Storing Audio File

how can i stored audio file in Sql Server, so that i can loop my web page and create a link to download the audio ?

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How To Do Online Streaming Audio File Or Video File?

I need to do online streaming multimedia file on my web portal, just like those online portal that selling MP3. User need to click on the preview link to stream the audio file to listen before they decide to buy the file or not. How do i link my audio file in my web server to allow it to be stream? Totally lost on this function,

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Audio File Information

how to use vbscript to read a directory of audio files, recursively, and get the actual length, in seconds, of each file? The files will be wavs and aiff's.

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Storing Images In DB Or File Directory

I am working on a book selling website using ASP with an Access DB.
Basically i would like to have an image of each book in the DB to be displayed upon request in the website. So I guess what i would really like to know is

1. Can i store .jpg or .gif files in an Access DB?
2. Does it make sense to do this?
3. Would it be better to have some kind of pointer in the DB to a place in the file system where the image is stored? .......

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Storing Count In A Text File

I need help with storing the number of times a site get hits, and have the value stored in a text file, i could only get part of the code working , Code:

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Storing The Contents Of A Text File Within A Variable

I was looking for a method to store the contents of text file within a variable. So far I am able to read the text file and output the results using the write method. Going a step further I also wanted to replace a particular string within those same results using the "Replace" function. This works as well.

My question, how can I store the final result that write's to the screen so that I can reference it later. If you run this code, I basically want to take the verbiage that displays on the sreen and place it into a variable. Code:

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Uploading Images And Storing File Name, Height And Width In Database

How can I accomplish the following:

I want to upload image files (jpg) into a sub-directory of a website root directory using a web interface allowing the user to browse their drive and select the jpg file to upload.

Also, is there a way to parse the information from the jpg file and insert the information into a SQL database table which would hold the file name, image height, and image width?

I'm new to handling binary files, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this?

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i need to view audio and video files on asp files...something like youtube, but from my own server and i want that files be secure...that the files can be view only from my page how can we make it happen?

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Audio Streaming

I am trying to set up audio streaming on my website. I would like to know if there are any good articles out there that can at least get me started.

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Audio/Video Via Asp

I am looking for a way to deliver audio/video files to users as that user do not know the url of file. For Expamle I have abc.mp3 and some one wants to download this file he has to click to a link which takes him to xyz.asp and start downloading file abc.mp3 but he never know full url of abc.mp3.

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Audio Files With ASP Script

I have written recommend a friend script in ASP which can send a form filled details to around 5 Email Ids at a time.

I want people to use this with their custom voice message. Can they record and attach with this recommendation form and send that to email. What is the procedure involved so that the receiver can play the audio file.

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Audio Files In Emails

I have a recommend a friend program in ASP which can send a form filled details to around 5 Email Ids at a time.I want people to use this with their voice custom message. Can they record and attach with this recommendation form and send that to email.What is the procedure involved so that the receiver can play the audio file.

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How To Include Audio Files In ASP?

How to include audio files in ASP?

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Video/audio Editing On Upload

is it posable to let a user upload a video/audio file and then i edit
it like you can with pictures? eg. change reselution, put a pre
recorded introduction to it (branding it to a website) or even convert
the file type

i know the intro thing can kind of be done with playlists but i want to

be able to let the users download the files for use on offline machines

plus i want to be able to convert the resilution.

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Listen Audio Files Problem

how one can code to listen the audiofiles(.wav) using ASP in mediaplayer by clicking the icons?

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Play Audio (MP3) On Page Load

I need to play mp3 file when my asp page loads. Now, i want to do it the NICE way by providing stop, pause and play buttons. It is not professional to just start playing audio and not giving control to the user. What are my options?

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Web Conferencing/ Live Streaming Audio-video SDK Required

I am looking for live streaming audio/video technology to integrate in my ASP .NET web application. My searches led to a couple of open source products but most of them were old or came under the form of a full blown web application - not an SDK.

The project is academic and is ample therefore building my own is not feasible at this time. The end product will have to provide the functionality of a commercial product but will only be used as a proof of concept so no commercial use is intended.

Ideally all I am looking for is a library that can establish live-audio video connection between two computers over the internet and allows the video be embedded within a web page (with no or a minimum set of other controls). Also there has to be possible to transmit high quality video.

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Conaito VoIP ActiveX Library For Developers Of VoIP Audio Applications

conaito VoIP ActiveX library for developers of VoIP audio applications,
such as voice chat, conference, VoIP, providing real-time low latency
multi-client audio streaming over UDP/IP networks. Includes efficient
components for sound recording, playback, encoding, decoding, mixing,
resampling, reading, and writing wave files, mixer volume controls

Provides UDP/IP server and client components for peer-to-peer,
multi-user, and broadcast audio communications. Really easy to use!
Working with Firewall and NAT! conaito VoIP SDK is the best way to add
voice conference and text conference into your application and web
pages. conaito VoIP SDK includes voip activex, voip ocx, voip com, voip
dll, voip lib and voip cab, so you can use the one you like the most.

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Storing RSS/XML

I am using a customized version of the XML RSS Content Feed VBScript Class (available at:
XML RSS Content Feed VBScript Class to show an XML-feed on my web site. Since the web site are based on a CMS that uses an MS SQL - database, I will try to store the XML-feed in the database instead of just displaying it using a XML/RSS-parser.

