Strip Characters

I have an ASP page which has a form for user to input some information and it gets stored in an Access database. The problem i am having is when a person enters a name with a special character, like Macy's, it gives a Jet database error.

What i am looking for is for a way to remove special characters from the form field in question, like apostrophes, when they tab to the next field. So if they input Macy's, when they go to the next field the previous field gets updated to Macys instead.

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Strip Unknown Range Of Characters Between First "/" And Second "/"

Could some help m figure out to strip an unknown range of characters in a path between the first "/" and "/" found in a folder path somewhere on my site. Code:

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Strip Out HTML

Anyone know of a good routine for stripping out HTML from a string?

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I'm using XMLHTTP to perform a simple screen scraping job.
When I try to have it "scrape" lines with embeded CSS declarations, it
renders them incorrectly, stripping the leading period. Consequently, my CSS
doesn't work.Here's how I'm calling it, but I don't think my implementation is the

Dim srvXmlHttp
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", TearURL, false
If srvXmlHttp.status <> 200 Then
Response.Write "No Server Response"
End If
Dim strRetval5
strRetval5 = srvXmlHttp.responseText

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How To Strip The Time From Now()

How can I strip the time part from the Now()?

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ASP Include/strip Body Tag?

We have an unusual situation at the USC School of Medicine; we have to
covert every Web page to a template. The template is too wide to print and a
lot of our students print lectures, notes, etc. We thought we could keep to
the template and draw in the content from other files by using includes. BUT
these files are HTML files and therefore, have Body commands in them. If
this could work, we could put a printable link back to the other page and it
would print. Seems like a great solution except for the extra body commands.
We are using ASP for our scripting.

1. How much of a boondoggle will it be if the files have two body commands
in them. How many browsers would it break?

2. Is there a scripting way around this without creating some objects?

3. Is there something out there -- shareware or commercial -- that would fix
this problem.

4. Could something be done about this using pearl, for example?

We'd really like to do it this way because we can have the users create the
content, use the same file names all the time, thus overwriting the old
file, and the user would never get a chance to screw up the template.

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Strip Time From Date?

Could someone help me work out out a way to either convert a smalldatetime
value from my database(access) to a normal date with out the trailing time.

Is it simple matter of using FormatDate or does one need to do string

9/13/2003 11:36:00 AM

What I want:

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Strip Time From Datetime

I have a field with datetime values like below LISTING 1. me write code strip the time part so only values like "7/15/2005" will be left.

Note - We must be able to strip dates with double digit months and days, so
i can't just use the right function with a hard coded parameter. Code:

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Strip Extension Function

Is there a string function to strip the file extension from a variable in ASP? If not any suggestions as to the best way to approach this?

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Strip All Zeros From A Variable

I'm looking for a easy way to pull all the zeros out of a variable. They can be leading, trailing, or in the middle. I just want them all gone.

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Strip HTML Tags From A String

The following pattern is used to strip HTML tags from a string. I need to remove the tags only if they contain a colon. Is it possible? How can I modify this regexp pattern to match only if a colon exists between the "<" and ">" ? Code:


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Regular Expression :: Strip Numbers Before Alphabets

I think a regular expression maybe the solution to the problem I have. My problem is I am pulling a list from a database which I want to list alphabetically. The problem is, the records are stored with a number before them:

eg."762348 - RecordA" --> So I want just the "RecordA" bit so I can list alphabetically.
What I want to do is strip off everything at the beginning up to the first Alphabetic character. Is a regular expression the way to go?

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Command To Auto Strip HTML Tags

I just want the raw text of a string so I can display a preview of what is in the file.

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Strip HTML Tags Function - Unexpected Quantifier

I have been trying to figure out how to get a function to strip html tags from part of an html file. The way I need it achieved is as so: Code:

<% strOutput = stripHTML("<!--#include file=includes/MyInclude.asp-->") %>

The included file is html-rich, and if included in default.asp, it displays as such. However, as I am attempting to make my website accessible, I wish to be able to strip out the html tags on the included page dynamically.

I have used the following function (and have called it with the above statement) but am getting an error in my functions.asp file: Unexpected quantifier. This is on the line that states Code:

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Get First 50 Characters

Anyone in here got an idea how i could limit the display on on a paragraph to 50 characters? because everytime I access the database it would show up the entire paragraph.

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I have the character & (username is a&d) in a username in one of my database fields and it won't read it properly. Do you have to do something special with characters like that?

sqlString = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID=" & "'" & userid & "'"

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Returning Only 255 Characters

I have a MS SQL 7.0 table with a large field (> 500 characters). My select statement embedded in my ASP file in an intranet web interface only returns 255 characters. If I run the select statement in Query Analyzer, I can easily change the "Maximum Characters per Column" setting to return the entire field, but that doesn't help me in my ASP web interface. How do I return the entire field through ASP?

