Statistics From Survey

In database exist survey results. Specific results from multiple choice - multiple answer survey (checkbox) are in tbl_results table (example excerpt):


table answers has ID numbers of answered answers, delimited. Anybody has solution to use those ID numbers as foreign key against table tbl_answers, in order to make possibility to make query for better statistics .

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Web App With Map And Statistics

I need to work on a project with a state map with associated counties. On
clicking a county, it should give the summary stats of crime for that county
on a box on the page. On double clicking a county a new page with detail
crime summary for that county should pop up.

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Statistics And ASP

I have SQL database and ASP web pages. I want to make some statistics for tables in the database, and if possible I want also some charts such as MS Excel. Is there an easy way to do so in ASP (using Macromedia Dreamweaver) ?

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I am trying to do basic statistics for a site. all I want is a list of unique hits (per page) by date. I would prefer to do the statistic software in asp but I don't want to have to change all the pages to .asp so I want something that could be hit using a hidden image or javascript. Does anyone have similar code they have done?

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I want to keep control of the statistics about my website, but I don 't want to loose previous hits (if I 'm not mistaking they are kept in the log-files?). I want to know how many visitors are online.

how many visitors my website (a specific page) has had today, this month and the total amount of visitors. This cannot appear however on the page itself, but on a password-protected page.

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Survey Help

I'm currently developing a website in which i want a have a simple survery. The survey will run for three pages. [survery1.htm,survery2.htm,survery3.htm]

I guess i have to use forms to do this, but don't know how? How do i maintain the user input details in the survery1.htm and carry it forward to the successive pages while getting the survery2.htm ?

In simple terms, How do i pass the user input details from one page to other page and finally forward them to an email address? I would very much appreciate if someone can send me a model or where i can get one.

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Site Statistics

I have a table in my (Access) database called stats with the following columns,

-- statidautoincrement PRIMARY
-- ipaddresstext
-- useridnumber
-- allrawmemo
-- languagetext
-- pagetext
-- datetimelinenumber
-- useragentmemo
-- cookiememo
-- sessionidnumber
-- countrytext
-- loadtimenumber

Can you think of a few possible ideas of displaying the data, and giving the SQL query(s) for it? Something like, SELECT AVG(loadtime) AS averageload FROM stats.

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Traffic, Statistics

Can ASP answer these questions for me?

1. Who is visiting my website?
2. Which pages are they visiting?
3. Which site is the most frequently visited?
4. What location are they from?

and other questions similar to the above.

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Site Statistics

I know very little about log files, but I really want some accurate way to track users on my site: referrals,hits/sessions, browser types, etc. I think the best way to do that is via the log files which I can see on the webserver but I don't know the best way to access and analyse them.

I have build a content management system based on Access/ASP and I'd like to try and incorporate site stats.

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Energy Statistics

I would like to provide all my members 35 000 ordinary consumers with high energy bills) with a system for keeping track of their use of energy and water by reporting meter readings every month. The readings are compensated for day of reading and also the local temperature during the month ("degree-days")

In step one I am only looking for management of meter readings & graphic representation per month of consumption. No consideration of prices and tariffs are needed.

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Survey Software

Just wondering if anyone knows of any good Survey apps available in ASP, most i have seen are .NET. Also, free would would be ideal.

There are lots out there, but ideally i'd liek to see one that allows for things like,
"If this does not Apply, you will be sent directly to question 14", etc.

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Survey With Results

I am going to be working on a project that is a web based survey that will submit the data to a database. But the data will also need to be multiplied by a number and displayed back to the user with some text. And was wondering if anyone had any good resources or samples I could check out I really appreciate any response.

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Online Survey

I want do add an online survey on my site, but i have no idea where to start.can anybody explain to me what goes into building an online survey.

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Staff Survey

i m currently setting up a staff survey, which will be linked from the website of our company. In the past this has been all hard-copy and decisions been made to put it online, and the job was assigned to me.

I've somehow managed to link to HTML form to the database, with the user completing the survey complete with validation to ensure they have not ommited any fields.

how do I prevent a user entering their username with a different employee number? bearing in mind i will have already input all staff username and employee number into the database. So that when the user enters these fields, the database write the survey to that particular record. I think i just need more code for validation, but I'm clueless as to what i require.

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Generating Statistics From Access

I would like to do is to generate statistics from my access db.

Within the db there are fields for each of the 11 plaers in the team each week, i.e. p1, p2, p3 ...... in each one will be a name, i.e Bill Bloggs but the name could appear in any one of the 11 fields.

What I would like to do is count the number of occurances of bill bloggs in the 11 fields and return it on my site as a table, i.e.;

name - times played
bill bloggs - 6

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Maintainig Statistics For Each User

I have on my website tutorials. There are 6 tutorials. I have a table in my databse for registered users. I wish to know the statistics for these users. That is the time each user has spend on each of these tutorials. eg. a statistics like

Authorized user1:
Tutorial1: 30 min.
Tutorial 2: 15 min.

Like this. I have allotted about 100 hours for each user, so I need to maintain this statistics so that I come to know that how many hours have been used and how many hours are still left. Can somebody guide me how to go about it.

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Questionnaire (Flowchart) Survey

I have a questionnaire that I want a user to fill out. If you click on the link, you should be able to see the workflow. I was wondering what the best way of doing this was? To have seperate pages? One page?

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Best Way To Develop Survey Database?

what is the best way to develop a database for a survey? How should I name the columns in the database? I have an survey to develop and some of the questions have up to 80 answer options + quantity for the options.

For example, I have a list of truck models from different manufacturers (eg: John Deere[304, 444, 544, 624...], NewHolland[LW50, LW110, LW130...]. The person filling out the survey needs to be able to select from none to all of items and this would only be question #1.

That means if the person filling out the survey select JD 304 and NH LW110 I'll have a total of four entries one for each of the trucks and one of quantity for each of the trucks. If I use a column for each possible answer, I'll end up with about 1000 columns what to me wouldn't be a very well developed database. Anyone has done anything similar? Any ideas?

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Multiple Page Survey

i'm thinking about making a muti page survey and was looking for some input on the best way to go about it. example

i want 3 questions on the first page, the user answers then hits next the next questions load and so on. what would be the best way of programming this?

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Logic For Survey Form

I have created a dynamic form ,different under different conditions. The elements of the page are dynamically created with the required infor . coming from tables. Now, i have to store the values, states of all individual elements of the form, for future processing . The values are the part of a survey. I hav to analyse the values and create a report.

Now , i m getting confused in the way , the values of all dynamic fields to be stored. I m not getting a good way to store the values and later process for survey analysis.

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Simple Survey ASP Page?

I am in the process of building a Simple Survey, and I am having trouble getting started. I have put together my html form, and now I need to build my "survey.asp" page to communicate with my Access database. I have designed my database to have 3 tables: Department, Contract, Survey. Code:

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Simple Survey W Radio Buttons

I am in the process of building a Simple Survey, and I am having trouble getting started. I have put together my html form, and now I need to build my "survey.asp" page to communicate with my Access database. I have designed my database to have 3 tables: Department, Contract, Survey.

Basically from each question the Survey Table will be populated. The survey table is in this format [SurvID (prim key), ques1, ques2, ...contractID.]

So if a user on question 1 clicked radio button "1radio1" then the number one should populate "ques1" field etc. Same goes for question 5, if the user chooses "5radioN" then "N" would populate the "ques5" field.

Also on there will be a drop down menu on the top of the page where the employee can choose the contractID. How would I incorporate that as well? Code:

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