I just re-uploaded my .asp site to a new host.
But one of my pages now bugs, I get this error message in a Windows alert box:
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
All other pages work fine.
I keep getting an error in coding. I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and once I preview it in IE it works then once I press F5 to 'refresh' it fails again. The IE error returns this link http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...Q241271&sd=tech It regards the following : IIS 5.0 Continues to Return 500;100 Error Page with Response.Buffer Set to False Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it? P.S The previous thing I was doing before the problem was setting up 'data bindings' in DWMX - to be fair this was somewhat a trial and error approach and I'm not sure if I've damaged IIS or DWMX in someway.
code start ____________________________________________ Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee' Expected ')' /example.asp, line 142 Private Function FuncDiff(ByVal DateOne As DateTime, ByVal DateTwo As DateTime) ------------------------------------------^ code end ____________________________________________
For some reason,, the following recordset rs("w2itd1") will run fine when I'm looping it out on a page, but when I have it inside a sql statement, I get errors.
This will give me an error. The contents of this rs is a book title. Oddly enough, however, if I enter any other of the rs("fieldnames") that I have, in exactly the same fashion, I have no problem. There just seems to be an issue with the text coming thorugh. Can someone indicate what the problem could be?
strSQL ="select * from fn_select_loads_carrier('"& strCarrierEmail &"', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)"
from an asp page. When i run it on the SQLl server it results me a result set. And also in the asp page all the results are getting displayed properly. This is how i am running the query: Code:
strSQL ="select * from fn_select_loads_carrier('"& strCarrierEmail &"', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)"
from an asp page. When i run it on the SQLl server it results me a result set. And also in the asp page all the results are getting displayed properly. This is how i am running the query:
Create_Recordset() obj_RS.CursorLocation = adUseClient obj_RS.Open strSQL, obj_Conn ,adOpenStatic, adCmdTable If strSort = "none" Then obj_RS.Sort = "LoadID, TMSName" Else obj_RS.Sort = "" &strSort &"" End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then strRedirect = "Error.asp" response.write "Erro number" &Err.Number End If
I am getting the Err.Number as 13 and it doesnt display at which line the following error is occuring. But all the results which the database is returning are getting displayed on the webpage.
I have no idea from where this err.number 13 is occuring at. I crossed checked all my procedures and script.
Im writing a script that has a lot of "nested" IF statements - it breaks a complicated situation down through a sort of logic system, and when it reaches the end of the tree it performs a certain task - in this case, it writes a row of data into a table.
Its very annoying that the IF statements work exactly as I want/expect them to...but when it gets to the end of the tree of IF's I get the following error: Code:
I apply a function to a set of Strings basically as follows formatText(str_title), etc. I use this same method across multiple pages, and across all of them this works fine, APART from on ONE page.
It is basically extracting the EXACT same variable (with the exact same value) on BOTH pages, and applying the EXACT same function to this variable, yet on one page it is displaying the following error :
i am using a ASP application with following things
Server : Intel Xeon (TM) CPU 2GHz, 2GB RAM, 136GB HDD OS : Windows 2000 Advanced server. IIS5.0 Database: Oracle (Using ADODB to connect to the Database) App server running on the same machine (COM+)
after using the application for 2/3 hours i get an error message
"Internal Server Error"
once i restart the server it works absolutely fine for some hours.
After encountering the error i opened COM+ and clicked on the "Computers" node . Then got the following error
"Error Code 80010108 the object invoked has disconnected from its clients."
I would like to create a ASP Error Message (like they use in Windows) to use in mywebsite so when the user types in a wrong Username and Password the eror message appears.
I am trying to debug some code and I keep getting this error message :
The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
Please try the following:
Click the Refresh button, or try again later.
Open the g6493pc002 home page, and then look for links to the information you want. HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error Internet Information Services
Technical Information (for support personnel)
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'MA_DAILY_ACTUAL'. /temp/asp pages/PROSUMMARYTABLE.asp, line 39
how to avoid giving physical path & line number in the error messages of web applications. Instead i would like to replace it with general error message to the user.
while i still have a couple of hairs left on my head i decided to crawl in here on my begging knees and ask all you clevar programming sharks for advice before my needs for a wig becomes a reality.
okay here it goes. I made a function in asp that is suppose to send mails. First i had no clue why the email didn't reach it's destination so i tried every possible variation of the code i could think of, but nothing worked. In my frustration i tried adding and removing text inside the body of the email if i add e: to the end of the text in the body - the email gets delivered every single time... but as soon as i remove it from the text body the email doesn't arrive. I get no error (i disabled friendly error messages) the page loads as nothing is wrong. The event viewer has no errors. there's no mails inside badmail or queue.
