Strip HTML Tags Function - Unexpected Quantifier

I have been trying to figure out how to get a function to strip html tags from part of an html file. The way I need it achieved is as so: Code:

<% strOutput = stripHTML("<!--#include file=includes/MyInclude.asp-->") %>

The included file is html-rich, and if included in default.asp, it displays as such. However, as I am attempting to make my website accessible, I wish to be able to strip out the html tags on the included page dynamically.

I have used the following function (and have called it with the above statement) but am getting an error in my functions.asp file: Unexpected quantifier. This is on the line that states Code:

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Strip HTML Tags From A String

The following pattern is used to strip HTML tags from a string. I need to remove the tags only if they contain a colon. Is it possible? How can I modify this regexp pattern to match only if a colon exists between the "<" and ">" ? Code:


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Command To Auto Strip HTML Tags

I just want the raw text of a string so I can display a preview of what is in the file.

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How Do I Call A Function Defined In Html Script Tags From Asp Page?

i have this.asp page:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Function myFunc(val1ok, val2ok)
' do something ok
myFunc = " return something ok"
End Function

val1ok = something1
val2ok = something2
thenewVal = myFunc((val1ok), (val2ok))

i want to call and use the returned value of Function myFunc(val1ok,
val2ok) ,without omitting the html script tags and replacing them in <% %>,

(My Question is:) How do i call a function defined in html script tags from asp page?

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007~ASP 0101~Unexpected Error~The Function Returned

Has anyone seen an error like this before? If so, what could it be? I don't use any stored procedures. (SQL2000 and ASP). 007~ASP 0101~Unexpected error~The function returned |.

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Strip Out HTML

Anyone know of a good routine for stripping out HTML from a string?

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Strip Extension Function

Is there a string function to strip the file extension from a variable in ASP? If not any suggestions as to the best way to approach this?

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Convert HTML Tags

i wanna convert the HTML tags in the Textarea with help of the ASP code. Means i m getting some value form DB which comes in the format of
this is text <br><br><ul><li> list-1 value</li><li>list-2 val</li></ul>
i wanna conversion of the above text in textarea

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Filter HTML Tags

I need to know if there is a standard aproach in ASP ( or any other ) to filter HTML tags. I mean, filter any cross-site scripting code.

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Filter HTML Tags

I have constructed a simple guestbook application using ASP and a SQL server backend. My problem is that when a person post a message and it displays on the site, if they paste HTML code or any other scripting languages in there, it will post and execute on the site which is what I don't want to happen.

Is there a way or a script out there using ASP that when the user post the message it will scan for key scripting tags and filter them out?

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Filter Html-tags

im building a small messageboard and i want to filter all html-tags except these ones:

<b> <i> <img.........> <font....>

how to build such a reg exp pattern?

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Html Tags Don't Show Right

In my website I've created an admin login with some ASP pages, so I can edit and update stories.I use an acces database and installed HTMLarea for WYSIWYG editing. When I update text, all the HTML tags show als plain text in my website.For example: I make a headline bold in my wysiwig editor and I update my text, it just shows: <B> here's a new story </B>If I look in my database I have a field 'text' wich is a memofield and I can see the html tags have been stored into my database. <B>here's a new story</B>

It looks like it doesnt recognize the html tags as HTML, but just as plain text...
The same problem occurs when I try to use html-tags in my database... so I don't think the editor is the problem... it's just the way my asp-pages retrieve the data from my database..Can I use HTML-tags in an acces database and how do I get them to show up right in my website? So I can make text bold and use breaks and paragraphs?

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Html Tags In Record

I'm trying to display a record that has html tags, but I dont want the HTML tags to be written to the source code as tags, I want them to be displayed as regular text. Kind of like this forum right here.


These displayed correctly, they weren't written to the source code of this page obviously.

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Dynamically Add Html Tags

I have an asp email applciation that will be used to create a newsletter. I want to me able to enter a few lines of text into the textarea part of the form. Then if I want to add a hyper link to the textarea. I just want to click a buttom and add the html tags into the body of textarea along with the text I enter above the hyper link.

