String To Number Conversion

I have a string as "123.45" and want to convert it to 123.45 so that I can do some multiplication calculation. How do I do this so that it could work> I am really lost.

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Number To Text Conversion

Im working on a number to text conversion in ASP, just like this : 456 = four hundred fifty six. If you have any cool function, In case you don't, how can I analyze the caracters of a number one by one, and know how much caracters a string has?
Ej = "1234" has 4 caracters

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String Conversion

I'm currently working on a form that, upon submit, generates an RTF file. I've run into a little formatting issue. If you're typing in a text box, much like this one, and hit Enter to go down to a new line, nothing happens in the RTF coding. For me to have a text box Enter/Line translate into my RTF file, I need to replace it with /par . So, I know about the Replace() string function, but how can I make this work with a carriage return

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String Case Conversion In DB

if its possible to loop through my entire DB Table and do String Case Conversion. I only want to chnage the case of certain fields. I can get each of the field value and update them easily but I need a way to convert them to the case I want.

The standard LCase and UCase function are ok but I want the formating to be mixed like Title case (in MS Word) or Capitalise (text-transform in HTML/CSS). Basically I've some of the values are in upper case some in lower case I want them all to be Title Case Similar To: Html Css Text-transform Like This Line .

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String To Date Conversion

I have a string like "1/23/2004"

I want to convert it into date..

Dim start As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(sdate)

I know this is done in VB

But whats the syntax to use in ASP?

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Num To String Conversion Rounding Issue

I had recently found a function that will write out a currency amount in words. It worked fine until I passed it a variable retreived from the stored procedure.

Well I had to change an "Int()" to "CDbl()" within the function because I got an error: "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript". I also changed an "(Abs(nAmount)" to an "(Abs(CDbl(nAmount))" because of the same error. Code:

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Number To String

When I select a filed from a txt or csv file, and display on the ASP, the 16 digit of barcode number (9876543210123456) becomes to 9.87654321012345E+15. How can I make it display the original.

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Format Of A String Or Number

How do I format a specific string and add dashes inside the string. The output I get from the recordset, for example, is 007275153. I want to format the output as 00-727-5153.

Also, if a string in a database is C-1411C1, how can I remove the "C-" at the beginning of the string?

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Convert String To Number

which function should I use to convert a simple string to a number?

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Convert Number Into A String?

I need to convert a variable, nNum, into a two-character string. nNum is
always less than 100.

If nNum is 0, the string needs to be "00", if it's 1, it needs to be "01",
if it's 34, it needs to be "34".

What's the best way to do this?

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Converting Number To String

I am trying to populate column values from an Oracle database into an HTML "Select" control. The column in the databases is defined as number. It is not working because I think I need to convert the value from the databases into a string variable first.

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Month Number To Corresponding String

What would be the best way to convert a month number to its corresponding string?
I.e, 3 -> 'March'.

Can I do this without using an array? I have a search function and the values of my months are in numbers so that they can be ordered correctly, but I need them to be displayed using their names, not numbers.

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Can't Convert String To Number

I'm reading through a txt file and using split to create an array of values. I need to convert one element in the resulting array from a string to a number.

However, none of the conversion functions such as CInt, CSng, Val work. I consistently receive a 'type mismatch' error.

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Format A Number String

I have a 20 character string that I need to format in a certain way. For instance, here is the raw string:


And I need it to look like this:


It wouldn't bother me if the number was entered into a text box without any dashes, but then before I submit the number to the db I would need to enter the dashes in the correct spots. Can anyone give me an idea of how I can accomplish this?

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Split String At A Certain Number Of Character

I have an input text area on a form the max field size in the database is 255 i need to split the string at the 250 caracter?

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Converting String To Number And Adding

Am collecting numerical entries from text boxes and converting to numbers using:

F1 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("amout1")),2)
F2 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("amount2")),2)
F3 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("total")),2)
F4 = F1 + F2

If F4 <> F3 Then
Session("ErrorMessage") = Session("ErrorMessage") & "- Your control amounts do not tie to the Total Deposit amount.<br>"
End if


Sometimes it works, but other times, although the numbers tie out, the calculated amounts are not coming up as equal. I've written the results (F3 & F4) to the screen and they equal, although the server doesn't think so.

Is this an issue with binary number conversion or something. Should I be using something other than CRnd (Delphi has something like C$ or CCurrency)??

