Storing An 'article' With Text And Images

I need some advice/ideas on how I could do the following:

I want to store articles which contain both images and text - like a writeup of an event - kind of an image and text blog.

I want to store articles in a database probably - at the moment I use access databases.

Clearly I could have the text of my article in one field and store images (or links to them) in other fields and then display all the images at the end of the article but what I want is..

to be able to make it to have text then a few paragraphs down have a nice right aligned image with text to the left of it and then some more text etc etc so it looks like a static, layout planned article.

What would be the best way to go about this? Can this be done by storing in a database?

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Images & Docs Storing

I have a wast databse of records, where there are so many Images assiociated with each record. I store the Image paths, record's primary key in the database and retrive them as and when required to display the records and the necessary images corresponding to the records. the image path as of now contains a relative path from the root directoy.


The main problem is ..what happenes when the hard disk is full and if i add another harddisk.. and add images into that new hard disk. how will i be able to address the images?? as they are in a separate hard disk hence cannot be addressed relative to the web site's root directory..

How to secure images,Docs from anonymous preying Eyes?

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Using/storing Images Via Mysql

Ok I looked around and read some articles about using a db to store images and stuff about having to save it as a blob. How exactly would you input it though? Is is the standard "insert" query?

Also, if I don't plan to use the image itself in the db (to reduce slow down) and store the path instead, would it still be easy to load it into a webpage as if it were to be in the db? Or should i just store it into the db?

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Storing Images In DB Or File Directory

I am working on a book selling website using ASP with an Access DB.
Basically i would like to have an image of each book in the DB to be displayed upon request in the website. So I guess what i would really like to know is

1. Can i store .jpg or .gif files in an Access DB?
2. Does it make sense to do this?
3. Would it be better to have some kind of pointer in the DB to a place in the file system where the image is stored? .......

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Storing Images In SQL Server Storage And Retrieve

1) I need to build an admin page that allows me to browse to the file that I
want stored in SQL Server 2000 in an image field, have it uploaded to the
server, and then stored in the db. I see this done all the time, so I don't
think this part is too hard, but I'm not sure how to get the image into the

2) I want to display the image within a web page, so I would want to pull
the image out of the db, place it on my web server in a certain location,
and then reference the file in the HTML. How do I do that?

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Uploading Images And Storing File Name, Height And Width In Database

How can I accomplish the following:

I want to upload image files (jpg) into a sub-directory of a website root directory using a web interface allowing the user to browse their drive and select the jpg file to upload.

Also, is there a way to parse the information from the jpg file and insert the information into a SQL database table which would hold the file name, image height, and image width?

I'm new to handling binary files, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this?

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Storing Count In A Text File

I need help with storing the number of times a site get hits, and have the value stored in a text file, i could only get part of the code working , Code:

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Storing The Contents Of A Text File Within A Variable

I was looking for a method to store the contents of text file within a variable. So far I am able to read the text file and output the results using the write method. Going a step further I also wanted to replace a particular string within those same results using the "Replace" function. This works as well.

My question, how can I store the final result that write's to the screen so that I can reference it later. If you run this code, I basically want to take the verbiage that displays on the sreen and place it into a variable. Code:

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Updates: Text And Images

In the site I have to create the user area to bring update the site he himself, as a form
to enter with the texts and images, and to be inserted automatically following the layout and design of the site, and the images with the accurate measures.

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Text To Pre-Existing Images

I wonder if anyone knows about how we can write text on some existing gif or jpg Image and then save them again in the same format.

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Wrapping Text Around Images Using Response.write

I cannot find any information on how to insert an image into a block of text
and have the text wrap around the image. All if the text and graphics in
the client's site are being pulled from the database using response.write.
When I write straight HTML, it is easy to place an image into a block of
text and align the image right or left, having the text wrap around the

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How To Get Only An Article

I want to put an article from a newspaper web site into my web site. My aim is to pull only the necessary information which is related to author. Many of the newspapers have daily article from author.

Within author daily article, my only interest to get the article. I do not need any other section from web site.