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Stripping HTML Tags

I'm querying a text field with an 8000 character limit. The text also
contains HTML tags like <p> <br> and more. Is there a way to strip all HTML
tags in the resulting recordset, or do I have to replace each tag

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Html Tags Inside Asp

I've written a script which is still trying to concated couple of messages then send an email. Those messages are a reuqest objects coming from another form as demonstrated below: Code:

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Display Html Tags

I need to display a lengthy html source code within a text area. The problem is, a part of html source code is displayed in the text area and the later part is displayed in the actual html page in which I have the text area. i.e the the html source code is treated as a part of the actual page.

I want to show the whole html source code (which is from the database column) in the text area. Is there any special way to display the html tags in a text area. Hope I have made myself clear enough. how to achieve this?

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Retrieve Html Tags From Textarea

One of my client requires a technical test with 15 questions, one of the question is given below: Write the code to access the name element in the XML example below.

<XML ID=MyXMLDocument>
<student studentID=13429>
<name>Jane Smith</name>
The candidate has to write the code for the above giveb question in the textarea box, and since the code contains html tags , i have been facing problems in retrieveing the data from the textareabox in the exact manner has entered by the candidate.

Is there any solution to retrieve the exact code with the html tags.

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How To Write Html Tags Onto A Page.

I have a database in which i store questions and answers, but the questions are about
HTML, Javascript, ASP...... So i store into my database a question like
'How do you make a letter/word in HTML bold? Code:

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Striping HTML Tags From String, But Leaving Paragraph Formatting

I have a string of HTML (used for a specific purpose) that I'd like to
use somewhere else but as plain text. Rather than introduce a
specifically created plain text version I'd like to strip the tags code
from the HTML version. This in itself is easy, using a function such

Function HTMLDecode(Expression)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = Expression
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&gt;", ">", , , 1)
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&lt;", "<", , , 1)
'Repeat for each defined entity
HTMLDecode = sTemp
End Function

However, the difficulty comes when trying keep each paragraph seperate.
For example, the string "this is<p>my name" shows on screen as:

this is

my name

if I use the above function, it strips out the <p> tag and shows the
result on one line:

this is my name

I thought I could use something like:

str = replace(str, "<p>", chr(10))

but that doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me replace <br> and <p>
tags with something that's recognised as "plain" text but will keep the
paragraphs and new lines formatted correctly??

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How To Display Image In "img" Html Tags

I would like to display a lot of binary source image in one html document. Those image are read from ms acess database

I know only read and display one image, such as:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.BinaryWrite rs.Fields("iamge")

But, this cannot display any text and other image, only an image can see in the browser.

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Allowing Only "some" Of The Html Tags.

For my CMS, currently I am using a function for stripping HTML tags.


Function SQLMemo(strSQLMemo)
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, "'", "''")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(13), "")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(10) & Chr(10), "</p><p>")
strSQLMemo = Replace(strSQLMemo, Chr(10), "<br />")
strSQLMemo = "<p>" & strSQLMemo & "</p>"
SQLMemo = strSQLMemo
End Function

Now, I actually want to allow only the following tags for the messages.

<p>, <b>, <i>, <a>, <em>, <br>, <br />, <strong>, <img>, <center>, <blockquote>, <tt>, <li>, <ol>, <ul>, <div>.

are there any easy way of doing this?

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Inconsistent Unexpected Errors----iis 6 ---W2K3 Server

At least once per day I am receiving this error on this
specific page.

"Error: File /customer/record.asp Unexpected error. A
trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object.
The script cannot continue running.."

This page gets hit thousands of times per day yet it
usually only logs one incident of this error per day.

I have checked every resource and made all the recommended
fixes but it still occurs.

