Stored Procedure As Method Of Connection And NULLs
[This question is directed at Bob Barrows, but perhaps someone else knows an
answer. In any case it is good information for the group.]
I really like Bob's "stored procedure as method of Connection Object"
technique. It is convenient, compact, and concise, and simplifies protection
from SQL injection.
HOWEVER, I cannot figure out a way to pass a null value to an INT parameter
when I use this. Null string parameters are fine. The error reads:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'
Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int
As you can imagine, "text is incompatible with int" gets my attention. I am
explicitly passing a null (not the string "null"). I am using JScript on the
web server and connecting to SQL Server 2000. An example: Code:
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I'm trying to access a stored procedure on our AS400 that is written in RPG. I know that the stored procedure works (I've called it from an RPG program on the AS400), and I know that the connection to the AS400 is good, because this same ASP page is reading data via SQL. However, when I try to call the stored procedure, I can't tell if anything is actually happening. All that I know is that the end result is not being changed, so I suspect that the procedure isn't being called correctly.
My stored procedure is used to encrypt/decrypt data. It has 3 parameters - a 1 character flag telling it whether to encrypt or decrypt, a 25 character field for the plaintext data, and a 50 character field for the encrypted data. The last two parameters are used for either input or output, depending on the value of the first
flag (if the flag is "E", then the plaintext is used as input and the program fills the encrypted data field. If the flag is "D", then vice - versa).
Here is the code where I call my stored procedure. I'm trying to decrypt data from the queryString and place it in some program variables. I'm new to ASP, and can't find any good examples for my situation, so I pieced this together from what examples I found
online. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
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I have a problem with input parameter which has Decimal DataType. Stored procedure works but it rounds all
values, i.e 5.555 input becomes 6 and 1.3 input becomes 1.
In table QTY has data type decimal(5) - precision(8) scale(3).
Please, suggest what's wrong with this:
newqty = Request.Form("quantity")
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("qty", adDecimal, adParamInput, 5, newqty))
cmd.Parameters("qty").Precision = 8
cmd.Parameters("qty").NumericScale = 3
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how to use LIKE in a Stored Procedure ?I can use it as "where tbl LIKE @string"but it doesn't work can I use % ' & ?you know, we use LIKE in classic asp and sql as '%"&YYY&"%'.but how can it be used in Stored Procedure ?
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I have a stored procedure that I am executing with this SQL
osp_instrument_swap @InstrumentFrom = 'testname', @InstrumentIDTo = 37,
@Schedules = '593, 594, 596, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606,
607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 616'
the @Schedules are ID fields in a table that are integers. I would like to do an Update blah, Where ScheduleID in (@Schedules) instead of looping. How can I do this? I have to sent the values to the sproc as text, right? Where do I covert to the int data type and how?
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My below given code is running 100% but now i have to pass this SQL Query from stored procedures...
I have created the stored procedure in my database and give the parameter to the student_id
can any one temme that how can i implement this stored procedure code in my given code:
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why we use Stored procedure in VB/ASP? Why i am asking is we can do the same with SQL Query? What does this do the differnce?I need the main difference bet. these?
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I have a query that selects from multiple tables and is complicated, thus making the number of code lines very big. I'd like to separate it from the page that displays the query results.
I have been told that a stored procedure will do the trick, but I've just come across another option, 'include file'. I'm used to programming in ColdFusion so I am familiar with the concept of including files.
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I'm trying to access a stored procedure in oracle using asp/jscript.
I get an error message complaining about the parameters;
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'UPDATE_BAKERY_USER' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
A Response.write returns this:
CommandText: { call BUNGE.UPDATE_BAKERY_USER(?, ?, ?) }
The stored procedure changes a users password, so the parameters are:
Can anyone please help me verify my code?
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I am new to asp, basically new to everything. but I am trying to create a log table and and trouble calling my stored procedure from my asp page, see code:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'sp_logsession'
/app/lib.asp, line 71
i am using the following code to execute it in my asp page:
SET objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open Application("deConn")
Execute sp_logsession(browser,timenow,remoteaddress,idsess ion,refer)
is there anyone who could help me to get this working?
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I have a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 named sp_FolioM with this code:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FolioM (@FolioTraspaso int OUTPUT)
DECLARE @Existe int
SELECT @FolioTraspaso = ValorEntero FROM Parametros
UPDATE Parametros SET ValorEntero = ValorEntero + 1
Now, when i run the Query of Select ValorEntero FROM Parametros WHERE Clave = 'NUMMOV'
it returns a column with 4 rows (values)
In Asp i have the following code to capture the output value and i think it only writes the last value ( row #4, last one )
<!--#include virtual="/../../ADOVBS.INC"-->
<HEAD><TITLE>Place Document Title Here</TITLE></HEAD>
Dim objConn, objCmd, objParam
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=APALACIOS;uid=sa;pwd=;database=PDigital"
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCmd.CommandText = "sp_FolioM"
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
objcmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
Set objParam = objCmd.CreateParameter ("@FolioTraspaso",adInteger,adParamOutput,4)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objParam
Valor: <%=objCmd.Parameters("@FolioTraspaso")%><br>
i only see Valor: 38149
what if i want to write the first value ( row number 1 )?
