Streaming Query Results

I am working on a classic ASP application. This application needs to run an SQL query and take the result set and stream it into an XCEL spreadsheet for processsing by the users. Is there an ASP method of third party product to do this?

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Displaying Results From SQL Query

I'm stuck on trying to display a single row from a query I'm executing.. it was fairly easy in PHP and I'm sure it is in ASP too, I'm just not sure what to code.. I couldn't find anything on the web that was simple.

If anybody has some suggestions on how to display just the one row that is returned from the query that would be great for now. I'm looking to eventually add 'LIKE' to the query to allow for similar names/passwords to be displayed.. but for now this should do. Here's the code:

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Writing Query Results

I want to write all the query results onto a file so that it is all ready to give to the client.
I am currently writing a query to pull out certain orders in a day and i want to write these results directly to a text file.Also this text file will be obviously placed on the there any way of creating this file on the computer you are accessing this web page on?

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Presenting Query Results

I need to create asp page witch has a form at top of the page. This is the search form. Then I need to present the search results from database query on the bottom of the page as a table. That table has about dozen columns. Some column values can be modified and saved to the database and some column values has to be modified and saved from another page.

Search table is no problem but I have problems getting the results table to work right... Query results are in recordset.

I need some advice on how to do the results table on the best way!

So far I am thinking on creating a form on every row of results and posting the changes of values to save.asp page where I would save the modifications to database.

For the values witch have to be modified on another page I would add a link something like this... Code:

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Form Results In Query

How can I get this line to work? I am trying to get the results entered in a form to be part of my query. I am able to get the form results but I get a error stating Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Assignee = Tom Jones'.Below is the line where the error occurs

Session("dbWhere") = "Assignee = " & Request.Form("assignsearch")

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Multiple Results From One Query

I'm trying to get results from a number of areas via one command string.for example ?location=devon retrieves everything in devon but I've only got a link for the whole south west so I need to send ?location=devon or cornwall or dorset etc. altogether.Is there a way I can do this without changing the asp page or do I have to only search one field at a time.

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Displaying Query Results Per Where Clause

I am trying to design a page that displays data from a query in groups of a field in the where clause and then displays a 'total' per each group. Code:

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Displaying CrossTab Query Results

Has anyone experience with rendering CrossTab Query results with ASP?

For example, using this SQL:
TRANSFORM Count(threads.threadid) AS CountOfthreadid
SELECT threads.threadSeverity, Count(threads.threadid) AS [Total Of threadid]
FROM threads
GROUP BY threads.threadSeverity
PIVOT threads.threadStatus;

This returns the following in Access:
[threads_Crosstab] [threadSeverity] [Total Of threadid] [Analyzing] [Closed] [Coding] [Open] [Re-Testing]
[Medium ] [1] [1]
[Not Set] [160] [1] [122] [1] [35] [1]

I want to create a HTML table to display the results in my webpage. However, I don't belive the output from a "Transform" is a true recordset. When I request the names of the fields in the recordset, I am getting data from the "rows".

Is there standard way to display these types of queries? How does one access the data in a crosstab query? Are there ojbect classes to handle this?

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Limiting Results From An Access Query

I'm attempting to limit a query which is being ordered by a date field to 10 records. The date field contains duplicate values, which are sorted from most recent, back.
However their suggestion of sorting by a secondary field is not providing acceptable results (it returns all the rows in the database). Does anyone have any suggestions of another way around this?

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Using To Get Results From A Url Query

I have an asp page that needs to display the string that is returned from a
cgi file.

As an example, if you enter in to a
browser, it will display YES or NO

I need to have my asp code query this url, get the resulting string, then
act upon it (basically use the answer to display a nice big tick or a big
cross). Code:

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Error-checking And Query-results After Execute

After commands like:

tmpDBconn.Execute("DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE rc_id = 10" )
How do I check for errors?
Is there a way to check the results?


