Stream File To User

I have a page on our intranet that is supposed to stream an Excel sheet to the user.

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File Download Stream

i want to be able to write an function to download files.

For example, hosting service has a COM component that allows a stream of binary data to the client from the server so that the client will be prompted to download the file.

here is the syntax:

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")

Dim SysFilePath
SysFilePath = Request.QueryString("filePath")

' Parmeters:
' 1. Path to file to download
' 2. Yes, build content-xxx headers
' 3. Use this value for Content-Type header
' 4. Include the word "attachment;" to Content-Disposition to force download

Upload.SendBinary "premfs3sitespremium8jaydakissx22webrootmyFile.txt, True, "application/octet-binary", True

How can I do this in without using the "Persits.Upload" COM object?

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File Stream Object

I am trying to create a text file by using the following code. But it's not working. It just loading the page that's all.

DIM fso, NewsFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set NewsFile = fso.CreateTextFile("c: est1.txt", True)
NewsFile.WriteLine("Hello World!")


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Gibberish Pdf File Displayed If I Transfer Using Bit Stream

The following code was suggested by one of the users in this newsgroup when a pdf file was requested by a user from an asp page. I used the similar code in my page and the very interesting thing is when the pdf is displayed on the fly, the whole page is a gibberish code in stead of a normal pdf file. But it displays fine if I just use a link to a file on the page. Can you tell me what's the possible reason will cause this problem?

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ADODB.Stream 'format Error: Not A Pdf Or Corrupt' Only On Large File

I use the code below to authorise the download of certain files.
Thus, instead of linking to the file in a wwwroot directory, I link to
this code with the filename as a parameter, and the script streams the
file if the user is authorised.

This has worked fine on PDFs, DOCs, XLS, etc. until today, and 18MB
file presents the error message 'format error: not a pdf or corrupt'.

Is there a file size limit, or a default that needs overridden? Any
thoughts? Code:

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Streaming File To User: 'File Could Not Be Opened'

I have a page on our intranet that is supposed to stream an Excel sheet to
the user. I'm using pretty standard code:

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Set File/User Permission With ASP/VBScript To A File

i would like to add a user and set file permission to a file with ASP.
(No component). is that possible ? do you have a link ? an example ?

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Save A File On User Harddisk

How do i save a file on the users harddisk in C:...?

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Allowed User To Upload File

I want to allowed my user to upload file to site. how can I make this work. so can anybody help me with this issueI will be using this software to build this application.

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Allowing User To Download File From Webpage

I would like to be able to allow the viewer of a website to download a file when they request it. Like seen at tucows or

Can someone give me some rough pointers on where to get started?

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Who Block Download File If Not User Logging?

I using ASP Windows 2003, i need in my web site, block files to download. if a user is logged, when download a file the direction of file save in URL, example:


and any user get this file written this direction in URL, i like to block file or folder if the user is not logged.

The logging use session, and MySQL ...

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How To Redirect The User To New Page After Downloading An Mp3 File

I have set of mp3 files as a list (DownloadFiles.asp). The user can click on any of the mp3 files to download(Download_Porcess.asp).After downloading the file the user has to redirect to the DownloadFiles.asp.

For this i used:


In Download_Process.asp to force the save dialog box. This works fine. This allows the user to download the file. After downloading this mp3 file, this file should not be displayed in the list ie in (DownloadFiles.asp).

How can i do this?

I am not able to redirect from Download_Process.asp to DownloadFiles.asp, b'coz I used response.binarywrite.

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Show Path Of Uploaded File To User

I have an upload script but i would like to show the person who uploaded the file the path to the file he uploaded. Ex:

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How Does The User Get Prompted To Save A Text File?

When the user clicks on a hyper link to save the text file, the browser opens the file in a new window. Is there any way of prompting the user to save the file onto their computer?

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Stream XLS

I have a page which streams an Excel spreadsheet to the user. It has worked
fine for 12mths or more, but recently I found out that it wasn't working. I
suspect the problem lies with IIS, but I'm not sure...
When the user submits a form, the page should stream the file to the user -
the user is presented with a standard Open/Save/Cancel dialog, which the
would ordinarily save to their HDD. I have updoaded the code from the live
server to my development machine (IIS5.1) - and this same code works fine.
However, on the live server (IIS6), the user is presented with the dialog
box, but rather than listing myfile.xls, it lists mypage.asp as the file to
be downloaded.I think this must be an IIS6 issue but I don't know what. Some time before
the problem was noticed, work had been done on the live server, but AFAIK
nothing was done that was *intended* to affect this application.

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Stream & 800a0bbc

I'm using streams to upload a file. I get an error 800a0bbc write to file failed.

I've looked on and
No luck on what a 800a0bbc error is.

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Attachment Using Stream

Does anyone know how to create an attachment using a stream in classic
ASP.I can see that it can be done in ASP.Net as per the article below:
Initializes a new instance of the Attachment class with the specified
stream and name.

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After the latest security update, is it still possible to use
on the server side?

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Text Stream

I'm using

file.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, _
and then i read some lines.

Line = TextStream.readline

Then when i finished reading it i need to go to the begiining and read some
lines again.But i dont see how to go back to the begining.
I mean, Is there a way to go back to the first line of the file if i
allready read some lines

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We have an application, written in ASP, that uses the ADODB.Stream to be
able to open files and write byte arrays to the Response object. If one of
our administrators patches the web servers this application runs on in
Windows Update, I'm screwed, right? You've essentially just disabled this
COM object, for not only its evil purposes, but its useful ones?