I know Microsoft have several tools for this, but they seems to sofisticated and complicated for my use. I just wants an simple ASP-script that reads thought the XML-feed, and store the differnt news-items straight into my MS-SQL DB.

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Storing Cookies

Anyone know of any special issues with storing cookies with ASP? I'm
trying this with two browsers: One is IE 6.0 with cookies set to
'prompt'. This has been working properly as any new site I goto seems
to prompt me to store their cookie. The other is Pocket IE on Pocket
PC 2002, with the cookies set to 'enabled'.

My problem is that the cookies dont seem to be being written with my
ASP. I dont get the prompt to store the cookie when I should. My
storage code looks like this:

Response.Cookies("AcctNbr")= nAcctNbr
Response.Cookies("MsgStart")= nMsgStart
Response.Cookies("MsgEnd")= nMsgEnd
Response.Cookies("AcctNbr").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)
Response.Cookies("MsgStart").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)
Response.Cookies("MsgEnd").Expires= DateAdd("h", 15, Now)

And the read code looks like this:

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Storing Arrays

I have run into a unique issue, what I want to be able to do is store a collection or array into a database or xml file. The main reason for doing this, is I don't want to use Sessions as they are volatile to server hiccups or resets. I don't want to use cookies as they are insecure, but I will use one cookie to store a UniqueID to relate to the data in the database or XML file.Can anyone think of a way to store an array in Access, MySQL, or XML file?

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Storing And Retrieving UTF-8

I'm writing a vbscript application that reads UTF-8 XML containing Chinese
characters and stores the data in MySql 4.0.x.
Does anybody have any experience in this area with regarding codepage and
character sets? Ideally I want the scripts to be able to handle Standard
European characters and Chinese characters as well.
Are there any special considerations for using MySql/ODBC and ADO to get and
put the data.

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Storing Objects

I've read that you shouldn't store objects in Session variables.
I've read these reasons:
- The object takes up memory that may not be freed until the session times
out. Better to create the object only when you actually use it.
- Causes poor performance because the thread that created the object has to
service all requests for it.
Assuming I can live with the memory and performance implications (a big if,
but let's assume it for a minute), what other reasons are there?

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Storing A Choice To Use

I have a page which reads the contents from a certain table. The displayed text is followed by a link which is also stored in that table. They can just click the link belonging to a certain newsitem and the page with that news will display. But, for every new item I make a new page. What I want is that the link every time opens the same newspage but with only the selected newsitem. Something like "SELECT description FROM tblNews Where ID= [the ID belonging to the link I pressed on the previous page]"

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Storing .doc And .pdf In Database

Is anyone know how I can store Word Docs and PDF's in database, and how I can make link for visitor to download these files.

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Password Storing

When I'm creating database driven asp applications, I store my constants,including my connection string to the database within an asp file calledconstants.asp. All constants are stored inside asp coding <% ... %> so people can't save the data through the web.

I've been told this is an insecure way of storing the connect string becuase my connect string would also store the username and password to connect to the db.what is the current standard for storing an connect string to a database for asp applications?

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Storing Time In

developing a small application, user logs into a page, as soon as user logs into the page, the time(incl seconds) of the page opens has to store in database(time-in), and also the page closing time has to store in db (time-out).

once the time-in and time-out time is stored and it has to calculate the how much time user spend and the total time has to store in db?. i am using sql.

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Storing Variables

I'm trying to store a filename to in a variable from aspfreeupload file. Once the file is uploaded I can't seem to fine the variable it's stored in so that I can store it in the database without typing the filename in manually.

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Storing Information From URL

how to store information after the ? in the url in form fields. i.e. http://url/test.asp?User=Rob in Form Field UserName .

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Storing Data

Dim rsDB
Dim strSQL
Dim name
Dim price
Set rsDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset" )
strSQL = "SELECT ProductName, ProductPrice FROM Products WHERE ProductID=" & Request("ProductID" )
rsDB.Open strSQL, Application("strConn" )

' put fields into variables
name=rsDB("ProductName" )
price=rsDB("ProductPrice" )
I am trying to store some data from my database (access) into some variables so that I don't have to keep on opening up the database everytime I want to display the data. Dont know what I am doing wrong but i keep getting an internal server error 500.

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Storing Recordset

I am not too familiar with arrays or recordsets, but I am trying to store ids from database records into an array in an ASP file.

I opened the recordset object in the ASP file, and the stored procedure in the SQL Server pulls back ids from multiple records. I want to store these ids in an array. But I am not sure how to do it. The recordset now seems to be only giving me one id (the id of the last record only) when the stored procedure is made to give ids from multiple records.

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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Storing Href In Cookie

I am new to web design and ASP, I am developing a site which has a logon script, what I want to do is return a user to the location they were at after login. Some of the pages will have query-string information in the address bar so need capture that as well.

<script language="JavaScript">
x = window.location.href

Appears to do what I want as I can pick up the href out of the cookie after login and return user to page, prob is I don't seem to be able to include it in my server side scripting which is doing the login it falls over at the script tag.....

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