This page uses some ADODB connections, Jmail, and sets a
few cookies. I cannot reproduce the error. I have no clue
as to what it could be. All code is sound and works

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Split Function To Use XMLHTTP To HTML

Basically I am using XMLHTTP to pull a file ( template ) then I am using replace to replace tags i.e. [code] with a HTML equiv.

So now I need to know how I can split [Menu|http://localhost/root3/cgi-bin/templates/menu.asp?Top] so that I can use XMLHTTP to pull that file and output it as HTML.

I know how to split a string, but I can't call this [Menu|http://localhost/root3/cgi-bin/templates/menu.asp?Top] as a variable as it can change at any time.

p.s I mean how Sitepoint does the url replacement, it will have a replace function that will first search for URL and then convert what ever is after the = into a url, then what ever is after that as the name.

[-URL=http://]test[/-URL] ( I put -'s in to stop the replacement )

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I'm using XMLHTTP to perform a simple screen scraping job.
When I try to have it "scrape" lines with embeded CSS declarations, it
renders them incorrectly, stripping the leading period. Consequently, my CSS
doesn't work.Here's how I'm calling it, but I don't think my implementation is the

Dim srvXmlHttp
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", TearURL, false
If srvXmlHttp.status <> 200 Then
Response.Write "No Server Response"
End If
Dim strRetval5
strRetval5 = srvXmlHttp.responseText

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How To Strip The Time From Now()

How can I strip the time part from the Now()?

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Strip Characters

I have an ASP page which has a form for user to input some information and it gets stored in an Access database. The problem i am having is when a person enters a name with a special character, like Macy's, it gives a Jet database error.

What i am looking for is for a way to remove special characters from the form field in question, like apostrophes, when they tab to the next field. So if they input Macy's, when they go to the next field the previous field gets updated to Macys instead.

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ASP Include/strip Body Tag?

We have an unusual situation at the USC School of Medicine; we have to
covert every Web page to a template. The template is too wide to print and a
lot of our students print lectures, notes, etc. We thought we could keep to
the template and draw in the content from other files by using includes. BUT
these files are HTML files and therefore, have Body commands in them. If
this could work, we could put a printable link back to the other page and it
would print. Seems like a great solution except for the extra body commands.
We are using ASP for our scripting.

1. How much of a boondoggle will it be if the files have two body commands
in them. How many browsers would it break?

2. Is there a scripting way around this without creating some objects?

3. Is there something out there -- shareware or commercial -- that would fix
this problem.

4. Could something be done about this using pearl, for example?

We'd really like to do it this way because we can have the users create the
content, use the same file names all the time, thus overwriting the old
file, and the user would never get a chance to screw up the template.

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Strip Time From Date?

Could someone help me work out out a way to either convert a smalldatetime
value from my database(access) to a normal date with out the trailing time.

Is it simple matter of using FormatDate or does one need to do string

9/13/2003 11:36:00 AM

What I want:

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Strip Time From Datetime

I have a field with datetime values like below LISTING 1. me write code strip the time part so only values like "7/15/2005" will be left.

Note - We must be able to strip dates with double digit months and days, so
i can't just use the right function with a hard coded parameter. Code:

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Strip All Zeros From A Variable

I'm looking for a easy way to pull all the zeros out of a variable. They can be leading, trailing, or in the middle. I just want them all gone.

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Regular Expression :: Strip Numbers Before Alphabets

I think a regular expression maybe the solution to the problem I have. My problem is I am pulling a list from a database which I want to list alphabetically. The problem is, the records are stored with a number before them:

eg."762348 - RecordA" --> So I want just the "RecordA" bit so I can list alphabetically.
What I want to do is strip off everything at the beginning up to the first Alphabetic character. Is a regular expression the way to go?

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Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected Error.(E06D7363)

Past few days I see following errors in Event Log after which few ASP scripts stopped working (or part of it's functionality - not very sure which one).

"Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error
(E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue
Source : Active Server Pages
Event ID : 5

What could have caused this error ? We are using IIS 6.0. This happens between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. User not is on an avg < 40.

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