Stopping A Long Server Process

I have this asp screen (not .net just asp) where user can fill in report criteria and then when they hit the "Go" button, at which point the report page will be displayed. Sometimes the reports are quite big and may take 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

If the user realizes he makes a mistake as soon as he gets to the report page, he may hit the "Stop" button and think the server has stopped generating the report, but it's not true. The server is still running the process.

This is particularly more obvious for developers like myself cos I have the server installed on my workstation. When I hit the Stop button and then back to the report filter page and make some changes and then hit the Go again, it'll take 2 to 3 minutes before it'll show the report page this time, as if the server was trying to complete my last report first, before processing my current new request.

Question I have therefore, is, if I'm running a long server process, then how I can get the server to stop this thread (or process?) when the user hits the Stop button, or hits the Back button?

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Long Running Process

I'm developing an intranet application using W2k server and IE5.5 - 6.x
clients. I've got one particular function that calls a stored procedure to
update a number of records, depending on user input. The problem we have
run into is that this procedure can take a few minutes to complete in
certain circumstances, and of course IIS times out.

I've been doing some searching for a solution, but most of the answers I've
found relate to showing a 'Please wait' message while processing the page,
which doesn't help in this situation. The others I've found relate to using
MSMQ, which would probably help, but leads to a load of testing issues that
I'm not prepared to deal with at the moment.

Are there any other 'common' ways to handle this at the ASP level?

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Stop Long Running Process

i have write a simple asp application, which is used to send batch email. the process will running for few hour, it depend on how much email needed to send. however i have a problem in ...........i can't find a way to stop this sending process until it send out
all of the email (or let say unless i reset the iis by in cmd typing iisreset).

i also have try different method such as before it need to send each mail it need to check the session, at that time (during send) user can press a button on the pop up page that change the session value. however this method is not work, it need to wait until the sending process finish.

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Stopping Server Side Script

I have a few reports that grabs +- 27 000 records from a database, does a few calculations and queries on them, and then writes the results to a text file. As you can imagine, this does take a while (half an hour if the server isn't busy) and hammers the servers resources.

I sometimes realise (after I've started the page) that I made an error in my code, or that another report is more important at the moment. The only way to stop the page if something like this happens, is to bounce the server (even closing my browser doesn't work) - which won't make me very popular .

Is it possible (at all) to stop the execution of the page after it has been started? (I know that ASP is executed on the server, and only the results are sent through, but doesn't it have some sort of event handling?

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Running A Server Side Process From IIS

i have a VB desktop app, that utilizes T SQL to communicate with my backend db.

It sends encrypted data which calls a web page that parses the file and inserts into a table.

I would like to add additional functionality e.g

For my server to be able to do a post the received contents, stored in the database to my sms provider.

I already have implemented a web page script that uses XML to post, web pages, but would like to implement another process for the desktop apps Could this be achieved and how ?

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My Server Hangs For A Long Time After I Run This Page

My server hangs for a really long time after I run the following code...

It is to serve up 3 types of files: a picture, a word document, and an mp3 file from a directory "/uploads" that is not accessible through the URL. The script works perfectly for the picture and doc file, but nothing loads when it is used for the audio files. The files are a few megs large, but after I run it I can't access ANYTHING on the site for quite some time.

What's wrong? Is it something wrong with M@rco's script? Did I impliment it wrong?

I don't mind if it simply takes a long time for it to load the audio file, but it is killing the entire server it seems like. Code:

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Dllhost.exe :: Listener Failed To Start A Dedicated Server Process

I am having serveral web applications in ASP in my server ( windows 2000 advance server ), sometimes dllhost.exe taking more memory and causes the cpu usages to be 100% and makes the server hangup and causing error like "TNS : listener failed to start a dedicated server process", by the way if i end the process of dllhost.exe manually then the cpu usage will be very less and i wont get such error .

i have the following questions regarding that

1)what causes the dllhost.exe to takes more cpu usage,

2)is there any command from dos to kill such process so that i can create bat file to be run every one minute. i have searched i found only some third party tools and there is command taskkill but it is not for windows 2000 ( it is available only for win xp and windows 2003)

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Request Stopping

I have 3 pages. on page 1 there is a select box, name="UD", containing "Data B"

page1 submits to page 2
on page 2, <% USD=request("UD")%> results in USD = "Data B"
USD displays in a text box as "Data" (the space and B missing)

page 2 submits to page 3
on page 3, <% USD=request("USD")%> results in USR = "Data" (the space and B

How do I keep the data complete?

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Stopping IE Using A Cached ASP Page

This problem is regarding ASP/AJAX. I don't really want to bore you with all the code so i will start off by giving an overview of the problem.