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Stream SpreadsheetML

Ok, I'm stumped on something that really shouldn't be this hard. I've
created some cool code to transform a dataset via XSLT into SpreadsheetML
(XML for Excel) and I'm storing the physical file on a file server. Now... I
currently provide a hyperlink to view/save the file, but this won't work
outside the network.

So, I've been working on making this
hyperlink/linkbutton/button/whatever stream the file back to the user. How
in the name of Zeus's butthole do I do this?

So, in simpler terms; how do I take a physical file and stream the sucker
back? Ideally, I'd like this to work just like it does now with the physical
link to the file. Click the link, it prompts you to save/open/cancel.
Clicking Open pops up Excel and looky-looky, you see the file.

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ASP/XML Stream To Excel

The problem is that in XP SP2, the IE instance opened for the vbscript only
page no longer closes when Excel is closed. The user has to manually close
this window. This didn't happen in XP SP1. Obviously there is a security
change, but I have been unable to determine how to reverse it.

Does anyone know how I can get the IE instance to close when Excel closes in
XP2 SP2?

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I am using ADODB.Stream for downloading the files on user machine. The code works fine when filesize is less than 10 MB. But if file size is more than 10 MB then it doesn;t get download. Can anyone tell what is the problem. I have to user some different component.

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Click Image, ADO Stream?

I'm looking to have an image (say, icons for a particular document) and when it is clicked on, I would like the "Open/Save/Cancel" dialogue to open up.

I was told using an ADO data stream was the way to go, making the app an unknown so the dialogue opens:

Dim FileName
Dim FullFileName
FileName = "MyWordDocument.doc"
FullFileName = "C:WebfilesMyWordDocument.doc"
Response.ContentType = "application/x-unknown"
Response.Addheader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & chr(34) & FileName & chr(34)
Response.Binarywrite GetBinaryFile(FullFileName)

Function GetBinaryFile(ByVal FileSpec)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim objStream
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
objStream.LoadFromFile (FileSpec)
GetBinaryFile = objStream.Read()
Set objStream = Nothing
End Function

Is there a better way to do this? Also, I grab the file name from a SQL query which is then populated to a datagrid - the image name/etc is populated dynamically - how is this done in ASP? Is that with an anchor tag?

<asp:TemplateColumn ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"><ItemTemplate><asp:Image ID="thumb" runat="server" /></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateColumn>

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Reading Pdf (

I am trying to secure .pdf files by having users login and based on UserID, allow access to certaing .pdf's.

I have tried it a few different ways using different file types and their corresponding contenttype and nothing happens. I even used the same example from and I get "page cannot be displayed"....

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Stream Excel Sheet

got stalled at at point that i can no longer get my thoughts together.the point, is in classic asp, stream an excel file from a firebird database.temporarly save it if necessary,stream it to the browser,delete the temp file

on googling, i found some examples but all assuming that the file is locally present.
on the other hand, i beleive that is possible to stream the binary file and the save it locally to then present it to the browser, but i can't figure out how.

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Binarywrite And ADODB.Stream

In Windows 2000 IIS 5 SP3 this:;en-us;276488

is not working. No error but wants to save binary.asp to disk and can't. I have it in a High Isolation Application.

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ADODB Object Stream

I'm trying to create a page that uploads a file. I get an error message saying ADODB object Stream is not available in my server. How do I upgrade my ADODB library?.

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Hide Video Stream URL

I need to hide my video streaming source URL such as mms: est.wmv . I know how to hide image source using another ASP at the <img src=> tag. But what about streaming Video ? Is there a good way to hide it in ASP code ?

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Stream Excel Chart

I want to know if there is a way to get a chart on some excel worksheet and stream it as a binary png or jpg picture to an asp page.

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Secure Download (stream)

I have a directory on my site where the users do not have direct access so I need to stream the files throuh an asp file for them to download these files. Like this:


or whatever.

The problem is that I dont know the type of file (.mdb, .xsl, .wks, .doc, ...) so I dont know what to put in the header for this to go smoothly. This is some code (that does not work :-))....

Just ignore my code completely if you feel like it... I only need asp code to download any type of file.. Code:

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Funny Results With ADODB.Stream

I am using the code below to ensure that a download will be sent to the user as a save/open dialog box and not open up in the browser. However I get one of a few different issues.

1. Sometimes the when you click save the box just dissapears and you never get to choose where to save it. And then don't get the file!

2. If you get past the first problem (seems to be unique to pdf's) and can select where you want to save the file, it then doens't actually download the file and the box just dissapears again!

3. If you get past both of these, documents are often corrupt!

Any idea what could be causing these? The server has MDAC 2.8 installed, and it works slightly better on our local testing server Win2k than it does on the live Win2k server! All very odd! Code:

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ADODB.Stream And BinaryWrite Problems.

I`m writing a little routine that captures the data from a form submit (ie a picture) and then at the back end the asp will saved it back out into a file on the server.

I can capture the file fine and display the binary data to the screen.. but now I`m trying to write the data back into a file on the server. After a bit of searching around on the net I found that most people where suggesting using the ADODB.Stream functions.

So this is what I've got but for some reason when I go to write the binary variable it complains. Code:

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