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Count Characters

Is is possible to accurately count the number of characters in a Word document using ASP?

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Characters From DB Record

What I am trying to do could be simple but I have no idea how to it. I am trying
to display only a part of the record retrieved from database.
I have retrieve data from database and I show it in normal way <% = oRs(0)%>, the problem is that I want to show only 100 first characters and then make some thing like this … after 100 first character. In this way all the data retrieved would look the same in the page.

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ASP Trims Characters

One of our offices in AD is called "Albert St", the OU is called "Albert St", but when I retrieve the value out of the list box it becomes "Albert" and throws errors as it cant find the "Albert" OU. Not surprising, really. I am going to try type casting, but beyond that

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Nwanted Characters

I have a wee lil problem when I am inserting data into my db from my asp page.
The problem is that it is inserting unwanted characters with the values.
I have used the following to try and remove the unwanted characters but to no avail:

varRootCause = CStr(Replace(Request.form("txtRootCause"), "'", ""))
rsUsers.Fields("RootCause") = trim(varRootCause)

The above gives me this: Quality of service,
The comma at the end should not be there.

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Numeric Characters

I have a variable I'm pulling from a database that's a phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. What I'm looking for is a way to strip out all non-numeric characters from the variable (XXXXXXXXXX). I don't want it to look only for "-", since sometimes, there are also alpha characters entered as well.

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Escaping Characters

I need to put the following code within a <% %> block :

response.write "<tr>" &_
"<td bgcolor=eeeeee><a href=""company.asp?company=rs("companyKey")" &

How do I escape the characters " etc?

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Inserting Characters

Im doing a update page and noticed this error, whenever you want to write for example "can't, i've" it errors on submit, but characters like "." are okay. Why doesn't it like these characters and how can i make it like them? I need some extra code?

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Retrieving 200 Characters

I have a SQL statement to retreive results based on keywords entered
I only want to show the first 200 characters of the field though, how would I modify this code to do just that?

SQL = SQL + " instr( 1, lcase( description ), lcase( '" + aKeywords(i) + "' ), 1 ) > 0"

I thought it would have been something like:

SQL = SQL + " (left(instr( 1, lcase( description ), lcase( '" + aKeywords(i) + "' ), 1 ), 200) > 0"

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Characters Invisible

I am currently building a website and in one of the pages, it is to return Immediate, Extended, Standdown instead of 1.Immediate, 2.Extended, 3.Standdown(in the Ms Access). I am wondering if there is any quote to help me not display the first 2 characters(eg 1.) but just the 3rd character onwards.
# I need the numbering there for future usage thus i cannot remove it from the Access database

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Allowing Different Characters

I have created a form in which people insert there fax number, at the moment it returns an error if a space is inserted in the fax number ie: 0234 76893.
How do I correct this?

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Characters In A Querystring

How many characters can be passed from one page to the next in the querystring

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Use Special Characters

The website that I am developing is having a search option. The search is according to the type of Industries, like IT-Software, IT-Hardware etc. I am using procedure to search through the database. Now whenever I Select an Industry name like IT - Software, FMCG/Foods/Beverages(i.e with special characters) etc. i get an error message Code:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.
here is the code where I am getting the error

strSQL = "sp_getsearchvacancy " & sind & "," & sexper & "," & currentPage & "," & iRecordsPerPage
objRS.Open strSQL, objConn

this is same for every keyword having special characters like / , - and even space
But when I use keywords without any special character its works fine.

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Limit The # Of Characters

I'm pulling product descriptions from the database and would like to limit the number of charcters that is displayed. Also, I'd like to add ... at the end.

Something like:
This long text is boring blah blah blah

would dispaly as:
This long text is bor

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Characters Replacements

I have a database with names, lastnames which has special characters to be seen (10-15 of them), for example: "{" has to be "š". I emphasize - those characters are not to be replaced in the database, but just to be replaced when go to the screen.Is the only way to do that function replace in the user function that has to be made?
I have to say that I have to make the similar function for data entry - input also, which has to replace those characters before - for example search.

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Replacing First 4 Characters?

I want to mask part of a field upon displaying it. field name is "IP", how do I mast the first 4 characters with "*" symbols?

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Non-alphabetical Characters

How can I exclude non-alphabetic characters from the string?
(all characters except A-Z, 0-9 and space, including -.,? etc)

What I mean is:

"Am I mad?" should produce "Am I mad"


"Left-Right" should produce "LeftRight"

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