Set rsCatCount = tmpDBconn.Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cat WHERE key_id = 10 AND cat_id = 6")

How do I get the count? Do I use rsCatCount(0)?

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Asp Search Returns No Results From Access Query

here's what i want to do. from an asp page, perform a search on a
table in access. i have used sql code in the asp page itself, but i'd
rather execute a query in access. i have success in running any query
(basic SELECT, SELECT with conditions _other_ than LIKE, etc..) for
some reason, when i execute the query below from the asp page, i get
no results.

the search.asp page just has a text box in a form that submits the
srchBOX field to the results.asp page.

here's the asp code from the results.asp page: Code:

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SQL Query Not Returning Results In Access For Dates

I am trying to search through an access database for tickets createded with in a certin date. I am using the below code.

strdate = DateAdd("d", -2, Now())
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #"& Now() &"# AND #"& strdate &"# ;"

I verify the query with response.write and get the following.

SELECT * FROM Incidents WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN #15/07/04 19:19:32# AND #13/07/04 19:19:32# ;

I know there are 100% tickets within this date. Yet my query returns nuthing. Please help i've searched this forum for other peoples code looking for examples but end up with the same result.

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Is anyone know the streaming (playing while downloading) in asp. Actually right now it's downloading all the song before it plays.

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I would like to ask something regarding my project. i've been planning to develop a website using asp code for streaming multimedia features.

unfortunatly i have zero knowledge bout all this things that needed. can someone give me a rough guideline abt what should i do step-by-step. such as what database should i use. how can i store or create a database that can hold my multimedia files?

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Binary Streaming

Here is a written descripton of my webpage.
One frame split down the middle. The left side is the menu and the right
displays what is selected from the menu.

the user selects from the menu and on the right, clicks on "download image"
link. the user is presented with a download dialog box. The user saves the
image and when it is completed goes and selects another item from the menu.
But this time nothing happens.

It is like i have to refresh the page before anything works again. It is
like it is stuck on the ASP binary stream file that forced the download.

on my link i have

<a href="donwload.asp" target="right">download image</a>

How can i fix this?

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Streaming XLS To The Client

I have a page which allows the user to open one of several spreadsheets by
streaming the XLS to the client.

On my development site, everything appears to work fine. On the live site,
it works fine for the vast majority of users, but not for my colleague & I.

When this page is called with the correct inputs, the standard
Open/Save/Cancel/More Info dialog should appear. In the dialog, it gives the
following details:

Filename: Gothenburg Sweden.xls
File type: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
From: Servername

Clicking on open, means that the file will be opened in the local copy of
Excel; this works for most people, except one colleague and myself. In our
case, after clicking on Open, we get the following error msg:

"Internet Explorer cannot open travel.asp?journey=1 from <servername>
Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site. The requested
site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

Anybody got any ideas about this? Code:

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ASP File Streaming

I have the following code which works fine downloading smaller files, the
trouble is most of the files to be downloaded are large. With large files it
just returns a HTTP 500 error. Code:

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Video Streaming

i used active x plugin (quicktime), in source file of the plugin i placed the code "" but when i browse the page, it cant view the view, i used iis6.0. ider an addtiional code on this when retrieving the source from a network?

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Webcam Web Streaming

A Client With a Web Cam Want go to choose stream details and start.streaming his video and other people can go to

The Client Webcam Stream Should Go Trough a Linux / Windows Server And The Server Show it on web page that every one can see

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Audio Streaming

I am trying to set up audio streaming on my website. I would like to know if there are any good articles out there that can at least get me started.

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Streaming An XLS To The Client

I have a page which allows the user to open one of several spreadsheets by streaming the XLS to the client.

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Streaming An XML Using SOAP

I've got a particular project to do and because of my very basic understanding I'd appreciate being pointed towards a relevant example. Basically I want to have my client side stream the contents of an XML using SOAP to a webserver.

I don't want to attach an XML file, rather just stream the contents. I have to write both parts. There must be good tutorial around somewhere.