The server is a windows 2003 with exchange 2003 installed on it as well.
if there's anything i forgot please do not hesitate to ask.
the email i try to send to is a hotmail account. If i send to an email address located on the exchange server the email gets delivered successfully no matter what's inside of the body.
here's the function i use:
function sendmail(strToEmail, strFromEmail, strSubject, strBody) Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") myMail.BodyPart.CharSet="iso-8859-1" myMail.From=strFromEmail myMail.To=strToEmail myMail.Subject=strSubject myMail.HTMLBody=strBody myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2 myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") _ ="localhost" myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") _ =25 myMail.Configuration.Fields.Update myMail.Send set myMail=nothing end function
I get the following error message from an ASP page that we have:
METHOD: POST ERROR DESCRIPTION: 007~ASP 0100~Out of memory~Unable to allocate required memory. ERROR NUMBER: -2147024882 ERROR SOURCE: Response object
Does anyone out there have any ideas? Please let me know if you need any more information ... I am not sure why this message has suddenly started to pop up.
I checked the system logs and cannot see any particular memory loss related message so I don't know.
I have uploaded a working script to a remote shared web host. Now all I get is the below error. Is there a way to get detailed error message that describes the error and where it occurs? Code:
I am sending an email using CDO via my ASP page. All of a sudden i am getting this error:
CDO.Message.1 error '80070005'
Access is denied.
/do_add_support.asp, line 128
this line relates to the .createmhtmlbody line of the code. I have navigated seperately to the page that it includes on this line and it works fine. Is this a permission issue?
Some time ago I installed IIS via an original Win-XP Pro CD-ROM and with help from instructions that I got from the web.
Basically (as per the instructions) I have a folder called MyWeb within the folder wwwroot, which in turn is in the folder called Inetpub. However when I try and run an ASP script that is in MyWeb, I get the following error message:
'The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost'
The 'command' that I am entering via the address bar of my browser (mozilla) is the usual way of doing it, according to a friend of mine anyway; which is 'http://localhost/MyWeb/filename.htm'
I need to know why I'm getting this error message because at the moment I am unable to test ASP scripts which is the whole point of having IIS installed.
I am doing a database driven website using ASP/VBScript and Access. I use a
A server timeout has occured. Here are the possible reasons
1.Please make sure the web server is up and running. 2. Please verify that the ODBC DSN exists on the testing server
I use the connection string
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath("Inventory.mdb") and when I test the database connection , it is successful. But when I try to open a recordset in Binding section in Dreamweaver MX, the error message was displayed. COuld anyone tell me what is it? I am using IIS as a testing server. Do I need to do any settings for this problem?
Ok, so it may only be perplexing because I'm ignorant in the ways of ASP, but still... When I try to go to a page called "default.asp", I'm getting the following error message: Code:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'Session(...)'
/promark/default.asp, line 34 Does anyone have an idea what is wrong or what I'm missing?
The code on default.asp (line 34) looks like this:
CDO.Message.1error '80070005'Access is denied. When I run the following codes at local machine this codes work clear. but when I run this from the server ( win2k ) I got error. Code:
I recently switch from CDONTS to CDOSYS because of the e-mail delivery delay I am encountering. Now, when I send e-mail using CDOSYS it gives me the error message below:
CDO.Message.1 error '8007000e'
Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
/development/Administrator_email.asp, line 101
There are about 2000 recipients in the e-mail list. I tried just sending to about 20 of them and I did not have any problem. Code:
When I want to debug my web site written with ASP.NET using C# I get this error message:
unable to start debugging on the web server. unable to connect to web server. verify that the web server is running and that HTTP request is not block by firewall.
I have problem with my page, but IIS only show "The page cannot be displayed". How to display complete error message ? I think I've read this sometimes ago here, but I can't find it.
how to get a error message when the textbox value should be a number but the user enter a char inside? how do i detect that it's a char and pop up a error message for the user to change? and where should i put it?
Currently, I have a form that a user can enter the subject line content and the email body content. They can then send the email which I have set up to use CDONTS. This works fine.
Now I want to add in the ability to attach a file (it will most likely be a MS Word document) to the email being sent out.
I would like to use CDONTS's AttachFile but it's not working for me. I've read up on it and it seems fairly simple except that I'm getting the following error message. Code: