Strange Viewing .asp Files

This problem occured just the other day. Whenever I try to access an .asp file on my server with an exact url, I get an error: The system cannot find the file specified.
BUT, if I type in an url to a folder containing a default file (in my case, index.asp) the file is shown correctly .....

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Viewing Of PDF Files

I have placed PDF files in a protected folder.I have a secure ASP page that I want to open a PDF file How can I have the ASP page handle the login authentication to the protected folder.

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Viewing Files In A Directory

is there an easy way of viewing the files in a directory without using "server.MapPath"!!!
i need to view Doc files in a folder and then open them in IExplorer to print the matter in them...

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Viewing Files On Your Server:

I have a form that end-users upload files on, into a folder on my server. I want people in my company to be able to go into our intranet, and view the upload files, and be able to download them.

It Works Well When ...

It works perfect when someone has a file with no spaces in the name. So files like document.pdf or document_1.pdf display fine, and are easily downloadable. When this happens, the URL when you put your mouse over the link is -- so it's easily downloadable.

The Problem:

When an end user uploads a file with spaces in it, such as document 1.pdf. When this happens, and you put your mouse over the link, it will display as "" .... and then it doesn't have a file extension or anything; it ends where the space ends, so you can't download it. Code:

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Viewing ASP Files On Local Machine

I'm using WinXP Professional SP2, I've installed IIS, but am having a problem viewing the temp version of the ASP file IE makes when you go to view an ASP page.

So, I hit F12 to bring up IE and my ASP page, IE generates a URL something like, http://localhost/MyWeb/ACEI/TMP91g0dk4dw.asp ... but that always comes back as a "File Not Found" error, however if then I replace the TMP91g0dk4dw.asp part with the actual file name e.g demo1.asp..the page runs fine.

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Strange .dll

I have compiled an activeX dll and pass variables using asp into functions within the dll.

When I test this running the code with Visual Studio the data is output correctly to the browser, however when I compile the code and run the same code the data is different! This is confusing me as to why this is happening....

I always re-start the web service after registering the dll...

Any ideas?

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Viewing Asp

I havent got any hosting and I was wanting to test out my pages, I noticed you can set up microsoft personal server using microsoft front page on your pc but i havent managed to get it to work.

Im currently running a test page with the following code but it just doesnt want to work. Code:

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Strange Bug With CDONTS

I have a page that lets the users make contact groups and send an email to
them. I have a form that lets the user enter the details of his message
including his full name and his email address. Once this form is submitted,
I do the following to get a string for .From property of the CDONTS mail

Sender = userFullName & "<" & userEmailAddress & ">"

Now I stumbled upon a bug where if the user adds a title to his name (i.e.:
"John Smith, MD"), the address for the recipient gets truncated where the
comma is and the recipents can't reply as the address is now invalid. Is
there a way to encode any special character in the string so that it will be
mailer friendly?

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Strange ASP Error

I keep getting an error in coding. I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and once I
preview it in IE it works then once I press F5 to 'refresh' it fails again.
The IE error returns this link
It regards the following : IIS 5.0 Continues to Return 500;100 Error Page
with Response.Buffer Set to False
Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
P.S The previous thing I was doing before the problem was setting up 'data
bindings' in DWMX - to be fair this was somewhat a trial and error approach
and I'm not sure if I've damaged IIS or DWMX in someway.

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Strange Error

Can anyone help me with this error?

code start ____________________________________________
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee'
Expected ')'
/example.asp, line 142
Private Function FuncDiff(ByVal DateOne As DateTime, ByVal DateTwo As
code end ____________________________________________

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ASP Strange Behavior

I'm running ASP under IIS 6 with Tomcat. During the process, Tomcat will
forward to an ASP page with some data and those data will be written to MS
SQL and display some information in that particular ASP page. The Servlet
has no unsafe code. The strange thing is that all the data is written
correctly in the MS SQL with correct user and related information but the
data might become blank or send to different users in that ASP page.

Does anyone know what might cause this strange behavior ?

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Viewing ASP Guestbook

Right i am making an ASP guestbook. I have got the code and everything sorted for INSERTING into the database. But i dont no how to view the guestbook, in a guestbook kind of way I have searched everywhere, but theres no look.

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Viewing A Database

On a shared hosting account, I've got access to an SQL 2000 database on a remote server.
Stats are data size: 12MB, Log Size: 25MB. I set it up five years ago, and, uh, forgot
how I set it up...

Anyway, I need to be able to view and browse the structure of my SQL 2000 database - and
it would be nice to do it with an interface like a Microsoft Access style GUI? I need to
be able to see what tables, columns, etc. my db contains.

Is there a web-based, or client-based, interface I can use that will allow me to view
and browse my SQL 2000 database? (Would it be easier if I had my web host provider
convert it to SQL 2005?)

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Viewing The Threads

how can I view the threads posted before by me.

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About Viewing Content..

I want my Default.asp page to view different content in a <TD> according the request.
I've been understand that the best method to do it is by using the method GET, Example:


And I have no idea how to write the code:

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Viewing IIS Sites

I have three PCs connected in a workgroup, all have Windows XP.On one PC, called MF1, I have IIS installed.In IIS I have a virtual directory called dbsite, pointing to a folder c:dbsite.In a web browser I can view the site via http://localhost/dbsite, or http://MF1/dbsite.

how would I allow the other two pcs on the network to access this site.