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Dividing Article

I am trying to figure out how to divide longer articles in to separate pages with a "next page" function at the bottom of each page.
Thus far, for my information based website, I have created my database, my Articles.asp page, my Catagory.asp page, and my default.asp and I have built a content editor to enter my articles. And all are working great.
My problem is, I would like to divide my longer articles into smaller pages. I see it all the time on I can't believe it is that hard. Do I need to divide the articles into "fields" in my database? or is there a way to do it without altering my database?

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MSKB Article

An MSKB article on the scalability of ADO/ASP
( says in a discussion of
why connection objects shouldn't be stored in session variables, "If
you do not pool there will be idle connections wasting server and
network resources. You also have some threading issues that can occur
if multiple concurrent threads end up hitting on the same connection
(though the session ID might save you here, but it is conceivable that
a browser could submit two concurrent requests using the same session
ID and you could get into situation with transactions or with SQL
Server's inability to process more than one command at a time on a
given connection)."
What are the potential threading issues here? (Are there threading
issues even when connection objects are created on each page?) I
thought that even with connection pooling, each connection is only
being used by one user at a time. (And what does this have to do with
Session ID?)

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Article Database - How?

Say I have a 3000 word article in a database field and I want to break it up into a number of pages.

The page break point will be at the end of an paragraph.

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MSKB Article 299692

I followed the instructions in this article, building the COM+ component and registering it, and creating the two asp files - Upload.asp and Postfile.asp. The problem is that as soon as I submit the Upload form on the Postfile.asp page, I immediately get an "Out of Memory" error from the server. Amazingly though, the file gets uploaded intact.Does anyone have experience using this method or have any ideas as to why I get this error?

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Sending A News Article

I am using asp to create a form where you can send the news article to a friend, and it actually sends the entire article. The problems the article contains <br>,<b>,<i> tags, and when I send the email it shows up like this Quote:

in the Holy Land: The Ideal and the Real. </b><br>
The lecture is co-sponsored by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at
North Park University,

I discovered the replace function. Replace(body, "<br>", chr(09)). That got rid of all the <br> tags, but there are still <b>, <i> tags in there. Is there a way to do a multiple replace like Replace(body, "<br>",chr(09) & "<b>", Chr(09))? I tried it and it did not work. Is there a way to do that?

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Microsoft Knowledge Base Article

i wanted to get the 411 on this article. I want to create a small utility web site with a logon page and a form connected to an Access database. The article below explains exactly how but when I try this I can only see the code no actual logon page - nothing but code.

My system is asp allowed and extensions allowed. FP 2002 extensions allowed. All other extensions are prohibited. I am using w2k3 IIS 6.0 and running 3 html sites succesfully all with working forms. Is there something on the server/website itself I need to enable?Why do I only see code and not a logon page as described in the article?

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Asafaq Article Id=2120 - Paging

I am trying to use GetRowsMove method since we are not using stored
procedures, I got until 77 rows found. Showing page 1 of 2. - nothing shows
up in the list box and GetRowsMove.asp I couldn't get that up and running
instead of your recordset I am pulling from my own database that is the only

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Paging Concept Question/pointing The Right Article

So I have that huge database, with a lot of article from different poeple on the same subject. Listing all the articles is too big so I decided to add paging to my pages. So far so good, its working real fine exept for one thing and its here I need help as to how I could configure my things.

For each people with an article a user page is create and in that page are listed their article with the link to them. So how can I specify the link so it knows that the article of that person is at the page=2 or 3 or 4 ... of the paging?

Before paging it was quite simple I was just using an HTML anchor with the reference numberID of the record like this : <a name="<%=RsCritique("refID")%>"></a>

Any idea?

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Building A "page Grabber" To Saveout Text AND Images?

My well-heeled clients would like a tool that I could build into a web application that would suck down the entire contents a remote webpage and store it on a local filesystem.

I know how to scrape textual content from places on the web using MSXML and assorted scracping widget. That doesn't help me for photos, nor does it answer how to encapsulate the photos in a form that I can see them.

This would probably only find use in intranet-type situations, so a IE-only ..mht-type encapsulation of the page might be OK.