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Streaming Video

does anyone have a good way of streaming video on my site? I guess it doesn't matte what format they are in, is there something which kicks off media player?

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Streaming Videos In ASP

neeeded some advice and code snippets on trying to stream a video file in ASP. I know i can run that video file in flash file and then run it in asp but i dont intend to do that. I need to use only ASP.

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Streaming Video Capture Using ASP

I'm about to venture onto a new project of developing an ASP Page that captures images from a streaming web camera, and displays them (refreshs) the image every 15 seconds.

The question I have, is it possible to capture images (every 15 secs- from the webcam on the intranet) and store that snap shot as say a .jpg file in a folder, and then have the ability to continuously add images to this folder, so at a later date you could develop a system that would display photo after photo simultaneously, fast motion of the project in action.

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MHTML, MHT Web Archives Streaming Via ASP Or CGI

We are using ASP pages and the response object in conjunction with the
binarywrite method and a custom com dll in order to stream files back to
users. All works fine, except mhtml web archives(*.mht or *.mhtml files) .
When we stream an mhtml web archive back to the user we see the actual file
inside the browser window and not the web archive document the way it should
be displayed.

We are setting the content type property to message/rfc822
for mhtml files. We also set the content-disposition header ( like this
content-disposition: filename="mytest.mht" ) This file opens up fine if we
place a direct link to the file, however exposing a directory of files is
not an option available to us.

We have also created a cgi in c that does
the same thing as the ASP however to no avail we still get the actual
contents of the file and not the mhtml document. This happens on both IIS 5
and 6. Any suggestions???

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File Streaming Over HTTP

I'm having a trouble with HTTP file transfer. I use an ASP file to provide controlled access to some files and stream them back to the client by adding the "content-disposition: attachment" header.

This usually works perfectly, but I've noticed that if I try to stream a ..RAR file, the client browser does not show any "open/save" window (it simply ignores the file transfer), and .RAR appears to be the only file type which causes it to behave this way. Can anyone explain me what this means or what it may be due to?

I use MS IE 6 and IIS 6... and the transfers are all HTTP/1.1 of course.

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Example Of Streaming Response To Client???

Could you give me an example of streaming a page to the client?

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Streaming Binary Files

I am working on an app that needs to stream binary files(such as PDF or WORD docs) to the browser. I cannot just pass a URL pointing to the file directly. I've tried the following in an ASP file:

Response.ContentType = "application/doc"
Response.BinaryWrite strData

where strData contains the binary data content of the WORD file in a string variable (for PDF, I would set the content type to "application/pdf").
However, the browser displays the data itself, rather than hosting the doc in the appropriate browser applet.

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Streaming Documents To The Client

I am working in an intranet/extranet application in which the user should be able to see some documents (specially doc and pdf). These documents will be stored in a safe place in the server preventing anybody from downloading them directly from the URL.

In order to achieve this, I have made an activeX component which takes the original file and stream it to the client. I have basically two questions/problems.

First, is there a way to manipulate the document generated dinamically in order to change the way it is displayed in the browser(zoom factor,etc)? By default it depends on the client configuration. Maybe I could use an application.word object in the ASP but the problem is that I don't have the document in a file, I only have a stream sent from the server.

Another question is, how can I avoid the download dialog(open/download file prompt) on the client? I always want the document to be displayed on the browser. I know this is for security reasons, but can this be configured in some way through the IIS options for the web site? Code:

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Binary File Streaming

I have an exe file on a server that reads an XML file ( as a parameter) and generates a new file for downloading. However, most servers won't allow an exe file to create the new binary file. Is there any way that I can execute the exe file and have it download straight to the client instead of saving to the server?

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Streaming OWC11.Spreadsheet

I have created a Spreadsheet object that I need to stream directly to a file through the browser. I can not save this file, that I would then stream, to the web server, even though this would save me a lot of aggravation.

Since Microsoft seems to see no value in providing any documentation for their OWC 11 components, I am just one of many developers groping around trying to find how to use this.

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