I have an ASP page that places an AJAX request to an ASP page that retrieves a random record from the database, the information returned is then updated into a Div on the original page. The original page has a Refresh link to repeat the procedure and select another random database entry. With me so far?

In firefox this works perfectly, but im having problems in IE. It seems that the ASP page that accesses the database is cached somehow as everytime i use the refresh link it returns the same data. I have used the time() function in the returned data so I can see that it is exactly the same info returned with each refresh.

It seems that the response is being cached and rather than rerunning the script the cache is being returned.

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Stopping Pages/images From Being Cached

Is there an effective way to stop pages from being cached?

I've created several websites that have dynamic content and images that are managed by a client. The images are named according to the "id" generated via an Identity column of their corresponding database record (ex: 1058.jpg). The problem occurs when the client tries to change the image.

The client gets understandly confused because the old image is still displayed, due to the browser caching the image. How can I force the browser to stop caching the page/image?

All of the ASP pages already have the following:

<%Response.Expires = -1%>
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">

Any ideas?

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Stopping Running Code At A Certain Point

I have a asp page which is pretty long. This consitst of various recordsets. My intention is to stop execution of a code at a cetain point and test one value prior to this point. Is there any way to do this?

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Stopping Secure Pages Appearing In History

I know this probably sounds like a newbie question, but I was under the impression that secure pages (https) don't appear in the history/address bar history list - this appears to be incorrect?

Should I really be putting some form of expiry command at the head of each of these pages if I don't want casual users to see them? I use Classic ASP so is it better to use a command via this lang or the old META methods?

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Stopping People Putting Scripts Into Form Fields

im making a simple site where people can add comments into a shoutbox. only ive had experience of people adding in html tags and javascript to redirect people away from my site and display images etc which im not interested in.

how do i stop this from happening? is there a way to intercept the form contents and kick out the code leaving plain text? or changing the code so it displays the real code using &lt; and &gt; ?

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IIs Won't Process ASP

I'm a complete newbie to IIs and ASP (come from the Apache/Cold Fusion
world ). I've created a very simple ASP test page:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<% Response.Write "This is a test ASP page." %>

But when I access the page, it just displays the page as text, instead
of processing the ASP. I've looked at a half-dozen Microsoft KB
articles, but still no luck. I'm not getting an error, it's just not

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ASP Process

I m facing a problem in ASP. That is on the production machine when I deploy my product at that time it dosenot perform a particular process. But on my devlopment machine it runs perfectly fine.

The only difference which lies is that on my devlopment machine in security tab of wwwroot/(website) a security permission with the name of VS Devlopers(machineVS Devlopers) exist but on the production machine it dosenot. What could be the possible problem.

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COM+ Process Id's

Making good old fashioned asp page and need to be able to display the IIS COM+ process id's (i.e. those that show up when attaching to a process in InterDev(in debug/processes dialog box).

Is there a way to get these process id's show up in an asp page? You can tell I'm not to saavy when it comes to working my way around the WindowsAPI.

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ASP Insert Process

Just like to know if I am correct and no problems in this scenario:

I have page where the user clicks a button to save some information >>

gets directed to page 2 where a value gets returned from a recordset and the form is inserted automatically upon loading with the value (sequential for the database table) >>

the user then gets redirected to page 3 upon insertion into the database, if I use 'Select Top 1 ......' as a query to retrieve some information on this page am I sure that this is the correct record just inserted even if 2 or more people are saving at the same time?

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Batch Process

i have to start a batch process from a dll to transfer
files created by this dll to remote ftp server. I created
a batch file:

ftp -n -v -i -s:D:atchftpcmds.txt ftp-server

and a file containing the ftp commands:

user username password
lcd D:atchmedia
mput *.*

It works pefectly when i start it from the dosbox. But
when i call it from the vb dll implemented in IIS (shell
("D:atch ransfer.bat")), it does not complete the
transfer and hangs after 400-500 (small) files.

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Process CSV File

I need to select a csv file from my desktop through the "Browse.." button in my ASP page and upload the file and do further interrogation and extract the data to put into a database. What I'm struggling with is more the first parts with getting the file read properly in the second page so I can read and insert the data.The data below
describes the file. Quite a simple format.

Customer ID - Additional values are player IDs
193948294, 293, 294, 296, 290, 292

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Running Process

if it is possible to run a process after page has loaded? reason being is i have an application that uploads a file, then zip's it up. These are 50 megs sometimes, so zipping the file can take some time. It is a two stage process though, a user will upload a file, then fill out some more info, then submit, so while the user is filling out more info, I'd like to start zipping the file. Does anyone know if that is possible? and if so how to do it?