I have OK skills working with the FSO, so if there's a widget or method by which the retrieval can be done, I can probably figure things out.

Has anyone done anything like this? Can someone suggest widgets and/or a design approach?

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Storing RSS/XML

I am using a customized version of the XML RSS Content Feed VBScript Class (available at:
XML RSS Content Feed VBScript Class to show an XML-feed on my web site. Since the web site are based on a CMS that uses an MS SQL - database, I will try to store the XML-feed in the database instead of just displaying it using a XML/RSS-parser.

I know Microsoft have several tools for this, but they seems to sofisticated and complicated for my use. I just wants an simple ASP-script that reads thought the XML-feed, and store the differnt news-items straight into my MS-SQL DB.

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Storing Cookies

Anyone know of any special issues with storing cookies with ASP? I'm
trying this with two browsers: One is IE 6.0 with cookies set to
'prompt'. This has been working properly as any new site I goto seems
to prompt me to store their cookie. The other is Pocket IE on Pocket
PC 2002, with the cookies set to 'enabled'.

My problem is that the cookies dont seem to be being written with my
ASP. I dont get the prompt to store the cookie when I should. My
storage code looks like this:

Response.Cookies("AcctNbr")= nAcctNbr
Response.Cookies("MsgStart")= nMsgStart
Response.Cookies("MsgEnd")= nMsgEnd
Response.Cookies("AcctNbr").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)
Response.Cookies("MsgStart").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)
Response.Cookies("MsgEnd").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)

And the read code looks like this:

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Storing Arrays

I have run into a unique issue, what I want to be able to do is store a collection or array into a database or xml file. The main reason for doing this, is I don't want to use Sessions as they are volatile to server hiccups or resets. I don't want to use cookies as they are insecure, but I will use one cookie to store a UniqueID to relate to the data in the database or XML file.Can anyone think of a way to store an array in Access, MySQL, or XML file?

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Storing And Retrieving UTF-8

I'm writing a vbscript application that reads UTF-8 XML containing Chinese
characters and stores the data in MySql 4.0.x.
Does anybody have any experience in this area with regarding codepage and
character sets? Ideally I want the scripts to be able to handle Standard
European characters and Chinese characters as well.
Are there any special considerations for using MySql/ODBC and ADO to get and
put the data.

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Storing Objects

I've read that you shouldn't store objects in Session variables.
I've read these reasons:
- The object takes up memory that may not be freed until the session times
out. Better to create the object only when you actually use it.
- Causes poor performance because the thread that created the object has to
service all requests for it.
Assuming I can live with the memory and performance implications (a big if,
but let's assume it for a minute), what other reasons are there?

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Storing A Choice To Use

I have a page which reads the contents from a certain table. The displayed text is followed by a link which is also stored in that table. They can just click the link belonging to a certain newsitem and the page with that news will display. But, for every new item I make a new page. What I want is that the link every time opens the same newspage but with only the selected newsitem. Something like "SELECT description FROM tblNews Where ID= [the ID belonging to the link I pressed on the previous page]"

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Storing .doc And .pdf In Database

Is anyone know how I can store Word Docs and PDF's in database, and how I can make link for visitor to download these files.

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Password Storing

When I'm creating database driven asp applications, I store my constants,including my connection string to the database within an asp file calledconstants.asp. All constants are stored inside asp coding <% ... %> so people can't save the data through the web.

I've been told this is an insecure way of storing the connect string becuase my connect string would also store the username and password to connect to the db.what is the current standard for storing an connect string to a database for asp applications?

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Storing Time In

developing a small application, user logs into a page, as soon as user logs into the page, the time(incl seconds) of the page opens has to store in database(time-in), and also the page closing time has to store in db (time-out).

once the time-in and time-out time is stored and it has to calculate the how much time user spend and the total time has to store in db?. i am using sql.

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Storing Variables

I'm trying to store a filename to in a variable from aspfreeupload file. Once the file is uploaded I can't seem to fine the variable it's stored in so that I can store it in the database without typing the filename in manually.

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Storing Information From URL

how to store information after the ? in the url in form fields. i.e. http://url/test.asp?User=Rob in Form Field UserName .

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