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I would like to know if anyone knows how to execute a stored procedure from ASP.NET 2.0. I'm using the NorthWind database and I'm trying to execute the "CustOrderHist" stored procedure. The error I get is "Incorrect syntax near 'CustOrderHist'. "
Public Function GetCustomerOrderHistory(ByVal customerid As String) As
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("CustOrderHist", conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerID", customerid)
Dim dtr As SqlDataReader =
Return dtr
End Function
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I am having a problem running an sql stored procedure with ADO/ASP. If I hard code a select statement, the code works, but when I try to use a stored procedure it bombs. Here is my code:
sql="SELECT PartNumber FROM Scrap WHERE DateOpened BETWEEN '20030601', '20030605'"
'Note: I already did my connection object above
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql,conn
'my stored procedure is LC_Top50_ByCost sql="LC_Top50_ByCost 'DB', '20030601', '20030605'"
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open sql,conn
Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
/MyWeb/T10_Cost.asp, line 202
Line 202 is the first line that I try to access the data in the
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How do I call a Stored Procedure with ASP?
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I'm new to asp but not new to web programming. I've been a cold fusion developer for a few years now, but due to a job changes I've had to learn asp. I'm running into a problem calling my stored procedure. The procedure runs fine in Query Analyer so I know that works, but when I try to call it using asp I get:
ADODB.Commanderror '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/ce/etracker/aIssue.asp, line 7
Here is my code.....
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I'm not sure if you can do this but what I want to do it execute a stored procedure but query it with dynamic ASP data. Basically,
exex StoredProc where id = 2
I am using a set of dynamic data and I truly belive looping trought the dataset would be too much overhead on the server.
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I keep getting an error from the following SP snippet
"Line 11: Incorrect syntax near 'BY'."
It runs fine without the ORDER BY clause.
[' + @user + ']
[' + @cal + '].clientID = [' + @user1 + '].userID
AND [' + @cal + '].newID = ' + @userID + ' ORDER BY [' + @cal +
EXEC (@sql)
Any suggestions?
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I am using a simple stored procedure that just searches for the cities whos name starts with the keyword enterd. But the below code dosnt seems to work. any ideas.
I am using SQL Server 2000
CREATE PROCEDURE va_search_location
@keyword varchar(50)
Select * from tblcities where CityName like '@keyword%'
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I have the Following Code, that Executes a Stored Procedure and Attempt to
read a Returned Integer Value from the StoredProc.
But It gives Error ...
ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another.
/C4U/DBOutputParameterTest.asp, line 25
Can some one Points Out the Problem: Code:
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I am currently using Microsoft access database 2000. I am trying to create a stored procedure in my database. How do i do that?
"CREATE PROC procProductsAddItem(inProductName VARCHAR(40), " & _
"inSupplierID LONG, inCategoryID LONG) " & _
"AS INSERT INTO Products (ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID) " & _
"Values (inProductName, inSupplierID, inCategoryID);""CREATE PROC procProductsUpdateItem(inProductID LONG, " & _
" inProductName VARCHAR(40)) " & _
"AS UPDATE Products SET ProductName = inProductName " & _
" WHERE ProductID = inProductID;"
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I want to exexute stored procedure in ASP, but it has error "Microsoft
VBScript compilation (0x800A0401) Expected end of statement" on line (1).
The stored procedure "sp_emp" contain "select * from Employee;"
Dim objRS, sqlStmt
set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnect
Set objRS = conn.Execute "sp_emp" '<========(1) execute stored
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I have a stored procedure that gets called from an ASP page. I had a requirement to adjust the stored procdure to have a delay, so now my browser waits for the stored procedure to complete before it returns the page and value I am looking for.
Is it possible to launch the stored proc from the ASP, but have it run in the background per say and return the value immediatley to the browser, cause the browser portion to not appear to be delayed?
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Is this the correct way to read a variable from a stored procedure
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = "sp_Supplier"
Hi i'd like to know what this line in a asp page does ?
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("Supplier",adVarChar,adParamInput,10,sChangeSupplier)
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I have a Sub that runs a stored procedure and another Sub to display the results of the stored procedure. How can I pass that sp to the Sub?
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i am getting an error when i try to call a SP in ASP script. The code is as follows..
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
conn.Open "DSN=Test;UID=sa;PWD=nmsglobal;"
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "sp_test"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
It gives me an error for the last line saying tht adCmdStoredProc= empty. if nebody knows the solution.
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how can i see a stored procedures return value in ASP?
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I have no knowledge in store procedure in sql server. Ca nanyone tell me the snytax or source to learn this?
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i m trying to use a stored procedure to return one for now.. and later 2 random values from the tables. but it does not return any value and my recordset stays closed. Code:
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I am not able to insert using Stored Procedure
' Cmd is set to ADODB.Command
' Cmd.text, type are mentioned correctly
Cmd.Parameters.append Cmd.CreateParameter("@table_name", adVarChar,adParamInput, 100, ActivityTable(ActivityId(Sequence)))
Gives the following error
'initialize_activity_master' expects parameter '@table_name', which was not supplied. where as i have suplied the parameter as shown in the code. Where did i go wrong ?
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There's a stored procedure in the backend, does
some offline jobs. Whenever i call my backend procedure from
ASP, ASP waits for the procedure to be completed, only then i
gain the control, I don't want that to happen, what i want is
once the procedure is invoked in the backend from the ASP page,
the control should be regained immediately.
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I have written a stored procedure and I am trying to execute it inside my ASP page. So here is my code. It wont work at all, like when I try and open the page It times outs.
dim sqlrs, rs2
set rs2 = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") SQLrs, CMS, 2, 2
%> Code:
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(IIS 6.0, SQL Server 2000)
I have a block of code that populates a recordset from a stored procedure.
The problem is, the recordset seems to be forward only (which would be OK),
but can't jump with the "AbsolutePage" property (which isn't OK)
How do I define the recordset that will allow this? Code:
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I've created a stored procedure to to display a listing of events based on the user's input. when the user submits the date, i get this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.
this is my reference in my asp page: ....
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