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Hidden Process

when i call for a asp page i c some process still running in the status bar. but when i click on the same link again, i could not find the process. it happens alternatevely.why is this happening? how to prevent?

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Process XML Data

It's been a long time since I've needed any help with something, so I'm happy to come back and feel dumb again. I need to learn how to process XML data and generate pages driven from that data. I know the structure of the documents, I just need to grab the data from inside certain XML elements of the XML documents.

Can someone explain this or post a link to a good site? I've tried googling, but everything I find seems to explain how to print back the XML in HTML format.

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Process IF Clause

Got a bit of code, which I want to loop through, unless the current value is "", in which case I need it to skip to the next one, but how do I do it?

Response.Write "<br />" & vbCrLf
For Each strItem In Request.Form
If strItem = "" THEN
'these next two lines, I only want to be processed if the above does
have a value in it
Response.Write "-" & strItem & "-" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "-" & Request.Form(strItem) & "<br />" & vbCrLf
End If
Response.Write "<br />" & vbCrLf

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Too Long To Insert

I want to insert a new row in my db but it says that the "identifier is too long"...

ORA-00972: identifier is too long

to be more precised... I googled it but I can't seem to pinpoint how to work around this

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Long Emails

When sending long emails a mysterious space-character is added after a
certain number of characters. Any idea why that happens?
I am using a Dundas Mailer control (if that matters) called from an asp

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Long Posts

I have a database-driven site and it is possible for users to leave comments, which get written to the database. How do I make it so large comments can be added?I am getting this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error'80040e21'

The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

/wall2.asp, line 37

I have set the default field type in the database to be 'memo'and set the default text field size to 255 (the maximum allowed)

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Long Numbers

How do i make this number shorter?like to make it like.let's say 65.39?

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Long URLs

Is anyone aware of any sort of asp coding to deal with long URLs? I have a few asp that pull URLs from fields within a MS db, which then display on a width-limited table. Is there any way to wrap these long URLs such that my table doesn't get widened? e.g. wrapping at "/" or something similar?

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How To Process Uploaded Images

Anybody have idea about Image processing tools available for ASP (like Imagemagick,I dont think ImageMagick will work with ASP).

I want to adjust the images uploaded to my site(ASP) to a particular resolution and do some image resolution changes, like creating thumbnails from originally uploaded images,etc..

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Login Process Error

I have created 2 tables on my db. one is for customers and one for corporate. this is to distinguish the records so that we wont mix up our clients. i have created a login page for both customer and corporate. however, i think there is something wrong with the login process code which process the login for users to our page. there is an error message:Error Type:

Provider (0x80020005)
Type mismatch.

(see highlight in red) for attached code.i am not sure if its correct but here is the code as attached

Response.Buffer = True
strUserName = Request.Form("User_Name")
strPassword = Request.Form("User_Password")
Dim rs
Dim sqlStr
Dim record_found
record_found = 0
Dim vPath, pPath, ConString
vPath = "xxxxx.mdb" 'use this one if database is in root of cart folder
pPath = Server.MapPath( vPath )
Dim Conn, rsCatalog
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open ConString
sqlStr1 = "SELECT * from Customer WHERE User_Name = '" & strUserName & "' AND User_Password = '" & strPassword & "'"
sqlStr2 = "SELECT * from Corporate WHERE User_Name = '" & strUserName & "' AND User_Password = '" & strPassword & "'"
set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
adOpenStatic = 3
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.Open sqlStr1, sqlStr2, conn
If (rs.RecordCount <= 0) Then
record_found = 1
Response.Cookies("User_Name") = rs("User_Name")
Response.Cookies("User_Password") = rs("User_Password")
Response.Cookies("Login") = 1
Response.Cookies("View_Cart") = 0
End If
Set rs = Nothing
if record_found = 1 then
if Request.Form("hiddenVal") = "view_cart" then
end if
end if

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Content Loading In Process

I have few asp pages, which they get the information from a SQL server, while calling these pages, due to amount of data, sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds for loading the page.During this loading time I want to show the users something like a process bar so that the user is not left out with a blank page.
if anyone can guide me, how to show this process bar before completing the load process.

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Send And Process Data

How to send data through winhttpd and process the data in the target page?

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IIS Doesn't Process My Code

My code doesn't get executed by IIS. My file is
saved with .aspx extension. When i do a view source, all
the vb code is displayed. This shouldn't be visible if
the server is processing the code. How do i get IIS to
process my vb code is my .aspx files?

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