edit the registry if i can.

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How To Drop Start & Stop Codes When Barcode Scanned?

I have a product that when scanned into the web site will scan as a single piece of string but it is really made out of start code - A0, componeneet code - 00150, stop code 3B, how could I drop prefix and sufix when the product is scanned so it only scans the actual product code.

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Start Further

I have a SQL database, which runs a basic search engine, it has about 3000
links at the moment. I am currently keeping track of the click through rate
and displaying in, below the link so it says HITS TODAY / HITS TOTAL.
What I would like to do now is to take it one start further and be able to
offer people the opportuntiy to have a small piece of code in their site,
that will be able to update another hits counter in my SQL server.
I obviously dont want to allow people to my SQL or open the 3306 port to the
public, I would just like to be able to load a small java / vbs or what
ever, to be able to write to my SQL..
I use at the moment, but I want to be able to do
just very basic hit counter, I think from looking at how other people seem
to do it, I might need to do this using Java Script

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How To Start With

I have a Hello World app written in VS2003 C# it runs fine on my local
PC using IIS5 XP Pro Dotnet1.1 but when I up load it to my site I get the

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to
service this request. Please review the following specific parse error
details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'WebApplication1.WebForm1'.

Source Error: Code:

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Start In Asp And

I know HTML and i want to start on somethign mroe advanced. Can anyone tell where do I start. I want to stat simple and learn the veyr basics first.

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IIS Won't Start

Recently my IIS link in admin tools will not open the iis control panel. I have been doing asp development on the machine for some time so it seems odd this problem has all of a suden happened. I read somewhere a file (iis.mcs?)could be corrupt? Does anyone know how to fix it?I ask this place 'cos I am thinking that someone using ASP too also has had a similar problem or can point me in the right direction.

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Start Asp Or

I wan to start learning .is it going to be easy to first learn some asp and only then move to or can I start straight with

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Ssl Start Again

How do i require ONLY 443 on one site and ONLY 80 on the other. The secure portion does not use Host headers. I have 2 websites on the same machine

I want the guy who hits to only be able to use port 443 and never port 80. I want the guy who hits to only be able to use port 80 and never port 443. How do i require ONLY 443 on one site and ONLY 80 on the other. Becuase the secure portion does not use Host headers.

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End Session, Start New

Here is how it goes in simpliest terms.

We have a link to an ecommernce page, it uses sessions
(which we do not have access to change)

I want to create a popup window that will create a new
Internet Explorer browser to open (at a page i specify).
I dont mean like the javascript where it just opens a
window and contains all the info that u have (same as if
you hit ctl-n) I mean lauching Internet Explorer new
again, going to this specific site to aviod the session
that it is already in?

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How Can Start To Learn ASP?

I know something about HTML and no more but recently i really like to learn ASP but unfortunatly no body know ASP here. How can start asp and what should i know before i start learning ASP.

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Start Auto_Increment

Is there a way to start the Primary Auto_Number at a specific number? Usually it starts at 1, but I would like to have it start at 5,000

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Start Session

Here is the process on the site before I ask the question:
User logs in
session is created based on username and userid
user edits a record in the db
a hidden field with the userid session is inserted in the db to show
who edited the record

I had a user ( mike, id -1 ) edit a record today but the userid that
got inserted was 2 ( scott ). mike doenst know scotts credentials and
scott has never used the PC that mike is using, matter of fact scott
hasnt even logged into the site today.

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Session_OnStart Does Not Start

The "Session_OnStart" event doesnot fire if the website has .htm file as the
startup document. If I change the extension of the default document from
..htm to .asp then I can see the event fires, But now I cant change the
default page to .asp.

How can I make the Session_OnStart fire in that situation?

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Start Record With 100

my user table start off counting 1, 2, 3... (auto_number) and i would like to start it off at 100. how do i go about doing that?

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Start Debugging

I've been using this installation of .NET for about 3 months without problems.After not using it for about ten days, I came back to my project and when I tried to run it with Debug>Start (F5), it comes up with this error.