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Viewing Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to the way i code cannot be support by firefox?it work well in IE,but firefox cannot work.i have upload the file, can someone pls help me on that?

the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse,it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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Viewing File

I inherited a site - . If you look at any of the schedules - and you don't have excel installed it gives you the option to view or save the file.

For Mac users - this causes even more problems, as the link does not work at all. Is there a simple way to correct this, or do I need to associate the file type with the link.

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Viewing Variables

I have a variable that passes through, called teamid which is requested by a page that has values called album type. I want to know if I can hide a snipt of code, and once a value is pass through, hide the first page, then display results of the second on the same page.

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Viewing In Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to solve. is the way i code cannot be support by firefox??it work well in IE, but firefox cannot work. i have upload the file,. the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp page. it should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse, it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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Viewing Date Like(12-dec-09)

Im having a problem in viewing date, does ASP have a function to format a date like this one (ex.12-Dec-05) aside from VBgeneralDate, VBlongDate and VBshortDate. In MS Access its called (Medium Date) but when I use VBmediumDate there is no effect at all. btw im using MS Frontpage and MS Access as my database.

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Viewing An .xls File

how can i open an xls ( excel ) file and print its contents formatted with asp? is this possible without any ActiveX or Dll's?

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Viewing On Server

I have localhost on my pc and its working. I use it to test all my asp pages, before uploading to the server. I have a web connection with a dsn connection. When tested on my pc it works fine. but as soon as i upload it to the server, it looks as if it doesn't get the data from the access database. I created exactly the same dsn on the server as on my pc, so why is it not working?

dsn name: pscs-db.mdb

is there something wrong that i'm not seeing or is the problem more complicated.

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Viewing RTF File

We have the following problem: There is a RTF file that must be viewed on browser and we
have been developed a solution in Java to do it.

but the Java's VM is so bigger for download. So, we need a way to view this file in client side without bigger downloads. Any help will be welcome, because we work more than a month in this problem.

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An Unique Strange ASP Session

I have developed a site for my client,


I have registered the domain with godaddy and mapped the dnc to my server (Windows 2000)

When i browse that site using that, in one of the pages i found that the session value is lost. This happens only in some machines not same with all. Most of the machines works that site properly. But not the same in some machines. All machines has configured same.

The exact part is


session("custdata") = request("name")
response.redirect checkout.asp

in checkout.asp

if i give response.write for that session("custdata"), In some machines i m not getting the value.

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Strange Connection Problem ?

**MySQL is accessible via ODBC manager and MySQL -Front. I am able to modify the databse. I can not access database from the ASP page that I did not modiy after the last successful interaction with database**


Everything was working fine until last night PC shutdown to give it a break, was running for a few days. Today, after reboot, the ASP page, and my entire site for that matter, stopped working.

Here is the connection string that was working:
dbPath = "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=molsonbubba;UID=xxxx;PWD=xxxx;OPTION=35"
useDSN = False
If useDSN Then
cString = dbPath
cString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & Server.MapPath(dbPath)
End If

Here is the code that throws the custom error (Database is not found) and stops. If I remove the code I am able to get the site up but no db operations work as I get a "HTTP 404 - Page not found error" ? Code:

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Strange Error Message

I just re-uploaded my .asp site to a new host.
But one of my pages now bugs, I get this error message in a Windows alert box:
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
All other pages work fine.

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Strange ASPEmail Problem

Not sure if anybody has run into this problem. I'm using ASPEmail from Persits to generate an email and send it. The problem is that when I check the email that the asp code sent using Outlook Express or Outlook the email gets cut off 3/4 of the way. If I check the email on hotmail, yahoo mail, any other email program....the email comes in full. Any ideas why this might be?

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Strange OS Related Asp Problem

When adding i am checking if that name already exists in the DB and if so i am poping up the message that name already existing.

It is working perfectly in my win2000prof and i have tested in both in my localhost and ftp servers and in both places it is working as i ahve expected.

But when the same application is opened in winxp i have a strange problem coming. When i add a new list , then it checks for the name and what happens is every time i add a new one and even if there is no matching record or matching name avialable for that record, javascript popups saying "Favourite List Name Already Exists" and the strangest part is the insert part also working. That is both if and else part are working together. I am getting this problem only in XP. Code:

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Strange Form Question

A bit of a strange request this, but I do have a reason When using request.form to access a forms elements data, is it possible to btain the elements type.

For instance whether the field (element) its being passed from was a hidden field, a text box etc etc! I've hunted everywhere, and tried lots of variates but I couldnt find anything..

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Strange Text Input

Have an ASP page on internet, where I let the user write his email address. Today I see that this text input field has got a yellow background instead of the normal white as the other input fields. The code is quite normal. Using IE 6.0.2900. It has not appeared before. Then I rebooted the computer,but got the same result.When I try another computer, also with XP pro and the same IE, the text input is white as it should.

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Strange Value Returned From Recordcount

why a ADO recordset.recordcount would return a -1? I have confirmed that it has records in it by writing some values to the screen. Why can't I count the number of records returned though?

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Strange Form Problem

I have the simple form as below. When I click it is not getting the form
action from the line inside the loop but from somewhere else in the page.
The page has multiple forms but depending on what the status is various
elements are dsiplayed or hidden. For examples even If I change the
viewpo.asp to nopage.asp it still is displaying the page and going to
viewpo.asp page with the PONumber query string set. Code:

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