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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£ To $ Conversion

I want to be able to show prices in £ to UK customers and $ for every one else. Is there a way to do this.

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Day Conversion

The following code gets me the day of the month which I use in a query to give me all employees' birthdays for this period. But I have a bug: day variable used in the query must give me todays date(19),it gives me 21 (2 more than I want)

dWeekStart = cDate(month(dWeekStart) & "/" & day(dWeekStart) & "/" & iYearToday)
dWeekEnd = cDate(month(DateAdd("d", 6, dWeekStart)) & "/" & day(DateAdd("d", 6, dWeekStart)) & "/" & year(DateAdd("d", 6, now())) )
sql = "SELECT * FROM bday WHERE maand = "&month(dWeekStart)& " AND dag >="& day(dWeekStart)

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Conversion To PHP

I could really do with some guidance. I am currently hosting my website on a Windows Server, and use ASP pages for accessing MS Access database data and also CDONTS for forms to email.I was just wondering if I were to swap to Linux hosting, how easy or hard ( would it be to change these pages from ASP to PHP with the exact same functionality.

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I created a form to allow a visitor to add a new record to a database with the recordset object. Is there any conversion that needs to take place from the form input fields the user gives me to the recordset object? One of my form fields that I have is going to contain a money datatype in my SQL database and so far it's giving a 500 error.

My code in short looks like:

then upon adding to the database the code looks like:

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Datetime Conversion

I am calling a recordset from sql which happens to contain one column that is a datetime in the format: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. So when I call that column from the db, it displays in the same format within my page.

However, I would like to be able to display the datetime as part of my recordset, but in a more aesthetically pleasing format (i.e: Sunday 1st May 2000, 7.23PM)

I have tried using the formatdatetime() function along with my rs, but this causes syntax errors. I know this is probably dead simple, but I don't get it!

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Cdbl Conversion

I have a money datatype field in a SQL Server database.

I use the following method to take a value passed in the Request.Form collection and convert it to the double datatype:

cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = Request("incrdecrA" & a)
cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = replace(cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr,"$","")
cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = replace(cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr,",","")
cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = cdbl(cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr)

I keep getting a type mismatch 'cdbl' error on the line:
cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr = cdbl(cmd_AlloUpdateM2__incrdecr)

What's weird is I use this in other sections of my code and it works error. I've checked and re-checked the code and can't find the why this is happening?

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Time Conversion

How can I convert seconds to hh:mm:ss format? e.g. 123456s = 34:17:36

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Decimal Conversion

Anyone have any code handy to convert a binary number to decimal and a decimal to binary? I need server-side code to perform these calculations. For example, I'd like to be able to pass 129 to a function and it will return 10000001. Likewise, I'd like to pass 10000001 to a function and get 129.
I can do this on paper, just not sure where to start on how to pass these numbers into a function to perform the calculation.

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Date Conversion

I am in UK using XP with date format set to dd/mm/yy. I am running an asp
site from a server in USA, which is returning the date from a database field
retrieved as objrec("todate") in US format mm/dd/yy.
To rectify this so as not to confuse visitors to the site I am trying to get
the date displayed as dd month yy , e.g. 25 January 04 by using the format
function format(objrec("todate"), "d-mmmm-yy"). This returns me a VBScript
runtime error "Type mismatch: 'format' "
The data base field "todate" is stored in short date format, which should be
OK shouldnt it?

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MySQL Conversion

My database is being converted from Access to MySQL. My question is how do I maintain the database once the switch has taken place? Are there freeware MySQL administration GUI's or something? I'm a little clueless here.

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Date Conversion

I have never used dates in ASP or Access (due to being really new to both), but I have trawled the Forum and have come away even more than I started.

I need to input a date that the user puts on a form into a DB.

The DB field is set as a date data type with the format "short date"

Now when the user inputs data using my form everything is entered into the DB except the date

here is how I am trying to enter the date

If Request.Form("renewal_date") <> "" Then
oRS.Fields ("renewal_date") = cdate(Request.Form("renewal_date"))
End if

But it is not working. I am getting no errors it is just leaving the DB field empty.

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State Conversion And

I currently am using a script which submits full state names to a payment processor. However, the payment processor only accepts 2 digit state names. Does anyone have a premade code for asp that converts state names into 2 digit ones. Code:

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Data Conversion In ASP

I have this code to check a valid date format in an ASP file: Code:

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HTML And PDF Conversion

I need to get data from database and convert it into HTML and PDF files.

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