"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging ohn the web server. Could not start ASP.NET or ATL server debugging. Verify that ASP.NET or ATL server is correctly installed on the server."

Before I start de installing things,does anybody have any simple clues as to why this is happening?

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Start Server

I want to run a asp website in my webserver and I don't know how to setup a asp server.

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IIS Wont Start

I have been running IIS on Windows 2000 for several years with no problem.

Today, when I clicked on the system tray icon and clicked start service, nothing happened - no error messages. IIS just ignored me completely and would not start.

I am about to try a computer restart - but has anyone else run into this problem?

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Start New Page

i have a database that maintains all company policies and now i have a request to print out all policies, with one button click, sorted by department.

does anyone know of a way to start a "new" html page or create a printer line break? i'd like each policy to start on their own page.

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Stop Errros

How can i detect if a database already has a primary key value that i want to insert. ie. i want to insert 5 into a database that already has a primary key set to 5.

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How To Stop Spam

We have many forms on our site that users can fill out and ask questions, request information etc. but somehow, we receive a lot of junk mails (more than two hundreds) within two weeks through these forms. I don't know hot to stop these junk emails.

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Running Net Stop

I want to make a simple simple asp page. All I want is when the page loads
it does "net stop <service>". The code is below, it is not running as
IUSR_<machine>, I am authenticating as Administrator yet the service does
not stop.

The blank page just loads with no errors and the service remains
running, what am I missing? I am completely new to ASP, I just want one
simple page for this purpose. Code:

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Stop Session

I dont want to start the sessions when my asp page is do I do that...can I add something at the start of the page which will not enable the session

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Stop The Loop

I´m programming in ASP. How can I stopp the loop?

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Stop Execution

how can i stop execution. in betweeen a few lines of code. i dont want the complete execution of code and in middle i want to stop?

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When Does Security Stop

can a website be secure and not have the https in the begining of the url?

is this true : URL always secure
is this true : URL never secure .

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Stop Dreamweaver

How do you stop Dreamweaver from displaying server side includes in the Design View Window? I use a include to provide my asp pages with a general layout. My machine used to ignore the include statements when I'm in Dreamweaver deign view, but today it just decided to show them. It makes it hard to work on my programs.

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Where Do I Start When I Want To Make My First ASP Database?

I would like to make a database that contains Picture, Name Job description, gender and web address. The database should be able to hold at least 1000 profiles.

What program would you sugest? Where do I get it? Are there any online tutorials you would suggest?

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I Can't Start An Aspx File In Iis

I've installed Windows Server 2003...I created a
HelloWorld.aspx file and its associatied HelloWorld.vb
file and stored both files in the wwwroot directory.

When I put http://localhost/helloworld.aspx on the Address
line of my IE browser and press enter, I get the following
error msg:Access to..."C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322
Temporary ASP.NET Files oot2135a5088d69a834" is denied.

This works on my laptop which has XP Pro installed.

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Application On Start Global.asa

my understanding was when IIS restarts that time when the first session is requested application_on Start is called. My session time out is 1 minute. after every session time out happens when the session is requested then it goes to application_onStart first. Isn't application on start just happens only when IIS restarts and first session requested.

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Start Off Server Space

Could anyone recommend a server provider that can handle asp for a site that will contain roughly 500 pages that won't cost me the earth. The site will be UK based mainly for UK customers. I have found so many but it's tough to tell who is and isn't worth the money.

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Unable To Start Debugging

When I try run the project, I get an error as "unable to start debugging on the web server. the project is not configured to be debugged. " . I'm running it on Windows 2000. I've made sure that debug=true in the web.config file and the authentication mode = "Windows".

I also get an error when I try it on IE5 as :"Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS " .

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Start/End Dates For A Week

If I know the week number and the year, how can I calc the beginning and ending dates of the week? For background I'm going to do some grouping by week but don't just want to call the weeks Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, etc. And the week number is to be calculated with:

DatePart("WW", [MyDateField])

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